The Dillon herald. (Dillon, S.C.) 1894-????, February 10, 1910, Image 3

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I XHLfashi News of the National C Passing for Never in the history of the country, old officials around the Capitol say, have so many Congressional investigations been held at one time as the ease now is. The situation, they say, is almost without parallel, and indicates clearly that other laws tliau those under which we are now living must he enacted or the higher courts ot the land, including the United Slates Supreme Court and the Inter-State commerce commission. ruust hereafter more strictly enforce I t^i*- mandates. The many loopholes) - "V if h which violations of the law, Vo^n "civil and criminal, so frequently tccur, mast be closed up. Not until lliat time will it become unnecessary lo hold investigations, such as that now going on in the Hallinger-l'inchot matter, in the investigations of the food and neat trusts, into the transportation >f second-class mail matter * and other invesigations by special committee: of Congress in Washington. It has lever been determined just what expose the national immigration commssiou, which spent several months ab*oad a year or so ago in trying to sittle the immigration quesMessage 01 Oambling. That ^r'sident Taft will, at an early dae. send to Congress a special inessig' urging the passage of a hill nrohhlintr ??ntnhliii?>* sunt snrrifiil turui prtihcts was stated by Representative Livingston, of Georgia, at a meeting if Southern Representatives ami oliiwn of the Farmers* Union last week b discuss ways and means L of breaki* up tliis practice. President Barst, of the Farmers' Union, stated t.baLUie 200.000 members were resolved tosradicate gambling on agrieultural foducts. even if it meant the olosingif every exchange in the ocnntry. 'The Louisiana lottery is no more," ? said. "The government can relievo he farmers in t lie country from ft incubus of exchange gambling i; the same way if it chooses to i' So. We farmers are appealing (ingress.'' " ? thow $13,000,000 'or Agriculture. kjje , The annil agricultural appropriate tion bill for the above amount ^jj which is lie before the House. It ikw *s **or "lit the projects already undeway. for the regular work of th department of agriculture and extension of work in many brancts. This is about the same amour that was carried in the | lull last y<\ The discussion, it is I thought wil disclose whether the farmers, wl.esalers or retailers are respoftsiWe v high prices. ) Heclamationiwamp Lands. : By During th consideration of the 1 agricultural ppropriation bill hefore the Hon last week. Representa1# live ,To?in llSmall. of North Carols tina. made me suggestions in eonB r ueet ion to sunp lands in North f Carolina. 11 urged the Federal govi J eminent to ;1 in the work of drain~.i age of the simp lands between Alm berinarle am Pamlico Sound. His w sentiments we cheered. Pension Lett Carriers. Senator Fe introduced a hill for the j>ensionii of letter carriers and postal erntdos as a reward for long and faithfu service. Under the terms of th measure any person ho has send in the postal service cither as let,* carrier or postal clerk may be retrd on 80 per cent of his full annm iay upon reaching the age of 7fi while in the service, if at the .mi nf alfnininu' u.w.Vi nrri. lie has bei 4i years in the postal ser| vice. k To Probe ligh Cost of Living. Foreshaowing an investigation by , Congress f :he high cost of living the houseva/s and means eommittee have autlrized Chairman Payne and Representtive Clark, the majority and minoty leaders in the house, to collahnrat m the preparation of a resolutionproviding for such inquiry and definig the form of prooeedure. Want Pa; For Use of Church. A raeanre to appropriate $1,000 for the reef of the Roanoke Island Baptist curch on Roanoke Island, TC. C., in jayment of a claim for damages aused that congregation through ffc use of its church by Federal force; during the Civil War has been intrduced by Senator Overman. T_ J: TXT ? T\ .