?!je Dillon f^eralb. Established April 1804. I A. B. JORDAN. Editor. The Dillon Herald is published at the County Seat of one of the richest agricultural counties in the State. It is the official organ of the county und goes into 90 per cent, of the homes in the county in which it Is published. The office Is equipped with linotype and mod| ern, high speed presses. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ? $1.50 per year or 75 cents for 6 months. Subscriptions for less than six months will be charged at the rate of 15 cents per month. All subscriptions are payable in advance. ADVERTISING RATES may be * had on application, and advertisers may feel assured that through the colums of thiB paper they will reach all of Dillon county, a part of Bntttorn PornHno o w%A B&, territory in North Carolina. K Obituary sketches, cards of thanks, communications espousing the cause of a private enterprise or a political candidate, and like matter, will be charged at the rate of 8 cents per line. Contract advertisers will not be allowed to exceed r their space at same rates or advertise anything foriegn to their regular business without extra charge. Advertisements to occupy special place will be charged for according to position desired. COMMUNICATIONS, unless they contain important news, or discuss briefly and properly subjects of j real interest, are not wanted; and if acceptable in every other way j theyi will be rejected unless the the real name of the author ac- j companies the same, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. mi.I.OV SJ C 11V! .1 ?n? < COUNTY NEWS. (Continued from page 1.) ? \ ducted at Mt. Calvary church by \ Rev. W C. Wallace, of I^atta. Prof. .S. H. Moody is in this section for a few days. It seems that Mr. Moody doesn't rest much during his days of vacation. H. Fittman, of Pleasant Hill sec-' tlon, was here Sunday last. Mr. Oscar Campbell, of the Ken. tyre section, was here Sunday af'srnnon. A. Manning, Jr., of Dillon, **'s section Monday last. rmitrniiM Jr-? spent some time; tCm of "ttu111 8ec-: S"n;,uw?,u>' borne in mina*ajj?n_. ^ntch in the words i ?'^^otton is word:? as ordi. _# if simple title thai# a/Little Rock, ed by both up* *unday last, grantee an i//16.. Lock, of Lolie8 in gkr * . few days in this tended Jf Je glad to see them tain 'vs. . f- jv~ Sub. ./ ^ GOSSIP OP GADDY. In Social Circles ? Base ha 11?Personal Mention . Correspondence to The Robesonian. Hamer, S. C., R. F. D. 3, July 28.?Hurrah for the young people of Gaddy! They are awake once more and find life worth living. On Saturday, July 15, the basebail team, of Fork and Union crossed bats, but on account of the ill-, neas and absence of some of our best players the game was very | much one-sided. The Fork boys went home wearing broad smiles,but then >ou see we like to make people feel good when they come to see U3. Misses Ella and Nettie Gaddy k ^ ~ave a delightful fishing party last Tuesday afternoon in honor of their guests Misses Estelle Inman and Artemissa Smith, of Chadbourn ' N. C. Quite a number of boys and girls spent last Tuesday at the river. They report a splendid time. It was given in honor of the visitors ill the vicinity, these being Misses Resale Gibson, of Augusta, Ga.; Gertrude Gibson, of McColl, Lola and Beuna Sessions, of Latta, Estcllc Inman and Artemissa Smith, of Chadbourn, N. C. Mrs. J. C. Adams chaperoned the crowd. R. S. Rogers superintendent of education of Dillon county, attended the State summer school at Rock Hill. Messrs. W. J. Adams and J. F. Oliver spent Sunday in Laurinburg, N. C. Little Miss Christine Edwards, who has been very ill for some time, is rapidly improving. We are glad to see Mrs. R. M. Oliver out aggaln after being ill so long. Misses Dora Smith, of Laurinburg, N. C., and Bessie Gibson , of Augusta, Ga., are visiting Mrs. W, J. Adams. Misses Lola and Beuna Sessions, of hatta, are visiting their sister, " Mrs. C. K. Culbreth. Miss Carrie Edwards has returned from Fork, where she has been visiting relatives. Messrs. Marvin and Burn Floyd and Rowland Pittman and Miss v * Nettie Inman spent Sunday in this vicinity. Mr. P. B. Sellers and daughter. Miss Mildren, spent Sunday at Mr. R. M. Oliver's Messrs. J. M. Oliver and J. B. tfica IlilHroH anoint QnnHaw a* Mr Edwards spent Tuesday evening with friends near Pages Mill.. One of the most enjoyable vents of the season was a porch party at Mr. J. M. daddy's given in honor of Misses Smith and Inman, of Chadbourn. These present were Misses Nora and Virginla Rogers, Carrie Hattie and Grace Edwards, May Regan, Dora and Lizzie daddy. Arte Smith and Estelle Inman; Messrs. J. M. and JL 8. Oliver, J. B. and R. H. Ed9 wards, L. B. Stephens, J. E. and Rembert. McKenzle, John Bracey, Weltos Thomas and Clifford Oad Free State News. Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Allen, of Latta, spent Tuesday in this section. Mr. Joohn A. Nicholson left Tuesday for Jackson Springs where he ! will spend several days. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Blackwell, of Darlington, spent Thursday and Friday here. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dunnaway, I after spending some time here, re| turned to their home at Augusta , Friday. Mr. Arch Nicholson, of Mullins, ! is visiting relatives here this week. Miss Ada Hayes left Tuesday for | the mountains of North Carolina, I where she will spend several weeks. Miss Annie Berry, of Dillon was | here Sunday and Monday. Mr. Arthur Rogers, of Lamar, spent last week with narents h?rp Miss Dessle Hayes was the guest of Miss Ruby Coleman, of Oak Grove section Sunday. Miss Florence Allen has as her guests Misses Elsie and Mattie Ba| ker. Mrs. Franklin De Witt, of Jacksonville, Fla., and Miss Lacy Jackson, of Dillon, spent Tuesday in this section. The protracted meeting began at New Holly Tuesday night. Mr. A. W. Berry sold his place to Mr. J. R. Daniels at a reasonable price. "The Robesonian, of Lumberton. refers to Dillon as 'Dillon, 3. C.' It would not look any worse if The Robesonian would say 'New York. New York.' "?Dillon Herald. Dillon is such a good town that folks 'way off would naturally think it was in Robeson county if we did not put some sort of a tag on it.?Robesonian. Annual Mountain and Seashore Excursion. The Atlantic Coast Line announces extremely low round trip rates for the above occasion to Washing ton. Myrtle Beach and to the mountain, lake and spring resorts of North and South Carolina. Tickets will be on sale for all trains on Wednesday, August 16th, limited to return on or before September 2nd, 1911. Full information, reservations, etc., may be obtained from J. L. Brldgers, ticket agent, Dillon, S. C., or by addressing T. C. White, General Passenger Agent; W. J. Craig, Passenger Traffic Manager, Atlantic Coast Ldne, Wilmingt-cn, N. C. PRICES ARE HIGHER-/ The Text Hooks Somewhat J^reased. But Then it is Pre r .suiiied That the Books Selected Are Better Than the Old Ones. The new books adopted by the ; State board of education for the jfree public schools of South Carolina will cost the patrons of the school some more than the books I now used according to comparative figures made up at the office of the State superintendent of educa' tion. The increased expense is shown in the following comparative statement of the cost of new and old books prepared by Mr. Swearingen: Primer Cost of old Primer 12 Cost of new Primer 25 Increase over 100 per cent. During the five year period 19061911 135,000 primers were sold. Upon that basis the total increase tn thf> nunlU r?f tho $ 1 7,680.*OOT"~ Readers Cost of old First Reader 20 Cost of new First Reader 25 Increase of 25 per cent. Total number of First Readers sold during: the past five years, 200,000 copies. Aggregate increase to the pupils $10,000. Cost of old Second Reader . . .28 Cost of new Second Reader . ..35 Increase 25 per cent. Total number of Second Readers sold during the last adoption period, 129,000 copies. Aggregate increase $9,030.00. Geography. Cost of old Elem Geography.. .38 Cost of new Elem Geography.. .45 Increase of 33 1-3 per cent. Total number sold during last adoption period, 63,000. Increase to pupils, $7,560.00. Physiologies. In place of the two-book series a three-book series has been adopted. Cost of old series Elem 30 Cost of old series Adv 50 Cost of new series, 1st book:. . .35 Cost of new series, 2nd book. . .40 Cost of new series, 3rd book.. .60 Increased cost to each pupil of the series, .55. Increase about 60 per cent. nrituilicuc, In place of a two-book series covering the work up to the high school a three-book series has been adopted. The first two books cover the work up to the 7th grade. Every pupil therefore who passed irto the 7th grade will have to purchase a new book for the one year at a cost of 41 cents. Cost of old Arithmetic, Elem.. 32 Cost of old Arithmetic, Adv.. .40 Cost of new Arithmetic Elem. . .22 Cost of new Arithmetic, Inter. . .36 Cost of new Arithmetic, Adv.. 41 Increase in cost of the series, 47 cents, about 66 2-3 per cent. THE MAINE BLOWN* UP. Expert Says Explosion That Destroyed the Maine CWne From Outside. New York, July 22.?Lewis Mlxon the naval architect who designed the Indiana and Oregon type of battleship, commenting yesterday on the news from the wreck