% I Watch Label on Your Paper I /TTI^-a 79.1 I 1 I N | The Date on U?e Labelis the [ V 1 I sjrui s"teri,uon 13UUIU lag' p-'* " * i *8^ ESTABLISHED 1894. THE DILLON HERALD, DILLON SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 6. 1920. VOL. 24. NO. 85. ? COUNTY NEWS AND HAPPENINGS NEWSY LETTERS BY REGULAR CORRESPONDENTS. E; . News Itenii of Interest to Herald I Readers Ebb and Flow of the Human Tide. OAK GROVE. Mrs. Tracey E. Fore, Mrs. W. H. Fore and Miss Claire Fore attended the meeting of the Federation of Women's Clubs at Fork last Saturday. Mrs. L. T. Philips after attending ' 4V" nrnmon i? Micdinnarv SocietV " jA LUC f T umvu 0 ? . V meeting held at Bennettsville last week, visited friends in Brownsville and this section before returning to her home at Rowesville The brick for the foundation of the Ni new Methodist church to be erected &. here has arrived, and as soon as the / framing can be secured, work will be started on the building. A great many farmers in this section bad to plant their cotton over again. Generally speaking, the stands are the poorest so far, in years. Corn is backward, but the oat xr^p is very promising. The Oak Grove school will close next Friday, May the 7 th. | o FORK. L Mrs. Blank of Brook Neal, Va., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Taylor. Mrs T. W. Carmichael and chilJ-? """lonil orient lent U'ppk here Ui VII U1 UU n iuiiu with relatives. Mr. J. W. Atkinson, J. W. Jr., and Aubrey Keith of Southern Pines, N. C., are spending a few days here. Mrs. /Mary Rogers is- spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. ?11 Jones of Nichols. Mrs. McLaurin and children of Hope Mills are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Frank Berry of Orangeburg spent several days with Mrs. Frank Rogers last week. Commencement exercises will be held in the school auditorium Friday evening. The public is invited to attend. o LAKE VIEW. BR Miss Louise Culbreth of St. Paul, IB**. C., spent the week-end with Mrs. j g^BJ. B. Arnette. Mrs. Lola Bracey and two children Mr. John Bracey and Miss Ino of Fairmont spent Sunday in town. Misses Ellen White and Alma W- Goodyear spent the week-end in I Dillon with Mr. and Mrs. Jack WatV son. l Mr J. B. Arnette is spending a L few days in Charleston this week on business. f Mr. and Mre- J- G. Regan of Gaddy's Mill visited relatives in town Sunday afternoon. Mr* D. Leon McCormac spent Friday and Saturday in Marlon on business. The Lake View High school will close May 7. There will be exercises Thursday and Friday nights, beginning at 8 o'clock. A lively interest was shown here in the Overall Club which was organised last week'. Quite a few of our prominent citxens appeared on the streets and at church in the blue jeans, Sunday. Mr. A, P. Hayes is spending a few days with his sister at Conway, j * S. 0. ' Rev. Mr. Housell, formerly of Lexington, Va., preached at the Bapb tint church Sunday morning and night. A call has been extended to Mr. Housell but it is not known whether he will accept. The protracted meeting held at i Kemper last week closed Sunday night. There was much Interest | ' manifested and quite a number of conversions. LATTA. Mrs..Oliver of Murrel's Inlet is visiting her sister, Mrs. Gordon Vereen. . Rev. E. C. Bailey of Edgefield visited friends in town Friday. Mr. A. M. Odum of Blenhein spent Thursday in town. Miss Agnes Davis of Elberry was in town Saturday. Mr. Howard Bass has been very sick but is better at this writing. Mr. Albert Allen and children of Columbia spent Sunday here with his brother, Charley Allen. Miss Emma Bass, who has been teaching at Cowards, is at home for a vacation. Charley Myers and family of Little KOCK spent ouuutty uwe mm mo father, B. H. Myers. Mrs. Will Reynolds of Hillsboro, N. C., is visiting relatives in town. Mr. Paul Allen of Montgomery, Ala., spent several days here last week with his mother, Mrs. Elmore Allen. # Mrs. Otis Armstrong has returned from Honea Path, where she has been visiting relatives. Mr. Dal Bethea and little son Bil\ He, left Saturday night for Atlanta, Ga. Miss Cora