-1.J -LUUlnUU W'lllttU I/CUIOU. The (pip-em* court has denied the fietitAug <f L. B. Conley, the Indian woman, lavyer to prevent the sale of burial grcundn in Kansas City. Her ancestors are buried in the grounds. Insurgents Giv? Over. f The aiuminous decision to support (tlie administration*? program of leg* islation was reached at a conference of the insurant* of the House of Representative* Monday night. Postal Savings Bank BilL The Postal Savings Bank bill has been favorable -eported to the Senate from the Senate Committee! on Posttnfllee and Poet Bonds. ington. I1 apitol Briefly Noted in the Reader. ti s d tion, has boon to the country. Likewise the inland waterways eomiuissiou has been called upon to expend a large amount of money on work that ought to have been done hv Congress. There is no way of estimating what . the expense in the Bnlluiger-l'inchot 1 ease will be when it is ended. Many 0 witnesses will come to Washington I1 from time to time, from far distant ^ States, and their expenses, including * railroad fare, hotel bills and iueiden- : tals, must be paid by the Government. J1 In addition to this the expenses of the Senators and Representatives, n who compose the committee, when I1 the long trip to the West is made to P personally inspect the Cunningham . coal lands, the mismanagement of ! which formed the basis of (Mavis's cnarges against secretary Hallinger, mast be paid by the Government. It is not believed that tin* food and [' meat trusts investigation wilt be eoni- * pleted for a year or more, although 1 a partial report of the inquiry may c be made at the present session of Con- tv press. The outlook therefore is for eontinued investigation in many lines ' for at least, the next year or two.? I'. II. Mefi.. in Charleston News and ? Courier. P h P Wants Absolute Prohibition. n Representative Aiken, of South Carolina, has introduced in Congress a a bill for the District of Co- ti lttmbia that no persons, corporation association, or club shall manufacture '? or sell liquor or beverages which eon- v tain alcohol and. which if drunk, will e produce intoxication. Wholesale and retail druggists are the only persons f who may dispense "pure alcohol" for f niedicianl purposes. A penalty of I1 from 100 to f.">00. together with im- 0 prisonment at hard labor, for viola- I tors of the proposed law. A drug- b gist who violates the act will have his license revoked for a year. The bill eradicates all saloons and whole ^iLiv ll(|Uiir SHUTS, JUKI would Climi- h nate the traffic in spirituous or malt ii liquors henceforth ami forever. o I Adulterating Oysters. I Tin? United States government is a going after those who transplant oys- ? ters from salt water to fresh water v and fre?|?tntly near the mouth of S sewers, where they are allowed to fat- a ten and enlarge hevond their normal r proportions thus making them much ?i more marketable, hut less desirable t to the consumer. This was develop- f ed in the testimony of Dr. Wiley, the a government chief chemist, before the v House subcommittee engaged in in- ? vestigating the high prices of food <] stuffs. Making Little Headway. I Little headway had been made in o the two months congress lias been in ? session toward the enactment of im- t port ant legislation demanded by s President Tat't. yet on every side are heard predict ions of an early adjourn- ;l ment. The cause of the delay seems 1 to he that the leaders of the ma- | jority fail to get together in support v of the administration's measures. ,] It For N. C. Public Buildings. 'I Senator Overman, of North Cam- a lina. has introduced hills calling for j an appropriation of $(>0,000 for a government building at Oxford, X. C.. also $3.~>,000 on extension and enlargement of the public building at Heids- n ville, N. c. ~ $7,000 For Customs Judges. The salaries of the judges of the v Court of Customs Appeals, whieh was created by the new Tariff law. have ^ been praetieallv fixed bv the House ^ at $7,000 eaeh. The Tariff law named j\ $10,000. ,1 n Plans For Post Offices. j, Government architects are soon to o draw plans nnd prepare specifications to for eight federal buildings in South Carolina. They are Abbeville. Aiken, Darlington, Oaffney, Laurens, New- j berrv. Orangeburg and Union. Ap- t| propria!ions, $50,000 in each ease ex- | eept Aiken, which was $00,000. were ' made in the act of 1900 for the above places. J No Appropriation For Boll Weevil. e An unsuccessful effort was made by Southern Congressmen in the . House last week to have the appropriation for the study and demon- . stration of the best methods of meet- .. ing the ravages of the hull weevil, the foe of cotton, increased from $215,- 11 000 to $500,000. The proposition was ^ defeated bv a vote of 88 to 115. b Hear Flint Case March 14. 