' LEXINGTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1921. NUMBER 11. LEXINGTON FAR] ! If- TO SIGN ;r '' " ' L&OAt a rousina: and enthusiastic meet the Lexington county branch he American Cotton Association, which filled the court house to overawing Monday, grekt enthusiasm wjfo Manifested and there was a gen? 1& of determination to carry into fijtifeet the program outlined by the M^Bt organization in reducing the qp|S6i> acreage. -As a matter of fact J^KSJngton county ^Farmers have alreduced their; acreage. Secre fjljp,' Ellis Eflrd, ^fter the meeting, MjUt that he doubted if more than 10 gfiM cent of the farmers of this ' ' - I ness for several years and where he 'has. made a host of friends, who will jvish him every joy. The bride is a :yOU Ilg WUIUiXXi. VJL mail,) iviauiv ?and will be warmly welcomed to her ":itew home. Sf After a honeymoon trip to Florida Vv- ^ j&f about two weeks the young couple Trill be at home to their friends in Swansea. ??> . v AUDITOR W. D. DENT NOW ON ANNUAL ROUND | iiditor W. D. Dent started today ! bis annual round of the county ! ig tax returns. He will make ; schedule advertised elsewhere in : issue. While away his office will :ept open for the convenience of 1 s wishing to make returns here, ' Julia Bickley being in charge of j >ffice while Mr. Dent is absent. ; VISITED BROOKLAND. ter spending a two week's vaca- j with the home folks near Brook- j hd, Miss Olivia Kaiser has returned r Jamison, S. C., where she is en- ! tged in teaching this session. LAST MINUTE TAXP I BREAK RE w ???? w While the State government has iound it necessary to borrow largely to meet its obligations because the taxes have been so slow coming in, ; 'l act for the paper. All of our friends who.desire to subscribe or those who wish to renew their subscription can hand the money to Mr. Dent, who will give them a receipt. As the price of the paper is again put at SI.50 many of our subscribers should avail themselves of this opportunity. j NOW $1.50 YEAR price of The Dispatch-News year. This step is taken in art towards helping to a rend because we realize that ilting from low-priced cotscarce, particularly among \ all subscriptions mu^t be Your paper will be cut off w promptly in crder not to label; it will tell you if your 3. money order for renewal, representative of the paper >n his rounds, but Mr. Dent subscriptions^ [GH & WALKEK, The Dispatch-News.. E. AUSTIN ROOF IS HIGH SHERIFF TRANSFER EFFECTED TUESDAY. ?NEW OFFICER PROMISES IM PA im\I; EN FORCEMENT OF LAWS. E. Austin Roof is now high sheriff of Lexington. Having filed his bond and received his commission the office was turned over to him by Sim J. Millei-. the outgoing sheriff. At the time of the transfer there were 15 prisoners in the jail, of whom 9 were sent up from the federal courts. CH. AT *? V? t'Aet I*A_ CIltfniJL .UlilCl . ? HU uaj IVtired from office has been sheriff for 10 years, having served out the un : ? > >v'j> SIM J. MILLER. Retiring Sheriff. expired term of P. H. *Corley and being twice elected. During his incumbency Sheriff Miller has earned quite a reputation as a vigilant and resourceful apprehender of lawbreakers. He retiies to private life with the good wishes of a host of friends. Sheriff Miller will make his home in Lexington, having occupied his home on Depot street. He will look after his farming interests ar.d his transfer business. The Xew Sheriff. E. Austin Roof, the new sheriff, takes office under favorable circumstances. He was elected by a most flattering vote, bespeaking the c-onfl , i :. A rsTix^ Roor Now Sheriff delKv of i l\ pie in h.s t hn.mtcr'. and ability, Ho c?>mes i.\ at a time when the suppression of trime is a vital subject. His friends are pre dieting: that he will have a successful i administration.. Mr. Hoof was for 18 j rears i rural mail carrier and was I ' ! ( "ontimmd on Page Five.) i Important term t will beg Judge Frank B. Gary of Abbeville ? | will preside at the next term of the j court of general sessions, which comjmences here Monday, January 17 and | may continue for two weeks. This is ! expected to be an important term of | court, as then are many defendants i awaiting trial. At least seven honiiIcide cases are on the docket for trial, 'several of which were postponed from j the last term of court. Four white i men will be the defendants in one j" 'of these cases, resulting from the kill' ing of Constable Brown in an alleged liquor raid in Brookland last spring while one other white man, Newt Kelly, who recently killed David H. Shull in Brookland, is the defendant ?> in another. The other defendants jare negroes. The roster of the homijc-ide cases scheduled for trial at this i term are as follows: i i Hect<"i Patterson, negro, of Swani sea. i j Sam Harris, negro, now living ir. Augusta, who is alleged to have killed j another negro at Harbison college jThe defence in this case claims acci jdent, it is understood. ! Russell Potee, negro, who ran over t i /with an automobile and killed Mr. ; Turner, a white man in the town of Brookland. I Newt Kelly, white, who recently '< NEW YEAR BRINGS r i COURT HOUSE CHANGES i i ! \\ ltn the advent of the ISew Yeai*j j there will take place several changes j | in the personnel of the officers who j i will serve the people. ? j On Thursday George C. Steele, the j newly elected supervisor, will assume i | the reigns of office. Already Mr. I j Steele has been busy going over the i j county's affairs with the outgoing j supervisor, Charles E. Corley. An un- j [founded rumor was going the rounds! this week that Mr. Steele would de- j cline to serve. The Dispatch-News I is able to say. however, that there is j [absolutely no truth in the report. Mr. j ! Steele will take office Thursday. \ i For the present there will be no j [change in the board of county com-j j missioners, two of whom are to be j [appointed by the governor upon the! ; I'ecommfcniaMu-i of the legislatrue. 