y * * y » * *». v .'*» » *•* j . » -t vH** U * i»-»(j# a. . e >■' ^ j , THE FLORENCE DAILY TIMES THB LATEST ASSOCIATED PE ESS DISPATCHES 27th Year — — t Florence, S. C., Saturday Afternoon, March 10, 1923. $6.00 a Year ATTEMPT TO KEEP PRESENT SU PERINTENDENT FROM BE ING KICKED OUT STEEL RRIDGE TO CROSS Ti pR AT pNj^AM FUNDS TO BE APPROPRIATED BYl FEDERAL GOVCRNMENT FOR THIS PURPOSE WILL NOlWSE PRESENT TAX LEVY CIVIL CASES TO BE PEACE IN THE RUHR BIG CONGREGATIONS ppi> ^ WEEK: IS DRAWING NEARER ’ FEDERAL COURT ADJOURNED (AND jOURYMEN DISMISSED ' ' UNTIL MONDAY-* -** -CORRESPONDENTS CHURCH SERVICES * ‘ tWf Fred Kelley, colored, Is In the' county jail w th two charges of steal ' Columbia. penitentiarv March 10.—The atat« situation has become! WILL BE CONNECTING LINK IN IMPORTANT HIGHWAY OF , NORTH AND SOUTH Federal aid has been offered to Flor Federal court adjourned at 1:30 ; o'clock this afternoon and. all jury men were dismissed iiniil Monday morning at 10 o'clock, when the sec-; oml week of court will begin. It was | announced lhat civil liurincas will] id'ini the attention of the court next} w eek. The following cas^s «'ere disposed of this morning: James Hepburn, violating the pro- BOTH FRENCH AND GERMANS SEARCHING APPEALS OF PREACH- ARE GETTING WEARY OF ; ER MAKE THEIR IMP.RE*-.A THE STRUGGLE SION UPON MANY FOREIGN TRADE I MASS MEETING OF INTERESTS AFFECTED! CHILDREN SUNDAY SEVERAL COUNTRIES ARE COM- SPECIAL SERVICES BE H€l» PLAINING OF THE CUSTOMS’ i FOR THEM AT 3 O’CLOCK BARRIER. I IN AFfERNOON I ing cotton hanging over his head. He j the headliner on the South Carolina’, was arrested yesterday -by Sheriff s 1 legislative stage th's week, and then \ and stating that it would be Impossi- Deputy Joe Connor and Sheriff Regi 3< j Hre g o Ve1n , part3 t0 ^ rp hf> ,^ nori 0 , ’ ble for them to get together upon a decision. Judgd Smith late yesterday afternoon declared a mistral in the case of the government against Mrs. E. O. IngramT'who w'aa on trial In the i selling it in Darl'iielon Federal Court nere charged with ^ was ou ^ on ^ ont l ^ or stealing a hale sending obscene letters through the! cotton from Mr. Price last fall anti mails to members of the McGregorj bringing it to Florence family and others in Columbia. The I From a statement made by the of case will come up for trial at a later! ® ccr8 - Kellev w’ent to the home of dale, probably at the next session oft ^ r - FTic 0 Wednesday night and re- the court in Charleston, although m t’ moved the ,,alp of cotton. The n«x; announcement lyas as yet been made da Y Darlington and sold ter of Darlington county, at a store, the prison early in the week was first I at Mars Bluff, for stealing a baJe ut j in sequence, followed bv cotton from E. Price, a prominent far- to this effect The case consumed the first three days of the court. Yesterday morning it for $150 and received the money for it. As soon ns Mr. Price missed the cotton the next morning no rame Judge Smith made his charge to the. to Florence, and reported the affa’r. Jury, and they went to their room to |Jrhe tase was turned over to Deputy HOME IS WRECKED iiegin their deliberations around 13 o’clock. At 6.30 yesterday after noon .they were re-called to the court room and upon declaring that a de cision w'as imposs ble the mistrial was dec tired and the jury disebarg ed. John Harris, who was tried yes- iciduy on a charge of killing h a ship mate. G. Karfson on the high seas oti the Charleston lightship, was de clared guilty of involuntary man slaughter. and was sentenced to pay a fine of SI.000, juid serve three years In the federal penitentialv at Atlanta. The story of the killing was told bv Harris li mself, the onry witness to the tight which he alleges took piace In the seamen’s quarters short- 1 ly after 6 o’clock on the morning of Fan-fax, Okla., March 10. -Mrs. February. 