of the Maine, said to a World reporter. "There has never," he said, "been the slightest doubt in my mind about the cause of that vessel's destruction. In the first place, knowing the care with which the magazine of our men-of-war are safeguarded, there was every reason to suppose that unless other powder made under the same condition had been found unstable the explosion was not due to undue heat or powder deteroratlon. "In the careful examination made by the very competent board appointed, which met on the light house, tender Mangrove, & vessel ' 1 had built, was most convincing. As the members of the board were j personal friends, I talked over the matter afterward with them, especially with Naval Constructor Jno. B. Hoover, U. 8. N., with whom I had many opportunities for discussj lng the question, as he was an inspector at my shipyard for several years. "When I myself visited the scene of the wreck in Havanna Harbor I was struck with the amount of the destruction, and concluded that very probably the magazine was exploded by the firing of the mine, as 1 rather doubted the possession of a mine capable of such total destruction, i though convinced it started from the outside. "The most convincing fact bearing on the explosion was told me by Capt Stevens ,of the Ward liner Havana. He said he was sitting on board the Havana after dinner and was looking directly at the Maine at the time of the explosion. She seemed to rise up forward. Wreckage began to fall on board his vessel. On the deck, one piece very near to him, there fell two very large pieces of cement . "In our earlier vessels we laid quite a thick layer of cement on the bottom plating in the double bottom so worked as to form water courses to the suctions and to cover rivet heads. An explosion from the inside could not well account for the way the vessel was distorted and broken, though it could very naturally add enormously to the destruction, as the vessel's back was broken and she was lifted by the outside explosion. "There is not much room for controversy. A mine powerful enough might have done all the damage . We shall possibly Know what part was played by the ship's explosives. Notice of Election. State of South Carolina, County of Dillon . Whereas, by petition, filed with the mayor and Town Counsel of Dillon on the 26th day of July, A. D., 1011, signed by the majority of free-liolders of the said town of Dillon, ?equesting the said town Counsel of the town of Dillor. to submit to a vote of the qualified registered electors of the said town of Dillon, the^ question of issuing coupon bondjj it, tfes, sum of $3,000.00, bearing interest -at & rate not exceeding six per cent. Pf?" ann'iiin, payable in lawful ten! der money of the United States of I A mPrlcn -1" *" - >wv*t ?unj jvaio anci v"C uavc of said bond with the privilege on the part of the Town Counsel to redeem the said bonds at any time after twenty years after the date of same, for the use and benefit of said town in the completion of the electric light plant, in and for the town of Dillon, under and in accordance with an act of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, entitled an act to authorize all towns to build, equip and operate a system of electric lights, and for the improvement of streets, side-walks, etc., and. Whereas, all the requirements of said act relating to the ordering of said election have been complied with, now therefore, we, N. B. Hargrove, Mayor, J. L. Bridgers, J. F. Thompson, V. L. McLean, J. W. Gaddy, R. L. Moody, and F. Mack Curtis. constituting the Town Counsel, by virtue of the authority vested in us as the Mayor and Town Counsel of said town, in accordance with the Mayor and Town Counsel of said town, in accordance with the said act above referred to, do hereby order a special election to be held within the corporate limits of the town of Dillon, the 29th day of August, A. D. , 1911; the poles to open at eight o'clock in the morning and remain open until four o'clock in the afternoon, at which election there shall be submitted to the vote of the qualified registered electors o fthe said town of Dillon, "For the Issuing of Bonds," and "Against the issuing of Bonds," the question to wit: "Shall the town of Dillon issue bonds in the sum of $3,000.00, for the purpose of completing the electric light plant, in accordance with the said act above referred to?" TKn f AII/VMF! r?/? A wa I. uv tunvKlllg ai c ucieu; iil'puiliLed managers of said election, who shall provide tickets and boxes, conduct the election and declare the results: B. A. Harrelson, D. W. Alford and W. H. Breeden. Given under the official seal of the town of Dillon, this the first day of August, A. D. 1911. N. B. Hargrove, Mayor. Attest: J. M. Carmichael, Clerk. 