University of South Carolina Libraries
| j Latta N . Coming and Cuing J. C. Manship of ELberry was here Tuesday. |IlFVni> Dallav T ? 1, ? Ifl? 1 m.oi ?vj unite; vi ua&c v lev* was * here Tuesday- I, K. W. Allen of Clio was here ' Tuesday. |. Rev. Joel I. Allen of Dillon, was here Tuesday. G. M. McDowell of Mallory Route ! 3 was here Tuesday. |. J. R. Smith of Brownsville was ' here Tuesday. I C. P. Wells of Bennettsville was in tow n Tuesday- |, H. T. Hartley of Brownsville was ibere Tuesday. I, Mrs. H. A- Edwards spent the day, ;An Florence Monday with relatives, j. K i. . Moore of Dillon was here "Wednesday. I, Rev. J. L. Mullinix of Bingham was ' here Wednesday. j. Kugcne Berry of Elberry was here Wednesday. | iMra. i>. S. Allen of Dillon was here visiting relatives Wednesday. Mrs. Sam Edwards of Dalcho was! feere Wednesday. W. S- Floyd of Flovdale was in; t?w? Wednesday. J. M. Monroe of Marion was here Wednesday. William Meivin, with E- L. Moore Co.. was here Wednesday. fjk. A. Spinks.a life insurance man ffroni Florence, was here Wednesday. <!*??? Eva Bennett is visiting Mrs. Frank Patten at Sumter. R T. McKay of Ebenezer was here Thnrsdv ? S. T. Campbell of Ebenezer was ftier? Thursday. I. P- Stackhouse of Marion was finre Thursday. A. L.. Campbell of Ebenezer was kiere Thursday. W. J. B. Campbell of Ebenezer was Siere Thursday. Olo^ia-nd Roberts of Zion was here Thursday. L?. E. Haselden of Sellers was here Thursday. J. F. Hudson of Sellers was here Thursday. J. C- Bethea of Dillon was here "Thursday. J. D. Coleman of Elberry was here Thursday. B. C. Stafford who travels it at hon&e for a few days this week. 1 S- M. Price of Zion was here Thursda/.. 11 is ? ffl h is ? a a ? is ? t a _ m t m ^ a ^ a I At t S m | Latta 5} m m ? SJ m 2 I tie Curtain s m jgj Anticipating HI from the most ex m 1 Cha m m a , ^ Artistic and Splendid ere gj In this disph IS and Summer, mo ' As usual, we IS stylish in the sea gj Spring wear. T1 a perfection in our IS IStSIStSlSISlSlZjlSiS T . I W' rue DILLON HERAL1 ? _ . , i . ews Dena rConducted by W. Ellis Beth< Hon. B. B. Sellers of Sellers was was here Thursday. J. G- Ellen of Free State was in town Saturday. W. F. Rogers of Bingham was here Saturday. . L. H. Holt one of the trick meu here, spent Saturday in FayettevilleM. E. McNair, auditor A. C. L. spent the week end with his family. Prof. H. L- Uembert of Poston was in town Saturday. Sam Edwards of Dalcho was in town Saturday. J. Furman Berry of Temperance was here Thursday. Geo. McLellan of Zion was here Thursday. Pratt Watson, a merchant of Sellers was in town Saturday. J. L. Lane of Mallory was here Saturday. Major Coleman of Elberry wa< here Saturday. H- F. Easterling of Temperance was here Saturday. L. F. Ellis a merchant of Mallory was here Saturday. John C. Allen of Elberry was here Saturday . E. D. McClenny, of the Marion Clothing Co., was here Friday. Wallace Watson of Temperance was Mere Friday. Murray Rogers of Temperance was here Friday. Jas. L. Dew of Temperence was here Friday. J. F. Berry of Bingham was here Friday. Mr. and Mrs- S. C. Taylor of Floydale were here Friday. G. S. Roberts of Zion was here Friday. Tracey E. Fore of Oak Grove was here Friday. Will Duncan of Temperance was here Friday. W. E. Allen of Dalcho was here here Friday. W. .R. Lane of Marion spent Sunday with R. M- Lane. L. B. Haselden spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. H. A. EdwardsJ. W. Edgerton spent Sunday with his family here. J. C- Manship of Elberry was here Monday. P. A. George of Elberry was here Monday. r. w t3ryani or Temperance was bere Monday. C. 9. Bethea, sheriff, spent Sunday with his family. 3?0?I3?[3 @130(3 1 )pnnj I "V T he i"N e~v* Dry G N Is About to Ri the coming out of tIhsIvp mairorc a# . .. WVM ? w AUU1&V1 O li X irm and It and Our Oi attractive are the 1 ations from our ov ly you will find ma derately priced. : are fully preparec son's dresses, suit: le favorite materia stock, QD (Z1 IS IS ISIS IS IS FS IS I Iffl ffl t? BB tSiZl ODEBflpi ?, DILI/OX. SOUTH CAROLINA, TB | irtment J r I u- \f ll-J - ? ?i. -Vi nuufjes ui urownsviue was ' here Monday. Murray Hayes of Floydale was in, 'town Monday. j J. F. Berry of Bingham was in town Monday. C. L. Willis of Bingham was hero Monday. T- L. Manning of Little Rock spent Monday with his relatives here. R. B. Smith of Mars Bluff, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Tubervllle of Temperance were here Monday. Mrs. John J. Allen is visiting i friends in Hartsville. Dr. R. A- Bass of Gallivants Ferry j | was in town Friday speaking to his many friends. | H. Tuckman of Sumter is here assisting his brother. D. Tuckman with a saleJ. O. Armstrong has returned from Honea Path where he has been visit-, ' ing relatives. H. B. Bethea of Dillon was here , Wednesday winding up some guano j deals. C. H. Whiteheart. of Florence, and who represents F. M. Bohannon, tobacco people was here Friday. J. H. Clark who travels out of Goldsboro is at home for a few days I with his family. A. C. Ray, a lawyer of some note, of Pittsboro. N. C.. was here Wednesday on business. W. H. Cross, of the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Marion