[Si tHspatrh-iVfurs j^f VOLUME NO. 51 LEXINGTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1921. NUMBER 43. [aged man has by his own f family impi | y James Barfield, 63 years old. Mrs. Maroellus Cook, 48 years old, her son,) if*---.; 1 : Ira,-ag?d 20? and her daughter, Min^Ohie, aged 16, and- Henry Wheeler, a hand elthployed by the Cook 5 TxrHRy,' are'"in the Lexington county -Jail, charged with the murder ot Mar- i - ' ' I - melius Copk, a man 66 years old, a! - vl. > paralytic, wftpse throat was cut from Kear to ear last Friday at his home in the StMo&n, ; ^>e details of Uthe crime reveal it' to be xme of Ifee %jposi revolting In the history ot the j -State. All of the parties are ifenorarit people, none of xrfront ate able to j write except Wheeler, who just manages to scrawl'his name, but admits jiever having: been to school and hav^ihg, raredy ever attended church or .Sunday school. A confession made to Sheriff Roof -jgfe ,|he presence of ?he editors of The ^^gpatch-News by Ira Cook and pgy^eeler, and substantiated by Mrs. Ippfbok after being lodged in jail early g^ffednesday, is to the effect that Ira ^Cbok cut his own father's throat! Ile his mother held one arm, eeler holding the other and the og daughter holding his feet. j fill Roof first secured a confes-j from Wheeler, Cook refusing to 3 anything to ^say, but finally on Jday he tremblingly told of the ? -deed, laying the x blame upon his P&aother and her alleged paramour, f&K "My mother persuaded me to help gwiier," the boy .said with $ome signs Kpf' emotion. According to his story PlBarfield had promised him and Hen|r jy Wheeler, some chickens and a calf ||^ he would help get Cook out of the ?|8Hty. According to his story his Spjlfcther, who had suffered two strokes K|J|^-f>araly8is on the right side and |||fcho, though able to get about t;he In a* /shuffling manner, had ifS^cticaliy lost the use of his right jpaicm and leg, was sitting on the side pypf< the bed oiling his gun. He had ||Sasked the 15-year-old daughter to p|pitfhg him some shells, which the SpHiother forbade her to do. At this S&point, said^ook, his mother took the Krafri away from his father and she IjA&feld one arm, while Wheeler held the igofoep, the 15-year-old daughter holding his feet, while Ira Cook proceed^1# to cut the old man's throat from ?*ear to ear, almost severing his head Nfcrom the body. Wheeler then placed ^.the razor in the hands of the dying i *--u -> *- ~ U A until {ma nexu tut; uauu ugunj v*.?>...* gor of dfcath had firmly fixed strument of death in his hand, i color to the theory of suicide the murderers attempted to to cover up their tracks. Cook and Wheeler both said ar.field and Mrs. Cook had con- 1 the plot and Barfield had ind them to place the razor in irdered man's hand and hold it the hand stiffened. Wheeler >ok both told of bad blood bethe elder Cook and his wife limed that Mrs. Cook the night the murder had attempted to her husband with calcium ar3arfield denied any implica-, EDMUND NEWS. e condition of the cotton crop neighborhood could be taken idication of the crop generally, FOn\ be one-fourth of a crop "vitiade. The boll weevil has "tail hold aijd down hill pull." On breaking ^?iopen the half grown bolls, one finds : -only a brown sodden mass containing ? -from two to half dozen grubs. Not a . ' narani Pvi\roaat.u hirncplf V>llt that -^wishes he hadn't planted a seed. * . iint of his health. Lately he has made his home with his brother J at Irmo. His many/friends here will | wish him abundant success in his new home. MRK. HENRY SHULL J PASSES TO BEYOND Mrs. Maggie P. Shull. young wife I of Henry H. Shull, i^ssed into the great beyond at 12:45 o'clock yesterday morning at 201 Huger street, i ' Mrs. Shull, who was a Miss Norton ! i 7 I ; of North Carolina, was only 21 years [ of age and had been married about a j j year. She is survived by her hus! band, a farmer of Lexington county, j an infant child, and by five brothers j and three sisters. The brothers and j .sisters, all of whom are residents of| ! i ; Columbia, are as follows: i J.'A. Norton. W. W. Norton, L. C. j i Norton, James C. Norton, L. B. Nor-; , ton, Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis, Mrs. j f May Grant and Miss Hattie Norton. Funeral services will be held at the i ! i Methodist, church at 3 I Y? 11UXV. J K/w* vvv ' o'clock this afternoon conducted by * ! the Rev. Mr. Betts. Interment will j ; follow in the Shull burial ground.? j : The Stat<>. 9 r ! "BOB" LEAPHART WILL NOT BE IX RACE.; 1 / | I ; C. E. Leaphart. former county ; 1 treasurer, will not make the race for, \ ' probate judge. Positive announde* ment to the effect was made yester- j day by Mr. Leaphart, to a news-; i ! paper man. Mr. Leaphart. v, hose i ' term as county treasurer expired July i 1, has since that date devoted him-i I : ; self to his private affairs and did not j care to become a candidate in the i coming race. , j i 1 ? ?p r ! PIXEY WOODS PICNIC I NEXT SATURDAY i The picnic of Piney Woods local of . the farmers union will be held at the' j Piney Woods parsonage Saturday, August 20. An interesting program i has been prepared and a large crowd is expected to enjoy the day. | DKATI1 Mil. JOHN" A. KA.MINKlt Mrl .John A. Kaminer, originally of ; this countv, but recently of Columbia. i I died very suddenly in that city last ! Thursday at the home of his son-mi law, Kobt. F. Martin. 