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PERSONAL MENTION V , *! Mias Bllen White spint Saturday with Mv*< John R. Watson. Miss Bertha Moore of Hamer spent, the week, end with Mrs. S. P. Melvln. Will Melvln spent a few days this week in Charlotte. N. C. Mrs. Ola McNair and Mrs. John ' v Diebler spent Tuesday in Columbia. Mrs. Plerce Rogers is home after spending a few days in Camden. J. F. Thompson spent Tuesday in' Columbia on business. Smyth Stubbs spent a few days thi8 week in Chester. W. H. Muller spent Monday in Florence on nrofemiionel hiinlnenct Mr. Ralph Jackson of Tryon, N. C., la the guest of Mrs. W. V. Jones. A. V. Bethea Is In Columbia this week on business. Mrs. A. B. Welch Bpent Tuesday in McColl with relatives. Miss Ellen Anderson of Florida Is the guest of the Misses Braddy. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jackson spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rogers. Mrs. Chandler of Mayesvllle, S. C., Is visiting her son. Rev. W. B. S. Chandler, this week. o? James LeGette of Washington, D. C., is spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. LeGette. / Horace Bethea spent the week end ,/ in town with his mother, Mrs. M. G. ' Bethea. The Woman's Club met at the res- | dence of Mrs. W. V. JoneB Monday afternoon. Mlss Ellen Anderson of NinetySix spent the week end with Misses Eulah and Beulah Braddy. Mrs. B. Morgan of Mullins spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Hamilton. Mrs. B. G. Doggett, who was called to Shelby, N. C., on account of the death of her brother, has returned home. There was a meeting of the Cotton Association Monday night at Dothan. Miss Irwin gave *n able addresg ana secured from the farmers present a promise of a 40 per cent reduction in cotton acreage. * V.StlV' K NO CASE AGAINST MR. BENFIELD J. B. Gibson, Esq^is in receipt of! loivci iiuui ?i. w. waring, assistant U. S. attorney, stating that the case against Mr. B. B. Hen field in connection with misappropriation of funds, at the local postoffice had been withdrawn. At th fall term of the federal court at Columbia the grand jury returned a bill against Mr. Benfield -charging him as an accessory to the thefts. Mr. Benfield was not called to trial and last week Mr. J. B. Gibson, Mr. Benfield's attorney, received the v' following letter from Mr. Waring: ""Refering to the case agalnBt B. B. *4 Benfield, I desire to informn yeu that a nol pros has been entered and the case thus ended against Mr. Benfield." Mor? than a year ago $3000 consigned to a local bank disappeared from a mail sack thrown from a train after postoffice hours. The custom is ( to keep the sacks in the depot until | next morning when they are delivered to the postoffice. Mr. Benfield was night operator at the depot and for some reason susniHnn BHachoH him. There was no evidence to show that the money was in the mail sack when it was thrown from the train or no other evidence that in any way connected Mr. Benfield with the disappearance of the package. The grand Jury, however, at the fall term of the federal court returned a bill against Mr. Benfield and Mr. Benfield had no knowledge that he was even under suspicion until he saw the article in the paper. He went to Columbia immediately end asked for a trial but failed to obtain it. Later he took steps to bring the matter to a head and last week the district attorney had the case stricken from the docket. Mr. Benfield was never arrested nor was he asked to give bond. o SATURDAY NIGHT FIRE. 1 ? Fire was discovered In a cotton seed storage warehouse at the Carolina Milling Company?B plant Sat1 urday night, and although the fire department responded promptly, the I seed and warehouse were damaged to the amount of $2000 before the fire , could b? extinguished. The deportment did splendid work, and the I flames were under control in a short while after th? fire fighters arrived on the scene. The origin-of the fire Is unknown, but Mr. Stead Stackhouse thinks a tramp is responsible 1 for It. Mr. Staekhous? was returning i irom rayeuevuie Saturday morning ' J and picked up a tramp who was eom? >; 1 ln* south. He gare the fellow a lift I x to Dillon and also money to buy a meal after they arrived in town. Lat-, I er In the evening the tramp asked Mr. Stackhous* If he knew where he | could find a place to sleep that night. Mr. Stackhouse told him he did not. ) and then the fellow asked if they had a night watchman. Mr. Stackhouse . told him they did net. and it is presumed that the WtWw went into the . eeed house to sleep and while smoking dropped ashes on the seed. The loss is pgr47 c$vered by insurance. we w ? j fBI DILLOff II ?BBS . . Mi | SWIPED TWO BALES. I Henry Coleman, colored. Is In the county jail charged with having stoll#n two bales of cotton from a Mr.' lioody near Kemper. Henry admits I stealing