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0 FEBRUARY HONOR ROLLS OF DILLON PUBLIC SCHOOLS \ Scholarship First Grade?Holmes Bell, Fitzhugh Bethea, Elmer lilunton, lloyt Deavcr, Willie Gary Jackson, Eleanor Barlow, Lucinder Bethea, Virginia bransford, Alice Burns, Irene Carmichael, Louise Ellen, Mildred FrasV ler. Argent Gibson, Ituth Guinn, Hubert Long, LeGrand Moody, Billy Murphlnnn P.rfwnrH Mi?Pnf?>honii rMllv Olive, .Otis Page, C. M. Paylor, William Roberts, Saleem Saleeby, Eugene Stanton, Lea 'latum, Graham Walters, Schubert Watson, Henry West, Sara Florence Manning. Aubrey McLean, Eleanor Niernsee, Jiuimie Rogers, Nora Mae Tart. Second Grade?Hugh McNeill Bethea, Duncan Carmichael, Joe Chandler, Purvey Hamilton, Jauies Hut.hins, Hariison Horn, Marion Hamilton, Vincent Perry, Frances Bailey, Evelyn Blum, Bessie Herring, Viola McKenzie, Mary Taylor, Luther Blanton, Ishmael Long, J. C. Lupo, Gibb Mishoe, Guy Phillips, John D. Regan, Wilson Saleeby, Aline Hamilton, Helen Oliver, Josephine Saleeby, Mary Smith, Anna Summeral, Ada Turbeville. Third Grade?Graham Watson, Sara Herring, Lois Moody, Walter Be thea, Maxwell Booth, Susan Lockamy. Fourth Grade?Daniel Carmichael, John C. Cottingliam, Jimmie Gibson, Henry Knight, Milton Summeral, Margaret Edwaids, Leather Fowler, Betty McCormac, Rebecca Field Henslee Fifth Grade?Francis Adams, Marion McCalluni, Frances Chandler, Margaret Ellen, Frances Knight, Edith McDuffie, ,Eva Quick, Ida Seals, Luura Ware, De Leon Freesland, Wilton Harris, Eva Jewel Britt, Milwee B: itt, Eva Cook, Mary Davis, Margar<r* H-argrove. Sixth Grade?Carlisle Roberts, Evelyn Caldwell, Kate Croxton, Brulah Easterliug, Sara Hargrove, Sarah Smith, Ruth Spivey, Martha Stackhouse, Miriam Watson, Powell Jones, Harvey McLean, Eugene McLeod, Lesesne Richbourg, Louise Betheu, Mildred Carmichael, Mabel Croxton, Mar Guerite Easterling. Attendance First Grade?Hqlmes Boll, Fitzhugh Bethea, Zeb Carter, Joseph Freesland, Thomas Hamilton, Jack Tyler, Eleanor Barlow, Lucinder Bethea, Polly Butler, Irene Carmichael, Louise Ellen, Argent Gibson, Ruth Guinn, Nina Hamilton, Sallie Jackson Hubert Long, Ralph Medlin, LeGrand Moody, Billy Murchison, Edward McCutcheon, Leroy McKenzie, Billy Ol' ive, Early Raspberry, Charlie Ray, William Roberts, Saleem Saleeby. Eugene Stanton. T.en Tatnm Forest Tur ner, Graham Walters, Schubert Watson, Sarah Florence Manning, Aubrey McLean, Eleanor Niernsee, Nelle Sambrell, Flossie Weatherford. Second Grade?Hugh McNiell Bethea, Hickman Butler, Duncan Carmichael, Joe Chandler, Augustus Ellon, Purvey Hamilton, Hampton McNeill, Frances Bailey, Maude Cox, lone Hamilton, Viola McKenzie. Second Grade?Edison Brltt, Leonard Carter, Ishmael Long, J. C. Lupo, John D. Regan, Bennie Raspberry. Howard Rising, Wilson Saleeby. Morgan Taylor, Aline Hamilton, Josephine Saleeby, Maggie Simpson, Rosa Simpson, Anna Summeral. Mary I Smith. Third Grade?Gerson Amnions, l Billy Caldwell, Shelton Carter, J. B. Edwards, J. D. Edwards, Dick ElI liott, John Hughes, Marion McKenzie, Edmond Mishoe Mon^eer Saleeby, I Graham Watson, Sarah Herring. Lois Mnndv- ?R hoda Saleehv. Thelma . Seals, Carrol Slackhouse, Kalherine ' Tatum, Lucile Thompson, Blanche . Tolar, Edgar Farley, David Herring, ' Christine Bethea, Mamie Bethea, Golda Brick, Louise Fenegan, Lucy ? Dixon Hall, Hortense Herring. Fourth Grade?Daniel Carmichael, ^ Wadie Cook, Joe Connelly, John C. Cottingham, Rufus Cottlngham, Jim| mie Gibson, Henry Graham Harrison Hayes, Henry Knight, Sam Anderson, ) Margaret Edwards, Venice Lovett, Marjie Ward, Billie Banks, Bynura | Buie Kirklaud Hamilton, Mildred Bethea, Elizabeth Blizzard, Janie Hamh ilton. Fifth