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PERSONAL MENTION C. R. Banks and family spent last Sunday in Wilmington, N. C. >lr. and Mrs. W. T. Bethea of Hamlet spent the week end in town. $ Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson spent last Sunday in Cheraw. E. G. Smith spent last Sunday in1 Cheraw. 1 .. -* f " * * v^oij oaieeuj ui naiisviue is in town this week. Mrs. Gertrude Johnson spent a few days of last week in Cheraw. Roy Moore is spending the week in Columbia. Bill Melvin spent the week end in Greenwood. Mrs. A. B. Welch spent Tuesday in Bennettsville. Roy Carniichael of Fork was in town Tuesday. Mrs. R. S. Moore of Fork was in town Tuesday shopping. L. A. Manning, Jr., of Latta was in town Monday. Mrs. W. C. Braeey spent the week ena 'with her sister at Mullins. Miss Ellen White of Lake View | iia in iuv>n ouiurauy snopping. Palmer S. Bethea of Hamlet spent ' Sunday in town with friends. ?o? * Charlie Taylor of Fork was in; town Saturday. Judge Joe Cabell Davis attended the Grand Lodg meeting of the W. O. W. at Florence this week. Mesdames Morris Fass end Samuel Elfenbein are visiting Mrs. Fass' daughter in Charles'ton this week. Mr. and Mrs. I. Blum with Mr. and Mrs. L. Kornblut of L?atta visited Tatum and Bennettsville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Berry of Hamlei spent the week end in town with relatives. Mrs. J. M. Deaton of Troy, N. C., is visiting her son, P. D. Deaton, this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Robinson spent the week end in Fayettevllle with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geoage Watson of Philadelphia are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson this week. Mrs. C. W. Bundy of Four Oaks spent the week end in town with her mother, Mrs. W. B. Guill. Mrs. Clyde Bethea and children of Latta were in town Sunday afternoon visiting friends. T. B. Gibson of McColl spent Sunday in town with his daughter. Mrs. J. Earle Bethea. Miss Agnes Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Atkins of Latta were in f^jwn Saturday shopping. Misg Nell Smith spent several days last week in Norwood. N. C., with her sister, Mrs. F. A. Skidmore. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Skidmore and children of Norwood, N. C., were the week end guests of Mrs. Bell Smith. Merrs. P. C. and T. W. Henry of Latta were in town Saturday on , business. ?o? Messrs. J. B. Gibson and. A. P. i Bethea motored to Nichols Sunday af- | ternoon. W. E. Hall and Dr. A. J. Evans attended the Grand Lodge meeting of ( the W. O. W. at Florence this week, i Mr. Hall is one of the Grand Lodge i officers. 1 Mr. an d Mrs. S. J. Salmon of Mar- < ion, Miss Kitty Gaddy and Mrs. Kitty Gaddy of Mullins motored over to i Dillon Sunday on a visit to friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner of Hamlet spent the week end in town with j Mrs. Turner's parents, Mr. and Mtb. < S. W. Jackson. I Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Huntley, Miss- j es Sessions and Dowd of Aberdeen, N. C. and Mr. Edgar Haywood of ( Troy, N. C., spent Sunday with Mr. | and Mrs. P. D. Deaton. ] Mrs. Jack Watson delightfully en- ( tertained for Mrs. George Watson of i Philadelphia on Tuesday afternoon, i The lower floor was thrown into one ] large room and was beautifully de- j corated with cut flowers and ferns. Progressive rook was enjoyed during ( the evening after which a delicious salad course with tea was served by , Misses Maxlne Watson, Ellen White ( and Mesdames John Diebler and O. W. Jackson. ^ The Fnrman Glee Club and Orl/?llAOfrO will cU'O an onlnrioln*V>ont of the Dl'lon School Auditorium on thoj evening of Monday, April 25th under, the ausp'res of the Ladies Aid So-1 ciety of the Baptist church. Those who heard the Furman Quartette'; here last year were greatly pleasedj and it i? certain that the entire club and orchestra will render a splendid program. A new broom addresser to "President Warren Q. Harding" and with the words. "Use It!" written on the reverse side of the address tag was recently delivered at the White House by express.