24. Harris was the oniv'^j*l' am Smith and Miss Nellie Brook- w'iluess for the defense. He said that, y 016 killed and Mr. Smith badly Karlson, who wus a Finn, had been laiKing to mm ever since thev ship ped on the schooner :n January, tak- *•’" V'lbev'll .tjnd I ry r g to Ittu- ence him to join some sort of Finnish l .ju. out i-.ittt he had uvo ded urgu- with him wuorever nosslhie. On this particular nijlit, the de fenaant sain that he and Karlson had the watch which ended at 4 o’clock in the morning, and after leaving the deck went beiow to their quarters, they be ng the only two in the sea man's quarters at the time. They went to bed shortly after leaving the deck. At about 6 oclock. Harris said he get* up and went on deck, anfi upon return'ng to the acbin ie t the uoor opm. A high sea wus running at the time, he said, the wind blowing the waves over the deck. He said j in sequence, followed bv cons'dera J Jtion. la both branches, of the bill to) mer of the Mars Bluff section ami'create a board of five directors, these’ The negro to select the prison superintendent. Next came (he letter from Buperin tendent Banders to the two hranenes. answer ng the committee which maue the penitentiarv invest'gatlon. whirl letter was received as information in the house,, but rejected in the sen ate. The last development is the amendment offered by the house ju diciary comnrttoe to the prison con trol bill, already passed the senate, for the measure to become effective in 1925. This amendment is aimed at preventing the General Assembly from legislating out of office the present sunerintendent. A. K. Sana ers. and members of the board of directors whose term do not end this year. The amendment wou,'d allow the elect on this year of the prison superintendent by the legislature, as heretofore, and also the election by the legislature this year of the three members of the hoard, to fill vacan cles occurring this year. After tnese terms expire, the amendment pro vides. the five hoard members would be appointed by the governor, this board to elect the superintendent. If the amendment carries the governor would appo nt the three members whose terms expire this year. It appears certain that the prison board bill will pass. It received a majority favorable report, signed bv Representative W. I). Barnett, o. Richland. There seems to he strong sentiment for the bill, and the house Is expected to adopt the amendment. ^Howover-Tvhether or not the amend meat passes is a matter of doubt. The senate has already killed *t.. when it was offered by Senator Moore, of Ah beville. Superintendent Sanders’ reply to the investigating committee was one of the sensations of the week in the legislature. He charged that the ert icisms were of matters ho had cabled to the attention of the legislature in past reports. ence county to the extent of $10 00o i la 'y ’ one y ® ar at } d a day in 1 . . ,he Federal prison in Atlanta. t for the purpose of building the loadj Mamie Strough. violating the pro-' from Effingham to Lake City and to hibition law; $100 and costs, and eon-! erect n stesl bridge, aeio^s Lynch’: to the Florence jail until it Is, i j""" « «»<«i Connor who traced the cotton to Dar lington and found the buyer who had bought it from the negro. Taking the buyer and Sheriff Retgibter in his car the deputy took them to the Mars Bluff store, and as they were afiving up the buyer recognized the wagon which had brought the rottoii to Darlington standing before two store. Upon gouig inside he aiso recognized Kelley as the negro who had sold it to him. Upon being searched. $L14r,.]o was taken from the negro, wno w.m brought to Florence and placed in jail. ’ cer in the discharge of his duty; three’ jjsssL**;Er* HKi ^ g> " raak f‘" ! to a Hquor charge in open court yes- tiat ref,nir ® s i ten’ay and received sentences. The! as had at first been contempfated bv the county and-for which the delega ♦’on had appropriated $12,000. Tie approaches to the bridge are to be of creosote, and the roadwork of n cer a* the expiration of the first one. In the United - States court nines m ,’ guilty were rk-’n and sentences pas* ed in the foi’lowing cases of vnia tions of the national orohib’Mon laws: David Jeffeoit, $100 and costs, .tain specification. The county chain to remain in jail until paid. Georg.’ OrQllcr i C* o 1 l*£-» H 1» r* f i*r Ir- #. * 1» .1 1 hurt in a mysterious explosion tirt wrecked their home today. numrerIfguilty PLEAS ARE TAKEN ALL FOR VIOLATING THE PROHI BITION LAW. FINES RANGE FROM $25 TO $500 Rube Martin of Holly Hill. Orange burg county, was tried yesterday al- ternoon in Federal court on a cnarge of violating the prohibition law. ho was fined $200 and costs or sentenced to serve 2 months in the Richland that Karlson yelled at h : m to! county jail close the door and asked him where I A number of pleas of gu'lty for vlo "he thought he was at.’’ 'latmg the prohibition law were uikeu Harris then said that he closed the during the afternoon, as follows: door and started to get back In his | Jennie Williams. Florence. $25 and bunk which was directly under tnnr, costs, and confined to Florence coun- of Karlson, somewhat similar to an j ty jail unty paid upper and lower berth in a Pullman i Marcus Brown, colored. Florence, car. He said that as he was getting, $250 and eoHs, and confined ro {'tie into his hunk, the Finn said something i Darlington county jail until pa'd. in hia own language, which he did no* | Charles Dixon, colored. Columbia understand, and that he raised up and $100 and costs or 30 days in me h.Vf smiled, half laughed in his face Then, he said, Karlson. who was * much larger man than he. reached out, caught him by the throat with the left hand and around the back ol the head with bis right hand. Harris costs, and confined to grabbed the hand at his throat with county jail v’U'l paid. ’•ah of his. he sa d, and attempted to{ Hattie li; colored. Charleston, break the hold. Karlson then remov- 525 and cocu .10 days In Charleston ed ms right hand, reached Into larnwell comity ja.I James Wyiiarns. colored. Florence, iluu and costs md confined to tue Ip reply to the committee's criti cism that corporal punishment w.is too severe and should not be allowed, the superintendent stated that the constitutional provision regarding corporal punishment to refer to in fliction of the punishment by the counts and not in disciplining prison ers. MISS DAVIDSON BEREAVED Misses Eizabeth Davidson and Clara Hobbs have returned home from Greensboro. N. c.. where they went to attend the’ funeral of Miss Davidson’s brother. Miller Davidson, who was a^so a cousin of Miss Hobbs. Air. Davidson w.is a traveling man, and was killed at Boyce a few days ago. Miss Davidson has the svm • Vi Alien To n ge y rs! an co. , d;ed. Da $ko and XEE?.° St ° f trie,,d8 ‘ n ^ ^ Dorchester his bunk and brought out the short- handled ax and struck -ut h'm. the blow gianciBg off his shoulder. *T then let go the hand at my throat and grabbed the ax with both my hands,’’ said Harris and jerked It away. Karlson grabbed the bed cloth ing and attempted to throw it over mv head when I struck at him. The man made a sort of groan and his hams dropped on my shoulder. county jai!. Rhett and Dan Mitchell, Kershay county, $500 each and costs. Rhett to i be confined in Florence jail until paid snd Dan in the Richland county jail. AGITATOR MUST PAY Warden, March 10.—Prince Freid- DEMOCRATS MEET REORGANIZE PARTY C. J. CASQUE ELECTED CHAIR MAN AND W. B. TYSON SECRE TARY. SMALL ATTENDANCE gang is already at work on the road and will also build the approaches the expense of which is to he paid by the federal government. In order to get the benefit of this government aid the commission har asked the county dejefut'on to author ize the acceptance of the proposition and allow the commission to use the money received from the work done by (he chain gang to match the gov ernment fund. Bv accepting the gov ernment proposing the county wiy get a steel bridge across the river without having to ra'se the tax levy to pay for it. The construction of this briu|e across Lynch's river at Effingham is considered by both the members of the delegation and the governing commission to be one of the most im- I>ortant road construction projects that has been undertaken in Flor ence county, for it will connect up the national coastal highway leading from the north to Flor’da, which up,‘its the county wide open. This highway will enter Florence county over the new Pee Dee river bridge and go by way of Florence; Effing ham. New Hope, Cowar^ Scranton and Lake City. The importance of this highway passing through the county cannot be underestimate*’, for yearly thous ands of peofle will tiavel over it go ing back and forth from one section of the country to the other. Many of these tourists have plenty of mon ey and camp wherever night over takes them. A great deal of money wj'l be spent by them along the route and i|iturally Florence county will come in for its share, it is believed Wadsworth. $200 and costs, bieve Nelson, one year In the train'nt; school at Washington. Eugene Brown, $25 and costs Frank Gmni. $300 and costs or 90 days In the Rich land ja : l. Horace Bolane. $100 aim costs. Willie Mltcha'l, $50 and costs. Robert Brazwell, $100 and cosie. Percy S. Johnson, $117.15 and 30 *tayn in the Charleston jail. James Rowe. $50 and costs. Marie P.rowder. $200 and costs or two months in the Flor ence jail. E. Pinckney, 110 anu costs. The district attorney, it became known today, would make an effort to settle the case against William Hopkins, charge* 1 with sending ob scene letters to the Vanderbilts^ to President Harding and other officials 1 of Washington, by having the man ( placed in an asylum for the Insane. | Hopkins is In jail here He has! shown evidences the officers say of; an unbalanced mind London, Mar. 10.—Although failing I The largest congregatfbn of the r»- to offer very definite advices to sup- ( vlval services thus far packed the Au- port their statements, some British-riitorium and gallery ot CentraDttety- correspondents in the Ruhr assert ’ odist church last hijent to jo'n in tfte there is a tendency towards peace. | singing and hear Rev. J. W. gpeake, They say both sides would welcome [who has won>a place 4n‘the hearts of a setCement. Both the German work- j our people by his earnest' Searching ers and the industrialists are tired of I i^peal. . J ' the struggle, the correspondents say.! Last night’s sermon was a groat The former see no hope of winning.! an d will long be remembered while their sufferings are increasing! >v ?! 08 f ^ho heard It. The preacnar daily. The Industrialists fear for the einu ^ as * zed ^he obligation that-rested future. The French are reported suf i J l . pon ® v8r y individual to endeavor,i't fering almost as much as the Ger-!.:'® Up f° a * s highest conception $»f man3 | life. The consciousness of.right itnd The French have failed to geti w,0D $‘ inherent la every man. H4e what they want in the Ruhr. Their in I , ' on, '®Ption of life may vary according dustries are serlouslv affected bv the * *° *he light that he has or the tpatfi coal shortage. Dispatches suggest it will he impossible for present con ditions to continue much longer. Trade interests of several coun tries are said to he complaining of the customs barrier. Holland and Denmark are reported to have made representations to France on the sub ject. Sweden is said to he waiting on British action. Washington, ' the London correspondent says, is inter- esH n e itself along independent lines. Gen. Odley, British commander ol the Cologne area returns to his post today. BODIES WASHED ASHORE AUTOMOBILE TURNS OVER ON ROAD T.-i'lahassee, Fla., March 10. bodies of four unidentified men were washed ashore on Wakulla county beaches the last two days, accord'ng to reports brought here by a dr sheriff. He said the indications were there had been w-holeule foul play- in the allied smuggling trade. MARION LADY KAS SHOULDER DISLOCATED WHEN PINNED BENEATH WRECK “MONEY KING” FOUND GUILTY OF ROBBERY CONVICTED OF ROBBING FLOR- ENr.F POSTOFFICE TWICE DURING FALL OF 1921 Marion, March 10.