University of South Carolina Libraries
HBP$ PERSONAL MENTION . V Walter Barefoot spent Sunday in Clio. Mrs. Irma Floyd of Latla spent Monday in town. 1 Miss Julia Bethea is at home from Salem College for a few days. Mrs. Ola McNalr returned from Richmond Monday night. J. B. Gib&pn, Esq., spent yester day in Richmond on business. J. N. Glover of Rowland was in| town for a short while Monday. W. W. Parham of Bingham was among the visitors here Tuesday. j Palmer Bethea of Hamlet was in town Sunday. W. Murchison and family spent Sunday in Marion. W. A. Blizzard is in Columbia this week demonstrating Detroit Stoves. Miss Marian Harvey spent Sunday iu Bennettsville with friends. ?o? Miss Dixie Curtis of Greenville is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. R- Gaddy, this week. ?o? Miss Hettie Bethea is home from! Salem College for the Easter hoii-! days. Mrs. A. J. Evans spent the Easter holidays with her sons, Julius and Dexter in Columbia. ^lisn Rose Allen of Wilmington is vJstitmg at the home of Mr. and Mrs., J. O. Banks. Mrs. LaTensie, of Omaha, Neb., is \isitinK at the home of her brother, Mr. J. C. Banks?o? Misses Ellen White and Louis Mathis of Lake View spent the week ' end with Mrs- Jack Watson. ?o? I. Blum and son Norton left Sat-; urday night for Baltimore and other northern points on a business trip | C- C. Graham spent Sunday in town with his family. Mr. Graham is conducting a sale in Darlington. " P. C. Henry and Henry Bethea of! Latta were among the visitors here 'I'll AO/1 O V Miss Zeedon Hughes spent Easter ( in Hope Mills with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hughes. Roy E. Sargent of Springfield,' Mass., is visiting at the home of Mr.: and Mrs. J. A. Hursey r Cord Tires Standard Equipment Seven-Passenger Touring Car $1931 v Four-Passenger Roadster - $1931 Two-Passenger Roadster - $1931 ' Pour-Passenger Dispatch Car $2011 Seven- Passenger Sedan - - $3031 ' Four-Passenger Coupe - - $2931 , Limousine $3531 (Mm//. ?. b. CUml?d, Okin) I I \ KOG [ Dill ( THE CHANDLER M( I Cfl A N > Famous Fo\ I 1 1 ?? R THE DILi I J. A. Hursey and 8on, Glee, left1 Wednesday for Columbia to attend Palmafesta. Miss Mary Fore, of North Caro-j Una, spent last Sunday in town with friends. Mrs. W. J. David who has been ill for several days is reported as im-| provingMrs. J. M. Deaton who has been' visiting her son, Paul Deaton, for a' few weeks returned to her home in: Troy, N. C., Wednesday. Mrs. Charlie Saleeby spent Sundav m Fayetteville with Mr. Saleeby who ij a patient in a Fayetteville hospital. ?o? Mrs L L. Moore accompanied by her daughters. Misses Louise and! Mariair left for the Charlotte hospital Monday night. o Mesdames Morrig Fass and S. S.| Elfenbein spent the week end in j Charleston with Mrs. Fass' daughter Mrs. H. Rephan. Messrs L. Elfenbein and A. Elfenbein of Brooklyn, N. Y., are visiting' Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Elfenbein this weekMr. aud Mrs. Thos. Gaddy of Florence spent Monday with their aunt, Mrs. Charity Lane. Mr. Gaddy is a foimer Dillon boy who made many friends during his residence here. The Ann Fulmore Harllee Chapter, of the U. D. C. will hold its regular mommy meeting at the homo of Mrs. Jack Watson on Friday afternoon. April the 8t:i at -1 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hursey and son Gleo, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.! Itov E. Sargent motored to Saddle! Tree, N. C Sunday, returning Tut s-! day. Tim next and last I.yecnm attaotion of the season is the "Montague Light Opera Singers" which will appear at the school auditorium on the night of April 5th. This is said to be one of the best attractions sent out by the Lyceum this season. The stock of merchandise belong-) ing to Samaha & Samaha was sold under order of the bankrupt court j Monday And was bid in by Sam Levin I for $2935.00. The stock, fixtures and accounts were appraised at about $4200. ?o? Mrs.. W. A. Blizzard entertained the Twentieth Century Mother's Club last Friday evening. At the comuU. tion of the program, a delicious cream course was served by the hos-: tes?, assisted by Mrs. O. M. Page and' Mrs. W. V. Jones. The Woman's Club was delightfully entertained Monday afternoon * S?