* % V THE DI1 Miss Eris Stanton of Clio spent the' week end in town with friends. Miss Marian Harvey spent the week end with her parents in Green-j wood. Dr. E. Y. Mullins, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Ky., will address the, Pee Dee Association at the Thomas Memorial Baptist Church of Bennettsville on Tuesday, March 22nd at 11 o'clock. This is one of a series of addresse s to be delivered by Dr. Mul-' lins in this state, and he will speak largely of his recent European trav-| els as a member of a commission sent abroad by the Southern Baptist Convention. o Township Lines Changed. An act which will be of considerable service in simplifying the rec-' oids in the tax department and there 1 fore be of service to the people of the county was passed by the Legisla-' ttire which has just-adjourned- The act provides for the satne number ofi townships as in the past, but changes[ the lines so that no school district\ will be divided between a number of townships. The following school dis-j tricts comprise the area and bound ary of the townships: Bethea Township? Bethea Town-l( ship includes within its boundaries; school districts, No. 10, 11, 20, 21 and 27. Carmicha^l Township ? Carmichael Township consists of school districts No. 3, 5, 12, 15, 17 and 25. Harlleesville Township ? includes school districts No. 2. 4 and 6. Hillsboro Township ? This township now includes within its boundaries school districts No- 7. 13, 14. 16.' 23, 24 and 2>\. Ktrby Township ? Kirby Township consists ot school districts N<>. l. 21 and No. 28. Manning Township ? This township now includes within its bound-; aries school districts No. 8, 9, 18 and 19. GENTLEMEN OP THE JURY. j J. \v. King, Hillsboro. \Y. M. Baxley, Hillsboro. R. J. Dew, Bethea. C. D. Gaddv, Bethoa. D. S. Brogdon, Manning. W. H. Hubbard, Carmichael. P. J. Townsend, Carmichael. J. V. Hayes, Kirby. J- T. McQueen, Hillsboro. L. C. Elvington, Hillsb .o. D. D. McDonald, Carmichael. J. H. Hamilton, HarlleesvilleJ. F. Mears, Hillsboro. J. D. Smith, Hillsboro. L- N. Hatchel, Kirby. David Miller, Hillsboro. J. G. Smith, Hillsboro. J. A. Robbins, Hillsboro. D. B. Shine, Bethea. J. C. Bennett, Harlleesville. J. L. Lane, Bethea. 1 J, P. Smith, Manning. C. M. Huggins, Hillsboro. H. E. Dixon, Manning. C. L- Daniels, Harlleesville. J. R. Skipper, Hillsboro. Jno. A. McLeod, Bethea. Archie Graham, Harlleesville. G. W. Campbell. Carmichael. R. F. Booth, Hillsboro. J. S. Braswell, Hillsboro. D. C. Humphrey, HillsboroW. H. Flowers, Manning. R. M. Sasser, Carmichael. John Humphrey, Hillsboro. D. W. Bowen, Carmich. j1. o Man's Inhumanity to Man. H*l>? - v. - ??.i^i ja i up cause 01 tne concen-j trated attack on Dr. Hamer, our Mayor? Is it not enough to accept his efforts without once thanking him? A review of some of the things he has done will call to mind: He, after application having been made, refused to allow book-making at our County Fair, and as a consequence, gained the enmity of some of ? the horse men." He saved in this one act the boys and men from the < Influence of gambling. He cleaned Main street of the disgrace of a city ( dive, thus hurting the feelings of the tender hearted, causing much criticism and condemnation. He closed < stores on Sunday (enforcing the laws of our town) thereby depriving the unfortunate, unthoughtful one from getting a ctgar or a pair of shoes. He cleaned our ditches and plowed our streets, thereby hurting the feelings ot some who were not fortuilate enough to have