—Mrs. A. I. Guer- ry. of this city, w-as painfully hurt Thursday morning on the rrad to Rains school house, when the aut * mobile in which she was rid'ng turn ed over, according to information re ceived. Miss Ne'^e Rogers, w-ho was driving t ie car. Miss Jennie Meggs 1 and the 1'ttle niece of Miss Meggs. =»tl of this citv, w-ere the other occu pants of the machine. Miss Rogers had trouble w-ith the car, it is said, and w-hile endeavoring to slow down, it became unmarrge able and ran Into a ditch, causing U to turn ovefi, imprisoning Mrs. Guerry within the car and other occupants falling upon her. P. W. Johnson hap pened to be ne^.r the scene of the ac cident. extricated Mrs. Guerry and brought her to the lock? hospital. Although sustaining the dislocation of her shoulders /and cither :m’nor bruises, it is said that Mrs. Quarry’s injuries are not at all serious and she is expected to be all right in a few SUNDAY WON’T COME TO FLORENCE MONDAY SPECIAL TRAIN MAY BE NECES SARY IF EVANGELIST TO SPEAI^ HERE IS Ing . he baa received, but be owes it to God, his family, his community and himself to strive to reach tha* highest 'cofigmi- tlon. The highest pattein Known among men Is Jesus Christ, ir arty one knows a better example ta^ti Jesus let him foYow it. He .d»fe not accept any standard but the htgp- ist. Jesus Christ expressed hie own life the highest ideals Kpoijrt among men. He is the revelation of God to man of what God expects man to be. No man will he saved by fo]M* ish waiting for,God In some vlslslc sensational way to pick him up gqd cause some strange feeling to. come over him. It Is for him to rasijond The j to the caKt of the highest -cdncentwi that he has. It is for him to surres. der himseif to God. - Tp .take t sides with God against himself and akalnst nil that Is not rljht. It is for h.ini to follow the right no matter where .it. leads or what It mav cost. The ran- | ment a man does this and does It with ; nil lUs heart and with sincerity of I purpose he will be conscious of God's ! approval. What more’does any niiMi * want? That Is conscious happipasa. Hd now stands with God, God’a trnfft, God’s righteousdAss against himself, against wrong, against anything ihd everything that does not measure up to the highest ideal. God’s'approval i rests upon him. Condemnation te removed. He stands with God. ready to follow the right wherever It mav lead him. This is salvation. The man who really, truely, sincerely honestly, purposely, actively does tirs will not wait long for the con sciousness of God's salvation resting upon him. And he will never be snv ed unlil he does It. He may wait, and Billy Sunday will not come to Flor ence on Monday, March 12th, it was learned today. He will sneak in Orangeburg on that day. After the visit of the Florence delegation to Columbia it was announced that the . . ... . n evangelist would probably he here and - wa, t. but until he asserts his Monday as the committee fell. a9 . | God-glven powers, energized byti. sure*! the invitation, backed by the of God through Jesus Christ urging of Governor McLeod, would be a " d boldly steps forward upon the accepted. In a long distance conver- Bld ® 0 r ^ aganst all wrong, he sation with Mr. Matthews one oV*"' aever ^ T’l'U? Iho nniv Snnrlav nartv in Cnlnmhla. the power ta do Uliff. .WT *U*ITtfft«ftl John Williams, alias Wiilie Wil Hams, aljis Money King, was found gu’lty this morning on two charges, one for entering the Florence post office on October 22. 1921 and robbing [ da y 8 - Her ro,an y friends were d’s- it of $301.27 in cash and one parcel tressed to hear of her accident. The post package, and the other of enter-' other occupants of the car escaped in . .., , J th 1 0U *"*! rich Von Lippe, German nationalist he was grabbing at me and struck him | itator was flne(1 seven mi] . ioil again I don t know whether I struck , marks , court niai tial yesterday, him the third time or not I tnen jThc p rosecu to r asked two years im- dropped the ax and went and told t.'- prjsonmeut and ten millions marks captain what I had done. ( | ine The government could not shake | the Iran in his testimony aithougn i he was cross-cxum ned at length hy the district attorney. For the government the district at torney made the cnarge *to • the-jury- while for the defense, Christie Ben t of (’o''imhia and A. L. K'ng of Flo; WrrVugton, March 10.