The dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1919-2001, March 01, 1922, Image 2

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SCHOOLNEWS By JULIUS E. SHARPE, County Snporintendent of Education. Teachers to Stand 'Examination in / March at Columbia. Results of the regular fall teachers' examination held at each county court house October 7th and 8th have already been reported to the several county superintendents of education. Applicants taking this examination were as follows: White men, 112; white women, 994; white, both sexes, 1106; negro men, 161, negro women, 971; negro. both sexes, 880; total for both races, 1986. Applicants earning and receiving certificates were as follows: White men, first-grade 7.; second-grade 6; third-grade 18; total for white men ?1; white women, first-grade 54; second-grade 124; third-grade 221; total white women 399: total white both sexes 430; negro men, first-grade 0; second-grade 2; third-grade 52,, .total negro men 54; negro women,) Sirst-ffradd 0; second-grade 32; third- ! grade 22d; total negro women 260>; total negro both sexes 314; grand total of all certificates isued for both races 744. These figures show that 1242 applicants failed. Some of these applicants began work in the fall before the results of the examination could be ascertanied and announced. "Wherever such a teacher failed the county supertlnendcnt as usual secured for him or her a permit for the session ' 1921-22. This protection, of course, | could not reach and relieve that group o fteachers who had been given per- i mits during the scholastic year 1920-j 21. Afew of these disqualified per- | mit teachers are requesting another! chance in an extra special examination. In addition, there are some similar scattering requests from other folk j under varying circumstances and con- i dltions. In order to meet tl^is do-! mand, the State Board of Education, . upon the request and rocommendation I of the State Superintendent of Educa-j tion, has authorized an extra special teachers' examination to be held In! Columbia Thursday, March 23rd and j Friday, March 24th by the State Bureau of Examiners. Applicants coming to Columbia for the exnmlr.dtion, however, will be: compelled to meet their own traveling expenses for the trip. This private expense feature of the examination is unfortunata, but the holding of such W *{ . r* TYn.v.vrt m ? W 0M :ji p| 1"% F.S.ROYS" Norfolk, Va. Tarboro, N. C. ; Columbia, S. C Macon, Gx Birmingham, A * \ an examination at the forty-six county courthouses would cost something like $600.00. The State Board of Education, the State Superintendent of Educatio nand the State Bureau of Examiners hope that all teachers requesting thai examination will understand and ajjpreciate the necessity of public economy. There are several matters in connection with the meeting of the tSate Teachers Association to which we wish to call your attention. Please read carefully the following: 1. The dates are Thursday. Friday and Saturday. March 16-18. 2. The place is Columbia. Headquarters, Jerome Hotel. Places of meeting, high school and churches nedrb.v for department meetinirs. On lumbia Theater for general sessions. 3. Railroad fares one and onefourth regular rates for round trip. Be sure to get an identification slip. I enclose one ol' these. In case you lose this or fail to get it. write It. C. Burts, Rock Hill, or call on your county superintendent of education. Give this certificate to your agent and he wil lsel lyou a return ticket which you must have signed by the ticket agent in Columbia. 4. It is very important for teachers who expect to uttend, to arrange for their borading places before they go. Time will be saved as well as gettin gbetter accommodations. I enclose herewith a slip which should be filled out and sent in unless you have already made your reservation. 5. The program will be mailed you about the first of March. Study this so that you may know before you arrive in Columbia which meeting you will attend. G. Be sure to send your memberqHIm f*?o ^ nflc fnr lo/Hnu ^ 1 A A Aam men) to W. E. Black, Estill, S. C. if you have not already attended tc this. Wo want to reach the 2,000 mark for our membership and tc have l,r>00 present for the Columbia meeting. We have 7.000 white teachers in the State. When we got them lined up in a State organization we can do things for the upbuilding of schools and our teaching profession. 7. Will you not please do all you can to get a good attendance from your section of the State? Prof. Hand has announced that he will he glad to have the teachers visit the Columbia schools on Thursday morning, March 16th. This is a fine oppor lining iui jjuiiifa i)i teucners to .sec the work in a well organized system. ' # < <V 0 > r> "What's the matter ; with the moon?" Dun' no! 