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. FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. Notice it hereby given that R. S. Rogers, administrator of the estate of W- M. Walters, deceased, has made application unto me for final discharge as administrator, and that Thursday, April 7th at 10 o'clock in ' the forenoon has been appointed fer the hearing of the said petition. All persons holding claims against the said estate are requested to file them with the administrator on or Derore 10 o'clock in the forenoon of April the 7th or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JOE CABELL DAVIS Judge of Probate, 3 17 it. Dillon County. CREDITOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J. Rich Hayes, deceased, notice is hereby given that all persons holding claims against the estate are requested to present same duly authenticated within the time provided by law or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the undersign eti administratrixElla F. Hayes, 3 17 3t. Administratrix. CREDITOR'S 'NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Joel R. Carmichael, deceased, notice is hereby given that all persons holding cleims against the >??^ || Style an<3 A | At Modern a T t is our aim to I X ing public, ne 8 pendable quality I posible price. I T i Let us snow dresses, dry goot and oxfords, 3-4 misses, etc , at pi you can save pa good money. Jones Dry IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS R IEX I FO! H j|| Fruit of the 13 ' Androscoggin b ? wide 25c valui 1^, For one week only, 10 y j|| Dress Gingham gj 25c value for one 1 ? Boys Spring Sui g pair pants to ma 111 6 to 17 yeai jfj Men's Solid Let ? shoes $2 m Munton last in < <$ ? Extra heavy i ||j Druid LL Sheet S yard, 10yds. to IZl | Mori IfflffifflffifflfflfflBBfflS \ THE DILLON HERA estate are hereby notified to present same duly authenticated within the time provided by law or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned administrator. James McLellan, 3 17th 3t. Administrator. CREDITOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executrix of the estate of W. W. Scott, deceased, notice is hereby given that all persons holding claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present same duly authenticated within the times nrAvliin/i Kv low >U?V vxuvu UJ 1U TT Vi IU1D HUlItU will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned executrix. Jane C. Scott, 3 17 3t Executrix. KCZEIUf* Money biek without question if HUNT'S Sole* Ml* in the treatment of ITCH, BCZSMA. /^T s|| RINOWOKU, TBTTBR orf " other Itohlnc ekin dleeeeee..1 Try 7] cent bom ot our rtek. c*\g / /f For sale by Evans Pharmacy, Come to Pleasant Hill School Friday, April 1st, and enjoy the negro minstreis. une nour ana a hair of laughter. . Quality ate Prices give to the buy- j? ;w styles of de{ at the lowest I you the newest Is, undermuslins length socks for rices so low that -J. ri ui your own || Goods Co. I 3?? ????????l TR ROl loom and Special leach yard only, cr s 16c yd. gowns a ds. to customer gular $. , 15c yd. to close week only its with 2 Spring itch $6.95 New si s sizes some ta ither work tricotin !.69 values dark tan rard wide Just re ting 9 l-2c Men's I a customer j Hose rc 'is Fa i ? E' si ante's is (siobis cBtzi IStSBJlSiSCSiSIStZjiZ] XD. DILLON. SOUTH CAROLINA, LOST?Sunday, Murrh SOth, eftthei at Pee Dee Park or Llnwood Park . Pearl Brooch set with small diamond. Reward if returned to Mrs. W. A. Blizzard, Dillon. S. C.?ltp. WANTED MAN WITH TEAM OO Auto to sell McConnon's products direct to the consumer in this county. McConnon A Co., Winona, Minnesota. "Mention this paper."?ltp hX>UND?Automobile key made bj Briggs A Stratton Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Owner can get same by calling at Herald office and paying for advertisement.?3 31. hX)UND?On Dilkm-Ijatta road bunch of keys. Owner can get same by paying for this ad. T. B. Herring R. 2 Dillon. S. O?3 31 it BE ALL AUTO KNOWS AU 11/ See Him At A Do you wa If you feel "lazy", listl time, it is a danger sign I is being sapped by "self , Self-poisoning through most dangerous disease? stipation to take hold c paving the way to the \ nesses which follow. Pills, castor oil, laxative and irritate the bowels a habit. Nujol works on an entir Instead of forcing or irri softens the food waste. '1 muscles in the walls of and expanding in their n< food waste along so that the system. Nujol thus prevents constipatit tain easy, thorough bowel evac healthiest habit in the world. Nujol is absolutely harmless ai Nujol is sold by all drufSists in seal Mark. Write Nujol Laboratories SO Broadway, New York, lor bookls SSSHISSiaS SHE A i sfE \ drive for one week epe de chine silk md petticoats, re10 to $12 values out at - - $4.98 Dresses, - $8.95 tyles and shades, ffeta, georgette and e un tf* S9H fin ? ? |?