i ! I AUTOMOBILE HEARSE SERVICE f i \J B. F. WHITNER, | /Funeral Director and Expert Embalmer v * ( A COMPLETE STOCK % i $ x t t T X My automobile hearse can be sent on call to r t f X apy part of Dillon County. Rates very reason- 1 X a^e- X J Phones: X X Residence 209. X Y Office 83. x $ BENNETTSVILLE, S. C. | SUPERIOR BUSINESS TRAINING 1 GUARANTEES EXTRAORDINARY 1 BUSINESS SUCCESS i l| VMM. ID ? ? - p poses, that the purchaser sic* ! pledge blanks for which the dealer has on hand, these being furnished 1' by the Ford Administration. The purchaser pledges himself to use the sugar so obtained for canning and pre- 1 serving purposes only, and to return 1 to the dealer any portion of the sugar enot used for such purpose. Dealers will strictly enforce this rule. The public is urged by the Food Administration to save every possible . spoonful of sugar. There is none to waste. As a matter of fact, the sugar situation is serious. Cuban deliveries have been Rhorter than were expected. Consumption has been larger. Subi marine losses have been heavy, and a j reduction of sugar consumption all along the line becomes absolutely nee essary. says tne rood Administration. ONLY NECESSARY USE OF ICE PERMITTED Bulletin Issued by Food Administration Points Out 8ources of Ice Waste Which Should Be Avoided. Calumbia?Theh necessity of conj serving ice becomes important with the summer months ahead, and the Food Administration for South Carolina has ; issued a bulletin in which some precautionary suggestions are made. "The call for conservation of Ice is i prompted not by any anticipated J shortage, hut in the general interest > of thrift and the saving of supplies i essential to other important indus[ I tries," says the bulletin i j The following suggestions are made [ to Indicate sources of wastte of ice: i i "The practice of shaving ice for [ | restaurants. soda fountains. etc., i should be eliminated. "If ice becomes scarce in a comtnui nlty at any time, a vigorous effort | ! should be made to curtail its use by | concerns dealing in luxuries before j ! anv reduction is attempted in the amount allowed families using it In moderation. "Householders should be advised to keep the refrigerator in a rool place, to sec that refrigerator doors close tigh't. and not to put warm food in refrigerators to cool at the expense of J theice. "Ice should not he used In serving fruit and sea food. Served direct from the refrigerator they are cold enough. Ice should be saved by eerrI ing no more than necessary In glasses of wafer, tea and other drinks. "The public should not be hystsrical over the danger of an actual ice fam< ine. A* the worst, only s short accidental stoppage la likely to occur aaywhera." Forgetting la a strange phenomiod. According to tkt modern peyologist?, wo are moat apt to forget oee things that wq do not want to member?especially those of which 9 are ashamed. In an addreaa on criminals who e on the border line of insanity, livered recently before the Clinical ?ciety of St. Elizabeth Hospital ashington, Dr. Leon Emile Duval Id of many mentally unbalanced en who in their normal state could >t remember disgraceful deeds they id done, and said this was to be plained on the basis that "it is e thing of which we are ashamed id which conflicts with the customs society which is soonest relegated the realm of the unconscious." I # H imter Watchman: I Cole . Blease is a grotesque I eature and addicted to irreverent I id sacrilegious comparisons in his I iblic harangue?. On more than one I casion he has compared himself J th shocking and sacrilegious imety to -Jesus Christ, and the other y at Yorkville he attempted to aw an analogy between his Pro;rinanism and disloyalty to the ive^nment's war policy, and the urse of Robert E. Lee in opposing cession in 1861. We have often iard of stealing the livery of heavi*to serve the devil in, but it regained for Cole L. Blease to demonirate with brazen effrontery this rm of larceny. Robert E. Leo and >!e L. Blease are as far apart as e poles, as different as heaven and ill, and no one realizes this more lly than Blease himself, but he disunts the intelligence of the people H inmoinoo V*ort V?? Krf*o t ?-? >u>?t)iuvu viiav nv nuo iuvin uvuu" nked. o WINTHROP COLLEGE. K'HOIiAIlSHIP and ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examination for the award of cant scholarships in Winthrop >llege and for the admission of iw students will be held at the >unty Court House on Friday, July at 9 A. M., and also on Saturday, ily 6, at 91 A. M., fori those who ish to male up by examinations IditiOnal imits renired for full Imission to khe Freshman Class of is institution. / The examination i Saturday, (July 6, will be used ily for mann^ admission units, le scholarship will be awarded ion the exanMnation held on Friv. July 5. Applicants must not be ss than ^fneen years of age. hen schola^shuis are vacant after ily 5 they win be awarded to ose making the\ highest average at is examination! provided they eet the conditions governing the ftird. Applicants for scholarships ould wjlte to President Johnson i scholarship examination blanks, lese blanks, propewy filled out by e applicant, should! be filed with esident Johnson by\ July 1st. Scholarships are wqrth $100 and ee tuition. The next\session will en September 18, 1918. For furer information and catalogue, edess President D. B. Johnson, Rock ill, S. C.?5-20, 30; 7-4. u^ni al /the touch o ?that turm Xthat applie utensil?the , fuel?that s Why don't Made in 1 cabinet top STANDA Washington. D. I Norfolk. Vm. NEV mmmmmmmm C POSITIONS POSIT The GOVERMENT OFFICES, OFFICES everywhere are CLAMO keepers, Bt all its fuel into usable, odorless h s all the heat directly to the co< it uses an inexpensive, always avai aves coal for the .nation. you cook in a cool kitchen? -2-3-4 burner sizes, with or wil and oven. RD OIL CO. (NEW JERS Baltimore, Md Z. RirKmood, Vt Charleston, Charlotte. N. C, Charleston.; / PERFECT1C >1L COQH STOVES \ . jL; .. IONS FQ8mON8 ud BATIKS aid BCSIMBM B1NP tJr efficient Clerks, Book- , its m* MJilRINO salaries. > who /are INBUGIBM2 for the U>r ml lifetime to secure HIGH* atims, with auinnce of rapid v| . w cosi of training. LBOOllESS COLLEGE I Nation*! Reputation I columbians. c. i onto ur Dollars henjwi det them id Keep meiii aafe Our Bank. /'CI : While you've Rot them?they others Vail you your money will will be sate and will grow to a n, your family or others? )UR BANK rf DILLON and 4 per cent. H CAROLINA p. en \ / *g or \ / -can V lOil /\ ill a / \ iction / 1 d ash / : con- / 1 i its at ' | J rately / | eat? aking liable Ask your desist about the New Perfection Kerosene Water Hester. Use Aladdin Security .1 . Oil?Always available, thout inexpensive. iEY) lAlAMMNl W. Va. DRIB sc. , sEcwrtoa >N 0