Conner of Timmons ville is visiting her sister here, Mrs. J. H. Graves. Mrs. Dunn of Rocky Mount isvisitlng her son here, Rev. H. C. Dunn. The Sunday school convention held here last week was well represented from all parts of the country. Dewey Freeman left Saturday for Florence Infirmary for treatment. Miss Irma Reduce of Chicago was in town today on business. Mrs Ed Edwards of Charlotte, N. C., is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Brown. | COUNTY FAIR MEETING. On Monday afternoon the stockholders of the Dillon County Fair Association held a meeting at the Courthouse and elected officers tc take charge of and run the fair foi ! this year. A large number was pres ant and a splendid spirit of enthusiasm was manifested by all present and if the people of the County will ' give their moral support and assist 'the officers elected, Dillon County will have a fair this fall second tc none in the state. The Fair will be held on the 19th ,20th and 21st of October, the week ! proceeding the Columbia Fair. A contract has already been made with 'the Grouse Greater Shows, one ol the leading carnivals, and Dillon was fortunate in getting the same con'tract that the State Fair has with ! this company. There will.be races each day during the fair and either Friday or Saturday will be turned over to the colored people. The Constitution and By-Laws ol j the Association were read and ap proved by the stockholders. ThereI after the stockholders elected the .following directors: W. B. Stackhouse, J. B. Gibson, E. | T. Elliott, R. S. Rogers, J. H. David, I A. V. Bethea, J. W. Hamer, A. B. Jordan, John W. McKay, R. M. Oliver, J. D. Manning, R. J. Dew, J. K. Cottingham, E. R. Ellerbe, J. C. Davis, N. N. Schofleld, A P. Bethea W. W. Evans and Jenks McQueen.' After the election of Directors, the Directors then held a meeting and elected the following officers and I the following committees wefe appointed: I A. V. Bethea, President; John W. jMcKay, lBt Vice Pres.; R. J. Dew, 12nd Vice Pres.; A. P. Bethea, Secretary and Treasurer. ' * EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: J. B. Gibson, J. D. Manning, Dr. J. H. David, J. C. Davis and Jenks McQueen. FINANCE COMMITTEE: J. W. Hamer, W. B. Stackhouse, A. V. BetV?I? Q "P ncroro onH P. T* Plllntt FAIR GROUND COMMITTEE: John W. McKay 4 S. W. Epps and J. C. Davis. COMMITTEE TO HIRE A SUITABLE FAIR SECRETARY: A. V. Bethea, J. D. Manning, J. B. Gibson, and J C. Davis. PRiNTING COMMITTEE: J C. Davis, A. P. Bethea, and J. D. Manning. FARM PRODUCTS COMMITTEE: Walter Arnette, S. W. Grantham; W. W. Evans D. B. Mclnnis, M. S. Britt, L 6. Braddy, S. W. Epps and T. L. Manning. ADVERTISING COMMITTEE: A. B. Jordan, L. Cottingham, J. B. Gibson and A. P. Bethea. RACING COMMITTEE: J. W. Hamer, E. T Elliot, J. B. Gibson and A. P. Bethea Secy. BUREAU 6F INFORMATION: A. P. Bethea, L. Cottingham, and A. B. Jordan. o RACING NEWS. i During the past week horses have been working well at the track here, and from reports received from the other three tracks in the county the horses at these tracks have likewise been working satisfactorily and some fast work-outs have been shown. Great enthusiasm prevails among the owners and their friends, and all the racing fans will be here on Thursia Thoro ia nn mioetion UUJ IVIO td ( VU, A MVi V *W UV \}UVwv?? about having horses here to fill the races. The only fear we have is that they will be too crowded, each race will undoubtedly have seven or more entries in it# The management expects to turn off these races fast and only ten minutes will be allowed between each heat and the spectators will not be required to suffer the delay which has prevailed at our races in the past. If the horse is not out in ten minutes after the last heat closes the race will be started without such horse going. Another feature that will cause great interest in these races is that practically all of the horses will bfe driven by their owners. The flag will i?n iViora will ho nn lavinp' lin L/C U^/ OUU LUVl V TT?4? l/V 44W ?0 -r or jokying. As we have no professional trainers here