was here j Wednesday. Mrs. Mollie A. Bennett ig visiting her sister. Mrs. William B. Fletcher I of MeColl. F. P. Pegues of Darlington passed through here on Thursday on his ) way to Dunbar. (I A. B. Everett of Charlotte. N C., representing Swift & Co., fertilizers, > was here Thursday. Mrs. J- C. Phillips, formerly Miss Aileen Bethea, of Dunn, N. C., is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. William Rogers of j Mulling spent Sunday afternoon with' : Mrs- A. J. Stackhouse. J. B. Wise, of the Eureka Fire iHose Department, Atlanta, Go, was! here Saturday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Sam Crawford of Mullins spent Sunday afternoon with i Mr. and Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea. | Rev. Ben Allen of Florence was here Monday on the way to Free I State to visit his parents? ? ? ? ? a is a is is ? t r | f 1 I in Lowe At i _ i looas Latta, EW SPRIf se on f/ie Fu// L Clot fashion in all it's Sp A morirort ' ivan X'lUUCS 1 Cl xdividualit3 vii inuKti or nai exclusive styles no\ trn workroom and th iny models of Regin: I to meet your dema 5 and skirts will be : ils, the colors and al II EE Eg SI SI SI & BBS) 5) IS I I'ljijwt ip in [ i) : n~" T [URSDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 1ft Mrs- Sue Sellers of Dillon and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Sellers of Pitts viiie. Mass-, spent Sunda> with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Sellers. Mrs. J. S. Hammond axis in Rocky Mount las t week to attend the marriage of her son, J. Q. HammondSubject for Sunday night services in the Presbyterian church is "The Blossoms of Spring and Songs of the Birds." E. A. Covington of Rockingham who travels for Fleming & Christian Co. of Richmond. Va., was here on business Wednesday. Dr. J. Walter Daniel was unable to fill his engagement with The ParentTeachers and Library Associations on account of sickness Mrs. Jennie and her son, W. M Sellers were called to Mars Bluff Saturday, to attend the funeral services of her uncle. Maxcy Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Cad McDonald and Mr . and Mrs. Percy McDonald of Flovdale spent the day with Mr. and V rs. J. F. McDonald. Miss Hope Manning has returned front Wilmington. N. C.. where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs- C. E. Bethea. J. G. Crawford who tlvoc ir> Sum ter and who travels for Pearlstine ft Co. of Charleston, was visiting his sister. Mrs- W. Ellis Bethea. one day last week. A very unevenly matched game of basket ball was played here Friday afternoon, the 11th. between the Clio and Latta teams. Clio defeated the Latta team by a score of 33 to 3. Mrs. E. J. Brown, accompanied by her sister. Miss Corine Robinson, returned Sunday from Paris. Tenn., where she had been on an extended visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. J. F Bethea. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bethea and Miss Lillian Bethea attended the reception given at the home of F. L. Bethea of the Dothan section. The members of the Civic League are gathering the lovely hyacinths from the beds at the Library, almost daily, and sending thetn to the sick at the various hospitals, who are from this place. Mrs. Sophronia Bethea and Mrs J. C. Phillips spent Tuesday in Florence with Miss Dellp Bethea, who is sick in the Florence Infirmary. Her friends will be glad to know that Miss Delle is better and hopes to be able to come home soon. E. A. Gaddy, who bought the home of L. E. Haselden at East End, has torn down the old house, and is erecting an up-to-date six room bungalow, which when completed will add no little to the general appearance of that part of town. Th e many friends of Miss Bessie Rowell, who is in one of the hospitals of Wilmington. N. C., for treatment, will be glad to know that she is improving rapidly, and it will be only a short while before she will be sufficiently benefitted to leave the hospital. ass? ?aa??a? T7 le ra st 1921 the >. Depa: 5. C. >JG STYLI ieauty of Sprin hes. rind rfl Am ?? ? ^ivi 7 11^1 iiu w ady for you and the / In the St 4 s For Spring a v being displayed, lose of the foremost a and Johnsons ift tl inds for Spring Wea found in our daily 1 features that go to mfaraiziixreifziiziiziaiizi El tS iZI IZl 121 *1! IS txl IS Ixl IS J 13 Th 7 Ei ffl rarmers and & E3 ' E3 E3 IVLercnants Bank t s & i ? a Capital - $100,000,00 I % ? Surplus - $125,000.00 ? I ?=^?=? f % OLDEST - STRONGEST - BEST X Increase Your Farm. Profits it USE /frmours BIGCROPM | Fertilizers | "True to Name" E. L. MOORE, ---- Dillon, S. C. W. J. SUMMERL1N, - - Lotto, S. C. Special Representatives ???5??HH?????HS??S?3?? -I . 1 shions 1 a rsi Jrrice -Level H ' m m n - ra rtment Store i si si SI SI 7Q ffl -.o si SI g's Annual Pageant of New |j s a na ' you will find the foremost styles j|j ir first appearance on Easter. j|j LZJ g] ylish Patterns | nd Summer ? ? SI = hat makers of the country. |?j lie predominating shades for Spring b B ring Apparel. Whatever is new and ? increasing collection of beautiful gj make up style will be found to ? S . Bfflffls bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI