LAD1EH WERE (1AMBIJ0KS. | M*rj- ul?l Wager I Her Personal Attire on n Game i of Lards. Tile card season Is over, and us I my lady fine sits and counts her pleasures and pains, her losses and gains, she fuels no remorse, not a I pang of conscience, not u regret of a game, unless it be on the venture, she lost, since "Luck and Chance I happeneth to all men." ! A century or so ago, says the St Louis Post Dispatch, there were | hundreds of great ladies in Eng- . land who made of their drawing :1 rooms regular gambling dens, and in I these drawing rooms of the world, of fashion ladies in the most exalt ed social positions lost or won, as | the case might be, ten of thou- . aands of pounds in a single night's B nlov TK. .-1 n.l - ' r.aj. i LAV rujrai rriUCBSSeS U1U UOl I hesitate to play for the highest;. stakes and a faro bank was a part of the paraphenalia of dame fash- | Ion. I While the American women of to day have more leisure than the | women of more primitive times and conditions, in this country and," therefore, turn more frequently for entertainment to games and cards, " they do not indulge their love of ? cards to the same extent as did the sex in England in days when Lord Kenyon threatened that women con-| victed of gambling "should certainly exhibit themselves in the pillory though they should be first ladies in the land." However, American women are fond of cards and. deplore it if you will, many of them Dlav for m/inair in ..? ?? ? ? w All au C11U1 U1UU9 extent. Fashion varies as to the game of vogue. The onco popular progressive suchre has been abolished and its place we find the more technical ; game of bridge. Euchre is not an all absorbing game. Memory and luck are the vital elements, and a vain and sociability may run on un- ! restrained which may be considered " ?JI? chief merit. But with bridge it .^j to tK^tS^T^^epposed to be v^jlkt Cards are ^ They are of similar to chessV^ sometimes ca? , dian origin, and ane^gg represen%J ed chess on paper. is ,-epreJ* an army and this armtCvv^ raTm ' sented in sculpture, wmiWair Dls stand for the same in ps>i ng. j Playing cards were known tir the Arabians and Seracens from the beginning of the 12th century. They were carried into Europe from India and Crina. The queen in the card game does not hold the exhaulted position that manue ior in cness, where she is a general. It would seem that the game of chess might find popularity in the ranks of the suffra-. gists, and that the card game would be abolished, since the queen of cards is necessarily meekly subordinate to her Severn lord and master. Queen Elizabeth was fond of cards, but inclined to be peevish and lose her temper in the game, j Mary Queen of Scots carried her in- j fatuation to the extent of wagering her personal attire on the game. I She would play continuously from Saturday night to Monday and sac- 1 dfice her wardrobe, if necessary, to . Queen Anne of Austria had ^ m luck, we are told, . .tp? ,s* 4 a queen with-, out passion or greed." Anne Bo-: ^ leyn was an inventerate gambler, 4 as was all the wives of Henry VIII, with one exception. Catherine of 1 dragon aid not gamble. She had no! love for the card table. Nell Gwyn lost 4 00 guineas in one night to the neice of the notorious gambler, Mazariu, who afterward died insolvent, having lost at cards an enormous fortune left to her by her Cardinal uncle. Oliver Goldsmith relates a story of a woman who insisted on play- j ing a game of cribbage with the | minister who had come to soothe j her dying hours. The clergyman lost every penny he had with him and he was just dealing the cards for another game, her spiritual adviser's stake being her own funer-j al expenses when she died, leaving ! the game unwon. I At the French Court the card rooms from the time Charles VI to the time of Louis XVI, were luxuriously finished. The counters used were of mother of pearl of some ? other valuable substance. The cards were embroidered with silver on l| white stina, and some were the J work of the most famous miniature j | painters. A story if told of the famous > Dowager Electress of Saxony, who j I and who was not above taking ad-! I vt.ntage of her position when oppor- | tunity offered. One evening she j I "committed some irregularity" (a.8 | cheating is termed when done by J Some person of high rank.) Sus- I picions of her honesty were excited | by her play. A counties who noticed | this said: "Pardon, madame, my suspicions could not fall on you 1 SflVProi ? '? "" r? " vu^at kj mjr iur UIUW IIS The descendants of lady Cather- | ine Alexander, daughter of Major Gen. L?ord Sterling and wife