one built especially] Tor his benefit. He enforced the law 1 prohibiting gambling on the streets' and in stores, thereby incurring this very busy class and forcing them to go way off so no one could see them, ' depriving our boys from the pleasure ' and delight of such noble influence. s We Americans are changeable, va- ( dilating people. There are some who ( give liberally to the advancement of 1 humanity but they are not human 1 enough to see the good in one at our 5 Dwn doors. This mayor who had a 1 mind of his own; and when he ac- ' complished something, this is what ' hurt, and the attack began. There is nothing more offensive to those ' who do nothing than success to the,1 other fellow; Jealously and envy at once spring up. Then we begin to.' cheapen him and we must at once'rause his downfall, chareine him with "ego" and trickery. I would ask all | others to think before casting a vote. for mayor. y Some one haR said "All we do for ( ourselves and all we do for mankind \ only feeds hell with slanders and so < betrays the baseness of human nature ' that we may well blush to think woj are members of the human race." i "VOTER." Card of Thanks. We wish to express to each and ] every one of our friends of Lake View and community our sincere appreciation of assistance and kind words of sympathy at the death of our dear mother. Your kind deeds will be long remembered. P. W. Townsend, Brothers and Bisters. > 1 LLOX HERALD, DILI-OX, SOUTH CA SELLS FIXE HORSES. Mr. J. B. Gibson has sold the fast pacing mare, Polly Medway 2.15 Vi, to the Honorable Charles I). Murph\. of Harrington, Dtfleware. for a large price. Mr. Murphy is State senator foi Kent County, is a man prominent in financial and political circles, but is a great lover of horses and races them mostly for the pleasure he derives from the sport. This itiare was green last year, but won four out oi seven starts on the Vlr-I ginia-Carolina Circuit and paced in j 2.11. Mr. Gibson also sold to a gentle-j man in Philadelphia the Green Pacer Penrod. He was offered fifteen hundred dollars foe the green trotter, Hal Boy, which offer was-refused, as Mr. Gibson has decided to have him i raced in the north this summer, making his first start at Philadelnhia. Pa., June 8th. The career of Hal Boy will be watched with interest, as J he plowed last year on Mr. J. \V. | Hamer's place at Little Rock, and t was secured by Mr. Gibson fiom aj colored man, Hesakiah McRae. He | was raced last fall on the Noith Car-j olina Circuit and was timed in a race better than 2.15. All of these hores were shipped north yesterday. [ ? L COUNTY FEDERATION MEETING ' ! The Dillon County Federation of; Women's Clubs will hold its spring c meeting at Dillon Saturday, April f?. c at the High School building. The . Federation will be called to order at , ten ? m. The president and delegates of "ach club at> entitled to attend and . as many of the members as will send . in their names. See to this now. Elect your delegates and find out , how many members can attend; then j without tail send thts information to t Mrs. W. C- Moore, Dillon, S. C.t at least ten days before tit" '" set for j the meeting. The yearly dues should have been paid last fall bu t in some cases were not. See that yours are pa'd- It is due from each club and is needed to meet tin- expenses of the Fderation. Also the $2.50 pledged for the Loan Fund. ( Send this amount to the treasurer, Miss Mattie Hayes, Kemper, S- C. Let us make this a live meeting- ^ This can be done it' each club in the county will do its part. We need you to help us in living up to our watch word?co-operation. Look into this matter at once. Dis-;< cuss the Federation with your members, th^n write Mrs- W. C. Moore . and Miss Mattie Hayes. Sincerely, 1 * Mrs. R. S. Rogers, Cor- Sec.j Dillon Co. Federation of Clubs Miss Etta Sue Sellers, Home Demonstration Agent Board of Assessors Appointed. 