t f THE FLORENCE DAILY TIMES THK LATItT A180CIAT CO .PRESS DISPATCH IS 27th Year Florence, S. C.. Monday Afternoon, March 5, 1923. $6.00 a Year ■?** DISTRIC1' ATTORNEY HERE FOR FEDERAL COURT TOMORROW ^w'h cSmeupFo? 868 BALD^flK ANNOUNCES .gra^case | FOIT COMMISSIONER FIRST ON DOCKET: . (JlJY flF FLORENCE LEGISLATURE ENTERS NINTH WEEK WITH ^ MUCH WORK AHEAD SON LAKE CITY’S MAYOR ATTACKED WHILE OUTDRIVING k r* i I LIKELY THAT SESSION WILL CON- SHOT FIRED AT SPEEDING CAR OPENING SERMON PREACHED TINUE TO LAST THREE 1 PIERCES THE UODY OF A THIS MORNING RV DR. FUR- NEGRO MAN MAN H- MARTIN MORE WEEKS REVIVAL SERVICES | CONTRACT FOR 1 HE CENTRAL METHODIST j WHITE WAY BE LET ; CHURCH UNDER WAY| THIS AFTERNOON ELECTION PETITION I SENATE COMMITTEE ^ HAS FINANCE BILL POSSE FOLLOWS AND REV. J. W. SPEAKE CAPTURES THE MEN I ARRIVES TONIGHT E. L. Jacobs, Charleston Alderman; To Come Be fore Grand Jury District Attorney J. D. E. Myer, of t)ie United States Court, which is to convene here tomorrow mornlnK for the March term, arrived in the city this morning and has been' in ISADORE SULZBACHER ALSO MAKES OFFICIAL ENTRY INTO THE RACE HOUSE WILL CONSIDER THE $6o,ooo,coo Highway bond ISSUE MEASURE TAKEN TO LAKE CITY AND HELD SPLENDID PREACHER WILL TAKE IN POLICE STATION WITH- j CHARGE OF MEETINGS. PU&- OUT BAIL > LIC IS INVITED IS BEING CIRCULATED THROUGHOUT CITY Bids Were Opened By Council Committee At Three O’Clock WORK EXPECTED TO COMMENCE AT ONCE THREE CANDIDATES Columbia, March 5.—Two weehs,. Cooper McKenzie and his son ar», Rev. John \V. Speake. pastor of St. | j possibly three, yet remain of the leg-' jjpjj j n the police station at Lake John’s Methodist church nt Rod; 1 i islative session, according, to predlc-jcity charget! with shooting Alonzo’ Hill, and one of the most successful, ASKS FOR ISSUING ELECTION TO VOTE BONDS TO THE AMOUNT OF $350,000 Will Be Of The Most Mod ern Construction In Existence ‘tions of members, though the assem-j M oore colored: > assaulting am! at-'and gifted preachers in South Caro :WILL NOT ADD TO assault Bruce White:! Bna. arrives this evening and will' THE PRESENT DEBTS NOW FOR MAYOR, Mom1ay e '[ e , nin * enters the n,n,h ;tempting to J week of its 192.. sitting. I head, son of Mayor W. H. White- take charge of the meeting at Cen j [RUMOR HAS IT THAT OTHERS »he outstanding facts tn connection i lPa( j 0 f L^e City, assaulting and Mathodist church tonight at ' ► A n_ ference practically all day with Post 1 MAY ENTER BEFORE LISTS t with the work of the assembly thl*' attemi)ting to asaault B R U fti an , a ARE CLOSED J con- ,1 Office Inspectors Knight and Ripley { regarding several cases of violation) . . , , „ . of the postal laws which are to come | W. Ba/dwin, yard conductor o up. O fthese the most important are the Atlantic Coast Line railroad com- the cases of Mrs. Eugene O. Ingraham p anyi announces officialy today that of Columbia charged sending, he wil , be a eandidate fos commis . 3ion . improper letters through the mails I ... „ in connection with the McGregor) 1 t * lp clty °* J ,(,r ‘ ;nce - He is well wedding in Columbia last fall, and 1 known and popular in Florence, he of William Hopkins, charged with J in? connected with several organiza- sending scurrilous and defamatory | t ons. mattsr through the malls. j s. isadore Sulzhacher also make.' A number of. witnesses prominent, olficia! announcement of his candi- in the social and business life of the • dacy for place on the board. Mr. Sulz- state will appear here to testify in | bacher is one of the best known husi- the Ingraham case. It will be called 1 ness men of the city and has long for trial Immediately upon the open-, been active in public work, hnvtna ing of court tomorrow morning, ac-, served a part of term as alderman cording to information gained from! under the a'd form of government, authoritative sources today. Postj Messrs. Meeks and Barnwell have Office Inspector Knight, who worked already announced for re-election as up the case against Mrs. Ingraham, ‘ councilmen. W. II. Berry has been and handwriting exnerta from the de-' mentioned as a possible candidate hut partment of justice at Washington' has made no sfiitement for publics- will be among the main witnesses for 1 tion yet, the United States. Mrs. Ingraham is 1 Pressure, it is stated, has been at liberty on bond. . ! brought to bear upon