Grade?Frances Adams, | Paul Carmichael, Gary Fenegan, Harvey Jordan, Marion McCallum, Fred | Saleeby, Leon Williams,' Mary Chan U1CI , r i?UtTS ^UUUUICI , 1T1 ai fsaici ?iiI len. Fiances Knight, Edith McDuffie, " Gladys Miller, Cathleen Moody, LilI lian Rowland, Maxine Watson, T. W. " Bethea, Harrell Buie, De Leon Freesland, Bruce Hursey, Clarence Hamer, w Cllne Ramsey, Eva Jewel Brltt, Mil. wee Brltt, Mary Davis, Vannle Mae W Dillon, Margaret Hargrove, Sue Herring, Ida McKenzie. f Sixth Grade?J. D. Elliott. Harry Hamer, Truss Hayes, Dallas McDuf) fie, Harvey Miller, Gladys Amnions, Annie Mae Barrentine, Flone Jane fe Bethea, Evelyn Caldwell, Margaret Garmichael, Kate Croxton, Gertrude fe Hammond, ,Sara Hargrove, Maxie Miller, Ruth Spivey, Martha Stackfc house, Mary Tatum, Nina Summeral, ^ Miriam Watson. a Seventh Grade?George Bond, Sid' ney Brick, Tom Dillon, Eugene Fena egan, Everett Hall, Elmer Hutchlns, V Gerald Michaux, Margaret Bethea, ^ Elisabeth Bond. Lettie Bransford, W Eva Brldgers, Bessie Lee Farley, ^ Ruby Hicks, Mary Murchison, PauP. line Oliver, Jewel Rockley, Beatrice - Rogers, Annie Spivey, Marie ThompP yHon, Sallie May Walters. High School ? Harry Fass, Wil m 11am riuwere, roweu nryaii Michnux, Charlie Moore, Harvey Me. "Lean, Hill Nettles, Lesene Richbourp Earle Rogers, Marion Webster, Sara ~Louise Bethea, Margaret Bond, Leila Biaddy, Dollie Britt, Marjie Caldwell Mildred Carmichael, Kate O addy Vera Gaddy, Ido Lupo, Lucile, Evs Michaux, Louise Montague, Louis< McDanlel, Mary McKenzie, Paulim McKinnon, Bertha Oliver, Marjorii Oliver, Jesse Reaves, Alice Saleeby Margaret Tatum, Victoria Thames. o When in. need of printed station ery send your orders to The Herald II.. THE DILLON J "GLORY BE" SAYS MAYOR JOHNSON. .Million's Retiring .Mayor Tells of Troubles in Serving the "Pear "Peepul." In the current issue of The Marion Star Editor Johnson prints this unique farewell to the people of Fiis town whom he served six years in the capacity of mayor: j Marion, March 12?A policeman's lot, sans the pirate chasers in the old operatic satire, is not a happy one; but compared to the job of being mayor of this town the "bobbies" of the song were wit hoi. t a care ??* the opinion of Palmer \V. Johnson, Just b:ck to private life, after six years as "public foot wiper," to use his own expression. His retirement. Mr. Johnson announces joyfully was by request. The .1 ''J n.'in iiiuivait u < Hill lin y U1UI1 1 wani him as mayor again by voting him down, and as editor of the Marion Star the ex-mayor promptly shouted edito: Inlly, "Glory be" "One," said Mr. Johnson, commenting en ways of his fellow townsmen during his six years in office and employing the plural tense sa-! cied to editors and kings, "called usI a getleman and was promptly slug-' ged by one who said we ver- a j bum. "They heaped all the troubles of, the universe upon our weary bald j pate?and then they lifted all ourj burden from us by beat in' us at an election?Glory be." ' HerP are some of the things the ex-mayor noted during his six years as "the public complaint box and footwiper." ' "We have settled land disputes, family disputes, dog disputes and son),, unfair accounts. "We have been insulted, disgusted spat upon and imposed upon. "We have locked up culprits for wrong doing and then envied then their place of limbo. "We have been blamed for stopped sewers, blocked streets, heavenly showers, poor telephone service and the present price of cotton"We have been cursed for cutting idown treeg and threatened with death1 for allowing other trees to stand. "We have been blackmailed for the bum work of one policeman and ostracized for the sterling work of