University of South Carolina Libraries
' / ???? eeeeeeeeeeeeseeeee FBBSON&L MENTION Mix Mantha Floyd of Fairmont is visiting Mrs. J. C. Lupo this week. E. <*. Smith spent Sunday in Gibson, N. C., with relatiTes. Jfci Miss Loulso KogerB of Fork is visiting Mrs. A. C. Rogers. Sammle Williams spent Tuesday in Florence. Mrs. J. P. White is spending this aalr arUh .? P)l? Miss Helen David of Savannah, Ga., is at home for a month. Monroe Johnson of Marion was in town last Thursday on business. Mrs. C. L. Wheeler is visiting relatives in Darlington this week. H. B. Robie of New York spent Sunday in Dillon. W. W. Thompson spent Sunday in Rockingham, N. C., with his sister. Mrs. Dora Hamilton of Clio was in town Tuesday. . E. L. Moore spent Monday in Florence on business. Messrs. A. Blumberg ond Ike Iseman KDent Sundav in Charleston. J. C. Henegan, Jr., left Wednesday morning for Sellers on a short busines8 trip. Mrs. E. L. Burney spent several , days the past week in Bennettsville 4 with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Alford and Miss| C. B. MeLeod spent Sunday in Hasty,! . c. ?o? Mrs. Jack Watson has returned from a trip to New York where she has been purchasing her spring stock. Miss Edna David who has a position in Florence, spent the week end with her parents. S. W. Jackson spent a few days .in Columbia last week with his daugh ter, Mrs. J. F. DeWitte. R. L. Lane, who has been visiting his uncle, Mr. R. M. Gaddy of Chatham, Va., is in town for a few days. Worth McKfnley and Walter Barefoot motored to Bennettaville Sunday. Miss Cordie Gibson of Centenary spent the week end in. Dillon with relatives and friends. Mis. Ralph Jackson has returned to her home in Tryon, N. C., after a visit to Mrs. W. V. Jones. Miss Lacey Jackson was the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. H. Turner, of Hamlet, N. C., for the week end. Miss Columbia Rowland spent the week end in Darlington with her sister, Mrs. P. P. Philips. Mrs. Luther Bailey, who underwent an operation at McLeod's Infirmary, Florence, last week is reported as < improving rapidly. Miss Chappell, a former teacher in the Dillon graded school, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Niernsie. Mrs. R. C. Couch has returned from a visit to Lynchburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Couch have moved into the house occupied by Mrs. Harrelson. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will hold its regular meeting Friday afternoon at 4:00 .o'clock at the church. J. D. Haselden, who has been spending somh time with relatives and friends in this section, returned to Detroit, Mich. Monday night. He is pmnlovpd ther*? hv a lnrce antrmnhilo manufacturing concern. ?o Miss Lillian Powell left last week for New 'fork, where she is purchasing the spring slock of dry goods and ready to wear for the Jones Dry Goods Co. ?o ? J. Hampton Manning has disposed of his interest in the Dixieland Roamers with headquarters in Columbia, and returned to Dillon. John Sellers, who was reported last week as having disappeared with a Ford Bedan used by W. B. Sanders in the transfer service, turned up last Thursday with the car. Sellers left Dillon on the previous Saturday night to take a couple of men to Latta. After reaching Latta the passengers decided to go on down to Horry county. When they reached a point in Horry somewhere below Conway the Ford brokn down and the negro had to wait until parts could be secured. He did not inform Mr. Sanders of his whereabouts and Mr. 3anders became suspicious and began a search for the car. While walking home the other S night, Mr. Pierce Rogers, freight agent at?the Coast Line, felt hig arm begin to twitch and draw and by the time he reached his home the limb had drawn up until his hand was almost even with the top of his head. Mr. Rogers left next morning for the Florence Infirmary and upon his arrival there Dr. McLeod put him under the influence of ether and succeeded in restoring the arm to its normal position by standing upon it. Mr. Rogers was thrown by a mule when he was quite a small boy, and it is thought that h*s peculiar affile- 1 tion was the result of this accident of his youthful days. He has regained the full