1 o I J The following gentlemen were rec- 1 ommended by the Dillon County del- ! egation and were appointed by the Governor on the Township Board of Assessors for the year of 1921 and(~ 1922.. Instead of appointing three assessor., to represent each township, j < the Governor at the request of the Dillon delegation, has appointed one j assessor for each school district. This I plan is a great improvement over the I old method of annointinir throo m?n I from each township as it gives each school district a representative on the Board and enables the assessors to know the property better and thus avoid errors in over-valuing or under-valuing the property of the county for taxation: Bethea Township?\V. B. Allen. J A. McLeod, T. J. Bass, A. L. Par-; ham, J. P. Easterling. Carmichael Township--D. M. Watson, J. J. Andrews, W. S. Campbell. E. P. Wiggins. S. W. Stephens, E. V. Moody. Harlleesville Township ? L. W. Mclnnts, M. S. Britt, Jno. A. McRae-1 Hillsboro Township ? W. C. Lane, 11 I i ' ~ vuiuB, L,ewis u- Aimer, Manton E. Hayes, J. D. Ray. C. E. Taylor, E. P. Ayers. Klrby Township ? J. F. Dew H. 1\ Hartley. C. E. Haselden. Manning Township ? J. S- Thompson, Z. A. Ellen, Edwin Coward, L. | B. Alford. Town of Dillon?T. S. Richbourg, j T W. Bethea. J. D. Manning. Town of Datta ? W. W. Parham, J. H. Manning, P. C. Henry. NOTICE OF SALE. United States District Court, for the Eastern District of South Carolina. In the Matter of: Sainaha and Sam<tha, BankruptI will sell at eleven o'clock In the forenoon, on March 28th. 1921, at the store formerly occupied by the laid bankrupt, all of the property of the said hankmnl aatata- #K? -rv , itie namr consisting of a stock of fancy grocer08, fixtures, book accounts, automopile truck, delivery wagons, one horse ind any other property that may be round that belongs to the said estate. Every thing will be sold at auction, for cash. A copy of the inventory and appraisement may be seen by consulting .he undersigned. JNO. C. BETHEA, J 17 2t. Trustee. FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. Notice ifc hereby given that Nora Williams, administratrix of the estate at H. W. Williams, deceased, has made application unto me for final lischarge as administratrix, and that Thursday, April 7th, at 11 o'clock in me rorenoon has been appointed for the hearing of the said petition. All person,, holding claims against the said estate are requested to file them with the administratrix on or before 11 o'clock in the forenoon of Thursday, April 7th, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. JOE CABELL DAVIS Judge of Probate, 3 17 4t. Dillon County. i WANTED ? Freeh Coon try Eggs.? A. B. Jordan.?3 17.' ROLJNA, THURSDAY MORNING, J Do you know you can roll so &gQC> cigarettes For lOcts from one bag of GENUINE BullDurham j^s. TOBACCO , ., ~~ ? " " 1 ! CltKIHTOIl'S NOTICK. Having crualified as administratrix J >f the estate of J. Itich Hayes, de-' eased, notice is hereby given that all a rsons holding claims against the e?atp are requested to present same Utlv authenticated within the time uovided by law or this notice will he dead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said state are hereby notified to make mmediate payment to the undersignu administratrix, i i-. itayes, I 17 3t. Administratrix. | CKlilMTOIfS Mt'l'lt'i:, Having qualified as adunnisti itor of he estate of Joel R. Carniichael, debased. notice is hereby given that ill persons holding ekums against the state are hereby notified to present same duly authenticated within the inie provided by law or this notice vill be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said 'state are hereby notified to make mmediate payment to the undersign?d administrator. James McLellan, 1 17th 3t. Administrator. KZEHAfP Mont/back without question If HUNTS Salve fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZKMA, # RINGWORM, TBTTBR or ? fl??