the cotton but says he does not know from whom he stole it. "De 'cotton wuz Jist lyin' round," says Henry, 'and' as nobody else seemed ter want it, I jist tuk It up an' haul-' ed it erway," continued the darkey. ! o Officers Capture Stills. Sheriff Bethea and Rural Policeman John McCracken captured two. stills last week. One was being oper-! atd by Sun Starling on the Brooks Hamer place and the other by Ang McRae on the R. H. Webster place. The stills wvre made out of lard cans and the product was of a very) Inferior quality. A quantity of mash was found at both stills. J. RICH HAYES PASSES. J. Rich Hayes died at his home near | Maliory last Friday after an illness of several years. Mr. Hayes was one' of the best known citizens of the' Kirby section. He was active in the social, religious and political life of his community and his name is in-! delibly linked with the public affairs' of the Kirby section. He had served in various capacities, having been magistrate and school trustee for a number of years, and was one of the commissioners that had in charge the organization of the machinery of the | new county of Dillon and the erection of the public buildings. The interment was made at Bethesda Methodist church cemetery, Mr. Hayes having been a life long member of this church. He is survived by his wife , and several sons and daughters. o MALLORY. Mrs. Mary Wilkes died on Sunday mnrnlnor of V* r* K .fj UI, I.UC 11U111C UL uor BUI1, w. M. Wilkes and was buried on Monday at Brownsville Baptist church. Death was the result of burns received Thursday when a rug on which she sat caught fire and set her clothiing burning before assistance arrived. Her son W. M. Wilkes burned his own hands seriously while extinguishing the flames. Mrs. Wilkes was probably the oldest person in the community being more than ninetyyears old. She was the widow of James Wilkes who died several years ago. She is survived by five sons, Alexander, Thomas, James, William, and Frank, the oldest of tjiem is 72. o Mother's Club Meeting. Mrs. W. V. Jones and Mrs. William Murchison were the charming hostesses of the Twentieth Century Mothers Club on Friday afternoon the twenty-eight. The membership wag well represented, there being about twenty-five members present. After a brief business session, an unusually Interesting and instructive program waa conducted by Mrs. | Jones. | The program being as follows: The Health of the Child by Mrs. L. | Cottingham. Faulty Positions, by Mrs. Leroy WllI liams. I The Care o f the Teeth, Mrs. William | Murchison. Outdoor Exercise, Mrs. Jewel McLaurln . The Influence of Training on Mind and Morals, Mrs. Capers Braddy. A talk on the Physical Development of the Child was given by Miss McLeod. At the conclusion of the program the hostesses served delicious refreshments; and the club adjourned to meet at the home of Mrs. John Hargrove with Mrs. J. D. Hargrove as leader on Feb. 25th. Reporter. Special "MADE AND FEMALE" Everybody's Monday, February 7th. | Admission - - 25 and 5f>c. * ^ oaiiic uiu Same Royster1 TNAOI ? f<C J. ? HtOl? ISo come rigl what grade you much you want have it at contra on, Boys, and gel Your I BRA IMTjgMVp?BALD, DILLON, IOCTI CAJtOLDf Dillon Boys Join Annj. The following Dillon boys have joined the army In the last few days through the recruiting station at Florence: Ell T. Brltt, Ernest Harper, Coy F. Powers and David Brumbies. g Prof. Roberts Goes to Epmrorth. I, At a meeting of the executive board of Epworth Orphanage held at Columbia last Saturday, Prof. W. D. Roberts, superintendent of the Dillon schools, was elected to succeed Rev. T. C. O'Dell e8 superintendent of the orphAage. The trustees were aware of Af. Roberts' intention to give up school work at the close of the present term, but the announcement came as a surprise to the patrons of the school. Mr. Roberts came to Dillon from Clio two yearg ago and fyas greatly endeared himself to the people of the community. He is one of the ablest teachers in the state and has raised the Dillon schools to a very high standard. The patrons of the school are delighted with hi8 work, and while his elevation to the superintendency of Epworth is an honor of which his many friends are justly proud, yet there is a general feeling of regret over the fact that in hiB going the fehools, as well as the social and religious life of the community, will suffer a distinct loss. Mr. Roberts will, of course, remain as the head of tho schools until the present school term closes in June. o Services at The Methodist Church. Main Street Methodist Church, Dr. Watson B. Duncan, Pastor. Sunday School at 10 A. M., Mr. W. IT XT , 11 c 1 ? . ' ??. ukuiKi, ouiioruuenufni. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. by the Pastor. Morning Subject: "Cod's Plan For Making A Man." Evening Subject: "The Great Refusal." The evening sermon will be a sequel to that of the morning and will deal with the man who refused God's plan. Prayer Service on Wednesday at 4 P. M. Public cordially invited to all services. o K. OF P. MEETING. All members of Dillon Lodge No. 54 K. of P. are urged to meet at the hall tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the first degree. Be sure and come. C. S. Herring. C. C. o Sixty per cent of the world's output of copper is controlled by the United States. District Court of the United St ttee Eastern District of South Carolina in Bankruptcy In the Matter of W. C. Parham, Bankrupt. To the Creditors of the said W. C. Parham, in the County of Dillon, and District aforesaid, Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of January, A. D., 1921, the said W. C. Parham was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of Gibson & Muller, attorneys at Dillon, S. C., on the 10th da y of February, A. D., 1921 at 12 o'clock noon; at which time the said creditors may attend, prov6 their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such othpr hliplnaoo on * - ? uvbb c*t> rnaj piuycn; curne Defore said meeting. Notice is further given that at this meeting the sale of the personal property, fixtures, stock in trade, choses in action, etc., will be considered without further notice to creditors. Claims must be field in the manner and f orm required by the rules of the supreme court. ROBERT J. KIRK, Referee in Bankruptcy Florence, S. C., January .29, 1921. *#**** **?>** **** Special "MALE AND FEMALE" * Everybody's Monday, February 7th. * Admission 25 and 190c. * * *** ***** ??** * ) Sin Stand Old Brand s Guano I HAMK g K . TnT TIW. it oh and tell me 1 I nam aiiu now , and you shall ct prices. Come : the best from 7riend, DDY i t _ , . , . ^ , I r ? ? A, THURSDAY MORNING, FKBRUA ' WHEN Vol IJGHT YOUR CIGAR after finishing your dinner at this restaurant you will have the memory of one of the finest meals you ever ate. You remember each dish with special pleasure and resolves to come again and again. That's the sort of diuner wo servo nil iii? time. Prove it for yourself by eating here to-day. PALMETTO CAFE. IHollyWi Tatx FUNERAL WORK A SPECIALTY To the people of Dillc (The Hollywood Greenh you need anything in our reaches Dillon in a very deliver by automobile at We carry roses, cai lets and all flowers in se Our Spring Flower ? of our Spring business a will drive up to "Hollwv We will have a lovel before sending your ordt write us. You will find o and we have specimen p Our Wedding and Fi gladly call on you with j work will look when fin We do decorating ii When you have to " Holt Telephone No. 2312, I " ^ IHflHMBBBHHHNHHHHHHHflUHHMHBHfeHHI I Renei 5 Look M , w coupons hav f us and we1 E3 get your ne ? We offer thi ri, O- /-J.? jjj oaiviy, ? m m m m m m m f 'V I ht s. ini. The man who goes to a money shark to raise the wind pays dearly tor his whistle. o No maD is so powerful that some weak woman caTot put her foot on his neck. I NACY'S EXPOS Un Third Ave Dillon and M Starting Thurs. Ft Ocean Waves, Sid ret, Music, Dancii EVERYBODY ood Green lrn, South Caro ANNOUNCEMENT ? >n County and surrounding to \ nn~4- ? o r* 1 luuoci),/ Ui Xdt.ilil, O. Vj. Will D< line. The S. A. L. leaves McC short time, but in cases of ru ; actual cost of trip. 'nations, sweet peas, lilies, cU iason. Show7 will be announced later ^ .nd it is hoped that a great n vood" and attend, y display of Spring plants fo Br away to a distant florist oi ur prices exactly the same foi lants that we sell for immedi iineral work if of the highest album of photographs showin ished. a Homes, Churches and Hote SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" ywood Greenho McColl, 8. C. Mr* IOODY DRUG CO., AGENT -SHa is a a ffi-aw Your 1 up your bonds and e been clipped turn thi will be glad to send tl w bonds with all coupoi s service free. Bank of [ Service and 4 Pp. IB ffl ffl HB (B OH ffi 1 ? . , ? StttcUl . l * "MALE AND FEMALE" * Everybody'* p * Monday, February 7th. * Admission - - 80 and flOc. * * * Hi JTION SHOWS nue between [aple Mills i i << /\ ? eD. vjra, iu days I le Shows, Caba- I ig, Free Acts. I WELCOME | ihouses I lina I DESIGNS FOR I fnninn* pabtiec i uwtnuw uuvi i ni\ i ii/j I wns and Country: ?We 11 e glad to serve you when 11 'oil in the mornings and ! E sh orders of any size we II lisies, snapdragons, vio- i vhich will be the opening j 1 lany from this section ? r bedding and pots, and I r nursery please call or I r sizes quoted in catalogs I ate effects. i type of excellence. We | g just what your weddin 11 Is for all occasions. j call or write I uses, \ i. Alex Stnnton, Prop. S a I -b-b-b a is-a-^ dan/1a ^ uuiiua 4 [ ] if all the 5 em over to I - ? ? ffl Item in and Eg ns attached. T T E3 E3 E3 E3 E3 llllnn I w IIIUII C3 r Cent jjj] E3 V g-gj-jg gj 3DMMBB