- • • r*3m'ma£i t X \ j.jt F/-- * ‘ ( *- . fiCORENCE D^ILV TIMES. Voii. FLORENCE, 8. C., SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7, 1895 No. 106 DEMAND PROTECTION. Armenians Petition to Right Their American Congress Wrongs. Mr. Walker (Rep. of Massachu setts) offered a resolution from the naturalized Armenians of the United States, nine-tenths of whom, he said, lived in his dis trict, and requested that it be printed in the Record. The reso lution reads as follows: “Whereas there are many natu ralized American citizens of Ar menian birth now resident in the, •United States, and “Whereas the Turkish govern ment continues unjustly and forci bly to collect personal taxes of such naturalized American citi zens by imprisoning and other wise oppressing their relatives, and “Whereas the Turkish govern ment neither permits such natural ized American citizens to re-enter its territory or to visit their fami lies, nor, on the other hand, al lows these families to come to this country, and “Whereas such wives and child ren having the rights of American citizens, by virtue of the natural ization of the head of the family, having been and are exposed to outrage and destruction in the cities which have lately been given over to massacre and plunder; therefore, be it “Resolved, That the people of the United States, through their representatives in Congress assem bled, hereby express their deepest abhorrence and condemnation of the outrages thus committed on their American fellow citizens, as well as on other Christian subjects of Turkey. “Resolved, That this House, composed of the immediate repre sentatives of the American people, pledge its support to the govern ment in every measure justified by international law and a common humanity to vindicate the rights of our fellow citizens or their fam ilies in Turkey, and to hinder and prevent, as fur as practicable, the continuance of the outrages and massacres in that land/’ Mr. Turner (Dem. of Georgia) (objected to printing the petition, and it was referred to the Commit tee on Foreign Affairs, after which, at 12 30, the House adjourned un til Monday. APPEAL TO AMERICA. Rev. M. V. Deroonian, D. D., who is the representative of the Armenian Patriarchs at Constan tinople, has come to Washington as the bearer of a petition to Con gress prepared at a mass meeting of the Armenians of New England held at Worcester, Mass., on Thanksgiving day. The petition asks that vigorous measures be recommended to the President for putting a stop to the ma8sacres v of Armenians and con tinues : “The sword of Islam is un sheathed and unless Europe and America step between fanaticism and its helpless victims, Armenia, once a vineyard, must inevitably become a desert and a tomb. With in a year there have been wantonly murdered at least 50,000 of our people, while hundreds of thous ands have been reduced to starva tion. Yet the massacres still go on, while the warships of the earth’s favored nations swing at anchor in Turkish waters. Blinded by mutual jealousy the powers of Europe refuse to move. “Therefore, turning our eyes to the United States, we look to Con gress for words of encouragement and the? warning note that will stay the bloody arm of our oppress ors. “We appeal to you, uot as aliens, but in the name of 10,000 law- abiding Armenians, now residents in the United States and who are rapidly giving it their allegiance.” TILLMAN & EVANS CONDEMNED To the Patrons of the Graded School* The Florence graded school will close on Dec. 20 for the Christmas holidays. I deem it very impor tant that every pupil shall be at the school every day until it will close, and that every pupil shall be promptly present the day the echo'd will open. I take the lib erty therefore of appealing to the parents and friends of the pupils to co-operate earnestly with me in keeping the attendance of the school as near the enrollment as possible. Absence at this time will be seriously detrimental to the progress of any pupil anti may peril the position of the absentee in his or her grade. The board have given a sufficiently long vaca tion and both the superintendent and the board are sincerely anx ious to have all the pupils present on every day of the term. Junius E. Leigh, Supt. Full stock of fresh fish, oysters and mullet ro® at Walton’s. Resolutions Passed byth® Expo sition Exhibitors' Association. Whereas. The public expression of representative men who have visited the Atlanta exposition have been of a conciliatory character, marked by evidence of the broad est patriotism and the most sin cere fraternity, and Whereas, This characteristic has been true regarding the expres sions of distinguished visitors, whether those visitors came from the north, the east, the west or the south, and Whereas, The friends ami pro motors of the Atlanta fair, by rea son of the many fraternal expres- sions their enterprise had pro- \ yoked from patriots of all parts of the Union, had begun to regard 1 the more friendly relations be tween the different sections of our common country as one of the best and most gratifying results likely to grow out of their stu pendous enterprise; therefore be it Resolved, By the Exhibitors’ association of said Atlanta expo sition. a body composed largely of American citizens and represent ing all parts of the Union and all shades of political opinion, that we deeply deplore the one marked flagrant exception to the hereto fore prevailing expressions of fra ternity. brotherly love, patriotism and loyalty, that was made mani fest at this exposition on South Carolina day, and in which the ex-governor of that state, Ben Till man, and the present governor, John Gary Evans, were the offend ers. Resolved, That we know, from our contact and intercourse for the past few months with south ern people, that in their disloyal and inflammatory utterances those two ranting demagogues are a libel on the better class of southerners and do not give voice to the pre vailing southern sentiment. Resolved, That we sympathize with the Southern States ot our Union in the affliction which com pels them to endure such blots on their inner worth and such clogs to their merited progress; and we especially sympathize with the ig norance that must yet prevail in South Carolina to make it possi ble for such scum to rise to the surface. Resolved, That for the fame and guild name of the Atlanta exposi tion, at wnich these men were un fortunately permitted to apeak. we denounce their speeches as being devoid of reason, sense and patriotism, and we repudiate the speakers. In this wo feel confi dent we are but voicing the sense of our country and the earnest feelings of the better people of all the Southern States. Resolved, That we sympathize also with the management of this exposition that under the cloak of temporary authority two such fanatics should have been able to intrude their utterances upon the otherwise healthy and satis factory proceedings that have clnmielerizrd this enterprise. But while dismissing the utterances of these nnn as unworthy of further notice from our associa tion < r the country, we do not forget that in the general economy of nature mankind must have its troubles and communities their afflictions. It is not many years since California was. greatly an noyed by a brace of bandits known as Evans and Sontag, and the ex hibition witnessed here on the 28th of November is but an evi dence that South Carolina in its turn is enduring, through its own indiscretions, a season of torment from its Tillman and Evans. Committee for association: J. A. Filcher, California, chairman; J. W. Ports, Maryland : \V. F. An thony, Virginia; Bennett, Tennes see; C. H. Robbins, Boston. Approved: George Johnson, president exhibitor’s association. - ♦ Foot Ball. A match game of foot ball will be played Tuesday, D-?c. 10, lie- tween the first and second teams of this place. Admissma to the public is free. Ladies are espec ially invited to attend. FIRST 1 BAM. SK' OSD TKAM. Sautters Lull back .Morgan Bray night half back —Abbott Kyle Lcfi halfback ....Bruiuton Uogcts Quarter back .UtiM Wilcox ..: Right end .Houston Hankie Left end ..Morgan Sn ilh Right tackle ......Btjggd Stauurd Left tackle ».Whitton Sudlow Right guard — McOlanagnan Burch lieft guard .-.Wright Turbcville (.'enter rush SUBSTITUTES. FIRST TEAM.- SECOKD I BAM Welsh ...Hcpbnm Clayton .Odlorne Josey Game called at 3:30 p. m. \V. H. Kyle, General Manager. M Ml Strayed or Stolen- A red and while spotted o] largo butt head. A reward will be paid for its return to Anna Melvii Ches. McCall’s place. . • If