0 The Supremo court has set March ii 14 for hearing the Flint case of Ver- b inont to test the constitutionality of tl the corporation tax provision of the r Payne tariff art. b I o 1 The Cherry Trees Were Burned. b | Two thousand you 117 cherry trees, * | the gift of the Japanese government ^ to the city of Washington, were re- ^ dueed to ashes at the propagating D gardens of the Department of Agri- I a culture last week. Experts of the ? a 1 department, in examining the trees, li found that they .asere hopelessly die- 4 eased, and ecntained a number of new e incest peste that it wee thought Ou- e wise to tun loose ia this country. a S ? I iV-MlKERIS OF PfiLMETTO m Below is given a brief summary he doings of the law-makers of 1 louth Carolina General Asscml ay by day: WEDNESDAY?Feb. 2. Seel ion 1 of the rate and niilea ill fell by the wayside, and althou lie senate held but one session. Iiis time Senator Graydon's I ill went by the hoard. The striki f section 1 from the bill was acco lishod shortly after the senate e< ened, the vote standing 22 to his section reads as follows: ''T1 roin and after April 1. 1JM0, t >gal rates of carrying passengers his State by all railroads over liles in length shall be 2 1-2 eei er mile, computing by the short oute, and no more." After the I ad been killed in part, discussion lie second section, relating to miles ooks, was participated in by umber of senators. inai in ease any railroad eo any, or companies, shall put on si ny form of mileage hooks at si nte. or less, the presentation of t orreet number of miles, by the sho st route, out of said book to t ondnctor or other ofliocr autlioriv o take up tickets shall entitle I erson holding said mileage to tra n the train of any road selling ss lileage, and upon the presentation is mlieage to any agent of said co any to have liis baggage checked, off provided by law. "Sec. 13.?That all acts, or parts cts. inconsistent herewith be. a he same are. hereby repealed." The Confederate soldier pensi ill introduced by Senator Mauh ras killed after evoking much <1 tission. The house passed and ordered s? o the senate the prohibition hill rodueed by Mr. Richards. The hoi iassed the bill to a third reading, t rrors made the ni??lit nvnviniw nc lie date it should go into effect i ring eorreeted. THURSDAY, Feb. 3rd. The Senate?Graydon's miles >ook hill was passed to a third ret lg with aineiuiments. The opponei t' the hill got the section reduci he rate stricken out ami Sena fogers got in an amendment maki coupon on which si trunk has hi becked good only 011 the line irhieli the trunk was checked. I ienator Clifton failed to get meiulment through allowing 1 osuls to make contracts for the s f mileage hooks with the regit ions, which would have had the bet of putting the hill to sleep: I mending the child deed law inn illicit Senator Tillman has his grai hildren, was also discussed hut Iccisiou was arrived at. The House?Compulsory cducsit ;ol si serious blow, the educati ommittee hill being killed by a v f 78 to "JO. the heaviest yet orded against such a measure. '1 riends of the hill said the hsu tiding was due to the near appro: f the Stall- commission: there v long and lively debate in I louse Wednesday night on I tichards pistol hill. The Hot rould have killed the hill hut for leinaml for a roll-call. The ti i?sttic motion resulted in a tic vr 'lie opponents made several desp te stabs at it after this but I louse refused to kill the bill. FRIDAY?Feb. 4th. The Senate?Senator Joe ltail f Texas got his "bid" to addr he (Setieral Assembly, but it is not nviting form, fourteen Seuators v rig against his coming. The Seni ius against him for two reasons, < leeause Senator Tillman wanted h nvited and the other