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Columbia, Feb. 11?Another bill with reference to the tobacco situation and one which will be of general interest is one introduced by Messrs. Camlin, Mclnnes and Windham. Thia bill was Introduced in the House yesterday. The bill is as follows: Section I. It shall be the duty of w??7 person placing leaf*tobacco in the hands .of any warehouse i n the state for sale, to give bis, her or their true and correct name, and it shall be the duty of every warehouse selling leaf tobacco to put the tru'e name of every person, given to it, as heiein provided for, upon the ticket placed upon the said tobacco by such warehouse. Sec. 2. Any person giving a flcitlous or false name or falling to comply with the provisions of this act, and any warehouse failing to cbmply with the provisions o f this act, shall be guilty of misdemeanor and ' upon conviction shall be fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the court. I Sec. S. This act shall be in force from and after the 1st of July, 1921. o COTTON GROWERS SHIP TO EUROPE. 0,000 Bales Already on Way to Hamburar. Mnch Mnr? Clarkdale, MIsb., Feb. 12?Through the shipment of 5,000 baleB low grade cotton to Hamburg, on a contract for 1 50,000 bales, a plan has been disclosed here by which, in belief of its promoters, American shippers can combine in groups to solve for themselves the prohlem of exporting thoir excesg stocks, with the result that the ocean carrying trade will revive from its present drooping condition, home producers can cash in their holdings and industrial depression and non-employment will find quick relief. Cotton growers have set out to help themselveg through their organisation. the Mississippi Delta Export and Trading Company. They shipped d.uvu oaies last Saturday from Gulfport on. the Maidencreek, a government owned craft. Their agent in Hamburg to receive it and has arranged to place it among mills in Central Europe, under toll contracts, the mills to receive a portion of raw cotton and to deliver finished goods in payment. Contracts for Cash Sales. Contracts have been made with foreign distributors for the cash purchase of th? finished goods from the agent at moderate prices, but sufficient to psy the planters well for their cotton and leave a margin for company expenses. The next step hereabouts will be to atMre ultimate delivery, from stocks no*? la hand, of the 50.000 bales, which iixe Ameriean agent in Hamburg has engaged to distribute among European mills. Already 25,000 bales bare been pledged. The company is planning to ship 10,000 bales monthly for the next four months and then to make a last shipment of 5,000. - o WASTED MONEY. The new Governor of North Carolina, Mr. Cameron Morrison, of Charlotte, has announced that he is in faror of millions for hard surface roads, but not a penny for the sandclay variety. We agree with him. Cherokee county has spent more than half a million dollars for the sand-clay or top-soil road. It is conceded that we got the best that was to be had, but the fact remains that we virtually wasted half a million dollars experimenting. Hereafter, whatever money is spent on road building in this county should be put in the more durable hard surface road.?Gaffnev I.edsrer o SCENT TOO STRONG. Greenville, Feb. 11?A large whiskey distillery together with a quantity of whiskey, was captured by local polloemen at the home of George Hall 6n West Earl? Street, in a prominent residential section of the city. Two automobiles were confiscated and four men were arrested. The still was located in a dugout ten feet under the ground. It is stated the pipes. were so constructed as to pour the liquor into a bath tub. When the officers approached a woman lumped into the tub and splashed around but the scent of the moonshine was too strong. BOOM FOR SWEET POTATOES. Washington, Feb. 8?A sweet potato syrup plant is to be established by the government at Fitsgerald, Ga. Under a laboratory process worked out and planted for the public by Dr. H. C. Gore, bureau of chemistry, the commercial possioiuues in manufacture of a fine, brown "highly palatable" syrup from a heretofore waate product are to be exploited, according to announcement tonight by the agricultural department. "Many persona think It equal to first class can* syrup," the statement aald of the sweet potato product. Fitsgerald was selected because a building was urallable and also because it has already a sweet potato! curing