8-3-4t Notice of Election. State of South Carolina County of Dillon. Whereas, by petition, filed with the Mayor and Town Counsel of the town of Dillon, on the 26th day of July, A. D. 1911, signed by the majority of free-holders of the said town of Dillon, requesting said Town Counsel of the town of Dillon to submit to a vote of the qualified registered electors of the said town of Dillon, the question of iasuelng coupon bonds to the amount of $39,000.00, bearing Interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum, payable in lawful tender money of the United States of America, forty years after date of said bonds, with the privilege on the part of the Town Counsel to redeem the said bonds at any time after twenty years from the date of same for the use and benefit of said town, in building, equipping, and operating k system of water works, under and in acoordance with an act of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, entitled an act to authorize all towns to build, equip and operate a system of waterworks, sewerage and electric lights, and for the improvement of streets, sidewalks, etc, and. Whereas, all requirements of said act relating to or ordering of said election have been complied with, now, thoreforc, we, N. B. Hargrove, Mayor of Dillon, J. L. Bridgers, J. F. Thompson, V. L. McLean, J. W. Gaddy, R. L. Moody and F. Mack Curtis, constituting the Town Coun-I sel of the town of Dillon, by virtue of the authority vested in us as Mayor and Town Counsel of said town, in accordance with the said act above referred to, do hereby order a special- election to be held within the corporate limits of the town of Dillon, the 29th day of August, A. D. 1911. The polls to open at eight o'clock in the morning .and remain open until four o'clock in the afternoon, at which election there shall be submitted to the vote of the qualified registered electors of the said town of Dillon, "For the issuing of bonds," und "Against the issuing of bonds," the question to wit: "Shall the town of Dillon issue bond* in the sum of $39,000.00 for the purpose of building, equiping and op, erating a system of water works, in j accordance with the said act above referred to?" The following are j hereby appointed managers of said election, who shall provide tickets, boxes, conduct the election and de clare the results: B. A. Harrelson, I D. W. Alford and W. H. Breeden. Given under the official seal of i the town of Dillon, this, the first day of August, A. D., 1911. N. B. Hargrove, Mayor. ; Attest: J. M. Carmichael, Clerk. 8-3-4t ? Notice of Election State of South Carol.ina. County of Dillon. Whereas, by petition, filed with the Mayor and Town Counsel of Dillon, on the 26th day of July, A. |< D., 1911, signed by the majority of | freeholders of the said town of Dillon, requesting the said Town CounIsel of town of Dillon to submit to a vote of the qualified registered I electors of the said town of Dillon, | the question of electing three Com-! i missioners of Public Works, to take i j charge of and handle the funds for water works and sewerage and to manage the same as is provided for by law, and whereas all the re, quirements of said act relating to j the ordering of said election have 11 J been complied with, now, therefore, | we, N. B. Hargrove, Mayor of the I town of Dillon, J. L. Bridgers, J. F. j Thompson, V. L. McLean, J. W.' ( Gaddy, R. L. Moody, and F. Mack ' 1 Curtis, constituting the Town iwuuaei oi me iown or union, by virtue of the authority vested in us,^; as Mayor and town Counsel of^ i said town in accordance with \ j said act above referred to, do here- 1 i by order a special election to be ! held within the corporate limits of i the town of Dillon, on the 29th I day of August, A. D., 1911, said ' polls to open at eight o'clock in the morning and remain open un-i til four o'clock in the afternoon, at which election there shall be elect- ' I ed three citizens of the town of j Dillon, to take charge of and han, die the funds for water works and sewerage, in and for the town of I Dillon. . |! The following are hereby appointed managers of said election, who shall provide the tickets, boxes, j conduct the election and declare the I results: W. H. Breeden, B. A. i ; Harrelson and D. W. Alford. Given under the official seal of i 1 the town of Dillon, this the first day of August, A. D., 1911. N. B. Hargrove, Mayor. | Attest: J. M. Carmichael, Clerk. I 8-3-4t Notice of Klection. State of South aCrolina, County of Dillon . Whereas, by petition, filed