D. >V. Alderman. Later in the week the court will try! c**® vV. Covington, Joe Long, J. C. William Hopkins, charged with using, K pmin, l- anf i others, to oh'er for com- the malls to disseminate scurrilous, missioner but no public expression matter. Williams is in the Florence! has been made by these gentleman, county jail, having been brought here! Three candidates for Mavor are two weeks ago from Kingstree, where t now 1 nthfe race. In order of their )■ ~ f"* into custodv. He isj ann °uncements they are W. M. Wn- said to be an Itinerant sign painter ^ er8 > Thad W. Jones and W. Mnrshall Bridges. It is rumored that there may be stUl other candidates SHERIFF t.S. BURCH HAS CRUSHED LEG (ivlng New York state as his home. Hopkins was working in Florida when he is alleged to have begun his vio lations of the postal laws. He se lected persona of wealth and social and official standing with whom tni carry on his one-sided and anonymous [ correspondence, sending improper i communications to Mrs. W. K. Van-| rierhilt. Miss Muriel Vanderbilt, Miss! Consuelo Vanderbilt, the daughter of I the late Andrew Carnegie and others, I BIGHT LEG BROKEN JUST BE- well known In the social life of New LOW KNEE BY HEAVY FALL York and the Florida resorts. Hop-] AT THE JAIL kins dl' - not stop with this, but also | ^ wrote President Harding and Ex-i Sheriff Thos. S. Burch had his right Postmaster General Work letters I badly crushed yesterday afternoon that would fall to pass the censor- |W " p n he fell over a planking seat In ship of Bolshevik Russia, let alone, ^he corridor of the jail and fell to the Post Office department of thej 1,,e ‘‘oocreia hoar, breaking the right United States, '"lie letiors were al-‘ ,es ^ l,8t helow the knee. On account week will be the following, according to present indications: The senate nnance committee will begin consideration of the general appropriation hill. The committee will have a series of hearings. The senate will consider the bill to create a new board of control of the state penitentiary, submitted by the comnflttee which made the recent in vestigation of the prison. This board would be composed of five members, appointed by the governor, and this hoard would select the prison super intendent.. The house will consider the hills to create a state highway system and to issue $60,000,000 of bonds to finance the hard surfaced roads. The house will also consider the $12,000,000 bond issue hill, providing for $10,000,000 for educational insti tutions and $2,000,000 for the common schools. This hill would submit the questions of the bonds to the people in the next election. • Several revenue measures are on the house calendar for consideration and the commodities tax bill is or. Hie senate committee. A gales tas is also proposed. The senate will also consider the V;ouse bill, which would close up all pool rooms in the state. The author of the bill, in its original form, B Representative Barnett. He nronosed to tax pool rooms. Representative 'Poole, of Aiken, introduced a subatt- tute, by amendment, which would outlaw all professional pool rooms and to this Representative Blease of fered an amendment to prohibit the playing of pool anywhere in the atate. in clubs, Y. M. C. A. buildings, homes and the like, as well as In pool rooms. The question of the bill's constitu tionality is hound to he raised in the senate. What action the upper branch will take is problematical. The house does not meet until Tuesday at noon as Us calendar Is not as heavily laden as is that of the senate. The senate meets Monday night. '.who! today: “He has a pleasing personal ‘issuing $350 000 coupon bonds ina t U r-! be at V 11 , 0 ®', J**®”* *" n ’' morn-; ity, a gracious smile and a big hear: j ing in 30 years from the date of is-1 JSrut/cotnmUU^ is noVm Pov that has been consecrated to God tr.i su j n » and hearing interest at a rate i nt malrinir ttlAir and irai aiomoaisi enun u loingnt at o'clock. | Mr. Speake has served some of toe prominent farmer of that section, i most prominent charges In the state cursing and using abusive language, He hail'been a wonderfully successful in the presence of ladies, and of dl*-!pastor and is gifted ,is an evangelist, turbing the peace on Sundpv. [ One who Knows him well said of him According to Mayor Whitehead was a visitor in Florence this ihg, Bruce Whitehead and a friend were