in order to si ini for his slapping young Sink fanning at Washington last yei tie proposed legislation against t lileage hook regulations still liar 1 the balance. The Senate had t ther hard light over the (J ray don h lit adjourned debate till next Tu ay. No new amendments w< dopted. The House.?The House, after k ig the Riehards' pistol hill pas? he Kelly bill from tlie Senate 01 lwing all but pistols 200 inches lore long and weighing three pour r more. The (lenalty is $100 #li 'lie House amended it by providi xeepts in case of a man being on I wn premises or having good reas o expect an assault. The Kelly t 5 the present law on the subji nd is being re-enacted to cure schnieal defect; it now seeins pri ically certain that there will be ivestigation of Clomson at the ban f this legislature. Tho T-fnneo used to make a special order of t ill to this end and it has lit hance of passage otherwise; the hi f the majority portion of the asyh ivestigating committee looking to ond issue of a million dollars a be appointment of a commission elect locations and build two n ospitals, one for whites and t ther for colored patients, in case t ond issue carries and to secure < ions on sites in case the bond p osition does not carry, have receh lajority favorable reports at 1 ands of the ways and means cc littee, while the minority's 1 the purchase of 1^ crea of land within 10 miles of t umhia has been unfavorably repc d. All three of the bills come up : onsidaration "next Tuesday on i rdrr of tho llouao making f^ieiz peeial order for that day. 1 i \ SATtlRDAY?Feb. 5th. |jjf The (Jraydon < 11 i 1 < l-< 1 lull was n given its linal reading in tin? Senate Sat unlay morning without further discussion and witlnmt tint her at- ? tempt to amend it. There were only eight votes against it Friday night. ,jie As the House is practically agreed on * I iv the flasipie hill to the same end. and 1? will pass it next Tuesday, it remains .v,': now for the two houses only to get sl> together on minor differences of j"1 amendments. '1 lie firadon hill as it left the Senate will likely he suhsti- !"*' j7|, tuted for the Casque bill with sotue in minor changes. ,"1 Si* ?in ng 46 Men Saved. ^ ill- Savannah. <Ja.. Special. Friday ( ,, ,iy forty-six men were saved hy the n) crew of the Mallorv liaer Alamo** Su tat , from the sinking steamship 'Ken- nl" in tucky" on her way from llii^ port Jl' 40 to New York around the Home to Seattle, and taken to Ke\ West. Fla. $J." The vessel went down more than a ,".7t "'j hundred mile off 11South t'aioliua ?' coast. The signal of distress was ne< Loe given by wireless telegraph from this $s. a port to the crew of the liner "Ala- era mo..??). m- 1 . , tor Big Meat Co. Fails. p,., New York Special.?Tin* Mexican nie National Packing company, a New Iip Jersey corporation. controlled by ^ 1 '.ed Knglish investors and operating a string of slaughter houses and pack- ? _!: x'j ing houses in the republic of Mexi- tio co under special concessions from vei ? the Mexican government. failed it a ni~ Thursday with liabilities, including No 518 stock, of approximately $.'t7,OOU.OOU. 1~? The assets were not announced, hut lut ?. it is estimated that lhex are in ex- 2<m n< eess of the liabilities. tei ion ???.* . . ? 'j1" Tickled to Death on Boycotted * Steak. <" , . l|(?l * Pittsburg. Pa.. Special. -A * j-.,, * dozen foreigners discussed the * jjn tse boycott at breakfast in a * ((P * Mulberry Alley boarding house * * and all except "Mic" Skoviae. * j(1) 10^ * a Slav, agreed to eat no meal. * * Skoviae. delighted with having * t)|( * the breakfast steak to himself. * ri| * tackled it s?? violently that he * n)( >ge choked I? death oil the tirst * ,|)( id- * mouthful. jir nts illg (,?r May Strike April First. xv:! injr Toledo. r>.. Special. President M" >(>n Lewis of the I niied Mine Workers on said Saturday that there would he a "' nit general suspension of work in the !? liis bituminous fields of the country April Ike first if agreements on the wage ale schedule are not reached hy that date. 0f. No Increase in Shoe Duty. hu (j|| Washington. Special.?The Cuban Ii\ lor government will not increase the duty \\< ;1,|. on American shoes imported into that tin no country, the t ailed States charge at to Havana reported Saturday. eoi ion ~ SI. ion Robbed Passengers of $400. 