with J the Mayor and Town Counsel of ; Dillon, on the 26th day of July,1 A. D. 1911, signed by a majority of the freeholders of the said town 1 of Dillon, requesting the said Town j Counsel of the town Dillon, sub| irit to a qualified electors of the : said town of Dillon, the question of ! issueing coupon bonds to the' i amount of $38,000.00, bearing inj terest at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum, payable in law i ful tender money of the United | States of America, forty years after the date of said bond, with the privilege on the part of the town of Dillon to redeem the said bonds at any time after twenty years after the date of same, for the use and i benefit of said town of Dillon In!1 building, equiping, and operating a 1 system of sewerage, under and in accordance with an act of the general Assembly of South Carolina, en titled an act to authorize all cities and towns tb build, equip and operate a system of sewerage, water i wbrks, etc, and for the improvement of streets, sidewalks, etc,, and, Whereas, all the requirements of said act relating to the ordering < of said election have been complied ( with, now, therefore, we, N. B. Hargrove, Mayor of Dillon, J. L. j Bridgers, J. F. Thompson, V. L. i McLean, J. W. Gaddy, R. L. Moody, and F. Mack Curtis, constituting the Town Counsel, by virtue of the j authority vested in us as the ' Mayor and Town Counsel of said i town in accordance with the said . act above referred to, do hereby order a special election to be held , within the corporate limits of the j town of Dillon, the 29th day of ' August, A. D. 1911, the polls to ; open at eight o'clock in the morn- , j ing and to remain open until four i o'clock in the afternoon, at which election there shall be submitted to the vote of the qualified registered electors of the said towno f Dill-1 on, "For the Issuing of bonds,"j and "Against the issuing of bonds," the question to wit: ' "Shall the town of Dillon issue bonds in the sum of $38,000.00 for the purpose of building, equipping, and operating a system of sewerage, in accordance with the |eeid act above referred to?" The following are hereby appointed managers of said election,! who shall provide tickets, boxes, conduct the election, and declare the results: B A Harrelson, D. W.j Belle Chocolate! Enclosed in a box of rich and delicate flavor, delights tl good taste which prompted tl Belle Mead Sweets are m; possible care being taken to i Each piece "of confection suggests perfection in the art Put up in attractive sea lec made and shipped to us the d EVANS P Dillot Alford, and W. H. Breeden. Given under the official seal < the town of Dillon, this the fin day of August, A. D., 1911. N. B. Hargrove, Mayo Attest: J. M. Carmichael, Clerk. S-3-4t Opening Hooks of Registration. State of South Carolina, County of Dillon. Whereas, petitions, signed by th majority of free-holders, as show by the tax books of the town < Dillon, residing within the coi porate limits of the said town ( Dillon, have been submitted to th U11U H?C 1UWU VyUUUIHJI I the town of Dillon, asking that a election be ordered for the purpoi of bonding the town of Dillon In tl s?un of eighty thousand dollars, 1 build plants for water works, f< sewerage and for electric light and also for the purpose of elec ing three commissioners of publ works to take charge of and hand the funds for water works and sev erage, and to manage same as pr< vided by law. Now, therefore, notice is heret given that books of registration wi be open at the office of T. S. Ricl bourg, Supervisor of registration i and for said town of Dillon,begii ning on the fourth day of Augus A. D. 1911, and will remain open f a period of ten days, for the pu poee of registering qualified elec ors for an election to determine tt issuing of the proposed bond Said election will be held on tt 29th day of August, A. D. 1911. Dated at Dillon, S. C., this fin day of August, A. D. 1911. N. B. Hargrove, Mayo Attest: J. M. Carmichael, Clerk. 8-3-2t Notice. There will be a U^gular commui ication of Mackey Lodge No. 77 o Monday evening, August 7th., i 8:30 o'clock. There will be work I the entered apprentice degree. A members and visiting brethren ai requested to attend. a. j. mvans, W. M. F. McC. Curtis, Sec. Notice. Notice is hereby given that a persons indebted to the estate < Bessie Lillian Suggs will make paj raent to the undersigned, and a persons having claims against tb said estate will present the sarai duly verified and attested, to th undersigned for payment, on or b< fore the time provided by law c this notice will be plead in bar t their recovery. Viola May Dimery. Administratri: August 3, 1911. 