the public will be given an oportunity to see some high class amateur racing, which after all, is the most interesting. It is the purpose of the management to have good clean sport free from petty bickering. A good sport is a good loser, and as all canont win you will see some good sports here on the 27th. Let everybody be on hand a* two o'clock as the races will start at that time. o Warehouse Cojnpany Wants Site. | A site for the Warehouse of the Dillon County Warehouse an^ Marketing Corporation is desired. Anyone having desirable property situated o the railroad or both roads will please communicate same to me as quickly as possible. The locations will be looked over by a committee, sealed bids will be asked for on the several properties, and at a special meeting of the board of directors a decision will be made, the bqard reserving the privilege of accepting or rejecting any and all bids, j Very truly, L. Cottingham, Sec.-Treas. o | The public is invited to attend the closing exercises of the Kempei school on Thursday evening at 8:3C o'clock, May 6. I PROMINENT WILLIAMS. BURG CITIZEN DIES - Senator Hugh McCutcheon Passes i After Lingering Ilness. \ " r r! Senator Hugh McCutcheon, one ol - leading citizens of Eastern Carolina, -!whe died at Kingstree Friday, was t a brother of Mrs. L. Cottingham of 1 Dillon and has visited in Dillon many | t times. In writing of his death the' ' Kingstree corespondent of The State > says: "Tlugh McCutcheon died at his ^ . home i.. Kinestree this morning at 5 , : o'clock after an illness of three,1 . Months. In his death Williamsburg i county loses one of its best and most ' i niversailv beloved and respected citi i'ens. He possesed a ge\ial and so _cial disposition making him a general i favorite with old and young and his i noble Christian character won f?r '; him a high place in the estimatior of I his fellow men. j "Mr McCutcheon was born in the ':old indiantown section of Williamsburg county on December 11, 1859, and was the son of Col. and Mrs. f, James McCutcheon, the latter of ; whom w as prior to her marriage Miss Mary Jane Gilland. In 1886 he was 1 married at the Indiantown Presbyter|ian church to Miss Louisa Dobbin of Clinton. N. C. He succeeded his fa- ' ther as superintendent of the IndianJ town Sunday school, and at the time of his death was an elder in the In- < jdiantown Presbyterian church, which 1 j honor he held for 35 years. I For about 15 years after his martriage Mr. McCutcheon made his home ] nn his nlacnt.at.ion in the Indiantown ! neighborhood, until he moved to ] | Kingstree 20 years ago. He con- : tinned his farming operations and al- I j ways took a keen interest in the agri!cultural enterprises of his county. 1 | At the time of his death he was < state senator for Williamsburg county and was president in the following < local concerns: Wee Nee bank, Wil- j liamsburg Live Stock company, Farmers' Supply company, Fidelity Development and Ginnery company. ! Besides his widow, he is survived by the following brothers and sisters: J. G. McCutcheon and Thomas Mc- < Cutcheon, Kingstree; Mrs. J. P. Rus- < sell, Lumberton, N. C.; Mrs. J. F. Cooper, Fowler;' Mrs. L. Cottingharm < 'Dillon; D. E. McCutcheon, Indian- I jtown; Prof George McCutcheon. ' University of South Carolina, and Dr. < W. L McCutcheon, Sumter. ' * o ( ItOWELL-FAUST. j SavaAnah, Ga., April 28.?A beau- j ! tiful spring wedding of much inter-' est to the many friends and relatives . in and around Dillon, was that of Miss Pauline Maretta Rowell of Savannah, Ga., daughter of Mrs. M. A. Rowell to Mr. William Winfleld Faust, of ^calla, Fla., which took 1 place' at the Epworth Methodist ' TifArinno^ov ovoTtincr Anril UliUl^U Vii *? cuncouuj w? VM?M0| r* ? 