'Ies3 the man in it, trot too much moonshine." " ' """ . ? f ' "i trade mark REGISTERED fER GUANO 0 Richmond, Va. Lyn Charlotte, N. C. Wa: Spartanburg, S.C. Atla Columbus, Ga. Mon la. Baltimore, Md. Tole l SPREADING BRANCH NEWS. Mr. V. V. Saylor and Willie Ott are running a saw mil Ion full time? J Spreading Branch Lumber Co. i Mrs. li. L. Lucas spent Saturday night and Sunday with, her mother, 3 Mrs. Leila Neese. t Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Jumper spent 1 last Saturday nglht at their father's, Mr. W. T. Smith. 1 .Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jumper visited 5 their parents last Sunday. Messrs. Carlisle Furtick and Henry \ Smoke and Misses Clara and Rosa 1 Belle Rucker visited Mr. Jacob Bailey and family Thursday Evening, j Judging from the good singing at 1 Mr. L. G. Culler's they have in- 1 vented a singing class. Mrs. W. V. Rucker and children J viHlted Mr. Lewis Zeigler-Tuesday. t DOTS FROM PLEASANT HILL. J The health of this community is r continuing very nicely with the ex- , ceptions that Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Long also Mrs. Willie Taylor have j the grippe and Mrs. Joe M. llallnmn is improving some, but very slowly. We hope for them a speedy recovery. Mr. Carl Taylor and family dined \ with Mr. and Mrs. Willie Taylor and a family Sunday. \ j Mr. and Mrs. Callie Taylor and . family spent last Thursday night, with Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Bawl. Mr. and Mrs. liJflgar Price are all smiles; it's a girl. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Craps of New j Brooltland have moved in Pleasant j j run community, where they intend] to mnke their future home. Waaro glad to welcome Mr. Craps and mmily in our community. The apple vida road by Mr. D. L. Taylor's has been worked up ton the t past week and is in very good condition. This road goes from Mr. Kin Clack to Mr. Edgar Prices. Mr. Eddie Taylor was in Lexington on business. j Mr. James Long of near Summit spent a short while with his parents. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Long Saturday, j Mr. and Mrs. Callie Taylor and; , i family spent he week-end with his, ( mother, Mrs. .1. D. Taylor, of near i Summit, who has been ill for the j t past week. We hope for her a ' speedy recovery. It was announced on last third j t Sunday that there would be preaching j j at Pleasant Hill the third Sunday kt j 3 o'clock. It will also be the first' j Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. March I fifth. The pastor lias changed his | t regular hours every first Sunday j evening and thi rcf S unday evening at?; 3 o'clock instead of the morning's. LK '''4 | I 37r7.!raw'Tnimiuri iimaman OMPANY chburg, Va, 3hington,N.C. I 1 nta, Ga. 1 * tgomery, Ala. 1 ? do, Ohio i SANDY RUX DOTS. We are very glad to hear that Mrs. E-I. D. Stabler, who has been very 11 for the past week is Improving. Mr. Perry Furtiek and Misses Dosa and Claudine Jumper was the ruest of Misses Mae and Bessie Staber Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jumper visited Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Culler last Sunday. ? Mrs. J. A. Lucas spent last week vlth relatives and friends in Sandy Bun section. Mrs. Sallle Dannelly and son, Vernon, from Waynesboro, Oa., spent a lew days last week with relatives and "fiends in lower Lexington county. Mr. L. G. Culler and family vis4 1 **_ Yfoc TAT i.ytr, n XT*.? i It'll mr Uiiu .Uin. O. i\ . uu\ aa rir lay evening. Mrs. H. G. Cupstid spent last Satjrday at home. Mrs. Emma Gates and son. John, .'Isitcd Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hill last reek. s Hook out. girls. Mr. Dewey Furtick ins him a new buggy. sixgixc; DOTS Well, the farmers are busy plowing it this writing. The young "grain i* ooking fine. Mr. Ij. K. Spires spent Saturday liglit with Ills cousin. Mr. J. Furnan Hutto. Mrs. Idora Poole spent tln> week ind with her hrotlier. The. music recital was much cnoyed by Messrs. Fred Yon and Curtis ledd. Mr. Fred Yon visited at the home >f Mr. L>. Iv. Spires last Sunday ivening. Miss Marie and Merey Dee Spires vere vislt??rs t?> Kd'.sto on the night >f the 22d. We are glad to see you ill. Cull again. Miss Cora Yee Spires visited Miss ?