0te Pittsburg, Kan.. Special.?Three |;,t rp_ unidentified men held up and rohlied ,,| '|u. the passengers on a eastbouud Mis- (,,, ck- souri Pacific passenger tram, five v,0 lc|, miles East of here last Friday night. |f, ras They were unmasked. About $400 ;l ll,p and a small amount of jewelry was ll,e taken from the passengers. ,,;i ise _ sin a Hereafter all prisoners appearing it. rst in the Bristol. Va.. police court will re. ite. have their descriptions so carefully an er- recorded that if they appear again CI. life they can be idcutificd at once. W at ii NEWSY fiLFAMXGi tin lev ,'"1 Bishop Cyrus D. Foss. of the Mettv in prs odist Episcopal Church, died In Philam delphia. Twenty Japanese settlors have tieen ate murdered in an uprising in South me Phongan. Korea. tei ',m One of the largest milk concerns in 'aP New York City reduced its price to ler eight cents a quartf. tin ar' Passengers on *.:* Bretagne loid he how Parisians laugh 1 at first at the \a it's rising waters of ' .e Seine. Champ Clark introduced a resola- J> ill. tion for the election of a new Com- 1 es- mLttee on Rules at Washington. 1). C. ,||( *re New York. Boston. Washington and ,,f other American cities forwarded large r, ill- sums for the relief of the Paris flood jj(| ie,| sufferers. ? at- January's crime record in New or York City included jewel robberies 1(js aggregating 1250,000 that the police .. |lp kept secret. A dispatch front Tokio. Japan, an- ' "J* nounced the government's intention * "I8 to place all its bonds on a four per ( 'on cent, basis. f're till file Borden Condensed Milk Com- wli pany bid five and five-eighths cents in a a quart for the contract, for supplying ptM so- five New York City hospitals with ou, no milk. p(.j ids James R. Keene was made a de- (|,, re- fendant in a suit brought at New w|j |ie York City in connection with the col ,i? lapse of the Columbus and Mocking ~u . nni He POOl. lin Borough President Miller, of the '.n | Bronx. New York, chopped off seven- i* " ' t.v-flve official heads and abolished po- ,;,f n<l sitions which cost the city $125,000 t? a year. Augustine Birrell is expected to take the post of Mr. Gladstone as NHome Secretary and be succeeded as id< r*r? CKUf O ... *v?. -H?- vuioi oEviciai; iui utioiiu uj ?r 111ro ston Spencer Churchill; John Bnrns vj| e?l may be appointed President of the thp Board of Trade. ,ro- T Sill UNITED ON THAT. tr J00 "There is a wido difference of opin- jj, 7-o- Ion as to the desirability of a quiet rt-x wedding." . for "Well?" thi' "But" everybody wants an uaos? a MatatioM dlvorea."?Louisville Cow rteyvJoaroal. 'J1 I ? HJTH CAROLINA NEWS STATE EXPENSES. timates by Comptroller Genera Jones for 1910. Jvcr .f!.">nn.(iOo will In- >n:! ? < run liir Slut.- *tivi,niun-!!l tlii tr. Tin* I'xut'i siimni" <1 aunniii l?\ I 'iiiiiplrulli-r ilmi-ru i<-- i* 17. 1 <. PI.. li'_':ir<* lint i 1 id it< If ?-M i:i"i>li tmiA i! :<t uia\ iivim. I'lir Willow inir ;i?*? 1 !:? ?.*.<!1 > al.? i'or rsi<*!i ilrpa r! ni'sit ? . iii it* uovcrinucnt : iii\ I'l'lmr "< ollii'i'. SlJ.tkiO ; iiiili'i1 11 i-ivlar\ til' Sl;il?>. $li.'J(KI: olWi niptn?!liT-i ii'iii'iai. +I11..VM1: nibr Slalf Tri'ii-iirrr. $7.tiiM>; n!li?'i' In-i"i: 11 t*i 1 ?i?'ii 1 nl l*'.ilui'al ni'i. .'i7i' in ni' Ail.iui aiii ?i 1 mI I n>ji" i-jiii fii'ial. ."flli.7tMI; ulliri' uf AliiM' H'\ iii'Uil. Sli.S7">: ulliri' ni Stan* la irinn. SI.liilli; lYmnuit ili-pan >11.11(1(1; K id I roil > I I 'nMltllissinh. .*' I. : 11i?l?-\mill Cadil'vim: Aet> 5111: State Fleet rician ami Fnui *r. !f>2.'2(?0; i insurance I inert 000: Inlirmarv * "?ni * \ < ( ins. tl(l.."i(l(i; .Indicia! I >c|>art ihi Ml 1.1(1(1; Stall1 t teolnjjisl. s: :..">( 1(1; III'irnl < iitiunis^ioii. v'J.'J">(l; S!;i( iiI<*iiI iairv. *(>..V>ll; I { jilt It I | ;? ui. -tI'J. 1 (10: Tax I>? (mrtitn-i11. s>:l, 1.1 1: legislature expenses. $4A.unil ctinn expenses. .f'24.!Ni0; examiner nihil t i'c>-. si, !l.">0 ; public priiiim-; >..">00; colnplcl lull ill Sliltc >,001.t>8; (' iiiiiiissiun of I mm i*_r i";i ii. *1(1.1211; Smith Carolina I'ni rsilv, .