11 ; These two members have not yet been jl selected. T.wo members of the board |] i j. ?C i ; < !k | GEO. ^C. STEELE 'l i New Supervisor 1 ] will hold over for two more years. i The present members of the board are: TV. TV. Furtick, E. L. Derrick, j( George A. Shealy and B. Furman ), Brodie, the first two of whom hold ! j over while the terms of the other two expire. jE. Austin Roof took charge of the | Sheriff's office Tuesday. \r i c Hollv Ij. Harmon, who succeeds | himself as clerk of court, will begin jt his new term of four years January it ! lit. c. E. Smith, nominated for county ;g nYN AMITE EXPLi A ? ?* V - ? ? ? SERI0USL1 the premature explosion of two jc boxes of dynamite caps caused the r s'iious injury of four young men of: Lexington last Friday night during a ja New Year's celebration. Frank Fields. { Sim Fields. Furman Harmon and ic Shelby Harmon had gone just out of ' town near Fourteen creek to fire New |S Year guns, and for some cause a dy- t namite cap went off prematurely, ex- f ploding two full boxes, and the en- r tire party suffered more or less ser-'r ious injuries. r Frank Fields lost his left eye. parts A IF COURT UN ON JANUARY 17 shot and killed David H. Shuli ir; the town of Brookiand. Jacob Lorick, negro. Cleve Pooser, negro. First Week Jury. Following is the jury for the first week of court: J. Felder Smith, George W. Jefcoat, T Hninnt* A ^r\lnlinc T-Tifr* T u v^wiiivj | iT.uvi^nuo xxitv, > H. Arnold. John W. Younginer, W. D. Franklow, Lester L. Sharpe, Haskell Hall, Bart G. Mathias, Rufus L. Craps, Arthur R. Timmerman, Boyce J. Able, Weber L. Rawl, Lemon E. Jefcoat, Morgan T. Corder, J. Perry Rish, J. Hamp Long, Thobmas J. Risinger, Harvey F. Roof, Willie H. Weed, Curtis Derrick, E. Hendrix Roberts, Seber Y. Fulmer, H .M. Williams, Julian D. Cromer, Luther J. Busby, George V. Sharpe, Johnnie Dyches, Joseph W. Meetze, K. C. Gunnell, John W. Wessinger, D. Backman Amick, Lee Rabun, Shelton E. Corley, Morgan A. Sharpe. Grand Jury for 1921. The following have been drawn to \ serve on the grand jury for the com- ' ing year: . 1 \ Jacob H. Roberts, Oscar C. Boat- > wright, H. Berime "Williams, W. H. Fallaw, Mat. L. Martin, T. Wade Long, J. M. Taylor, Cary A. Snelgrove, J. Frank Smith, Murray D. Rucker, C. E. Taylor, L. D. Hutto. "BOB" JONES HERE NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT. An overflow crowd is expected to hear the famous evangelist, "Bob" Jones who is to speak at the high school auditorium Sunday night at 7:30. Mr. Jones is considered one of the greatest evangelists in America today and is president of ilv^ great interdenominational Evangelistic association of America of which Billy Sunday is-vice-president. Lexington is one of the fifteen Places in South Carolina to be visited by Mr. Jones in the interest of the rampaign of Sunday School Evangeism which is being conducted by the South Carolina Sunday School association under a Sunday School Evangelism committee of twenty-five of :he leading laymen and ministers of :he State. Dr. W. L. Ball, pastor of :he First Baptist church of Spartan3urg is chairman of this committee, Prof. William S Morrison, vice-chairnan and Rev. A. E. Driggers, pastor )f the Methodist church of Clemson Pollege, vice-chairman. The purpose >f the campaign is said to be that of irousing, inspiring and enlisting each Sunday school worker in the State 'or personal evangelistic effort in his >r her own Sunday school class, leadng up to a Sunday School Decision Day or other equivalent evangelistic emphasis. { HARMOX-SEAY. A pretty home wedding of the past -veek was that of Miss Mildred Harnon of Lexington to T. C. Seay of Coumbia, at the home of Mrs. L. C. Harmon in Lexingtcm The ceremonv ivas performed Thursday afternoon it 1 o'clock by the Re/. Mr. Whitten )f the Methodist church :reasurer, will not take office until i :he beginning of a new fiscal year Tuly 1 next. Auditor Dent will succeed himself it the same date. County Superintendent of Educaion Julius E. Sharpe will likewise >egin his new work July 1. Coroner Weed, who succeeds himself, will also take a new hold. DS10N 7~ 1 (INJURES FOUR >f three fingers on left hand, and nunerous bruises and cuts over body. Furman Harmon lost his right eye, md has many cuts and bruises. Sim Fields and Shelby Harmon re eived several minor wounds. Frank Fields. Furman Harmon and >im Fields were carried to the Bapist hospital in Columbia Saturday or operation, and the three young nen are doing as well as could be exacted. Shelby Harmon is recovering apidly at the home of his father, Mr. ,r. U. Harmon. : "^1