010 Calhoun I i ; Ft. He was only sick a few hours ! with indigestion and "died. Mr. Kara- < ! iner was a good man. reserved,-but | I I i clever tevery one he met, a good j 'neighbor and friend, ready * The State. DOTS FROM PLEASANT HILL. ( Mr. 'D. I.. Taylor and wife visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Price Sunday. Mr. Drayton Taylor and family visited Mr. James Hallman and family Sunday. Mr. J. Z. Taylor and wife visited their son and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Taylor Sunday. # 1 Mr. Lawrence Taylor and wife, also I l Mr. Ruben Taylor and wife and little I son. Manning, spent a short while \ with their sister and brother, Mr. and j Mrs. Burly Leaphart? Sunday even-j ing. j Misses Eva and Lottie Risinger and | little brother. Charley, spent Sunday with their cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Talrru.ge Long. . \ Mr. and Mrs. Bowman Rawl and three small children made a flying j trip to their son and daughter. Mr. I and Mrs. Oallie Taylor Sunday after-j noon. j Mr. Brinton Shealy, better known j as Brint, spent Saturday night with j his pal, Mr. Dewie Taylor. Mr., and Mrs. James Long, also i Mrs. .T. !). Taylor visited Iter brother and their uncle. Mr. \\\ \\\ Anderson; Sunday. We are glad to report at this writ-] ipg that Mr. Tessie Taylor who underwent an operation some weeks ago has returned home from the Bap-j tist hospital. Hope he will continue | to improve. Mr. L. J. Friek and wif" spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Berly j Leaphart. Mr. fCallie Tavlor and Mr. James' j Long spent a short while with their brother. Mr. Simpson Taylor. Sunday morning and while there took on one bait of watermelon. Mr. Lawrence Taylor and wife and Misses Crawford and Dewie Taylor and Douglas Burkett took in the Children's day at Styx Saturday andi reported a nice time. COLUMBIA MOB' IN PERSISTEI TO LYNCH F( Jesse Gappins and C. O. Fox. who together are charged with the murder of W. C. Brazell. 19-year-old transfer driver on the Augusta road last week are being held in th^ Charleston jail, where they were taken last week by Sheriff E. Austin Roof, after having been removed frcln Au gusta to. Savannah, by Sheriff" Plunkett ."to avoid collision with a mdb .which threatened to visit sumpaary punishment on the two men. "Soon after they were removed from the' Augusta jail a mob. supposedly forced of friends of the dead boy in. Cohim, bia, proceeded to search the Richmond county jail in Augusta and there was talk of a like move in Savannah. Sheriff Roof went to Savannah and removed the men to the Charleston county jail, where it is believed they are safe for the time being. It was the intention of Sheriff Roof to bring the men to the state penitentiary, which he felt sure he could have accomplished without danger, but, -acting on instructions from the governor he came back from Charleston without them. The Southern train on which he returned from Charleston as well as the train on the Atlantic Coast Line the same night was searched* by armed masked men at points near Columbia. Per/ haps there have been few instances in which a mob displayed more persistency in an attempt to carry out their expressed intention of lynching the prisoners. For more than a Went the officers of the law on the jump and using-- everyj precaution to avoid violence. According to reports from Savan- j nah Fox and Gappins made confes-1 sions which implicate Kirby as deeply in the plot as the others, though Kirby stoutly maintains that his confestVoji was the true version of the affair. Father of Murdered Boy Speaks. V, M. E. Brasell, father of the murdered boy, Monday issued a statement in which he pleaded for the law to take its course. The statement is as follows: i "I am a law abiding man. and j though I know that no punishment, j however cruel, could possibly be too 1 severe for these men, yet I would pre- . fer to see the law be allowed to take ' its course. The lynching of the three ' men. or two of them, can not give i t me back my boy and it may possibly; cost the life of some of my friends or my murdered boy's friend^. It is the j sworn duty of the sheriff -to protect, his prisoners and I should not blame [ him for protecting them from a mob! t any more than I should blame him! 1 for risking his life to hold them! i should their friends attempt to res-! I / ' cue them. If I were in the sheriff's j ! place I should hold them if it cost j j me my life and I now expert tne ! sheriff and other officers to do like-j l wise. I should be true to my oath: j i j I they will be true to theirs. I "The representatives of the law ; i * : 1 first arrested the men, who otherwise j might by now have made good their I escape, and T know that the law can ! J be trusted to hold them and to punj ish them for their brutal crime. The I I death or injury of a sheriff or of, 1 some friend of mine or my boy's will ' | DISTINGUISHED ALABAMA ! EDUCATOR ON VISIT TO OLD LEXINGTON HOME,' -? I 1 a '..omr nr i rHWARTED