—Raw cotton exports during. January were 437.436 ence divided the time between Theifi, I bales, valued at $65,256,000, the com- these gentlemen laving volunteered j merce department announced. This to defend Harris who came to trh,':is con pared with 475,910 bales valued, without counsel. Harris is 39. He«iJ at $45,233,000 the same month last from iChicago. year. Exports for seven months end mg .’i nuary were :\752,730 bujes. OFFICIALS PROBE DEATH OF BANKER W. Marshall Bridges of Florence j will address the Men's meeting at j Chicago, March 10.—The Lo,'an the Y. M. C. A. Sunday afternoon nr J Square Trust and Savings Bank, with the usual hour, 2.45. Mr. Bridges is > deposits of $2,700,01)0 closed today Candidates for office in the ap proaching city election and s‘x other MILLIONS OF MARKS i faithful Florence democrats attended the meeting at the court house last night called for the purpose of re organizing the city party. C. J. Gas que was asked to ta .e the chair cs temporary chairman and W. B. Tyson as secretary. Both of these gentle men were later permanently elected, Mr. Gasque as chairman and Mr. Tv son as secretary. Members of the executive committee were elected rs follows: B. W. Covington, R. B. Ful ♦ on. M. L. Rhodes and Herman A. Smith. The executive committee will meet in the office of Chairman Gas que at 8 o’clock Tuesday evening to arrange for the city election and set the amount of the fees to he charged candidates. EXPORTS OF COTTON , - DURING JANUARY ing the Florence post office on Nov 7 of the same year and robbing it ot 16 parcel post parcels. The case w-as tried in Federaj court here this morn ing. He was found, guilty and sen- 1 , DRAMATIC SPECIALIST tenced to three years In the Federal penitentiary in Atlanta. An arqay of witnesses appeared for the prosecution and evidence was brought out showing that the negro! entered the postoffice the first Hme ■ through a window and apparently left by the same exit I he second tune Dramatic Specialist Jenkins of the he came in through a window hut left dramatic department of the National Jury. Mrs. Guerry, Miss Rogers and Miss Meggs teach school at tbe Rains school TO COME TO FLORENCE COME TO ASSIST IN DEVELOPING DRAMATICS IN LOCAL COM MUNITY SERVICE the Billy Sunday party in Columbia, J C. Long, who has been working for months to bring Mr. Sunday to Flor ence. was informed that the evangel ist woud go to Orangeburg Monday and that no decision had be reached as to the Florence Invitation. It w-as state*' that the distance of Columbia from Florence was so great, and re quired so much time, that the chances of Mr. Sunday's coming were slight. However, Mr. Long was not discour aged hy this information, and is at present in touch with officials of the Atlantic Coast Line with resnect to a special train to bring Mr. Sun day here some time later In the month. BELIEVE CASHIER HAD ACCOMPLICES hy the basement door, h's load of parcel post packages apparently be ing too large to rass through the. window. Officers traced the negro to Lanes, where a quantity of the goods were discovered in a room which Money King occupied, but the negro saw the officers approaching and managed to escape the back way. About s’x months ago, he was captured while working at a saw mill in North Caro lina. BRIDGES TO SPEAK AT “Y” TOMORROW! FUNERAL SERVICES OF MRS. C. R. MOORE WANT EQUAL RIGHTS FOR TURK SUBJECTS The funeral services of Mrs. C. It. Moore will be hejd tomorrow at 1.30 o'clock at the residence of her daugh ter. Mrs. R R. Eagerton at Howe’s Crossing, The burial will take place later at Bethel near Cleussen. Mra. Moore died Friday night lifter a lone j'lnesa. She was 62 years ol-j and leaves a husband and the following wet'l known in the citv as one of its, while the dea*h of the president, Fred most progressive c'tizens. and being ■ W. Bopp is being investigated. Bopp’s , a fluent speaker a large crowd will' body was found in an automobile on! children Mrs. R. R. Eagerton, Howes hear him tomorrow 1 a lonely