$8.1)011; Sunlit Carolina Mil rv Academy. $27?,7-~>0; Win! hmi >|'|ismi ami Imlusi rial College. .$!((> {.(> ?; Ileal". I (iiuili ami liliml A>\ it. $"27,000; (';ila v? Im Italians. * ?: Miscellaneous. $110.l:V>.Ki>; ii esl nil |mI Ii<- <lrlit, $1 ..">47. l!lli. 11 Corn Breeders Organize. Fur the purpose of providing Iici com seed not only for the men rs of the assoeial ion. hut for ever rtner in the Slate, the S<mlh Fan a Corn R readers" assoeial ion \\i ;.inize<t in toimiiiiia last week wit ni? tn her.ship of Those in a nlanec were represent at ivi I'arn i I ruin all sect inns ot' I lit* Stale an rro was a lively interest displa; in all of tin* proceed i litis of tl et injr. 11 was urired upon il miters that it is necessary I coil corn sccil I hat wiil lie a<iaplali litis climate. The oririuiizat iu !s perfected ami many of I lie d il for tlie flit lire of tin* oruauiz; m worked. A. K. <ion/ales ii; i mil $ I.Ml III to lie tiscil as preiniiin r I hose that ?lo the licsl corn hreei ; within the next two years. A Remarkable Woman Dead. There died recently near l?la<*U: rir Miss 1 V'.'iry t'lark. who. had si ed until tin* J 1st ol this montl mid have been I Ob years old. 1 old family I'ibie. which hcloni! one of her kinsmen. is tin. ri I'd of her birth. I'Vhrii.iiy Jl. 1 Ht?: e always lived I lie simple count r; I-door and open-house life, and i or years indulged in the luxur smokiliu her pipe. \hhouvh lie .tie was within 'J'.IM yards ?.| ih utlieru railroad line from Atlanl Washington. ami eveiy day In third of a century she heard it i" 'emits freight trains and nuej ieienl vest ib'iiled coaehes roll In > never herself enjoyed a tide mi1 She was never sick cnoimh t I'.tirc the services of a physieia d died rather suddenly Mis irk lived with her cousin. Mr; liite. who i> noarint: Iter !MUh yea d who has. for the pa-l Id or 'J irs. heeli draw injr a pension frot ? I'niied Slates ovcmiiicni on ai nil of her Inisbam! having serve the Mexican war. Monument to Dr. Smith. The ollieers of the First I'resbv 'It < '< Jlin.l.i.l Ivovo -1' led i<? advise l In* coiijireyal ion i i-l a tiioii uiiicii I lit llii' memory ? ?ir laic pastor. I lie l?ev. Dr. Ssiunn Smith, at his grate in I lie cliiirc r-J. arcalaurate Sermcn by Bratton. The Itnccalaurcalc serin ai het'oi 1 urndnatin;; class of ilic universit Snnili Carolina on Sunday. .Inn will lie ilclivcrcil hv Tlicnilorc Di isc Bra!ton. episcopal bishop <i ssissippi. At a meelimr of the Daymen ssioimry movement hi Sparlanhtir ivor l/e was ealletl upon to elos disorderly houses in that city. Joe. Ansel has received a letle itu an old Confederate Vetera o is now a resident of I'.allirion which information is asked to n si on for a veteran who reside [side of the Stale. No veteran re ves a pension who is not a resi lit of the Slate. The Slate i lieli a veteran makes his home inns c the (tension. If a veteran fror oilier Slate moves to South Care a. this State will then pay 11 (ten hi provided the applhimt i> eiijji ?.?The Slate, dan. dlst. Snap Shots. II. t. Moselv, promoter ot the \ & I., railroad, ami its host prei 'lit, is dead at Clinton. A movement is launched at tireer lie for a ifAO.COO V. M. ('. A. built' PCounty superintendent Martin, t xinRton, enuie near drowning; i yint? to cross Wateree creek in 111 ntch Fork. I.aman is to have a new pass.vigt ntion. ' It is announced that Tboa. occra, of "Marlboro, is M? be a.-cni date for Nmgreu to succeed Tic: E. Ellerbe. |NEWS BREVITIES ii Condensed from Wide Fields, Domestic and Foreign. 1 AS THEY ARE HAPPENING DAILY Suited to the Wants of Busy Readers I Seeking a Knowledge of What is Going on. '1 .. ? r ' The Roanoke (Vii.l Railway & I' | Klectrie company have announced ail ; increase ol' "in* cent an hour in I lit* . pay of conductors and motormen. The increase was unsolicited. The inundate of the federal circuit court, a? Macon. (5a.. lias ordered the the sale of the Savannah, Augusta & Northern railway to satisfy a claim ot nearly $.'100.