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im mi DILL?N B e a a a szsEss BL Ui 111? I BLUM X ! '3' The New St< .a ? a I We are ' I 1 What T Added Inducemei ^ We have just received at ^ Coat Suits. We are not g< ^ quality they are made of, b ^ country to visit our store a chandise we carry. We al ? ous line of Selby Shoes /oi Shoes for children. ^ We also wish to announc ^ new line of pattern and , ^ features The Madge Evans . LADIES SPRING DRESSES Q Special For This Week Good Quality Taffeta Messaline, * black, navy and brown, O Ladies best quality taffeta and i - t * caiuoii crepe, coior navy and grey combinations $32.50 pd 100 dozen TOWELS worth $6.00 per doz. special for this |[l| week $2.751 Blot of TOWELS worth $3 per special for <t*1 ??? this week uon't tor get that our buyir er values tor less money. STORES IN THE WW V VI Following Towns MM I I I WM Cher aw, S. C. K I II II Tatum. S. C IMM I I W I|l Latta.S. C,' WW 1 LJ I 111 Lake View, S. C. 1w w * OERALD, DILLON, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING, M M & KORhBLUT, i/nnum MMNDL )re, New Goods ind 1921 Prices Trying ti L 11W X UU11C nts to Our New Stc iother new lot of Ladies Sp oing to tell you how heautift ut we do want the people of nd be convinced for themsel sp want you to know that w * women, Florshiem Shoes ft e that our MillinorvDt>r%nrh sailor *hats. This is the Hats lor children. Silk messaline in all colors, good quality of foulards and can- j ton, special for this week, call i and get our prices Draperies and creton to furnish your home We just received 100 pieces of dress ginghams value 25c yard ? ip , i ? - ? special ior tnis syeelt 1*>C yard TABLE DAMASK Special for this week, value $1.00 at 49 cents the yard ig power tor six stores enabl % % 1 & KORNB M & KORftBLUT, V ' '' ' \ ARCH 17. 1M1. Znc.gST ZX X X 1 I IT Ul JUI, lilt. D , New Ideas g ! > d Give | Demands jgs >re Dillon>S. C. iing Dresses, Coats and > . v - - - ? U they are or what kind of ? n;//?? *u~ 1 ? l^r&KVrfK UfCU IfIC dill f U LUlU? 99 i;es o/ what kind of mer- ^ e /iafe received that fam>r men ant/ Buster Brown ^ men/ Aas just received a only exclusive store that * ' g \ COAT SUITS g Ladies Coats in tricotine and men's wear serge, best colors of the season, sizes 16-47 >? $22.58 lo $49.50 ~ We also carry a special line for stout women COATS! COATS! Q* m a - Special Prices in Ladies ce Coats iiii SPORT SKIRTS |||l ij/ i i?t ' rr uuuenui collection Of 11 Skirts II es us to give you the great- I] ? Ill LOT "E |