of Col. William Duer tell the following anecdote: "The dame was fond of whist and it is probable that cards wore not common nor as cheap as they are now, so women carried their own packs with them to card parties. One morning while attending services at St. Paul's church, | New York, her ladyship pulled her handkerchief out of her capacious pocket, and with it drew out a yack of cards, which to the amusement of the congregation and to her own consternation scattered about the pew." I F. WAT KINS, THK AUCTIONEER ?If you have a farm, lots, horses or anything else to sell, Watklns is the auctioneer to get. I He is an experienced auctioneer and knows how to get the worth of anything. Sale of horses, mules and anything you have begins promptly at 2:30 every Sat urday. Who Loft Homo. J sot the world to talking, but Paul I Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., Bays he always KEEPS AT HOME the ! King of Laxatives ? Dr. King's J New Life Pills? and that they I re a blessing to all his family. I Cure constipation, headache, indl- j gestion, dyspepsia. Only 25c. at J Evans' Pharmacy. HP **' \ Special Agency of DAVID S. ALLBN ! In the sale and erection of any and all cemetery work including monuments, tombstones, cradles and copings tor ? cemetery lots, made either of granite or marble. I handle and use the famous Winnsboro, S. C. Granites, genuine ^ Imported Italian, Georgie, ard Vermont marbles, direct ? from finishing shops, erected on concrete foundations. My prices are as low as is consistent with first grade granite, or marhlp anrl ViJnrVi L' - -1 ~ * __ f muv? ui^a ciuoo nv/i Aiiiauoilip. OpCL'lill <1116011011 * given to special designs. I carry also an,extensive line of high grade mailable wrought iron fencing, especially ad apted to cemeteries, and lawns, sold from designs, and erected. W ite me when in the market for anything in above lines, and I will make it to your interest. David S. Allen, Dillon, S. C. a ^ges Time and Space IT WAS A QUESTION of life or death and the victim's life hung by a slender thread. A difficult operation was necessary. To be successful the operation must be performed at once. The services of a specialist were required, but he was in a distant city. I The specialist was reached over the Long Distance Bell Telephone, the case described and uiv v^&tauuu anaii^cu 1U1 . The sufferer's life was saved through the ability of the Universal Bell Telephone Service to bridge time and space. ?By the vay, have you a Bell Telephone? SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY <"!? > < < ! I* .J. *Z' v \4 v ?> "Z" *Zr *1* ?> C* > *1* > ?> ** *5* I" ?. ;? J* ?;? !' .J. *? ?> *J* |{" ?j? :? ?2? .j. .j. ?* ?*? *j? > IF. I). Bryant., President. Ci. B. 8ta* PEE DEE REAL, ESTATE ACJENC Offices: Marion and Muliins. S. 1 Ilea] Estate, Fire Insurance and loans. Basin .>nd investments. Special Representatives of the National Co-Opei ot Washington, I). C., Branches in all parts of tl Canada, Mexico and Cuba. 1'ersons having lands for sale or wishing to pu well to correspond with this agency. Attractive pr Marion, Horry and adjoining counties. iiiiiiiRiimiiiiHiaiiiiiiiiiiii I To Farm Land Inv Don't pay sixty to ono hundred dollars per ac you can buy just as good or lietter for twelve to foi take our word for it, but come and see for yourselvt growing crops is on them. Don't wait longer than as these lands will then be sold, we are ging too lands becusee party owning them is sick, and dctermii business. We offer you any or allof the following: Tract No. 1. ? Containing eight hundred ant; acres, six hundred of which is under cultivation; all land is in sight of depot, on best railroad in Si four room tenant houses, new barn and stables, ? ditched, every house on place filled with splendid la will easily yield one bale of cotton with from HOi? fertilizer, good pasture (wire fenced,) lands suitably variety of crop, no stumps. Party owning place m and sixty-eight (108) bales of cotton, and two bushels of com on ten plows last year. Price.?Forty dollars per acre. Terms. ? I ($15,000.00) dollars down, and the balance in one 1 Tract No. 2.?Contains aliout sixteen hundred about TOO of which is in cultivation. This place sight of two splendid towns, and two main line rai all of the land ran Ik; cultivated. Price $22.50 pei Tract No. 3.?Contains Thirteen hundred (1,3 cut in hulf by main line of railroad, nice town ab< same, about one-half in cultivation. This place is and has abundant labor. Price twenty-five ($25. acre. Tract No. 4.?Contains about twelve hundred uatod about five miles from railroad and court hoi ty ($20.00) dollars per acre. Tract No. 5.?Contains six hundred acres, s miles from railroad. Price twelve ($12.00) dollars Reasonable terms can be arranged on all this absolutely guarantee that anybofly seeing this sectl will pronounce it the garden spot of the state, bo productiveness, health, and climate. All requests mation cheerfully furnished, but a visit to us if j will give us great pleasure. . f 1 HART & CO ESITLL, SOUTH lflUiMmimiM,iuiuHssa!iHi ??????? |?