(1(10 made bv William Oliver, a contractor of Knoxville, - Tcnn.. and confirmed the order of the 1'nited States court of this district, and the sale of the railroad and all ' of its properties will he made on Tuesday. March 1~>. at Statesboro. (ia. On the ]Oth anniversary of the as\ sassination of William (loebel jtlie " funeral of his brother. Arthur Goebel, ' who died in l'hoeni\. Ariz., .Iannary ' 20, was held in Covington. Ky., on Monday. Floating helplessly in a disabled p gasoline launch, three men were drowned when the launch was run | down bv the towhoat Enterprise off llo|>efield Point near Memphis, Tenn. i- The wages of the ear men of the local traction company at Lynchburg, Ya.. has been increased to a maximum of 21 cents an hour. This i? , an increase of a cent an hour. The Southern Railway has reoent \ ly placed an order for a number o< gas-e|ectrie cars of modern design, ,s which will be built and adapted es|, pecially to the requirements of the t_ Southern section of the country. ii- Samuel II. Tatersall, for many nl years supreme secretary of Improved v- Order Heptasophs. died suddenly at ic his home in ISaltimorc of heart failie ure. lie was horn -44 years ago in <i J'liil.nlelphui. h* Santos Zeluyn. formerly resi'? dent of Nicaragua aiul who lias been > - in Mexico Cilv since the last of I)e> eember. left last week over the Mexi s can railway for Vera Cruz, from i* which port he sailed on the 4th in :? - Spanish steamer for Belgium. One million dollars probably will he civen certain educational institutions at Nashville. Tcnti., by the hoard >- of trustees of the Peahody Educate tional committee. The yift will mean !, the establishment of the Georfte Peaii body school for teachers at Nashville, r* A London cablegram says David - Lloyd-Geonre will visit the United States next summer as tin* truest of i. American Welshmen. He will be acn companicd by Sir Samuel T. Evans. \ i the solicitor-ireneral: W. Abraham, r I M. P.. and William Jones. M. P.. and e according to the Druid, the oryan of a | the Welsh people in America, a bani ; qnet will be yiven in his honor, which > President Taft is expected to attend. Brakeman Chain Campbell was killed. Conductor Ballard was serr j iously injured and several others re" j ceived minor injuries in a freight n wreck on the Virginia and South" ' western Kailroad at Moccasin (lap * ; Tenn. 1 ' In an official report to the Illinois State food commission, just made 1 public. State Inspector Hocv declarI es that horses arc beiny slaughtered ' by the wholsale in Chicago and the meat is beiny sold and distributed for human consumption. The price of Bibles will yo up on - March 1, accordint; to an announcement by a la rye Bible publishing o house in Chieayo. The cause for the n advance is the enforcement of the 'I new tariff on imported leather and h paper. William E. Cattle. president of thf Millers' National Federation, savs that it' the housekeepers will buy ? more flour, the question of the adv vaneed cost of livinp will soon be ' settled. At Sumter. S. Maj. Marion '' Moise, a leading lawyer and financier killed himself with a revolver in his office. * Wnyeross, Ga.. is to have a 60-acre ~ celery experiment farm. Tosaui Leper. 70 years old. was r shot and instantly killed by his n I prandson, aped six years, near Esther\ wood, La. The latter picked up a a pun. unknown to the prandfather. s and was toyinp with it when it was - accidentally diseharped. The load - took effect in I^eper's back and the n youth, by the recoil of the weapon I almost had one of his eyes torn from n its socket. i- Approximately Ififi.OOO railroad - employes have been added to the halfi million in this country, to whom pension plans already apply. This )arp? increase is clue to the action of the New York Central and Rock Island lines, which have announced the in- ^ s- aupuration of pensions. % *1} Rear Admiral P.nb P.vnno Ko, j_ detached from duty with th^ general board by orders received last Wednesf day. He is in his G4th year, and fot the first time since his graduation " from the Naval Academy, fifty years ,c a|ro. "Fighting Bob" ? vans is left without any active duty to perform. r According to the report of the Manitoba department of afrrieuhure I. Mia value of the butter produced in a. tbia pro vines drring ltXfc, waa :t. (216^76. aa iairnaae ever the preI eteea year ef abeet *1?%*?,