|r ^ - ? ? High Qua Low Pi The wide popularity and c of the Chandler Six, and the of the Chandler Company, h pursuance of the Chandler p quality into the car and sell price. Seven Luxurious Bod for the One < } Each of these bodies is in > comfort of its deep restfc every opportunity for relaxa ) drive or a short one. The f ' lustre, the upholstery of fin< these seven Chandler mod requirements in full measu ERS MOTORS on, South Caro * .4 )TOR CAR COMPANY, C IDLER y Its Marve Io LON HERALD. DILLON, SOUTH CA with Mrs. L. C. Braddy as hostess. The living room and library were decorated with vases of pink carnations and American beauty roses. After the usual Kdiue of rook a delicious salad course with ice tea was served with dainty Easter favors by Misses Eula ajid Baulah Braddy. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fass had as their quests Sunday Misses Miriam and Esther Weinstein, of Lumberton, X. C.. Misses Lena and Freda Dunee, Ml- *11.(1 Mf., ... TA... 1 *?.. ? !' 1 i?<in Shochet, of Fairmont, N. C.. Mr. Mitchell Epstein of Kaeford, N. C.. Mr. M. B. Schochet. of Lake View. S. C., Mr. Ike Iseman of Little Rock, S. C.. and Mr. and Mrs. Harnstein and Mr. Maurice Schwartz of Marion. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Banks enter- j tained a .small party of friends on last Monday m honor of their quests, i Mrs- LaTenrie. of Otnaha, and Miss Allen of V? i'niiimton. Aft' r a delight-'' ful musical program the guests were reminded of the happy Easter tide,' when Misses Ruth and Annie Spivey j assisted by Maxine Watson brought | in ice cream moulded in pay colors in the shape of rabbits, egps and Easter lillies. ?o? Eddie Thompson and Dewey Stephens, Dillon students at the University of South Carolina, are making an economic and social survey of the county. They have made a beginning on the work and will complete it some time this summer. The survey will include a brief history of each industrial enterprise in the county and such other data as will be of in tcrest and value to the commercial world The loco 1 -Junior Order lias arrang< (1 for a series of short t si Iks at its weekly meet inc.- every Thursday night. Th,. first talks will be made tonight by Or. Watson II. Duncan and Rev. Win. B. S. Chandler whose subject. i\ill be Virtue." Oil next Thursday night Col. G- G. McLaurin and Joe T\ Lane will talk on "Liberty". On the following Thursday night Dr. Joe Cabell Davis and A. B. Jordan will talk on "Patriotism." The three subjects cover the three cardinal principles of the Junior Order. ?o? I A debate will be hold April 8th between the Dillon and Clio High schools. The Clio affirmative will meet the Dillon negative at Dillon and the Dillon affirmative will meet the Clio negative at Clio. The subject to be debated ts "Resolved, The United States Should Enter the League of Nations." The Dillon affirmative is represented by Lessesne Richbourg and Harvey McLean; the negative by Lelia Braddv and Marion Michaux. The Clio affirmative is represented by Legare Calhoun and Henry Bennett; the negative by Elizabeth Covington and Gladys Covington \S\i - lity at ice listinctive leadership noteworthy stability ave been built on the obey of building real ing it at the fairest ic8 Are Offered Chassis viting in the obvious d cushions, offering tion either on a long inish is of mirror-like ist quality. One of els will meet your re. > CO. lina CLEVELAND, OHIO s f x u s Mo tor POUNA, THURSDAY MOHXIX'fi, M I BAHGELTJ Widely Kno wn <*j Cartoonist and Reader in a "JOY NIGHT" | PROGRAM SUPREME 1 Evelyn Bargelt is f one of America's I Greatest Chautau- I qua Artists an d I 4'JOY NIGHT" in a g fitting finale to a I great Chautauqua. | LAST NIGHT | * R ED P A T H $ I CHAUTAUQUA | Five Big Days I Season Tickets ?2.50 8 I Plus 10 Per Cent Tax I I Chautauqua Week May I f: 4th to 9th i I NOTK'K OF ELECTION*. Notice is herby Riven that in pursuance of a resolution of the Town council or tne Town of Dillon passed in meeting duly assembled on the 1st day of March. 1921, In accordance with the provisions of an Act passed by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, same being House Bill 219. for the purpose of airendin;* Section 3016 of the Civil I Code of . hws, Vol. one, 1912 of | South Carolina, so as to exempt from j i I i I Knig Rev. Get nettsville Sermon i at 3rd8 o' ?? /y? ? A A X fJllAia Ul j Dalcho dress uni ARCH 31. 