*iola Sharp one night last week. Miss Sharp is the best teacher we lave hud to teach at Clay Spring in nany years. The pupils are always lelighted to see Miss Sharp. We are sorry to hear of Mrs. King >eing ill. We wish her a speedy re overy. Miss Kola Williams visited her siser, Mrs. John Fulnier one day last veek. Mrs. Rupert liutto visited her nother, Mrs. Agnes ilarrs one day ast week. We are sorry to hear Mi". Alton nun nils nil l mu . Mrs. Carrie Redd visited her norther, Mrs. Yon, Sunday. Mrs. Daniel Sturkie visited Mrs. IV. M. l.aird Saturday. > ' O C" - * 'EXKttC ISM. Yt>u see a great deal in the ntagv.ines about exercise these days. They >ven have phonograph records telling on how to exercise, explaining how rou are to lity Hat on your back on the ceiling of your room and work rour cars in a circular motion front eft to right and then back again front right to left. This exercise, if persisted in for 100 years .will remove til the surplus fat front your toes and liable you to wear a half sixv smaller hoe than you ought to wear. Some people take exercise to get bin and other people take exercise to let fat. Then sonic people have an doa that exorcise will make them strong. There are lots of fo< lish noions about taking exorcise. Just take this idea about exercise nuking you strong. There never was i more foolish notion than this. If ?xereise would make you strong I enow any number of ladies who aught to have such muscles in their jaws that they could bite a railroad upike in two without ever knowing that there was anything between their eeth. Some told me a few years ago hut if you would run a few miles jvery day you would reduce youi weight so much that you would have to walk by a place three or four times to make a shadow. It won't work. I ran all over this county in my automobile, . sometimes running as much an 100 miles in a day. and 1 never lost ft pound. I have exercised my eyes a great deal during the era of short skirts, too, but I don't notice that my eyeiight i? any stronger than it was a few years ago. bo mere must i>c :i good deal of nmk about this exorcise stuff. Yours, ?Ex. 1MY AT"*C'!j.\Y SIMUNt.S, We wish to announce that tlicrc will he a play "The Ugliest. of Seven" it Clay Spring school house Friday aight, March 10, and also an oyster tuppcr and fish fry. beginning at 5:30 o'clock. The public is cordially nvited to attend. Spring Am Here. Uncle Remus says, "Miss Spring Bp.vlne ter wake up d'rectly, bekaus die ruhbin* her eyes now an' fust lilng you knows she's done jump ilur.i outen her bald! MOVED | from 1615 Main St., to 14231 Main St. DR. CLARK, Chiropodist. PROMPT JOB PRINTING Dispatch-News, licxington, S. C. Jcb Printing; the neatest and best. Tlie Dispatch-News. m i i w CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES | Machinery Castings and ! Repairs. Steel Beams,! Rods, Ropes, Tackle,; Wheelbarrows, Trucks, i Wire Cable, Boilers,! Tanks, Stacks, Etc. Ven-! tilators, Grating, Etc. Lombard Iron Works j & Supply Co., 328KK Ford Supplies and Repairs in Stock. { I C. D. KE Columb Special dealers in Coff Coffees Roasted Ric C. D. KE | TURNER'S M | 1109 Gervais St., >> Sheet Music, Small Musical Music Teachers >> . Tall Give us a call at < I PHOIN i "whoTyou, Announcement DR. RAY F. SOX I is now manager of this offi and you will find him here \vi Dr. Woods at all times. Lowest prices. Painless work. Special attention t( Baltimore D< 1320 1-2 Main St. COLU Look for Large Electric Exhibit at Hours 8 to 8. I BBEBBBBan?HBMaBggaaHBBWBm SOUTHERN AC Nashvill | TheGiantc Its immense popularity that every line in it is writ ilies by men and women Southern conditions, but t personal service which is t charge. ' Eery year we answer hundreds of different sub.ji When you become a subs 1 sonal service is yours. That 375,000 CIR JOB PRINT 11 Prompt Expert Wo The Dispc Lexington, . CALOMEL GOOD BUT AWFUL TREACHEROUS Noxt Dose may Salivate, Sliock Liver or AtUuk Your lkmes You know what calomel is. It's mercury; quicksilver. Calomel La dangerous. It crushes Into sour bile like dynamite, cramping; and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. *?. J vyu iwvi utuvua, a ?v uutu.nj , tUIIOllpated and al Iknoeked out, just go to your druggiet and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start your liver and straighten vou up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. Don't take calomel! It makes you SicL- t1w? rw.vt ,lav i? 1 rtcitu vn.. .. work. Dodson'a I^iver Tone straightens you right up and you feci great. No salts necessary, (live it to the children because it is perfectly harmles sand can not salivate. NNY CO. I ?_ fi n ua, a. t. i ees Teas and Sugars I daily i e Sold at Cut Prices. j :nny co. I j USIC STORE 1 Columbia, S. C. 1 Goods, $> i Supplies SS ting Machines Repaired. <s our new location. & [E 13 I ! R DENTMT' I , ) out-of-city patients ? J. * nnm ranors \ MBIA, S. C. _ Phone 586 | Sign and Moving Dental | Stairs. .. ; Sundays 10 to 3. j 5aaBtaBsaamn3EaaaBg358!aBgMMM> njxfvmvnm 1RICULTURI5 T !e, Tenn. >f the South / is due not only to the fact : [ ten for Southern farm famwho . know and appreciate o the practically unlimited :iven to subscribers without j-; ? inuunaiius U1 questions on " ects?all without charge, criber this invaluable peris one reason why we have j CULATION ti i r* vo , . y0frses / -C/c' / ^ / Vc<*vV / \ > /.IV f??l, *fo/' '/" c , f 5 * 2 ~ o 2 ? 3 r 3 >-* g <" ~ 2 f 53 Sf ^ 2 ?T 'S O S P r " C! pi ?> P o* ^ * < 1 J - p ? J3 <P