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J Latta N Condt m ; J7 Coming and Going Mr. P. A. George of Elberry was . In town on Monday. Mr. A. B. Jordan of Dillon was in town Monday. Maj. O. M. Page wa8 here on Monday. Miss Estelle Ellerbe is visiting friends in Marion. Mr. Bert McLaurin, of near Floydale was in town Monday. A. L. Parham of Mallory was in town Tuesday. IT P Rothoo nf rtlllnn wan in tnwn Tuesday. J. V. Mitchell of Temperance was In town on Tuesday. Mr. Sam Omohundro of Mulllns, was In town on Tuesday. J. T. Burney, with McNair & PeerBall, was in town Tuesday. Jas. L. Dew of Temperance was in town Tuesday on business. B. M. Dubose of Brownsville was in town Tuesday. Mrs. D. G. Burden visited friends in Rowland on Tuesday of this week. Miss Lillian Bethea spent the day in the Little Rock section Tuesday. W. J. B. Campbell of the Ebenezer npotinn wns in town Tnpsdav. Mrs. John J. Allen is visiting. friends and relatives in Florence. Prof. W. D. Roberts and family of Dillon were in town Tuesday. Mr. D. G. Manship, of near Elberry wag in town on Monday on business, y Mr. N. B. Hargrove of Dillon was1 in town .most of Monday on business. <Mr. J. O. Brigman, of the Temper-1 ance section, was in town Monday. Mrs. E. B. Berry, Jr., of Sellers and children were in town Tues-' . day. Marvin Watson formerly of Eatta, but now residing in .. lorida, is visiting relatives here. C. P. Wells of Bennettsville, who sells meats for Klngan & Co., was in town Tuesday. I. Cohen, formerly of this place, but now of Winston-Salem, was in town xuesaay. J. F. Hudson of Sellers, manager of Omohundro Lumber Co., was in town Tuesday. Mr. C. G . Bass is paying his brother, Mr. Leon Bcibs, of Lakeland, Fla., an extended visit. Mr. G. G. McLaurin, a prominent lawyer of Dillon, was here on business Monday. Mr. A. P. Bethea of Dillon was la town Monday either on business or pleasure. Mrs. John D. Bethea, who lives with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Parham, is not expected to live. Miss Gussie Bethea of this place is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. T. Hamilton, of Hickory, N. C. Mr. L. E. Dew, of Catfish Church section, was in town on Monday on hnalnoaa Mr. Tracy E. Fore and Mrs. Hudson Fore, of the Bethesda section, were In town On Monday. Mr. E. L. Powell, from near the Dalcho High School section, was in town on Monday. Mr. T. W. Fenegan, who Is a traveling man, and lives here, spent the week end with his family. V H. F. Easterling, of near Temperlance, with his family was in town on last Sunday. R. H. Manning and family, of near Sellers, are visiting in town this week. Miss Clouny of Columbia is visiting Mrs. W. W. Braddy on Church Street. Mrs. R. R. Humphries and Mrs. Grady Bethea are visiting their parents in Union, S. C. Mrs. Isla Crumpler is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. T. Kinard, at Ninety Six S C S. V. Lane, Ex-Sheriff, of Dillon county, passed through Latta Tuesday. Mrs. Clara Manning is on the sick list but hope to see her up in a day or so. Eugene Vareen, who travels for the Merchant's Grocery Co., of Marion, was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Campbell, on Church - street, entertained Circle No. 2 of the Baptist Missionary Society. Mr. Thompson Allen, who travels, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Marion Allen, who lives here. Mr. A. M. Rogers of Clio who represents the International Harvester Co., passed through Latta Tuesday. J. W. Hamer and wife of Little Rock were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Houston Manning, on Monday. Messrs. Calhoun and Stanton of Fairmont who are interested in the Beaufort Lumber Co., were in Latta Tuesday. Miss Hortense Biggs is assisting Rev. and Mrs. Dunn in teaching and> helping them to care for the overflow t of pupils. Hon. J. W. Smith, after having been a little sick for the past sever al days, we are glad te note, was out talking to his many friends today. Mr. Marion Rich, prominent in the insurance business of this state, and whose offlc e is in Columbia, was here for a couple of days thlg week. Mr. E. H. Wilson, who represents Armour ft Co., and lives in Fayetteville, was here today looking out for i his company's interest. Mr. W. W. Braddy, who travels for Alford k. Co., and whose family live here, spent the week end with them. Mr. Qeo. Snow, who travels for Chester Hardware Co., was in town Monday, looking after the Company's Interest. Mr. H. J. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers of Rockingham, N. C., spent th? week end with Mr. and u. 1 ews Depa icted by W. Ellis B T ? i j. r. rtugers. Col. O. K. LaRoque, State Bank 1 Examiner, is in town, seeing that the boys do their banking according to i banking rules. ' D. O. Burden, who has accepted a position with the A. C. L. at Rowland, N. C., visited his family here Sunday. 1 Mrs. D. McL. Bethea ha8 gone to Staunton, Va., to visit her daughter, i Delle, who is at Mary Baldwin Semi- i nary- < Mrs. William Rogers of Mullins and Mrs. Ellen Pipkin of Bennettsville are visiting Mrs. Josephene Stackhouse. Mr. J. P. Williams, formerly of this place, but who for the past sev- < eral years hag been writing insurance in Orangeburg county, is now writing insurance in this section. Mr. A. C. McOee, of the upper section of our Btate, is here for a few days, visiting his son, Dr. T. C. McOee. Mr. Winchester Graham of Denmark, S. C., and who is a nephew r\f nur Dov TIT P * J ' v. UU1 u?l. <T . V/. miMilUU, clUU also General manager Atlantic Life J Insurance Co., visited his uncle t week for one day. Prof. R. T. Fairey spent Tuesday, of this week in Columbia attending a meeting of the Post Commanders of the American Legion which was presided over by National Commander F.I W. Galbraith. 1 Mr. G. D. Ryan, representing Ryan Engineering Co., of Columbia, passed through tow-n on his way to Clio,' foi the purpose of figuring on water works. Mr. Mclntyre of Mario n and Miss Margaret Boatwright of Virginia, called on Miss Mary Moore Stoneburner, one of the teachers, at the home of W. Ellis Bethea Tuesday night. o Social Events at Latta. Mrs. C. S. Bethea entertained with a Valentine Party on Saturday night the 12th. There was much fun and merriment. Among one of the most amusing was a mock marriage. Mr. Hoyt Watson acted in the capacity of preacher. Another act was that each boy had to propose to the lady whom he took to the party, and this had to De done, bo that all the others could hear It. The Flora McDonald Club had a group picture taken on the library steps. The members of that club are: Mesdames R. H. Manning, Houston Manning, T. C. McGee, W. L. Gaddy, E. A. Bethea, R. J. Dew, J. F. McDonald, A. B. Allen, Mrs. Carlos George, Misses Hope Manning, Louise Baker, Annie Covington, M. Smith, Sadie Bethea, Susie Allen and Mrs. Ethel Covington. Mrs. W. Dal Bethea entertained the Bridge Clnb in her lovely new bungalow on High School Avenue. The house was L-. ltifully decorated with ferns and red hearts, the idea being carried out in the dainty refreshments, consisting of lettuce and tomato salad, in heart shapes, with dishes of salted nuts, surrounded with tiny red hearts. Those enjoying Mrs. Bethpa's hnanltolltv dames T. C. McGee, J. O. Armstrong, F. L. Carpenter, E. R. Ellerbe, L. L. Watson, R. J. Dew. There was a small attendance on dccount of sickness In the homes of some of the members. Mrs. Walter E. Bethea, President of the Pee Dee Chapter U. D. C., entertained the members Tuesday the 15th. The living room was made cheer ful and spring like with hlnnrfitnir plants. One plant attracted especial attention, it being a Christmas Oacrsi m rzi ra rzi ra mro rsn ra n 0 | Mr. Pre- \ g Back B = I B 4 Welcome, Strange 4 back again, bringing < liable one hundred ce g We have always be< 1 of low prices, there! < us better than to inf < = item in our store is 1 lz so low that von will jr of Dress Goods, Noti b ham Dresses and Mu g priced at the lowest \ g trying to compare prices g son to be made. It just g es, that's all. ~ B b Jones Dry 1 R. R. Ave. L miiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iTkn m 13 / rtment. ethea tus, with