Dixit Fabricated Bungalowa gii own coar. substantial, endurab Four wall-layer construction wl lnanlation against Summer beat Bhlfptd In eaay-to-bandle aectk man, by plana we furnish. Wt for Dixie Fabricated Bungalov DIXIE HOUSE CBABLBSTO Tito far dhr> 3?S ruh Ml Omm ih?a Aaa I B j Hemoi U Qne of the trQul | effects of contin f hemorrhoids, or | 8 Nujol relieves cons I * new method. Withe I it softens the food y\ 1 many tiny muscles 2 testines, contracting normal way, to sqi along and out of the It is absolutely har take. Try it. Nu S v ' ?. i o. u . * For Com. I The Modern Method of liK =========== A4t J A w I / iffk {Again we ap their confidence Our busines any volume of b a in our line but w | trip. We bought a % for delivery, pri< A J 1 T come to us ana > % If you are ir "SMILE." * With best w I % &&&&&&&&&&&&*< \\u\um uAMHbflLljAi re every man a chance to own hla le, weather-proof, enjoyable home. Ith dead air apace between effect* and Winter cold. m*?quickly erected by any handy tat you save In rent will soon pay v. COMPANY - , iuBBBaHneeaaBB**8syil^| rrhoids t >lesome and painful ued constipation is piles. tipation by an entirely >ut forcing or irritating, raste. This enables the in the walls of the in* and expanding in their ueeze the food waste system. mless and pleasant to jol PAT OM. stipation Trailing an AS. BUGGIE! ?pear before the go< by fair dealings w GOOi s from Dillon Coun usiness that may c< rhat you found a go / i train load of wago :es now are much 1 'ou will see the difJ i need of a good Bu ishes for your pros JA< $ A^4 4^4 4^4 WANTED ? YOUNG PEOPLE TO| | prepare for stenographic and bookkeeping work. We average filling one vacancy out of four in our employment bureau at salaries ranging from $85 to $175 per month. Prepare yourself for one of the un| filled positions. For full informa| tion, write Draughton's Columbia, I S. C. We guarantee positions. ?It. Neal & Dixon Bros, paid out nearly fifty thousand dollars Monday for I tobacco sold on their warehouse floor. If anybody can beat Neal & Dixon Bros.-selling tobacco* they will have . to be made of something besides I: clay.?It. i ! FOB SALE?Xew Ford Touring cars, with and without starters. L. L. I McLaurin, McColl, S. C. Phone 58 Yours truly, L. L. McLaurin. 19 2t. J. G. HALL THREW ; BECAUSE HE DID TER TAKING RE-CD FOR SEVEN YEARS! WITHOl) Th manufacturers of Re-Cu-Ma do not claim that it will work miracles but here is a case where it actually put a man on his feet again after seven years' use of crutches. Everyone in Bellair, Florida, knows J. G. Hall and everyone has confidence in what he savs. Many of his towns-people were witnesses of his act of throwing away his crutches after having taken seven bottles of Re-Cu-Ma. Mr. Hall on his crutches has been a familiar sight to his friends; he was almost bent double; in fact, he was so badly crippled with rheumatism that even some of his joints were dislocated and of course he suffered agony at all times, no relief at any time. Mr. Hall was thoroughly discouraged and felt that he would never be able to get around again like other men; he had spent a small fortune with doctors in many ^ places, but without avail. He took one bottle and saw some help and was encouraged enough to take more and onw, after tilting seven bottles he feels practically ciired. He has gained 32 pounds in weight and is able to work hard every day. He is employed as night watchman at the world famous Bellair hotel and takes an active interest in Masonic and church work. n t 5, WAC GREETINGS TO E )d people of Dillon C ith them in the past. OS WELL BOl ty last year was mos j . i sme to us tnis year, od, clean stock to se TRAIN LOAD ns early in the Sprin ligher. We will be 1 ference in buying. BUGGIES Ah ggy and set of Harn perity, I am Yours >. o. E BENNETTSV Three hundred million bushels o wheat will be harvested by Canadiai western farmers, believes D. C. Cole man, vice president of the Canadiai Pacific Railway's western division. n nDin k GOOD FARM iLUKlUA LAXD?fflOH 1 UUHlUtt ROLLING and , HEALTHY. Good Roads, Goods Schools, and Good Neighbors' in Red Clay Section of North Florida, adapted to general farming, cattle and hog raising; any size farm $20 to $50 per acre For information write, JOHN PISCO MONTIGELLO, FLU AWAY HIS CRUTCHES NOT NEED THEN AF -MA. HE COULD NOT WALK fT THEM Mr. Hall's remarkable cure should b a beacon of hope to others who ar similarly afflicted, for we naturall; feel that Re-Cu-Ma can do as mucl for other sufferers. Try it today?w sell it on te guarantee that your mon ey will be refunded if you do no feel benefited after taking It fou days. It sells for $1.20 plus war ta and can be had at Evans Pharmacj and all drug stores. e. o. 3RE1 ULLON COUNTY: ounty for business JGHT HALF st satisfactory and Remember that y lect from and pric( (IF WACOM ig and have them n headquarters for v | D HARNESS ess, we have thei truly, ;reee ILLE, S. C. J m J Lui I We have ar I the most com ( dressed lumbei I ever carried in I We will speciali I Fine Grain He; ( 1.1.16 " and 1 51 floors. .1 We can tak I prpmpt shipme I eries. Solid or I* will pay you t on pine lumber SHN We handle i best grades. In i PORTLAN LIME, BRIC1 GALVANIZ] LA 1 j Prompt Dei Iwh 8ENNE1T-HEDE CLIO, SOUT EDET URNESS I in our line and trus SOLD we have prepared o ou have never conn is that paid you we s 4 1 ow stored in our w; wagons this Fall, < i m and prices that )EN nter i i ranged to put in I iplete stock of 1 ^ r and mouldings | Marlboro County. | ze on Long Leaf ( art Rift Flooring 1 1-16 " for norch 1 ? ' . - T 7 m * e orders now for ( nt or later deliv- C * mixed cars. It ? ? o get our prices fc or oak flooring. 1 IGLES. 1 5 in 16 " and 18" I stock all the time. ( D CEMENT ! ; EC, PLASTER, I ED ROOFING, I THS ' I liveries A- I i ere. I IPETH (MH ' H CAROLINA. I ' r ?????? ??? ? jjRL I A % st that we merit ' 1 i urselves for most ? 2 to us for goods % 11 for making the i < ? T i Y arehouses, ready ? Get prices, then ? A f X X f will make you \ f f ' t X X f 5 t t Y I* v