another. "We have been called a liar unt? we almost believe it. "We have become widely known as a grand rascal, an arch criminal, a desperado, a policy-player and a big-' tooted fool. 1 "We have been accused of attempt-, ing to give the Presbyterian church| title to the town hall. "Mothers accused us of over running the town with dogs and dog owners blamed us with the deluge :of babies. "Olio bunch wanted hnw in tnwn while another said there were too many hogs already. "They cursed our name when mosquito time came"They yelled at us when the ditches ran over after having: been filled to capacity by the good Lord. "They blamed us for the many pecularities of their neighbor's chick-1 ens, dog. man servant, maid servant and mule. "When the babv had whooping cough it was because we allowed the i north wind to blow and when it had colic it was because we allowed dope! fiends to exhaust the supply o"f pare-! jgoric at the drug stores." o HARRIS HKIl.VDOX SUICIRKS Shot Himself With Rifle at Home in Hr1ghtsviile Sunday. Pee Dee Advocate. Harris 13. Herndon shot and killed himself with a 22 rifle at his home in iyi ghtsville Sunday morning. It' ! is thought that financial depression and the of intoxicants was 'he cause of the tragedy. Mr. Herndon shot himself in the head in the yard at his home. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. A. Campbell at 11 A. |M. Monday and the interment was in ! the Hubbard cemetery. Mr. Herndon's wife who was Miss Mary Adams, died about two years ago. He is survived by four daughj ters and one son. GOOD BLOOD NEEDED IN SPRINGTIME. People With Poor Appetite. Bad C<omplexionH and "Spring Fever" Need a Blood Tonic. 'GUDE S PEPTO-MANGAN IS BEST Mukes Rich Red Blood?Renews Vitality and Increases Body's Resistance to Disease. Spring is the time when good blood lis so vital to health- If you do not feel the thrill of spring in your blood, if you take no pleasure in hvinR. if your appetite is poor, your complexion pallid or muddy, and you tire easily, you can be pretty sure your blood is not up to the mark. So many 1 feel that way in the spring. Especially housewives who have so much work to do. They get over-tired and "! run down?their blood becomes weak 1 and thin. . j Build up your health now by taking that splendid spring blood tonic, flniip'a Puntn.Maniran I* will olro - o-?.- B?'? vital power to the red corpuscles In " your blood. They will go racing through your blood, carrying fresh 1 supplies of oxygen to all the tiny 1 cells- It will help improve your color (and your appetite. You'll take more interest in things and enjoy life more llYYou will stop going around with *,that tired, all-gone feeling. J Physicians have prescribed Oude's Pepto-Mangan for thirty years. You ' con get It at your drugglst"8 in either tablet or liquid form. Take whichever you prefer. They have the tame - medicinal value. Get the genuine. ? . Advertisement 3 17 It. tfEHALI), RILLOX, SOUTH CAROL 13 I WANT COLUMN, MADAME POST WISHES TO AN-' nounce that she has opened an upto-date beauty parlor in Miss Jul-, ia Douglass' millinery store at 127S Dargan street, Florence, S. C. The I ladies of Dillon and vicinity arc' cordially invited to visit her estab-j llshment and consult her when in Florence. She carrres a complete line of hairgoods and combs and i any shude of hair may be matched i without the annoyance of waiting to have it ordered. Her charges are, very moderate and it is her intention to give the best of service and' through this to earn your patronage.?3 3 3t. NOTICE?I AM AGENT FOR THK Florence Steam Laundry and will receive and deliver all laundries as promptly as possible. Palace Mar-' lcet. WANTKI)?Everylxxly