21st, 1920. The ceremony was per- i formed by the Rev. N. H. Williams, i pastor of the Epworth church. The < bride wore a traveling suit of dark ] I blue tricotine and white crepe geor- 1 [gette blouse* and her hat was of crepe ] 'georgette to match and trimmed in 1 | tiny pink ana blue crushed roses. The ' bride carried a shower boquet of i bride's roses and lillies of the valley. : [The matron of honor was her sister, ! ;Mrs. Rhoyden F. Vawter of Madison, i Ind. Mrs. Leo W. Banks, another i , sister of the bride, wore a lovely < , dress of torquoise blue georgette and 1 ,picture hat to match a carsage do'quet of pink roses. | Mrs. J. Oade Arnett, of Ivanhoe, iGa., also the bride's sister wore a [black satin with crepe georgette over 1 I drapery and a picture hat of black 1 (.maline. Her flowers were pink roses. 1 The bride's mother was dressed in 1 'a beautiful black taffeta and a small i black hat and carried a boquet of 1 ; sunset roses. 1 Only the relatives and intimate] friends were invited to attend the Wedding. Following the ceremony, < ; there was a buffet luncheon at the home of the bride for the bridal par- i ty, and the members of the family. The house was beautifully decorated]! i in pink roses, ferns and Easter lil-j' lies. ! After an extended trip through : Florida and the North Mr. and Mrs.!" ; Faust will spend the remainder of j the summer in Savannah, Ga., Tybee Island, Anderson, S. C., and Ashe(ville, N. C. o ? I Services at The Methodist Church, j Main Street Methodist Church, Dr. | Watson B. Duncan, Pastor. Sunday , School at 10 A. M? Mr. IV. H. Muller, j .Superintendent; Preaching at 11 A. j M. and 8 P. M. by the Pastor. Morn-| ing Subject: "A Mother's Plea for Iter Child''. Evening Subject: "Questions Concerning The Dead": No. 3. I "What Are The Dead Doing?" Piayer Service on Wednesday at 8 P. M. Teachers' Meeting on Saturday at 5 P. M. Public cordially invited to all services. Mothers' Day will be observed on Sunday. All are requested to wear the white flower, the emblem [ of Motherhood. o OFFICERS CAPTURE STILL. Officers Hamilton and Jackson, captured an improvised whiskey still j near Latta Monday afternoon, and j Jim Cook colored, on whose premises the still was found, was tried before Magistrate Allen at Latta Monday afternoon and fined $100. The i still was concealed in the back yard under a pile of straw, and contained ? about 50 gallons of beer ready to be turned into whiskey PERFECT HARMONY PREVAILED AT COUNTY CONVENTION Democrats Meet, Elect Officers and Delegates and Quietly Adjourn. perfect harmony prevailed at the County Democratic Convention Monday. it was almost a love feast. Not that conventions in the past have been the opposite, but heretofore there has been some little '"pep' out into the proceedings by the introduction of some kind of resolution . on which sentiment was divided, or some question lias come up which brought delegates to their feet in a lively battle of words. But there was nothing of the kind at Monday's meeting. Several resolutions were passed without a dissenting vote and the only election in which there was a con-: test?in the selection of thg delegates 10 tne siaie cunveuuuu?was ramer a tame affair in which no one seem-i ed to be particularly interested. One delegate who has attended many coun ty conventions said you could not at- \ tribute this apparent lack of inter-, est to indifference. He said the people so busy they did not have time time to let their minds dwell on matters political like in the days of old | when the average man didn't have( much to do except talk politics. Wait i until times get normal again, continued this gentleman, and a pretty hot contest comes on for some important office and then you'll see the people get interested. The Convention was opened with prayer by Rev. W. C. Allen, and A. B. Jordan was elected temporary president with A. P. Bethea as temporary secretary. The temporary organization was made permanent. A. B. Jordan was reelected County Chairman and A. P. Bethea was reelected Secretary and Treasurer. The following delegates were elected to the state convention: P. L. Bethea, J. H. Manning, J. W. Hamer, E. R. Ellerbe, J. H. David and C. L. Wheeler. Alternates: H. McRae E. R Hamer, E. L. Mooret A. V. Bethea, L. M. Rogers and L.'Cottingham. T. W. Berry was reelected state executive committeema by acclamation J. B. Gibson offered a resolution endorsing the administration, the peace treaty an