out riding yesterday many years. Central Methodist churcn afternoon with several young ladlea has been wise In its choice of in their automobile. While driving leader lor its revival services, ami along nt a conservative rate of speed Florence will lie the better for Hear they saw an automobile stopped part-1 me him” ly in the road and several men and , Preparatory to these services sev hoys beside It. While attempting to 1 eral meetings have already been held, pass the car and also avoid running! Large congregations attended iimi into the ditch at the other side of deep interest has been manifested the road, the fenders of the two au-, On Wednesday j afternoon ttie paste; tomobiles scraped together, hut not addressed the Women of the •tmrci enough to injure either In the least. ] and of other diiominatlons wno met it was said. J With them, it Was a beuutini s'erv Bruce, who was driving, at once ice of consecration for tap work tha: PROPERTY OWNERS ARE ASKED TO BE READY SIGN WHEN PRESENTED The petiCon asking City Council to cail an election upon the question of A committee was appointed with : authority to buy the new white way ; system for Florence at a special meei- > ing of city council this morning. The ! committee is composed of B. S. ! Meeks, father of the movement. May- i or W. R. Barringer and J. F. Stacklev. • Representatives of a number of cqn- • tracting ri ms are in the city today I and the committee immediately aot down to business requesting that stopped his car, said Mr. Whitehead, and had no sooner brought it to a lies ahead. On Wednesday night the pastor led stop when Cooper McKenzie and his the men in consecration of them son. wno were among those besidetf j selves, their tine and their personal the automobile across the* road, be- 1 service. gan to curse him and threaten to drag | On Friday afternoon another mass him outside and beat him up. There, meeting for wotgen was held. Neariv were three hoys with the two Mc-j two hundred wpr3 present, one o: Kenzies, who took no part in the, the most beaatiful. simple, heart disturbance, it was stated, but who held the older man back when he at- suing and bearing interest at a mte not exceeding 6 per cent per annum for the purpose of life payment or debts incurred for the extension, en larging ana improving the systems of given some water-works, sewerage and storm noon. drainage in the Citv ot Florence, is being circulated todav. All property owners are asked to lie ready to sign when the petition is presented to them in order that the City Council may be in a position to call the, election without undue de lay. At present this indebtedness is in the form ot open notes and will mature in 10 months. It wil;', of course, be impossible for the City to retire this indebtedness at that time. In fact such a thing was never con templated. By converting this indebtedness in to ..r. Furman H. Marlin, pastor of the Kira: bapt'st church, preached. He preach ed, as only he can, out u( a consecrat- out that the McKenzies Were drink- ed heart and lifs. His appeti! will no> mg ordered them to let tjhe young) be forgotten, and has inspired u zeal man along. The father ^ and son anfi. earnestness that shall make it then left off their abuse of lAMtite-1 seif felt for the cause of Christ in head an;' attacked Mr. Ruffin, the old- Florence, er man drawing a pair of nucks. How. ever, Mr. Ruffin managed to elude them and was not injured. At that time another car cam* along the road and Young Whitehead had to back un his car to let It pass, and as soon as it went by, he applied the gas and dashed away before the two men could stun him. As he rode away the younger McKenzie, Mr. Whitehead said. (Tew his revolver and fired four times at the automobile, missing entirely those In the car. but one of the bullets struck Alonzo Moore In the left shoulder Just above the heart and knocked him off the bicycle he was riding. The bullet went through the boy and ranged downward and lodged near the spine. As soon as ttie news of the affair i reached Lake City a posse was hast ily formed which set out in pursuit of the McJCenztes. They were finally run down at the home of a Mrs. Ferguson, who was absent at the time, and placed unaor arrest. The pistol used In the shooting was found in a dresser inside the house. Mr. Whitehead said. At a nearing hefore the Lake City magistrate