8-3How's This? We offrr One Hundred Dollars Reward for ai ease of Catarrh that cannct be cured by Hal Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, i We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Chen lor the laat IS years, and believe him perfectly ho arable In all business transactions and financial able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank or Commerce. Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, aetli dlrecUy upon ttvi blood and mucous surfaces of t system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents p bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. I CLASSIFIED COLUMN .1. P. LANE, Attorney>at-I>aw. * Office over Evan*' Pharmacy. IMllon, B. C. P. WATKINH. THE AUOTIONEE1 ?If you have a farm, lot home8 or anything else to ael Watkina ia the auctioneer to ge He ia an experienced auctioned and knowa how to get the wort of anything. Sale of horse mules and anything you have b< gina promptly at 2:20 every Be urday. - - --- If Knowledge of what is proper and in good taste is shown . in a gift of ^ad Sweets s and Bon Bons simplicity the candy, by its delicious fie recipient and assures her of the ic giver. ade of the purest ingredients?every nsurc their purity and flavor, has an cxclusiveness that at once of candy making. 1 packages?always fresh, as they are ay our order is received. HARM AC Y i, s. c. THE BOOT BLACK DEPARTMENT )f will give you good work at H. K. st Cottingham's barber shop. Good shines and satisfactory work. Call for Deck, the boot black. BETTER! PURER!! CHEAPER!!! Wesson Ccoklng Oil, 90c. per gallon?12c per pound. W. W. Owen & Co. 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c. ie $5.00 REWARD FOB THE REn turn of a Crusader bicycle. No. )f 5110, stolen from the undersignr ed. Bicycle has extra large ped>f als and a black frame. Hector ie Bute, Dillon. ,n WANTED. ? PURCHASERS FOR ie i late maps of South Carolina, ie| showing Dillon county, populate j tion of towns and cities, rural >r routes, etc., 15 cents each at The s, 1 Herald Book Store. t- ic FARM LAND FOR SAUK. ? 4,000 L? I acres in tmpfo r\f RA i nnn _ ... w. MV VM vt U V W X(V? V r- acres, near Raeford N. C., in the [>- new county of Hoke. Excellent farming section; real bargain. >y it will save you money. For par11 ticulars write, or better call on i- Hoke Realty, Loan & Trust Comin pany, Geo. A. Graham, Secretary i- and treasurer, Raeford, N. C. 0* BETTER! PURER!! CHEAPER!!! r- Wesson Cooking Oil, 90c. per t- .gallon?12c per pound. W. W. ie Owen & Co. te I PURCHASER WANTED, *X)R FINE plantation in Sumter county, S. st C., containing 485 acres ? 250 under cultivation?balance woodland. Healthy locality, fine war. ter. Several tenant houses, good school and churches near by, half mile from depot. Fine crops growing on it now. Adjoining lands can't be bought for $100 = l per acre. Price of this to quick purchaser $65 per acre. Terms easy, 140 acres under wire fence, i- Possession given January 1st, n 1912. H. S. Cunningham, Bishit opvllle, S. C. 7-14-4t In 11 FOUND?ONE BUNCH OF EIGHT e keys. Owner can get same by calling at Dillon Herald office and I Paying for this ad. Parson's 1*0001 a Gem. et ! TT cii?? ** * u ? iuu ncv. ri. oiuDenvon, Allison, ir_ la., in praise of Dr. King's New 11 Life Pills: ie ' They're such a health necessity, 8> In every home these pills should be. ie If other kinds you've tried in vain, 9_ USE DR. KINO'S ,r And be well again. Only 25c at )f Evans' Pharmacy. A Peep Into His Pocket. it. 4 1 would show the box of Bucklen's = Arnica Salve that E. S. L/oper, a carpenter, of Marllla, N. Y., always ^ carries. "I have pever had a cut, J* wound, bruise, or sore it would not soon heal," he writes. Greatest ey I healer of burns, boils, scalds, chap?>-; ped hands and Hps, fever sores, ly j skin eruptions, eczema, corns and ! piles. 25c at Evans' Pharmacy. Z STOLEN.? PROM E. L. MOORE *r & Co's Store, one carbide bicycle lamp (new.) Reward for any a information C C Graham * "",""7" jk > ur o aoses will cure any J case of Chills and Fever. Price, !| 25c. MY HUSBAND, DOCK CONNOR, "* left me without cause and took * 1 with him mv little boys, 3 and * * \ veuis old,named Mark and Buren. 11 u*.Land's description: 5 foot. K * ' inches, dark brown hair and mustache, one eye, wears glasses. * Medium complexion. Mrs. Connor. R WANTKI>. ? BY RRLIABIiK PAR?. ty, a good driving horse for 30 I. or 60 days for his keeping. Out arantee best of attention. Apply A. 8. K., Herald. 8-3-3t B,' BKTTKR1 PURER!! CHEAPER! 7l 8-, Wesson Cooking Oil, 00c. per tr gallon?12c per pound. W. W. ' Owen A Co.