to know that J 1 now have a full line of machinery and that I am in a better position to give quick service than I have ever been. All work guaranteed. Electric Shoe Shop over Dillon Hotel, W. R. Summerall, Prop.? 1 20 tf. FOlt SALE? Mr. Fanner, if you are in the market for peas write R. E Ward, Florence, S. C.?3 10 2tp. WANTED ?COUNTRY PEOPLE TO TRY OUR OOc. MEALS. PALMETTO CAFE, NEXT TO HERALD OFFICE?.tf. WANTED ? Men or women t<> take - ... r : l . , :..t. t l Ivll'JT) \II1U Ilflgll- ! bors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full !in0 for men, women and children. Eliminate? darning. We pay ">c an hour spare time, or $26.00 a week for full time. Experience unneeessary. Writt I]<tornational Stocking Mills. Norris town. Pa.?-1 13 lOt. MONUMENTS?We are builders and erectors of high grade monuments, i All work of the best material and! fully guaranteed. Prices reason-' able. See us before placing your i order. Lumberton Marble Works, j J. H. Floyd, Prop., Lumberton, N. C.?2 24 52t. WE TEACH THROUGH CDIUtKSpondence the same bookkeeping, accountancy and penmanship as taught in our college daily. Very low rate of tuition. We are as near you as your mail box. Write at once for particulars. Bowen's Business College, Accredited School, Columbia, S. C.?3 3 It. FOUND?Near High School building! lady's gold bar pin. Owner can! get same by identifying property! and nnvintr for advertisement. .lord ' Jordan, at Dillon High School. 3 10 ! HARKED ROCK EtiOS FOR SKTting from well muted, good laying; strain, $2.50 for 15 eggs. E. T. Elliott. Jr., Box 164, Dillon. ,S. C. ?3 10CITATION The State of South Carolina, Conn-; ty of Dillon, by Joe Cabell Davis, 1 Probate Judge, Whereas, Mrs. Eppie R. Berry has made suit to ine to grant her letters of administrations of the estnte and i effects of J. FF. Berry. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said J. H. Berry, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Dillon on Wednesday, March 23rd. next, after publication hereof, at 10 o'cTock in the fore- j noon, to show cause, if any they; have, whjj the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 8th day | of March, Anno Domini, 1021. JOE CABEDD DAVIS, Judge of Probate, 3 10 2t. Dillon County! Mow? back without quntisa \l If HUNT'S Solve falls In. th? ??\| treatment of ITCH. GC^XMA, sf&J fJJ RINGWORM. TETTtR 5f / X I ft oibti ltchlna skin aitMsea. Ti? 75 cast boa St os> liok Sold by Evans Pharmacy mmrxinsnrsiGCirsnrsirsnrxifa IB P s Th**f;.-* Q M UC M dl i Tl B OF DI 3 S t Invites your accounts g savings. 3 Intprpst r?nrrmnnnH< t ings Accounts. B 0 The First N 0 \i National Bank Pr< 0 Prote a s ?A, rmjRSDAY MOKM.VC. .MAIM'H State of South Carolina. Court of Comoion Pleas. County of Dillon, < J. N. Hargrove, Plaintiff, against Summons for Relief | Barney Stackhouse and Gooden Stack house, Defendants. To the Defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you. and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their| office in Dillon, South Carolina, within twenty days after the set vice here- , of, exclusive of the day of snch set' ! vice; and if you t - i 1 to answer the : complaint within the tinte aforesaid.,! the plaintiff in this action will atmlv I t ? the court for the n li"f demund>d in this complaint. Dated at Dillon. S. C\. Jan. ll\ A D.. 1921Gibson & Muller, i Plaintiff's Attorneys. To Gooden Stackhou.-e, Defendant above named: You will please take notice that the summons and complaint in the above entitled caust> lv s been duly filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Dillon County and you are hereby notified and required to answer the same. Gibson & Muller. 