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HI 4hr?/ # 1 Hands I the 1 Sales Officer J A Cl( (j ft J FREE VI $5.00 Hat for $1.00 H To the first ten men who present this coupon when doors opBen at 9 a. m. Thursday we will give you your choice of any hat up to $5.00 for $1.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR. OO T T_ 7Q UI11UI1 OU1LS, IXUW .? ~ $3.50 Union Suits, now ? $1.98 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Wrights Health Underwear, $5. value, now $3.98 MEN'S SOX $2 00 Silk Snv $1.39 B 51.75 Silk Sox - - $1.19 $1.50 Silk Sox -98c 75c. Lisle 49c 50c Sox - - -39c OVERCOATS Bhave been Refused at greatly reduced prices. ? MEN'S OVERALLS Were $3,50 now ? $2.19 11 WORK SHIRTS | $2.00 Value now -$1-39 || )0f \wici # niHhnr / UU M HI lave Y LOOK! LOOK! LOOK/ Any person coming to this sale on the oldest, worst looking automobile, buggy, horse cart, ox cart or truck bearing sign reading "E. T. ELLIOTT, JR., BIG SALE will be given a $10 hat free on opening day at 3 p. m. Contest open to the world. Get busy; Wake up; Come on! ALL RECORDS SMASHED ? PRICES SHATTERED. A mercantile calamity unequalled in the state of commerce. It's astonishing magni- ' tude force and enormity to stun and strike with amazement the buying public of this community. Thousands of dollars worth of clothing, hats caps and furnishings is literally, truly and honestlv fhrnwn nn the market to be crushed and humbled on the rocks oJ Disaster. An acute commercial Problem Pressing for immediate solution. Don't stay away. Be here or you'll be sorry. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Most of this vast stock is going at Half Price. Never was a more Shirts! SHIRTS! Shirts! $10.00 Shirts now < $6.98 $8.00 Shirts now $5.95 $6.00 Shirts now $4.29 $5.50 Shirts now $3.98 $3.50 Shirts now $2.49 ?3.00 Shirts now ?2.19 $2.00 Shirts now $1.19 $3.50 Grey Wash Shirts ? $2.39 Here is a condition present within tan rfsrvs Hara is nn n "Wll? 'VL'W' -f^ V/\ Worth of Clothing, t fv Drastic Reductions-F XD CUT ON EH I I st of Value our Money an I Greatest Buying Chance I I Ever Presented. I am the | | Ruthless Price Cutter, Sent j here by BERMAN of Green- I ville, S. C., to Clean Dp, I Sell ana get this Stock Out I - - ? rr*w I of the Store. mis is a Cold Blooded Fact, and I WILL SELL IT. I Will I omia nnthina Undone to | LiCUl/^ llUillU 15 wiimum" | M Jk A ^ ^"v ^ ^ ^ ^ A ^ A A. ^ M\ l^h * ?r*4? ^ ^*4^ <iCi V*# 31 ' n J " t- J' w_'.r? I JLVer j\iiempieaministou/i try. I I R. C. TATE9 Sales Manager. | ed that may not be duplicated in years to come, and as a result this stoch nnnrtnnitv tor economically inclined persons of this section to save dollars (ats and Furi igures Never 1 HIRE ! \ii vai d Wait SCORE CLOSED. Store will be closed Monday and Tuesday, February 21st and 22nd to mark down prices and arrange stock for quick and easy inspection. Everything will be marked in plain figures and positively one price will prevail throughout the entire sale. 3 CENTS PER MILE. All out of town customers attending this sale and purchasing as much as $25.00 worth of merchandise in any one day, will receive 3 cents for each mile traveled 40 mile limit. No matter if you come to this sale by train, auto .horse or mule back, walk or fly, you will receive this refund. When making your purchase please make your traveling distance -known to manager in charge. Sale Conducted by | Berman Syndicate I Org. M. Berman and R. C. ! American Bargain Kings. 1 of E. T. Elliott, Jr. read it, then K ? ? ?ii ? i i. V k go inside and you will una out to your advantage who he is and I what he does. I Automobile and work gloves at one half price. : of merchandise must be sold upon dollars on High Grade, listings at 11 Dreamed of H "irrn/il/ U >iuu hi tness! 1 j * II FREE To any customer spending as much as fifty dollars any one day I j during this big sale they will be j given free $5.00 in trade of anything in the store. . jj SWEATER SALE. One Cent. Buy one and we will i give you one for one cent. I Make sure you are at the right . j Jj nlace. Watch for the signs. X _ HAT VALUES , 1 $2.50 Hats now ? $1.79 I $4.00 Hats now $2.98. , f $5.00 Hats now $3.98 -j $6.50 Hats now $4.98 j $8.50 Hats now $5.98 ] $30.00 Hats now $6.98 j $11.00 Hats now $7.98 1 $12.00 Hats now $8.98 j Velour Hats, limited quantity, 3 $10.00 to $20.00 at one half price j CAP VALUES fl W ed to the limit. ** I ] You had better come than to f wish you had. |1 | I EXTRA SPECIAL. | | I 15c Handkerchiefs during sale m at - - 9c | The biggest and best assort- IFe l ment of ties in town to be sold I ft ft I