and storing establishment. Equipment will be shipped from Washington for the syrup plant and the department says It can make no recommendations for commercial manufacture without comparative cost data to be obtained from the experiment mil). The chi.nce for developing a new industry Is held to be good, however, as much of the ) sweet potato crop of the south has been wasted in the past. The Project is the first to be undertaken in the way of semi-commerj ;; ctal plants by the new bureau of development in the department of agriculture. With hides so cheap, about the only Mod resist (or shinning an animal is to git at the beef. SEARCH SOUTH GARQUN FOR Dillon County's Most a Young Woman Sent t< of Social Gayety M Who will represent Dillon county' in the contest for Queen of Palm&fes-J ta (PaLmetto State Festival) to be held in the capital city March 27 to April 2? By mean8 of a popular voting contest through local newspapers during the next four weeks, candidates will be chosen from every county in South Carolina who will go to PnliimWo .? " wo vuq gunsis ui iue raimafesta Association, which organisation will defray all expenses, including railroad transportation, hotel bills and entertainment. The young women will be chaperoned by prominent Columbia society folks and will feature in a week of entertainment and social gayety which promises to rival the famous New Orleans Mardl Gras. Ilpring the week an election will be neld in Columbia to determine the most attractive and poular young woman from among the delegates assembled from the various counties. The winner of this contest will be proclaimed Queen of Palmafesta, and will be awarded a grand prise consisting of a complete spring trousseau of the finest apparel obtainable. One bf the leading moving picture companies will film the queen and her entire court, and this specielly selected galaxy of South Carolina beauties will be sent far and wide via the movie screen to advertise the Palmetto State. Palmafesta is to be an annual spring event, held in the capital city fflP ~a ?11 ?V vMWft MkiuuiCUV UL ail IM0 peo- | # VOTING QUEEN OF "PALMAFESTA" DILLON HERALD, Gentlemen: My choice for Queen of Palmafee Name Address * This coupon good for one vote. * icrlptka to this Nowsptper cow * I llll I I 1M??PWPPP^P * * ** ? * FARMER'S * I. - ? i * County of * do certify that I am a farmer and _emnly promise and agree on my sa * year 1921 I will not plant in cot * lands cultivated by me during the * And I further promise that I w * may hare with my friends and ne * obligation and to co-operate with * ganlsation and the work of the sa * ? ? WUnA?fl , -1 Sign and SOUTH CAROLINA 800 LIBERTY OOLUM For Packing Cotton In Square Bales From the Charleston News of February 13, 1820: Mr. Marcus Pickens, of Montgomery,, has exhibited to us the mlnia- j ture model of a machine of his invention, for packing cotton in square bales, which displays much ingenuity; and from the several advantages it appears to combine, promises great usefu'ness. Unless we are greatly deceived, for which we have not the least apprehension, (having had some acquaintance with Cotton machines,) this improvement promisee extensive advantages, particularly while cotton in square bales continues to bear a higher price than round bales, as has uniformly been the case. The proprietor, we understand, wtlt apply for a patent. We hope his inventive Industry may be encouraged and suitably rewarded. (Montgomery Rep.) o LATEST AERIAL PROPHECY. Inventor Predicts Paris to New York In Eight Hours, Paris, Feb. 12?Paris to New York in eight hours is the latest aerial prophecy. It is made by Marquis Paterae Pescara, a French born subject of Spain, who has perfected a device for aerial navigation which by means of helices rotating at terrific speed he asserts will enable an airplane to hover in the air as well as fly at a great pace. He has just closed a deal with the French government to deliver a large number of his flying machines, providing tests in Barcelona earlv next month nrnv? as successful as wer? the initial trials wben Marquis Pescara arose vertically to a great height and without difficulty landed within a few fee t of a chosen spot. Marquis Pesoara said that in building the airplane of the future, wing space would not be taken Into account, since selices placed above and below the body of the flying craft would be sufficient to lift perpendicularly to the higher altitudes heavy machines with heavy motors capable of