McKenzie and his son were held without bail, hut the three hoys with him were turned loose, aa they claimed they had been forced to accompany the two men on their trip from the New Town community, just across the county line in Claren- den county. The two McKenzies were drunk, their searching talks was made by Mrs la pos'tion to retire them without bur- • through the center of the stands. Hugh G. Stokes, of Birmingham, Ala. 1 dening the tax payers. H ease bea All Hie peotle of Florence are in vited and urged to come amt snare the benefits of this effort that 1» be ing made tu fiive the snms of our community to a higher plane of lh- in^” said the Rev. (i. T. Harmon to day. “The doors of Central Methodist church are wide open. As long as there is a seat to be had it belongs to whosoever will come to drink of the water of everlasting life.’’ Services will be held each day at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. PRESIDENT HARDING WANTS PARTICIPATION DECLARES INTERNATIONAL JUS TICE COURT IS GREATEST WORLD ADVANCE YET MADE iu mind that this petition has nothing to do witli Increasing the U.ty’s debt, but is simply the method of allev’at- mg the biiruen of a debt that is al ready existing - f FORTY-FIVEDOLLARS BE GIVEN SATURDAY Work is expected to begin at once ' and will bn completed lust as soon as it is possible for the contractor to ao so. j This work was started more than a year ago by Councilman H. s. Meeks, shortly nftsr he was elected to office, and it has ta.*-lar«e-«xient ! been brought to a successful culm - , nation through bis untiring efforts m its behalf. i PRESIDENT AND WIFE LEAVE FOR FLORIDA WINNERS IN THE CASH DISTRI BUTION FOR LAST WEEK AN NOUNCED TOMORROW blaze was caused by spontaneous combustion. The damage is est'mut- ed at around $200 with no insurance The department made another run yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock to 134 East Marion street, where a slight inside fire caused a damage of about $26. The house was owned by Willie Douglas and occupied by Le- thiu Mclver. both colored TO PRESENT TROPHY TO WINNER TONIGHT BAPTISTS AND ALL-STARS WILL PLAY SECOND GAME OF NEW SERIES AT SAME TIME The Baptists and All-Stars will play the second game of the new Jeague Friends of W. B. Pettigrew will be delighted to learn that he has again oecome associated with the United Wholesale G roe ary Company. Mr. Pettigrew wa« oraetlcallv a “charter member” of the United, the first wholesale grocery established in Florence Tuesday I Florence, having served the company morning. At the nrellmlnarv hearing 'from the day It opened its doors ,in- held in Charleston. S. C., shortly af- til two years ago*, when he became ter Karlson had been killed. Captam traveling representative for the Btummer was assured that the case Southern Fertilizer and Chemical would he tried immediately after the Company of Savannah. Shortly he convening of court m order that he resigned his position with the Savan- ami h's sailors mtfTht return to their niia company to take hm place again 1 sea son nt 6.15 o’clock on the Commit- Yesa*i. in ^c ranks of the United, work ntty Service volley ball court tonight, There will he a number'Of prohlhi-,'which he has fbufid more agreeable beginning promptly at 6.16 o’clock, tlon cases chief amoqe them ,belpg j/>« ca » 8 e 0 * the fact that it does not As the All-Stars were the champ'ons the cases of Mr*. 3^11141'Cox -and | taken him away from home. Mr. Pet- of the first league and the Baptists Frank Cox of Charleston, an,i the i tigrew pr zes very IviglVy the letter ?ase of Alderman E L. Jacobs of | which the fertilizer concern wrote Charleston. The else of Aldermafi him accepting his resignation with re- Jacobs will be given to the grand gret and wishing him all success in jurv nere but tf indictment is made | bis present work. It is not likelv tbit tbe case wri go ; to trial at th’s term of the court. ] N - E. ROGERS BETTER One of the Important cases sched ; uled to come up for trial is that in | Freuds of N. E. Rogers will he which Wilmot T. RBey of Allendale 1 glad to know that he is reported to, is charged with embezzlement of na- be much better today, a."ter having ; automobile was searcljed after their capture a quantity of whiskey was found in It. The young ladies, other than having to listen to the abusive language of the McKenztss. were un injured in any way. At their hearing this morning both McKenzie and hla son said they did not remember a sin gle thing that took place yesterday. MORSE ATTEMPTS TO SPOIL VACATION Washington. March 6.