~ New "Rock Hill" Ughles f Running, Most Stylish and Durable on Market |H II <1 Patented Long-Distance Spindles, % oiiea without removal of wheels. D * <| Patented Side Spring. | | <1 Strongest braced Body made. Q ? <1 New style Seat. 1 ? Q Every feature of high class make. I <| Phaetons, Surries, Runabouts of < same High Quality. + 4* <|Our guarantee your protection. c* ? j < A Postal Card To Us Will Bring An t 1 Agent To Yon At Once % ROCK HILL BUGGY COMPANY * || MOCK Hill. South Carolina (J .j. E. T. ELLIOTT, ? "Rock Hill" Agent, ? Dillon, S. C. * i* V > YOUR RECOMMEND f AND SELL lEAKK&TOLtABD * COMPANY pa DRY-MASH MAKES THEM LAY OR BUST \ I No poultry (arm was ever wrecked from using our high-grade " Lay or Bust" feeds but many have gone " down and out" from using cheap brands. )Ve guarantee every bag? your money back if not all we claim. I Dillon Wholesale Grocery DISTRIBUTORS. V __ J king'S NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. ? khouse, Secretary. V. i J* chs Opportunities ative Kealty Co., te United States, ! n? irchase would do J ow operty for sale in ; yo - \vi ' of/WO s re for land, when ty dollars. I>on't * now, while the | _ tlie next 30 days, La get rid of these 3 j ? ted to retire from 3 | ! I fifty-six (850) JJ ' place is healthy, Late, sixteen (10) 3 _ place thoroughly bor, every acre to 1.000 pounds ' adapted to any ade one hundred thousand (2,000) fifteen thousand to five years. (1,000) acres situated within lroads, practically acre. OO) acres, and is >ut one mile from perfectly healtliy. OO) dollars |?er (1,200) acres, sit- H J use. Price, Twenituated ahout six l>er acre. i ? property, and we h , Ion of Carolina tli om to fertility, for farther infor- V, 1 I'ou are attracted MP ANY! CAROLINA I. i I ? Old time visitors to Mjrrtie Beach + J will be glad to learn tuat a prom- * * + <. istng season awaits that well known X + + hostelry. For some years the train > X schedule has operated to 'ts ils- * .> advantage. Now all ths ir hang- . 4, > 4. of the Myrtle Beach Hotel, Itave re- * * cently refitted the hotel handsome- ' 4> ly introducing: many plcatiikiK ? * ? changes which w^Jl tend to rentier .> . t the hotel homelik*e in every aspect. > J! {. This should appeal to the better * i ***4 class of people who desire to take * M?BBiR * * * * m m . nb v. ,, awa UH fc : : ? * * ? >?! >< *< tlieir families tto a place of this #> + *+ % *;* character, and the managers assure j] * .j. tlie public that their patrons will J ,< have the very best of attention. <' * Tliey have successfully conducted *:* a resort hotel at Southern IMnes, X. <. + * CM and they give evidence of enter- ?: + * * prise in continually making ini- | ^ X provenients which beautify the ho- .*. + > tel. < J *;* Myrtle lieach is one of the finest ... X strands on the Atlantic Coast. The > surf is absolutely safe, with no > J malaria breeding inlets. It appeals *:* X X to al wlho want the sea breezs. The *> j. surf t mi tiling and who eat. sea food. < ^ * Tlie management want the patron- * ^ X age of the hest jieope audi aim < to make a resort that will lie home- * t like hi every respect. f X t ? .j..;..;? .>.;. .> > ^ .j..;..;. >;<.;..;.....;. .>.;..;..j. f HHHHNHMHRRIflHHBSHHMRHBI THE WORLD LOOKS DIFFERENT TO THE tfe, MAN WITH MONEY I HE I Secure ^ Charles M. Svhwal), the ureut steel niaipiale, bunked the big xney he made when President of the big steel corporation. Now he ns setel works of his own. Your employer will trust you more, and promote you, if you save u r money uei us rem you a uox 111 our saieiy vaults, men your vaiuaDies 11 be safe. Make our bank your bank. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety. SANK of DILLON Dillon f S. C. BIBIBBIIUIHIIIIIIIHIIINm r"" Jo spice --no exces" Retj Meat" toblothing to hurt your stomach?just good old ?jve sweetening? iacco, properly aged and perfectly sweeten,jorth Carolina to von't give you heartburn. That's why it \ It's our treat to put you on to the reali' 2ut out this ad. and mail to us with youiA}ng ^ good chewing, attractive FREE offer to chewers ^d address for LIIPFERT SCALES CO.J^ j ??^nston-Salem. N. C. Name ^ ? Address K?llon^-r^