road with a pistol near by. ‘ ‘ John F. Dudley, the former secre-j Examiners are checking the 'tank's tary of the Association, now of Ports-funds. mouth, Ohio, will preside at the ( . meeting. All the men of the city, New. York leads all the States In visitors and strangers are cordially j the, production of. papor and pulp, invited to the service. . k tbe coffee trade estimate that the con- Crossing; J. D. Moore, Forence; W B. Moore, Bannockburn; U. L. Moore, Marion; Mrs. Jack George. New Or leans; Mrs. V. R. Willis, Akron, O. The Rev. B. F. Allen, pastor of Im manuel Baptist church, will conduct the funeral services. Constantinople, March 10—Although Turkey’s answer to the proposals submitted her at Lausanne fails to ask important modifications of the political clauses of the treaty, the Angora government finds the eco nomic and capitulations sections dif ficult. A note handed the allies in sists the Turkish subjects In all’ed countries be accorded the same rights the allies seek for their nationals In Turkey, Community Service. New York, will be in Florence March 16. 16 and 17. in tho interns* of ln*-al dramatics in connection with the Florence Commu nity Service. Mr. Jenkins Is recog nlzed as being of the leading men of the nation in this line of work, and those persons in Florence who are In terested in dramatics are Invited to meet with him at a meeting to be called on March 16. The hour ot this meeting will he announced later. In com ag here Mr. Jenkins w-ill b* a guest of local Community Service. Any onq wanting a personal taCk i with him, may arrange for It by call J ing at the office of Community Sen- tee here and taking the matter up with the local executive. this power through Jeeus Christ. No man is justified In saying ”f ought to’’ but “I can’t.” What a man acanowL edges that he ought to do, that {ie can do and must do or be idfljwjr j'oat.” At the close W'l'hA Yvjfer! seven persons took the pastor's hand m : token of them deetaion -fon Otn-ieT. There will ha perjrhjap f^njtlay conducted by Mr. Spoake. The chil dren's service at 3 o'clock will be ol especial intecesV All cVUtii*W community are InVtted ’^IV. sfpeake loves children, has worked with them for years, and his message to them will be greatly enjpyed.' > *Any . older people will And a welcome with them at this service. . - The revival services will continue throughout next week at 10 a. m.. and' 8 p. m. > . Service tonight at 8 o'clock * * * / Springfield, Ohio., March 10.—Fed eral officials pre invest'gatmg wheth er A. H. Penfic.’d, cashier of the' Springfield National Bank, had any aid in embezzling the banks funds, j according to dispatches here. Pen field was arrested 775tHf-dd with a $600,000 shortage. Bank officials an nounce the shortage probably will be $800,000. ' Washington d'spatches said it might be over a million dol lars. CHARLESTON COUNTY , SOLDIERS HONORED ITALIAN BANKER HAS DISAPPEARED Charleston. March 10.— T Alvirt , M. Ow-sley, National commander Of t|e American Legion and Dr.. Kate WaVrti Barrett, president of the American Legion auxiliary,. dedicated the Ave nue of Palm? at the. Citadel to*Vyy ,in honor of tKe Charleston county war veterans. Mr. Owsley left shortly af ter for Savannah. Dr. Barrett leaves tonight. r - • • < * CONFEDERATE VETERANS TO MEET MONDAY NO SENIOR EPWORTH MEETING TOMORROW There will he a meeting of the Con federate Veterans of Florence county at the court house at twelve o'clock on Monday. The meeting has been called for the purpose of arranging to ! attend the general reunion of Confed- ■ erate Veterans in New Orleans next j month. New York. March 10.—Twenty Italians .told the police today that Vincenz*? Tlsbo, who conducts a bank- on Mott street with $2,000,000 depos its, had disappeared Thursday n'ght. An excited crowd gathered around the bank, the piVieeman on dray said. DRUG HABIT PREVALENT IN EL PASO. TEXA3 LIGHT COMPANY WINS FROM THE BAPTISTS There wil be no meeting of the Senior Epworth League tomorrow af ternoon at 6.30 o’clock, the members being expected to meet at the regu-.