—President Harding considers the Internationa! Justice court “one of the greatest an vances world society has made to ward conditions in which at ,'east rule of law may he substituted for rulr of force.” he wrote Lieutenant Gover nor Earl D. Bloom of Ohio today. The letter responded to a resolution < : the Ohio state senate commend:t;c li.m tor his "courageous stand” in ur.r ing American participation. Tim President said recommendation lot American participation was made onlv aifter a thorough and mature delibera tion to be a wise policy and testifieo to American pu/pose to encourage every feasible project for stnstituting law for force, it does not. however, suggest that the country surrender control over its own fundamental rights. Washington, Mar. 6.—Bkesidwit and Mrs. Harding left Washington st noon todatf for Florida for a month's $15 in cash will be awarded the | vacation. They will be guests of contestant turning in the greatest j Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. McLean, of number of ne wsiibscriptions for the 1 Washington. A leisurely house boat week ending Saturday, March 10. 6 | cruise is planned. The preatCent left p. m. Every contestant competes fur i his desk virtually clean this special cash prize. | The most important appointments To Each District : were disposed of during the last days $10 will be awarded the contestant * of congress, which adjourned at noou in District 1 who turns in the great yesterday. est amount of cash business for the i The prospects today were the cniin- week ending 6 j\ m. Saturday, March ‘try faced the prospect ot tuna months 10. both new and old sutiscr'ption , without a session of congress, business counting; $6 will go to the; The sixty-seventh congress which yesterday, broke records tor the time actually spent in session. second highest. Similar cash prizes j em’ed will be awarded in District 2. Four sessions were held. The meit- And Extra Votes Each $21 in cash subscription bus- hers today are leaving the city, ineaa turned in this week gives the | President Harding signed 99 bills contestant turning it In, 100,000 Ex- during the closing hours, tra Votes. There is no limit set on I — — the number of extra votes a contest- j Washington. Mar. 5.—Preaident ant is permitted to win. ^ ' Harding today directed the civil fer- At time of going to press the bii^ J vice commission to give certain nrei- uess for last week nad not yet been ; erenees to world war veterans in ex- entirely tabulated. Winners’ names | aminations. and standings will appear Tuesday. PAPER DELIVERY BOYS TAKE ALLNIGHT OUTING The members of the paper delivery | staff of the Times, headed hy H. (’. Blackmon, c'rculatlon manager, took LOCAL LEGION POST TO HAVE SOCIAL MEET one of the leading teams, the game is expected to be both dose and inter esting. Arrangements have been completed for the formal presentation of the Sulzbacher trophv cur to the AM-Stars on the court during the evening. The program for tne presentat'on of the cup will he as follows: Chairman. Dr. N. W. Hicks. Song, male quartet. tional bank funds. The defendant is been, quite s'ck yesterday. Mr. Kog-j Presenting of cup. S. J. Royall. charged w'th having embezzled funds ers was operated upon for append!- Response, P. T. Kneale. while president of the First Nattor.nl! citis a few days ago at the Florence Bank of Al'endale | Infirmary, judge Woods of the circuit court of anneals is to romo to Fiorencs to try fendant filed an affidavit claiming the case agatnrft Marvin Charles ot that he could not get a fair trial be- Columhia charged with as^aul^ng a fore Judge-Sulth, it is said. orobibRion officer wjtji* the latter j Tb*r*,-are: many prohibition cases was performing his djj|ies. .JhQ 4e- j on. the Joctat .a y NEW TAKES OFFICE AS POSTMASTER GENERAL Washington. Mar. 5.