more than 100 blooms and buds. The subject discussed was "Charleston." At a late hour hot chocolate and wafers were served. Those present, and enjoying Mrs. Bethea's hospitality were: Mesdames P. Watkins, H. L. Bethea, W. Ellis Bethea, W. L. Gaddy, M. H. Minis, L. T. Sessions, W. C. Foxworth, S. A. McMillan, T. C. McGee, Mrs. Ellen George, Miss Annie Covington. The Chapter will entertain the old soldiers in April, at the home of Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea. Mrs. J. J. Bethea, President of tne woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church, delightfully entertained its members. The subject was "New Orleans." Mrs. C. F. Bass read a very fine paper telling of the romances and traditions of New Orleans. Mrs. J. F. Rogers read a most excellent paper on our work and needs. After the meeting, Mrs. Bethea invited the guests into the dining room where dainty refreshments of hot chocolate and iced cake, and home-made candies were served. The dining room was made beautiful with lace center pieces and red japonicas. It was a large and enthusiastic meeting. The parlor was full and overflowed into the hall. Mrs. C. S. Bethea and Mrs. J. F. Rogers assisted the hostess. The monthly meeting of the Latta Civic League was held last Monday and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. W. Ellis Bethea; vice president. Mrs. Walter Bethea; Treasurer, Mrs. Wessie Braddy; Secretary, Mrs. T. C. McGee; Chairman Executive Committee, Mrs. D. G. Burden. Heretofore \irr? Viatr- V? o ^ ** '"^1 ? ? ? ? TIT--1?II "i; uoif UIIIJ 11UU U v/icail up WWK now and then, but the town council hag come to our rescue, and we are to have "Clean Up Week" every week, and inspection once a month We are sure the town will be more beautiful than ever. The library grounds are beginning to put on a spring like appearance. The hyacinth are beginning to bloom, and the clover covering the grounds is lovely. Many of the ladies are already working at their flower beds. o News Items of Interest In and Around Latta. The ladies of Latta on last Saturday afternoon realized a nice sunn from their Rummage Sale, this being for the benefit of the D. A. R. The many friends of Miss Marj McAllister will be delighted to know that she stood the operation well foi appendicitis, and is now improving rapidly. Mrs. T. C. Covington is at the bedside of her son, W. C. Covington, whc lives in Richmond, and who has been operated on for appendicitis. H?is many friends will be delighted tc know that he is improving rapidly Miss Mary Bryce Summerlin celebrated her fourth birthday, on the 11th, by entertaining about a score of her little friends, and all brought her useful, as well as ornamental presents. J. B. and T. L. Berry, two young merchants of Main Street, have about completed their beautiful new brick store, and it certainly does add to the appearance of that section of Main Street. These young men have vim, and we will hear from them often. On last Sunday at the morning service the Methodists of Latta took a collection in their church, the amount Var Prices \ Home r; Glad to see you { ; with you the old re mt dollar. m the staunch friend :ore nothing pleases orm you that every being sold at prices be delighted. Lots ons, Children's Gingislin Underwear, all )Osible cent. No ase rj for thorp is no compari means new Pre-War pric- EI 0 0 0 Goods Co,, ? VLLON, S. C. g D1X11X11X11X11X11X11X1IX) 1X1 c?l ? """< '*-J -?rr.r of which covers the subscription of' papers enough to send a copy of the Christian Advocate into the home of every member of the church. J. O. Bethea is teaching in place of Miss Huffman, who resigned on account of her mother's health, and ..?:ss Teressa Dew in place of Miss McAllister who had to resign on account of her health. The Latta High School was fortunate to get these two teachers just at this time of thy year. There seems to be two Duncan McRoas in this section, both receiving mail at this office. One Duncan McItae was expecting a letter ith check covering a borrow on an insurance policy. When it came the Duncan McRae who