developing a speed of four hundred miles an hour and also keep the plane in a fixed position when desired. I But apart from the commercial PEEK OF PALMAFESTA Attractive and Papular > Columbia tor Week arch 27 to April 2. pie of South Carolina. It will be a week ot many and varied attractions, including the State-wide automobile show exhibiting the late models of cars, trucks and tractors^ the spring style show, featuring the latest creations from the realm of fashion by professional models to be imported from New York for the occasion; daily band concerts by one of America's' premier musical organisations; floral, trades, automobile and baby parades; fetes, dances, social events and special attractions at all theatres, with nightly exhibits of fire- , work8 in which will be featured specially designed set pieces depicting Important erents i? South Carolina histpry. The auto show, style show and fireworks display will be staged at th? State Fair Grounds. In order to secure the most popular young woman in Dillon county as candidate for Queen of Palmafesta, there is printed below a popularity yoting coupon which is to be filled opt and mailed as per Instructions contained therein Yoting coupons will be printed in each issue of this newspaper up to and including the issue of March 12th at which time the votes will be counted and announcement of the winner made. There will be no restriction upon the number of votes each person may cast. Each coupon clipped from this newspaper is good for one vote, and a yearly, paid in advance subscription will count* 10 votes. COUPON FALiMAFESTA ^ ita la: * * A Yearly, Paid in ali?i Soto its 1? Votes. i# $ t #?##***#?# ???*???? PLEDGE. of tike cotton grower and hereby ?oI cred word ot honor that daring the * ton mor6 than one-third of the * year 1920. * ill use whatever Influence that 1 * ighbors to hare them sign a like * the county committee In tl%> or- * id cotton reduction. i. send to: COTTON ASSOCIATION BANK BLDG. BIA, S. C. i transport possibilities of Marqafg Pescara's Invention, the French appear to be most interested In its possible military use. The inventor declared that in the event of another war his heliceg would make anchored observation bal 1 nnn at iinnaaaasarv an/4 fKal Kv itia . use of his flying machine maximum efficiency would be attained in the bombardment of enemy towns from great heights, as tons of bombs could be carried well beyond the range of modern antl-alr craft guns. o Shortage of Fuel Drives Many People to Practlc? 1*1every. Many of the poor people of Budapst, Hungary, are being driven to wholesale thievery by the fuel shortage. Th? recent theft of H esrleads of wood from one train of 100 carload,, tig It entered the city shows the extent to which the stealing is going oa. Wood is so scarce that when a wagon load is driven through the streets people stop to gaxe after it until it Is out of sight. Daring small bojrB are ever on the alert for a stray piece of wood or anything that will give heat at home. They scamper after every passing wood wagon but are soon frightened away by long whips in th? hands of two women who alt on guard astride the load. The operation of unloading a ton of Hungary's inferior brown coal before a house attractg many neighbors who make a pathetic picture as they watch basketfull after basketfull disappear Into the coal bin of the more fortunate one. Because of the urgency to obtain fuel, by dishonest means, If honest ones are of no avail, the Juvenile courts were never go crowded with youthful offenders. The scarcity of fuel arises more acute dally as winter advances. The street railway service has been sharp iy curtailed ana people wait tor hours exposed to the bitter cold. The worst operated American street car never tolerated such crowding. o The value of Alaska's salmon produe t? in on* year is seven and a half times the original purchase price of that territory. . - Do mou know V you canroB 1 50 rtood a, C CHflrniN tor, lOcts from on* bag of VSSr W) M^m. OENUINE Kill rnilDHAM TcSSS (jP Professional Cards. Surveying Drafting and Blue Printing W. M. ALLEN Dillon, S.C. Phone No. 112 L. B. HA8GLDEN Attorney at Law DILLON, 8. C. I on ay to Lend on First llortiu* I Real Estate. ? ? | ML J. EL Hmm, IB. Ofllee over Peoples Bank. ML B. F. DARWKf Office Over Bank of IMHon JOE P. LANE Attorney at low Office Next to Bank of Dillon, j OTIS M. PAGE Civil Engineer DILLON, S. C DR. to M. BAlliKT, Vmtoatomtom Office at Dillon live Stock Ct'i. 9 tables. Office Phone - - - - Sti Residence Phone - - ? O. HBK8LKE, M. to toy,' torn. None and Aral Spectacles Fitted. Cttee Hears to 11 and S to 4 Brsolnf Hoars by Appoimstemt. GEBSOIC M MULX.BR, I Attorneys-at-Lew , Office ever Malcolm Mercantile Coc DDJLOK, A C. Practice in State and Federal Courts f. w. iohnhor Practice in State and Federal Court* Marlon. 