—Attorneys for Charles W. Morse, New York ship- luith’er. today attempted to prevent Attorney General Danghertv: Chair man Lasker, of the Shipping hoard: and John Barton Pavno. chairman of the Red C^oss. from leaving Wash ington for Florida on a vacation trio with the president. He issued sub poenaed for them to appear Wednes day at the trial of Morse on charges of fraud in connection with war tim* contracts. While the Deputy Marsh all was trying to serve the stthnoenaes counsel agreed to abandon the at tempt. Other subpoenaes may be asked. SPLENDID PROGRAM HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR TOMORROW EVENING FARMER BEATS EMPLOYER TO DEATH IN ANDERSON i-v a. osier Anderson, Mar. 5.—Cecil Hall, aged twenty-seven, a white farmer living near here, was beaten to death ves- terday hy a negro farm hand. The negro, also said to be named Hall, became enraged because he was scolded for being loo late to work. The regular monthly meeting of the Fred H. Sexton Post American Le gion, will be held tomorrow evening at the legion rooms in the Goodstein building. A splend'd program Das been arranged for the occasion ami every memoer Is expected to bo in at tendance. Following out Us resolution made the first of the year, the monthly meetings of the post will he tnosL'y a social affair, as much ot the business of the post ns poss'ble being handled at special meetings of the officers and committees. Th's will be cut as short as possible tn order not to interfere with the soc:al part ot the program. SHOTS FIRED INTO THE HOME OF KLUGH Greenwood. March 6.—A hundred or more shots were fired into tna iiome or Henry Klugh, Jr.. Saturday another of their enjoyable hikes into night bv a crowd of 75 or more men. ; the country Saturday evening, spent according to a report today toSherlff the night and returned to the city at White by 10. M. Harley, brother-in-1 noon Sunday. The h*y« went on the law of Klugh. The shoot fug occurred , Florence-Tlmmonsville road about 4 shortly after Klugh was acoultted of I miles, taking their camp equipment the charge of shooting Wilburn An- 1 and "eats” with them. A most enjoyable time was had by all, they making a real “Western" uuting of it. Games were played and when alt were tired out with the fun, the balance of the time was spent in FIRED DR HUTCHINSON Bstening to the tales of the West as nncu un. nu lumuouw told by Mr H e told them w m . _ i how he used to punch cattle ou the . t. Matthews. March 5. The AmP ’ nratries of Wvonung. hunt buffalo in kun Cotton Association bioke \utL Y e jio-yys:tone Park and Dr. Miller Reese Hutchinson, bead ot the national campaign for bo'.l we** vil control because It doesn't believe in any organization in which the beau lias absolute power, J. Skottowe Wan namaker, president of the associatim; (lect’ared today. He said the inside of the sitriition had not yet been ats closed. The association plans to con- derson. Klugh was not at home at the time of the shooting. TELLS WHY ASSOC. Yellowstone Park and fight outlaws auwn on the Mexican border. WOUNDED MOONSHINER IS LATER CAPTURED toc'ay took office as Postmaster Gen eral. Hubert Work waq sworn in. as life are better—but bey babies Secretary of tbe Interior. J. W. TOLBERT GETS RECESS APPOINTMENT Washington, March 5.—Joseph W. Tolbert /vas given a recess atiTinitit- ment today as United States Marsli- Oo the average girls are healthier ; all for the western dtMrict at Houtta than boys—that Is their chancez of Carolina. His previous nomination life are better—but bey babies *r* failed of confirmation bfeiore confreM J stronger than. girl*. | adjourned yeaterd^. ' The negro man who escaped Fri day night when Clinton Jones was iinue the boll weevil campaign with I captured when county officers raided two hundred demonstration tarots. la wiiTskey still in the Pamtlico sec- | t’on. was later captured at Pampllco. ATTORNEY GENERAL TO 'according to advices teaching Flor PRESENT EVIDENCE enre yesterday. The negro after get | t'ng away went ‘o Pampllco and (all- Bastrop. La.. Mar. 5.—Attorney | ed on a physician to treat a number General A. V. Coco was here today to | °f buckshot wounds iu his Ises. personally present the testimony, where he had been peppered bv O - gathered at the open hearing into fleer Sims while the negro was filing marked band activities to the More house parisjt grand jury. UNION HEAD DIES Colorado Springs, Col., Mar. 5. — Marsden G. Scott, former president of' the International' Typographical union died liere last night. at the deputies. McNARY DECLINES THE I RECESS APPOINTMENT Washington; Mar. 5.—James G. Mh- Nary, of New Mexico, today declined to accept* a recess - appointment at' comptroller of tbe currency.