The dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1919-2001, March 23, 1921, Image 2

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TSTEBFEBESCB Washington, March 20.?"More |pi-r business methods in government and less government raanagement of bue-,r' iness will be the general theme of discussion at t?e ninth annual meetihg of the chamber of commerce of - the United States to be held at At^ Jantic City April 27 to 29, the chamber announced today in making public a tentative program for the convention. All industrial and economi cal questions to oe urougiu up win ue approached from their relationship to this subject, it was said. Discussions will be conducted in group meetings to take up particularly finance, foreign commerce, transportation and communication and civic development, while other industrial groups will consider questions relating to. their particular fields. A group. representing the raw material production interests will consider particularly, it was said, proposed legislation for government "management" : of basic industries and the government's relation to natural resources. 22ach group also, it was said, will consider independent K of other subjects, those of tariff and taxation, upon which there will be further discussion at the general session to follow. Specific questions to be con sidered in connection with tariff are whether the fact that the United States now as a creditor nation should alter its "tariff policy with respect to protection," and should this country \ "offer trading or bargaining possibilities for ' international commercial .treaties" in framing its tariff. / HAPPY WOMEN I Plenty of Them in Lexington, and Good Season for It. Wouldn't any woman be happy, After years of backache suffering, Days of misery, nights of unrest, The distress of urinary troubles, When she finds freedom. Many readers will profit by the following: Mrs. E. A. Sox, farmer, General * Delivery, Lexington, says: "Several years ago I was in a pitiful condition, caused by kidney complaint. My kid neys bothered me a great deal and I suffered with backache. I couldn't bend over, my back was so painful and my kidneys bothered me nearly , as much. Doan's Kidney Pills which I secured because of recommendation of a friend, gave me great relief, and two boxes made me feel fine.' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney * Pills?the same that Mrs. Sox had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfr&, Buffalo, N. Y. ? Sanitar 1345 Main Street, rm t\ "i The best ana in Colt Home Cooking and Reaso: "Little I Quick, Polite and attentiv B BE Sole Agent for the fam and also other brands of s longest. Always see us f B. BE Assembly Street, HOW TO FlOtKE YOUR INCOME TAX * A friend of ours who lost his mind ^studying the income tax law, writes as follows from the State Lunatic Asylum: "I desire to say that there need be no trouble in figuring your income tax if you adhere to the following:. In the first place it must be worked | out by algebra, astronomy, trigonometry and syntax. If your income is $2,400 a year and you have a diamond ring and an automobile and are married td a good looking girl, 26 years old, you take the amount of your income, add your personal property, subtract your stree^ number, multiply by your height and your wife's height and divide by your telephone number. If you carry your minus, separated by your plus, to scneauie ij, on tne tenth line of which you will subtract the multiple, which you will put on line X, schedule K. entering: in column A. If you have a child in the family, subtract $200 from your income, add the amount of your personal property, multiply by your waist measure subtract the size of your collar, add the child's age, multiply by the .amount you have given the church during the year and divide by the number of your automobile license tag. . After you have it all figured out you won't have to pay income tax of any sort?for they will have you all over at the county hospital and strapped down."?Exchange. |M?n?vbackwitooutau??tfon HUNTS GUARANTEED M^g$M|8KIN DISEASE REMEDIES /(of Wi (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fail in I If fl the treatment of Itch, Eczema, W i/l Ringworm,Tetter or other itch* ^ Tf? thk iu? VMM VIPCMV*( >m treatment at our riik? HARMON DRUG COMPANY-. COTTON A. H. DeVaughn, Jr. & Co. COTTON BROKERS 103 Jackson St Augusta, Ga. For Long Distance call us at the Cotton Exchange. Cotton handled in ten bale lots. We solicit 1 r 4-? 4-? your uusmess. now uu uauc m cotton sent on request. Rose & Son, Correspondents, 81 Broad St. New York i y Cafe Columbia, S. C. Newest Place imbia. nable Prices, Afferent" from the others e service. L RRY. , Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gents7 Furnishings, * i? Ladies i Ready-to-wear, Etc. ou? W. L. Douglas shoes ;hoes that wear easy and or bargains. RRY, Columbia, S. C. FJLAl AT OAK GROVE A play entitled "Deacon Dubbs" will be presented at Oak Grove school house on Saturday night, April 2, beginning at 8 o'clock. A small admission fee will be charged for the benefit of the school. The public is cordially invited to attend. ^ ^ The Worst Half. Mrs. Gush: "Too bad about your poor huband having his arm broken in your motor accident yesterday. So sorry." Mrs. Swagger: "Oh thank you, but I that wasn't the worst; my new hat I I was simply ruined."