8. O. L D. T'IDB itiora?y-?t-L?w MARION. 8. O. GUARDYOUR LONGS WITH Lungardia LUNGARDIA opens the resptratory organs, removes the thick ' masses of sputum, heals the Irritation, dispels the eough and cold. Unsurpassed in spasmodte Croup, Bronchitis, dlf- t fieult breathing, and sneh kin- t . dred diseases. Thousands at test to Its great virtue. If lilJlfGAKDIA fails, your money returned. Price, COe and $1.2? per bottle. llualMt?r<4 W KGARDIA CO.. btlUu. Tan. JO* SALE ?Y DILLON PHARMACY JKZEHAf! Monb?e* wHbovt qvOTtlor A <r mnrrs an* i? th? lm***** mt ITCH. ECSSMA. >M BINOWOIM, TITTIB w^ J^|H TnT/btaaTbeiSowria. /) For sale by Evans Pharmacy, 79rt)j ?7?^2sSI1S5*~ /^( Trr 'i TS oioTbo* at our riak. Sold by Evans Pharmacy If necessity is the mother if invention, lasiness must be the stepfather. ? The modern girl Is kept too busy baring a good time to glv? any attention to a hofm chest. W lTi IttMe* ~ 1 ',;,-cita?ion The BtMe of South Carolina, Cmiy of Dillon, By Joo CabeU Darjiy rfobate J Whereas, Ella f. Hayes, has made iuit to me to grant unto her. letters if administration of the estate and iffecta of J. Rich Hayes. These are, therefore, to cite and Ldmonlsh all and singular the kinIred and creditors of the said J. tich Hayes, deceased, that they he * 50-Wtt torUrtlCJjj jomoumb CHRISM BUS1NI Oti*? Phrlatmaa Plnh f? nnt i little friends deposit money; it i want or should want to deposit CUMULATE a nice fat sum wit You can put in $5 a week; ir You can put in $10 a week; i You can put in $20 a week; Don't stop then. Put in FI] week and in 50 weeks accumulate Do this for FIVE YEARS li and see what it will amount to? Put every one of your famil: plans: INCREASING Put In lc. 2c, 5c, or 10c the posit lc, 2c, 5c or 10c each we lc CTub pays $12.75 2c CInb pays $25.50 EVEN AMOnr Put in the SAME AMOUNT 25o Club pays $12.50 50c Clubs pays $26.00 $1.00 Club pays $50.00 $20.00 Club* ] The Bank SAFETY, SERVICE DiD?By Soi mnnHsasaBBBssasBi CARi MIU COM Dillon, - - - LET US GRADE TOUR COTTi dred dollar* Invested in moi Our charge is 20 cents per per hour and return seed c WE ARE TAKING ORDERS 1 Seed Potatoes. Price $1.75 t ford te plant mixed sweet \ n MM ana *V9A' IVHTliniilU feed plants in the Sooth. ' chickens to try Sunny Sout Poultry Mash. Feed our mi BARGAIN SALE?CHOICE ME per bac at mill door. Try i MIX YOUR OWN FERTILIZER ton on your fertiliser bill, will sell you acid phosphat ure a formula and prove t V A<?ee X UU1 3 I Carolim Com > 11 III I y mi * and appear before me In th* Court of Prebate te be beld at Dillon on Moft* fbfl day, February 17th next after pub* ~ M Ilcation hereof, at 11 o'clock In tbe QM forenoon, to show cause, if any they B have, why the aald administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 23n! day of February, Anno Domini, 1921. I JOE CABELL DAVIS, , Judge of Probate, BIB 2 3 2t. Dillon County. ?B ! J UK? * ASOJJBI: sss men ^ nerely a convenience to help our : is for big business men who ., ^ \ money regularly and ac- ? hout ever "feeling" it. x 50 weeks you have $250 \ n 50 weeks you have $500 f _ in 50 weeks you have $1,000 fty or a hundred dollars a , $2,500 or $5,000. ^ et the money stay In our bank -why, it's a FORTUNE. Mk* r in the Club. Read the following m CLUB PLAN W first week. INCREASE your desk. In 50 weeks: 5c Club pays $ 6S.75 10c Club pays $127.50 T CLUB PLAN r each week. In 50 weeks: $2.00 Club pays $100.00 $5.00 Clubs pays $250.0$ $10.00 Club pays $600.oo pays $1,000.00 : of Dillon AND 4 PER CENT ith Carolina ^ ~>UNA S LING ; PANY I : a South Carolina q ?N SEED. WE HAVE SIX HUN- ^ it approved grader on the market. ^ bushel. We can grade 25 bushels { in wagon bringing them. ^ FOR CERTIFIED PORTO RICA ^ or five peck crate. You cannot at- ^ >otatoes for sale. 4 ? I 1 ONE OF THE BEST CM1UHEN ( We wish every one who feeds | h Scratch Feed and Sunny South ^ ish and double egg production. ( Uj FEED, too LB. BAGS, $2.00 . ^ i bag before supply is exhausted. i AND SAVE FULLY $10.00 PER ( Exchange seed for meal. We e and kalnlt on time. Let us fig* ' he saving to you. < ' ~ I o Please, X aMilling party % ' ; I m m