1021. the provisions thereof the Town of Dillon and to add a proviso thereto to abolish the offices of the present Commissioners of Public Works of sajd town, and to placn the duties thereof upon the Mayor and the Town Council of said town, an election will be held in said town on Tuesday, April 12, ll?12, at which election the qualified electors of the said town shall vote for or against the proposition of abolishing said Commission of Public Works and imposing their <1 litios upon ihe Mayor and Town Council. Those who are in favoi of abolishing said commission shall so vote for such abolishment and those who are against the same shall east their ballots against the said proposition. Said election to be held in accordance with the rules of general election in said town. Hooks of registration are now open al Evans Pharmacy for the purpose of registering all qualified electors. The polls to be opene d at eight o'clock and to close at four p. 111. and the manager* of the election to be I. C. Ingram, S. \V. Jackson and C. S. Herring J. H. Hamer, Mayor. Attest: Jennie C. Watson. Clerk 3 24.3t. ("ItEDITOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified us administrators o'. tiie estate of Sarah Ann Bethea, deceased, notice is hereby given that all persons holding claims against the estate are hereby notified to pres< nt same duly authenticated within the time provided by law or t'-iis no-, tice will he plead in bar of their re-' cererv. All persons indebted to the said estate are lierby notified to make i'11* inediat,. payment to the undersigned administ rators. W. C. Parliam. T M IJetlien, . 3 17 St. Administrators. MOODY'S MARKET New Prices on Fresh M - neais I Vires flint mak,. you think of the old before the war days. For llie next few weeks or until further notice all meats at our market will lie'sold at the following prices: 1 toast beef, per lb 25c. All Steaks, per lb __ __2Sc. Wo sell chickens, eggs, butter uud fislt nt the market prices. Fresh fish on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. If you want the best to be had at a first class market call on us or phone, t'ourteous treatment to all is our motto. I Moody's Market On the comer next to Seals' uw K Ul nil* I>?l 11 lW of Dillon. nw a v mTAi UAL m hts Temj ~>rge Harmon, will preach _ ? m m mm n the Methodis on Sunday ni? rlnrb /i m m*.*- a mv t Latta and Dili Lodge at 7:3 form. I .NOTICE OF EJECTION. Notice is hereby given that a genet al election will be held in the town 01 Diilon, S. C., on Tuesday the 19th day ot April, 1921, at which election a Mayor and six aldermen will be elected to serve tor a period of two years, and two commissioners of public works, one of whom will serve serve for a period of 2 years and the otln r 6 years. llooks o t registration for the registration of all qualified electors, both male and female, are open at Evans Pharmacy and will remain open until 12 o'clock uoon on the 11th day of April. 1921. E?ery citizen of the United States w : <; li . been a resident of the state two years, the county one year, the town four months, and shall have [ aid six moptV: befor0 the date of said election any poll 01 property tax th*n du? and payable shall be r< gi stored. The bahot boxes will open at 8 o'clock a. in. and close at I o'clock p. m. The following managers of election have been appointed to hold said election: I. C. Ingram. S. \V Jackson and C. S. Herring. J H. Hatner. 3 24 41. Mayor. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a resolution of tli?. directors of the Farley-Cobb Furniture Company. a corporation, a meeting of the stockholders of the said corporation will be held in the office of th" said company in l)iil<>n. S C . on the 18th day of April. 1 ft21 at ten o'clock A. M for the purpose of considering a resolution calling for the dissolution o! the sai* corporation and for the [cancell: tion of it-1 chart- r. (Signed i li 1-. Farley. P'es. I5v (.rijcr ?>f tl i H:)a* <1 < ! Directors. '" A DINNER AT THIS RESTAURANT is more than a meal, it's an event that will linger pleasantly in the nietflory. Tlie liuhts. the annoint merits, the service, the food, all combine to make a visit here pleasant indeed. Come and enjoy the experience. We are sure that It will be one you'll be ready to repeat very often. r.AI.MKTTO CAFE Next to Herald Office Dillon, S. C. in f 1^ m ^ ^-3 [liars of Bert a special t Church *ht April *hts Tem} i on be at 0 in full