?Exchange. ^ healthful' HABIT I Protect your vital forces and build up your resistive-powers with a little scorn EMULSION thrice daily after meals. fTens of thousands | daily prove that taking Scott's Emulsion is a healthful habit Scott&BowB* BloomSeU,N.J. ALSO MAKERS OF I irt^nmvfic I Iirnuiuj i I (Tablets or Granules) I E>? INDIGESTION I 1 ^1 If Your Eyes Need ATTENTION, or the glasses you are using are not just right, consult our eye sight specialist, it costs you noth ing. And if necessary will fit you to the kind of glasses your eyes require. A. J. GLAXON, At Tapp's Department Store, Cut. Main and Blanding Streets Columbia, S. C. Massaging Expert Marcelle Waving Shampooing Hair Dressing The A La Mode -Beauty Parlor 1310 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. (Up..Stairs) Special Skin Treatment For Engagement Henna Pack Phone 2272 C. COULTON OPTOMETRIST. ' , Eyes Glasses 1 Examined Fitted 1423 Main St., Colombia, S. C. V\\\\\\\\\\\YY\\\Yt\\\\\\\\\^ I | SAFETY f STRET | | IT IS OUR DUTY as well as ^ every way consistent with the ] ^ > a finonrisl (tranfftli and errnurtli ^ - * V IIUUUV1III 9UVU0M* UiAU ^ community. Come in and let us ^ more than Bankers?we are a v ^ it is a matter of pride with us, th ? we have developed in our businei ^ ship of those whom we serve. ^ Prosperity is reflected to thi ? perity of our patrons. | The Bank o | Columbi \\\\V\\\\\\\\\^ i\\\\\\\\\\? i The beggar is poor, the profligate is poorer, the borrower is poorest Give Sick, Bilious Child "California Fig Syrup" "California Syrup of Figs" is the best "laxative physic" to give to a ? s ! -V t 1 1 _ _ i_ sick, ievensn crnia wno is duiuujj w constipated. Directions for babies and children on bottle. They love its fruity taste. Beware! Say "California" or you may not get the genuine recommended by physicians for over thirty years. Don't risk injuring your child's tender stomach, liver and bowels by accepting an imitation fig syrup. Insist upon "California." A/ERY-^Jeweler COLUMBIA 5.C. ! 1508,Main St. Moved to . 1619 Main St. rVklnmhiQ WAU111 KJXUM Our Accuracy Quality Service give you "Well Fitted Glasses' ELMGREN Optometrist and Optician 17.07 Hampton St. COLUMBIA, S. C. Sanitary Meat Market ami Restaurant atVV?MW> Fresh native meats Always on ban A. tea sold in any quantity from Be o? Our restaurant is prepared to furnish sieals at all hours. First class meak prepared by experienced cooks. CAUGHMAN & SOX MEAT MARKET Next Deer te Peetoffice. LEXINGTON, 3. C \\\\\\\\\\V\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\V <CTH I SERVICE | our PLEASURE to promote in ? principles of SOUND banking, ^ of the business interest of tbis ? get together?we are something ^ ery human lot of individuals, and ^ at aside from the responsibilities ? >s, we have cultivated the friend- ^ ? Bank from!the increased pros- | f Columbia f a, S. C | i fe86 i j ! vlll fc-f ai. r - d, Fever and Grippe j nick< : *<. : thing we know, pre- i f entire da. MOVED | We have moved our Flower and Seed Store to 1431 Main Street Come in and see our beautiful flowers. Let us help you select seeds and plants for a good garden. Rose Hill Greenhouses MARTIN STORK, Treas. RUB - MY - TISM Is a powerful Antiseptic and Pain killer, cures infected cuts, old sores, tetter, etc. Relieves Sprains, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. GASOLINE SYSTEMS Oil Tanks and Pumps, Air Compressors, Computing Scales, Floor Scales, Show Cases, Account Registers, Rebuilt Cash Registers. Safes, Store Fixtures. THE HAMILTON SCALES OO. Columbia, 8. C. DESIGNS/ ' Wedding Bouquets, j FLOWERS, I For all occasions shipped ! anywhere. CHAS. L. SLIGH j I FLORIST. I 1446 Main St. Phone 27?1 ' i COLUMBIA, S. C. i Subscribe for The Dispatch-1, News. ! THE CHEAPEST WAG HARIS in the country are at our s over stock of Buggies an bankrupt sale and can sell prices. Come in and see them on o Our Guarantee N Greeory-C onder 1115 Hampton Street, EVERY ONE LIKES T Do not forget to remember acount with us It does not gifts but increases in value, ai which we add to the deposits. Accounts are invited. The Palmetto COLUMBI RESOURCES 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on ARE YOU WORKINC Work of any sort is pore drudf your existence. Bat with t> parpc for a reward and it x lightens you pleasure. Have a purpose in life! Make building up a savings account in yoj with the means to attain yon independence, wealth?they all c persistently save. Same rate of interest (4 per ceo accounts. THE OLD 1 The Carolina Nations W. A. Clark, President. T, S. Bryan, V. President Dalton, Ga. just felt tire- ... I didn't rest :~^Sl?lPi^ erer hungry, this, I neede . tonic as there Is no fiiBmiili i unions p i IB 'm STte Won 1 J , I begar .. ^ ' -rdui," ^ IgSjJi continues Mrs. Burnett W; ft "After my fi : bottle,I slept m H better and ate better. I took 3g V four bottles. -rc-w Vtz v?e)l, f|' feel Just fine. and s'^ep, p my skin is cleai said fe??s gained and sure feel tbat ft Cardui is the best tonic erer ft made." K Thousands of other women ft have found Cardui just as ft. Mrs. Burnett did. It should ft help you. 9j At all druggists. ^ft:. ^jSksSI CONTRACTORS 'fi. SUPPLIES- - i Machinery. Castings and Repairs. Steel Beams, 4 Rods, Ropes Tackle, g Wheelbarrows, Trucks, Wire Cable, Boilers Tanks, Stacks, Etc. Ventilators, Grating, Etc. 4 Lombard Iron Works & Supply CO., GEORGIA Ford Supplies and Repairs in Stock. * Looks like a pretty well-edited Cabinet, eh ??Boston Transcript. ^? Sv ONS, BUGGIES AND IESS. tables. We have taken d Wagons bought at a them at "before the war" ur floor. leans Something Mule Company, Columbia, S. C. 0 BE REMEMBERD the children with a bank depreciate like many other ided by the liberal interest National Bank IA, S. C $10,000,000.00 Savings Accounts 1 WITH A PURPOSE pry if it means merely earning >se back of it yon are working r tasks and makes work a real your life a success! Start by this institution. It will furaab r object. A comfortable home, ome within yonr reach if yoi it.) paid on both large and small RELIABLE il Bank of Colombia J09. M. Ball, Cashier. Jno. D. B?U. Aiit Cashier. x