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INI 50c Sox ?ovc 1 III OVERCOATS 2 WI $65.00 Overcoats $45.00 I f 9 1 $62.50 Overcoat ? $45.00 ~ ~ 0?4A AA Wftjj mtoto'* have been refused at greatly reduced prices. ? MEN'S OVERALLS Were $3.50 now ? $2.19 WORK SHIRTS $2.00 Value now ?$1.39 EXTRA SPECIAL Men's Underwear per garment WW f>9c. It's like buvinc before the If war prices. But we don't care. We I let them go cheap at $1.50 per I garment. Sale price 89c I Hand Bags and Suit Cases and I Trunks now on sale at one half I price. [ T1? i. J U i X licit 911UU1U 11J.CLXIW . No approvals. No C. I have nt the space to one customer. ORY M. HERMAN: Th< wipe out every article an - 1 f . . J iL!. L!v Is graae 01 gooas in mis uig I AND NOW FAIR WAF j served by Ory M. Bermai Sale S ELI I n i rr. . 1 _ i rocks of Disaster. An acute com- | mercial Problem Pressing for i immediate solution. Don't stay ? away. Be here or you'll be sorry, g LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! I Most of this vast stock is going | at Half Price. Never was a more Jj SkiWcT fiWTRTSf SHirfs! B $10.00 Shirts now $6.98 $8.00 Shirts now $5.95 $6.00 Shirts now $4.29 $5.50 Shirts now $3.98 $3.50 Shirts now $2.49 $3.00 Shirts now $2.19 $2.00 Shirts now $1.19 $3.50 Grey Wash Shirts ? $2.39 Here is a condition presented within ten days. Here is an opp Seasonable Merchandise, such < or shoddy goods, on sale. Ever joy. We had to raise the hard > Thev are recognized as the leac Price Cutters. This Price Cutte MORNING, FEBRUARY23rd the Sale off. Remember, every of sacrifice. Divorce you wild with joy-Wl O. D., No exc hange* ] to list our varied stock. R. C. TA i Greenville, S. C., Mercanti d item, everything, big and establishment in one big cg tNING, any one caught cop1 D. Itarts We n ui L? JjJ :dnesday Feb. 23 LOIfl JDluuueu. m uti, urcu ^ | WILL SELL IT. I Willi Leave nothing Undone to T Ever Attempted in this Court-1 try. R. C. TA TE, Sales Manager, j that may not be duplicated in years to come, and as a result this stock ortunity tor econonically inclined persons of this section to save dollars in is needed by every human being. Remember, this is a clean, choice ything is up-to-the-minute, and prices have been made that will make cash and we quickly decided to place our stock in the hands of Ory M. ling pi ice cutters and bargain givers in the entire South, so we wired M >r is now in our store ready to hand out these tremendous Bargains . In case we sell the entire stock before the ten days, we reserve the ri$ thing is for sale, nothing held back, nothing reserved?all merchandise PnAlM TU If 11 UHl 1 lit 11 hy? Because you get the alimony and get it now Mo refunds, every sale final. , however we reserve the right to limit the quani TE, Salesmanager for the BERMAN SYN] 1 1 1' 1? 1 axa in rliarrfo nf thlC Rl(f ,S lie Adjuster anu ins ai& m ^n?i6^ wi ~ little; one by one; day by day; bargains after bargains at mplete Merchandising Master stroke, ping this advertisement in whole or in part will be prose dnesday February 23 r TAmn LL1U11 ird 9 a. m. Rain or Shine For TEN Mil II ! ! I? Sale Conducted By | Berman Syndicate Org. M. Berman and R. C. > American Bargain Kings. I of E. T. Elliott, Jr. read it, then | K go inside and you will find out to your advantage who he is and | what he does. Automobile and work gloves at one half price. ! of merchandise must be sold upon dollars on High Grade, , and complete stock, not old your pocket book smile with Berman and his associates, r. Berman for one of his best BEGINNING WEDNESDAY jht to close the doors and call thrown into the ruthless sea igh Pri without waiting. Sto tity of any particular i1 DICATE ale, and have orders to cl ' i A ? JUSt tne lowest pines evei cuted according to law. P rd 9 a. m H T 7 LJl ! DAYS Closes mm CAP VALUES I illflj 55.00 Caps -- $3.39 1111 $3.00 Caps -$2.19 I W1E 19 fifl Pans $1.98 iiaijn EXTRA SPECIAL. |J J 15c Handkerchiefs during sale WW < at 9c |1 The biggest and best assort- 1 ment of ties in town to be sold 1 m regardless of price. The latest shapes and colors now being, worn. i STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN Have you read it all? It's going to happen at Dillon, S. C. Come, be in the line Wednesday, February 23. ices ! p! Look! Listen! If i tem of merchandise ose out, sell out, and * known based on the Ian and all rights reSharp aiLLON, s, G. Sat- Mar, 5! h |J