was not the rightful owner of the said check, opened the letter. took the check and endorsed it, obtaining $259.00 of the other Duncan McRae's money, and is now lodged in the Dillon County jail. _____ The following gentlemen were ap-' pointed appraisers for the bankrupt stock of W. C. Parham, who lately went into bankruptcy: J. Strauss, of Clio; F. M. McMillan and W. Ellis Bethea, and most of Monday of this week was devoted to the task of taking stock. One item of his assets was a large bunch of cows. Mr. Parham bought out his brother's half interest in these cows something like one year ago, and paid him $3500 for his half, and today they were appraised at $2100.00 for the whole lot. Mr. I. Blum of Dillon has lately purchased the plantation known as 'the Buster Bethea place, about two {miles west of Latta. I am glad that this property has fallen in good hands I that will develop and improve it. Mr. {Blum is now putting new covers on tlie buildings, cleaning out ditches, and making it look spick and span. This farm has been in the hands of the Bethees for more than a century. This was the home of Philip Bejthea, the grandfather of P. W. Bejthea, who dted several years ago. I ? o j Notioe of Meeting of Stockholders, Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of the Sprunt ' Farman company will be held at the directors room of the Bank of Dillon, in the town of Dillon on Wed' nesduy the 23 rd day of March next the purpose of the meeting being tc act upon a resolution of the directors ' of said corporation advisiing the dis solution of said corporation. J. M. SPRUNT, 1 2 17 4t- President. i PALMAFESTA ' I ? i Palmetto State Festival 1 i Colombia March 28 to April 2 ' * 8-17-lt. ' i I SP : ? A ? ! b or % : V ; & I will offer i V Clothing at 20 p * This will bi & have to pay for it D/ X I will offer I f Dress Gingham i I X Ginghams at 25< rf Ladies I ? S. _..!!! t__ - - Y win De on saie z X which means a 1 I | buy. I Men's Hi IX Formerly sold a I the garment. i ? II Carhart and Coa \"{ going at $1.75 t t - " t* _________ f The Place I Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson and Miss'I Nina Alford have returned from NewJ York where the> have been purchas-! Low Price on Drag COLUMBIA SUPI H'2ii West (iorvais Street, ?. WES??? SUSHIS? I H I Income ,bb I Reti a , m gj 1 am prepared to gj your Income Returns gg had two years experi( g] a large number of ret ? has been no come bac IS ily explained withou (S taxpayer; being loc; am available to assist ? you may later be calh g tion by the Governm< (S Non-Resident Ex ; (S you make your retur ; ? to assist you in maki ; ? later called on for on 1 m 1 also have the n - m 51 Inquiries mailed 51 will receive my prorr IS 1 C.G.E ? LATT. m 'ECL 10 L my entire stock of M >er cent, off from oui ing them down belo them on to-day1s ma tESS GINGHAi you your choice ( in stock at 18c per y 1 * per yaru. ' Coats and Coc it 25 per cent. un< loss of 1-4 cost. No 2avy Fleeced Ui t $2.50 the suit, n<H Men's Overalls st Brand, regular $c he suit. 0. W. JACKS! on. South Caro ' \ nK spr'tig millinery for Blum and ?orn)Jut's millinery department. Subscribe to The Dillon Herald. > Saws Continued " 7e will extend our offer of $150.00 o. b. Columbia on type "W" Maine, shown in cut, to March first, is Dray Saw is equipped with Bosch tj?neto and Lever Control. *LY COMPANY, COLUMBIA. 8. C. j BBBaaaBBBB a iTax 1 a a irns a B assist you in making gj 5 for 1920. I have gj mce and have made g] urns and so far there g] ik which was not eas- ? t further cost to the B ited in the county I S3 in any case where ? ?d on for an explana- ? ent Agent. ? :perts who might help g) ns might not be here g] ng an explanation if ? ie. ? m ecessary blanks. j5j me to Latta, S. C.f gj ipt attention. . gj iRUCE, | A, S. C. IS ffl BSSISSSSISISEES ^ A^A A^A I v? V ^ ' )avs! ? ~ * *:* en's and Boy's % Sale Price. w what I would irket. % VIS I )! any 27-inch ? d. and 32-inch & X it Suits der Sale Price % w is the time to % nderwear f n going at 50c % > t T x l Rf\ nri'rD tiAur M nw 1/1 IWi 11VTT X t )N'S STORE | lina