- ? w # \/ \/ :ceived 50 dozen taster Brown Silk :gular $1 value 48c ss De Dillon*s Large* rxra mmrximrxim man a (27x1 txJ CD HP1CB CB S3 S3 CD a THURSDAY, MORNING, MARCH SI. J FOR SALE I I have for sale at a bargain for cat h, a house and lot on Calhoun Street. The house is a 4 room houae and i. well located. Anyone interested will do well to see the undersigned at once, or drop me a card. My ? address is Dillon, S. C., Route No. 4. i 3 31 ltp. Ed Hyatt. | LOST ?Whito and black spotted ' pointer bitch named Lady. Reward if returned to J. H. McLaurin. ? r 3 31 It. NOTICE. ; The Dillon County Medical Society will have a meeting in Dillon Thursday night at 8:30 in Dr. Henslees' office. This is the last-meeting bei fore the State Medical Association ' meets, and all pl^ysicians In the coun, ty are urged to attend. D. M- Michaux, Sec. GENERATORS loore's Garage keup tired? less, sleepy at the wrong al. Probably your vigor -poisoning". constipation leads to the 5. When you allow con)f your system, you are vhole train of serious illwaters and salts only force and make constipation cly new principle. tating the system, it simply h'S enables the many tiny the intestines, contracting ormal way, to squeeze the : it passes naturally out of >n because it helps Nature insinuation at regular intervals ? the id pleasant to take. Try it. ed bottles only, bearing Nujol Trade i. Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey), it "Thirty Feet of Danger". The Modern Method of * Treating an Old Complaint ^ Ntyol kmc IU. Nkt.^rf 0 fbr Constipation saaaasassaai* >PE VEEK Ziegler Brothers hi oxfords and pumps $12 and $15 vs Ladies Silk Hose $1.25 value, no' than two pair to ci Apron Ginghams yd. 10 yds. to a ci For one one week o Canton Crepe, ci chine, satin, georg< taffeta dresses these dresses we I from $35 to $40 I Easter partir it and Best Stot wrxirxirrirnrxirxifximmm a DmmmtEffltummiaffl IB IBIBIZ11X1IZI OB IBIBrZIIBIBIBIBrBIZirZIIBIZllZI rXj* ! FREE SCHOLARSHIPS B - B < Twenty Free Scholarships tor Women. g Standard Entrance Requirements. B < Apply at once to | i President Erskine College, < = Box 117 Due Will, S. C. B JJlIllSlZJIZJIIIlSfflllJISIlSlSIZIIZIIZJfllZJlIIIXJIIIIIIIIl rr= &?k IG P=-n & m v Every human being is a potential sportsman or sportswoman. That is the principal reason why our New Series "Glenbrook 6-44" has won so many friends. This^mart live passenger car is the very next thing to a living, bra:,tiling companion. The smooth, even flow of power is a'; most magic in effect as it accelerates from five to twenty- ^ j five miles, per hour in nine seconds fiat. Steep hills, of course, are mere play and you will return home after a day's journey refreshed, relaxed and gloriously exhila rated, such is the "Cilenbrook" ?a surprise and revelation to the most critical motorist. New Series "6-44" Models Glenbroeh FitePattenger Touring Car $1795/.o.b.Detroit Ardriore Four Paitenger Sport model SOl&f.o.b.Detroit Lenox Roadster Two Passenger. 1795f.o.b.Detroit ' . Coupe Four Passenger $600f.o.b.Detroit Sedan Fiee Passenger $7 SO f.o.b. Detroit Cord Tiroe Extra PAIOE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT Manufacturers of Peine Motor Care and Motor Trucks J. EARLE BETHEA Dillon, S. C. THB MO S T BI'AUTIFUL CAR. IK AMER.ICA ] ? ? 51SS IS ? ? ? H IS H S IS IS 111 ? IS IS 03 IS W CIA LSI "MvTT ~\T I ^ WIN Jj I I gh class Entire Stock of Women's ? t $7.95 an(j Misses new Spring S ilues ?{ Suits to be sacrificed be- ? 48c pr S t- ' low manufacturers cost ? t more S istomer which means a great sav- 13 ... ? 9 i-2c !n^ y?u on y?ur new ? istomer spring suit all sizes and j|j "*ly styles ? !_ J _ ? epe ae ^ ette and ? $27.50 Qrea^ reduction in our 51 re sold IS before millinery department this ^ week j|j lent Store! m m e ? 9? fflfflfflffl ffl fflfflfflfflis 5? mm fflfflfflfflfflffi M13