3 10 3 Plaintiff's Attorneys Was ^ !Weak m "After the birth of my writes Mrs. Mattie Cross- feng, white, of Glade Spring, thought I was going to ! ^ die. 1 was so weak 1 I couldn't raise my head to get a drink of water. I HH took . . . medicine, yet I didn't get any better. I Ejiwi was constipated and very weak, getting worse and worse. 1 sent for Cardui." TAKE PI I The Woman's Tonic N"I found after one bottie of Cardui I &as Im- KM proving/' adds Mrs. Cross white. "Six botSties of Cardui and ... I was cured, yes, I can say r they were a God-send to pair? me. 1 believe 1 would have died, had it not been for Cardui." Cardui has been found beneficial in KsjJS many thousands of other B cases of womanly trouties. If you feel the need I > ; of a good, strengthening tonic, why not try Cardui ? It may be just what you need. BmH g ad m 2 Druggists y raglS I n ran (znzi rxi rzi rxi rati nn m ran B : 0| itional Bank g :llon e rj i, both checking and 0 e :>H rmc.rf?>rlv nn CI : | otection For Your g ction B : uizicsuuizjizjizuzimizjc^ 17, 1021. NOTICE. Notice is hereby Riven that the ^prin^: Term of the Court of Common I'lea for Dillon County will bepun to !> holtlen at 10 o'clock A. M. In the forenoon on Monday, March the 21st, 1021. SAM McLAUKIX, 3 3 St. C. of C. Dillon Co. S. C. 1'OK SAI.E?IN?nj, ItiiRuy and Harness. Pony is very uentle. Apply to B. F. Williams. Dillon-?3 10 rStuL -fuxMjifU) 4AWU710AK, AA v o v , y i/ns 3;nJL> $* Vou best have "lurk" when sure way t<? find lurk is to HAN and add to your balance. The more money you have p? wet* to invest or expand your work for you. Start a bank account with 11 you already have. .We invite YOUR Banking The Banfc SAFETY, SERVICE Dillon, Soi CARt i COM, Dillon, - - - 1. We have reduced the f cents per bushel. We have abou ntent which is as good as the 1 seoa while your wagon waits V pay 100 per cent, and more ovi 2. We will sell at a ban hand. We make a complete lin oyster shell $1.00 or Sunny Sc lieve our line of poultry feeds w getting. 3. Our price on cotton stoi 4. We carry a stock of n at the mill. We can deliver fro cent, acid phosphate, kainit or F? wp nrp ?s??l I i % cr now n ? >- OV..4U? WW V of corn in Dillon county should April. We have a choice lot ol hand ready for delivery. 6. Our sweet potato housi in... orders for Porto Rica See< 7. Why not patronize a 1 build up diversified farming in "WW I ours 1 Carotin Con '1 I W'c have opened on Optical Office at Dillon. S. C. At the present time i\\c will be at the Hotel Wheeler cv| < > : second and fourth Mondays' and | the following Tuesday in each month. We examine and fit glasses. Call and I We examine eyes and fit glasses. Call (and H'O us. I * /A-.* a*. .k. u wtririu r I' f rjll. Specialist fc dcLty jlo _ i > VWU OCU^ I /i&?" yyiQwJivl I likx/wo you GO AFTER it right... A .' K YOFR MONEY regularly the r.cte POWER you have ? business and employ othors to is. or INCREASE the balance Business. l of Dillon <* AND 4 PER CENT nth Carolina DLINA j r lAin I LjAI ^ VJt PANY South Carolina >ricf of grading cotton seed to 15 t $500,000 invested in our equipbest. We can clean your planting Ve know grading cotton seed will er cost. ;ain price any feeds we have on e of chicken feeds. Try a bag of ?uth Poultry Mash $3.25. We be- ' ill double lumber of eggs you are ! rage is 35 cents per bale per month tixed fertilisers in our seed houso >m stock mixed fertilizer, 15 per nitrate soda Our prices are right. eas and velvet beans. Every acre be planted in velvet beans kust of r 90 day early speckled beans on e is now a certainty. We are book1 Potatoes. local industry which is trying to this section. to Please, n Mi//?nrr i ipany I