use of the arm. THE DELL4 Services At Thu Methodist Church. Main Street Methodist Church, Dr. Watson B. Duncan, Pastor. Sunday School at 10 A. M.. Mr. W. H. Muller, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. by the Paator. Morning Subject: "The Divine Call To Service." Evening Subject: "Restoration And Service." Prayer Services on Wednesday at 4 r. m. Public cordially invited to all services. The Pastor requests all young people between and 9 and 15 years of age to meet at the Church on Sunday at 4 P. M. for the purpose of: forming a Junior Epworth League. This meeting will be addressed by Miss Gertrude Manning, of Latta. si sua? 51 51 51 51 51 + ? L 51 si L. 51 IRE i t a 1 Iar ^ a lon.Sc H ? m tellyo a i. | andisi -H _ ? ? | until \ I sold a H | TWO '1 1 I J m J ? Se, ? . _ |i wh I e. is I am lea is is cannot a ? ? is tor my s is is ordinary a but like a . , a tng, shot a will pay a , IS goods. ffl a a ^ a -" IS is s ? I Early si the picki SI IS EBIS IS IS IS E Mf HERALD, DILLON, SOUTH Ci Mrs. Rogers Entertains. Mrs. J. Monroe Rogers was the charming hostess to the Woman's Club on Monday afternoon. A number of guests shared the pleasures of the occasion with the members. The rooms were attractive with pot plants and cut fiowers. After a number of games of progressive rook were enjoyed the hostesg assisted by her daughter. Miss Beatrice Rogers.-Mrs. G. H. Bell and Mrs. J. M. Sprunt served a delicious salad course with coffee. NOTICE. Take notice that the Spring Term Court of General Sessions will convene at Dillon, S. C., on Monday the 21st day cf February, 1921, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Rom "Vfr?T Qiirin 2 3 4t. c. c7c. p.Vq's! ?fflffl?ffl??ffl?ffl? EXTR iWEEj lore Co n not goin{ j list of pr\ u that Imt I i ana roi it is redua it and belo REASONS cor [ Nee< my stock is too xpected and I a ving now in a h dford to pack a pring goods. T ' conditions I w everybody else is, dress goods, you to visit my ixznT; V V JLJLJLJ DILI buyers alway, ing is good. LROLUfA, THURSDAY MAKE YOUR TAX RETURNS. If you fail to make your tax returns by February 20th you are liable to a penalty of 50 per cent. Auditor Allen has given ample notice of the time in which returns must be raid, and if you neglect to make your return he says he will have to en force the law without fear or faver. You have only a few days in which to make your return and the safest plan is to do it to-day. PALMAFESTA Palmetto State Festival * Columbia March 28 to April 2 * 3-17-lt. *** **** * * ** H??ffl??????? \ A! E A PING ads Thi g to take t ices, but 1 ist move m ? ?J nit; #it: a >c/, goods i w cost. npe/ me fo ma/ 1 .1 1 the large. The fc im carrying 6v ew days to buy iway winter me his is a frank, c ould not offer I must take my undewear or c store while I a\ ? lam LONy South Cc s get the best. ss??H??a?H?I It costs more to send a bale of goods by truck across Manhattan than to ship the same bale from New York to Buenos Aires. Drag Saws at As long as our Type "W" Drg Si Bosch Magneto and Lever Contrc 1921, we will make a special pri on these machines, which means Columbia Sup 82? WEST GERVAIS ST. ? s a is e is ? a s i :tra! PRIC II 0 ft in Mone ip your tin merely u y stock of t thirty d \ m n my store ze these reducti ^Mone< ill business has er tnn much mt spring merchcii rchandise to m \andid statemen ny goods at a ' loss. It you inything else in m slashing pria I Bricl i rolina gy /i //i *-? S- < ? A ^ 3C7Ci.ui/iid* W/li Herald Publishing Company, SBB 5151? 51 IMSSiE | - 4 Sixty per cent of the normal freight carried by all the railroads ef tha United States consistg of th^ total products of the mines. " ! 1.1 Special Prices iws, which are equipped with >1, last and until February 16th, ce f. o. b. Columbia of 1150.00 a yrr rent cut. ply Company COLUMBIA, 8. C. 11 HI a 51 IS IS SHIS ffl ? 111 D E? ffl I H m a a i v H f ? a 1 a a ie u;if/i I a >ant to I (?1 merch- 1 1 ? ays or | will be l s IS 51 ons: First, | a a y? ? ? j not - been ? ? zrchandise ? a ndise and I ? ? ?> ake room |j t. Under ? sacrifice, ? 7 is teec1 cloth- ? my line it ? 2s on these |j is IZI LZJ IS IS f ffl ffl ' IS m . ? >me while ? ffl 1 Dillon, S. C. IB i SIS BE IS IS IS IB IS IS