^(11 other Itchlnc skin dieeieta .g Try 73 cent box it our risk. / /f For sale by Evans Pharmacy, Subscribe to The Dillon Herald. A, We Have Op Dry ( in South Car expert Dry I of the things DA DIES' GARM Suits Skirts Dresses (Silk Stree Waists Co>ta Sweaters Kid Glov< Prices thf First Class will receiv It will affon spect o 0 MUKtNlt ST Phone 77 Mr. J. R. Hate receive the Dry Palace Market. 1ARCH 17. 1921. A l'lanl Exchange I 1 !J There will be a Plant Exchange' held by the ladies of the town Friday! and Saturday morning in front ofi Mr. Blizzard's store. Committees will, tall upon every one who has any j plants. bulbs or seeds to spare and] we hope everj one will contribute liberally. Come to the Exchange Friday and sec if we have anything you would w like to have. We want to help make 1 Dillon bloom this summer as it never has before. If you have no flowers and wish to start some at your home,! you are welcome to anything at the! Exchange. This is a free and neigh-j btrly exchange of tlowers and we want you to come and help make it a success. Mrs. Joe P. Lane. Chm. Civics D?-pt. NoTK i: Notice is hereby given I hat pursuant to a resolution of th?> directors ot' the Farley-Cobb Furniture Com-1 puny, a corporation, a meeting of the. stockholders of the said corporation I will be held in the otfice of th" said company in Dillon. S. C.. 011 the 18th day of April. 1921 at ten o'clock A.I M for the purpose of considering a' resolution calling for the dissolution J ol the said corporation and for the.1 cancellation of its charter. (Signed! H. I . Farley. Pres. | liv order of the Boa of Directors 3 IT 3t. /r * -') r ^ A lUWHK AT THIS KKSTAl BANT 1 lis more than a meal, it's an event' I that will linger nleasantlv in thn I memory. The lights, the appointments, the service, the food, all combine to make a visit here pleasant indeed. Come and enjoy the cxper-1 ience. We are sure that it will be one you'll be ready to repeat very often. > PALMETTO CAFE |t Next to Herald Office Dillon, S. C.' r A new metallic packing has been} invented , the component elements of which are mica and babbitt metal. The only university in the United 1 States to offer a course in fisheries ' is the University og Washington. nnounceme ened one of the Most Cleaning P olina. It will be in c Cleaner. Below is a | i we clean. EN'TS (lENTLEMl Suits Coats t or Evening) Trousers Fancy V Overc< Cra m * ; lowest consist* s Work. Parcel ] e prompt attentio i us a pleasure to ha ur plant. Our work i ur Recommendation EAM LAUNDRY & DR1 Flore h is our Dillon Reptesenh Cleaning and Laundry - ?hone Phone 2 2 CITY MARKET Native Meats and Produce Price List Kill'? v,nu;i'f uounu steak, per lb 27c Choice Loin Steak, " 25c Choice Shoulder Steak, " 22c Other Steaks " 20c Choice Roast " 25c Other Roast " 20c Stew Meats " 12-17c Soup Hones " 8c OUK Chops " 33c Sliced Ham " 35c Whole Ham (nicely trimmed 30c Sliced Shoulder " 30c Whole Shoulder " 25c Middlings " 23c Heads ' 15c ft I * I 1* ? X' Hens 27c Boosters ' 25c llggs ' 35c Country Butter " 60c Mist i:i.l.ANKOI'S? Beef Liver " 25c Beef Tongue " 25-35c Homemade Sousuieat " 25c Liver Pudding " 25c Homemade Sausage " 25c Hog Liver and Ilailett " 75c Ai?ove prices W*U remain in effect intil a change in wholesale prices. Phone orders promptly delivered. Your patronage will be appreciated.. f. P. SENSENEY, PROP. Next to Palmetto Hardware CJo. nt Up-to-Date lants harge of an 4 1 1 ' 4 partial list :S S GARMENTS. e*tK MU vcnettes [id Gloves :nt with lost work n. ive you invill be t CLEANING rtrp Q C 11 vv ^ c/ . afiue anc/ a;i7/ Work at the