: ' t I James Allan THE HALLM/ 285 King St. ESTABUSt i fli Fire r. x We are announcii and vicinity that Insurance Agenc Lexjngton Insun ' We are prepar risks, and invite of any kind. W< Nine of tl Compao fr'" f j which makes th( STRONGEST in Life, Fire, 0 The Le: ' > . / i'i ' ; ^ -: * \ ? i " . OFF . REPRESENTED * /[ of the year'how much money he had to use .for the publication and that ! he should have made It do. It will i perhaps be a matter of surprise to many to learn .that The Market Bul letin was'costing the taxpayers of South Carolina something like $12,i 000 a yedr for printing and postage , alone?entirely too much in the . opinion of -some and a wholly un, warranted .use of the public funds in > the opinion of others. "Why ask these latter citizens, should every taxpayer ( in South (Carolina have to put up . money to keep going a publication , issued in the interest of so few citi, zens of the State? The Market Bulletin, it might be well to explain, is a free advertising medium through which John Brown tells Bill Jones ' that he has a calf, a bushel of oats, : * r Onion Sots, Ryo and Rape White, yellow and red onion sets, y Abruzzl rye, dwarf Essex rape, turnip ' ' 1 cabbage, mustard and other seasonable seed. Full line of superior flower seeds. HARMON DRUG CO. . ssv yi Drawing Near \ t ry or Silverware that you 0 us. I ) nderful stock. >royal where satisfactory / 1 & Company IRK JEWELERS Charleston, S. C. """"" Prote I . ig to the people of I we have the Chas, y, and consolidated mce Agency. ed to INSURE any rou to call upon us t 3 represent le Largest Fire lies in the Unite 3 Lexington Insura Lexington County. Live Stock, Automobili and Surety Bonds *\ _ I__ xing ion in Agency ICE AT BANK OF WESTERN CAROI BY JOHN T SOX, R. E. COOK, H. * ' t ' \ ^ & rabbit dog: or * a setting of hen's eggs lie wishes to get rid of. It is a "for sale," "want" and "exchange" publication which comes in direct t A competition with the newspapers of the State and deprives them of business to which they are entitled.? Port Mill Times. ? * ' OFFICER NOTIFIED HIS BODY ON WAY HOME. Lynn, Mass.. Nov. 19.?Although Lieut. John G. Gramstorff, a Yankee Division veteran has notified " tho War Department several times that he is not dead, he received a tele gram today at his homo in Everett announcing that his body is now 'on its way home from France. The telegram came from government officials who have been told repeatedly that the lieutenant is not dead. The offi cials also have hell* back money due tho lieutenant, apparently unwilling to believe ho is alive. Lieut. Q-ramstorff is at a loss to know what to do^with the body, which undoubtedly* is that of tvrongly identified soldier. My Ten Rules of Conduct. Our little girl studied Jefferson's Ten Rules in school. Then tho teacher bad her moke out a list of ten rules for her to follow herself. She became much interested. Then she asked me to write out ten rules ? of conduct for me to live by. I did not find it easy to write them, nor do I find it easy to keep them, but I am striving to keep them all. This is the list: * ^ 9t 1. Keep every promise I make. 2. Speak ill of no one. 3. Write to my mother once a week. 4. Keen all niv hplonclnirs elenn and in order. C. COULTON - OPTOMETRIST. V Eyes Glasses Examined' Fitted 5 i 1423 Main St., Columbia, S. C. | UP STAIRS ML I 1 * tl'" ' I ctioii J U Lexington County , E. Taylor Fire same with, our i and all reliable or PROTECTION / Insurance d States mce Agency, the ' * ^ s tb Insurance . 3, surance V"< ; .INA H. LIVINGSTON . "V f X/v, 6. When there Is a task 1 dislike, do it at once. ( 6. Never go in debt one cent. 7. Teach my children to be est and ti^chful. 1 8. Improve my nrrind every any. 9. "When I am sad. sing. 10. Try to see the other person's viewpoint. s NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PEOPLES GINNERY. Notice is hereby given that the PEOPLES GINNERY, a corporation u&Duittcf Player Pianos pleasure that we now any your demands lor music shortage in production, we ;o give such service in this blic of this vicinity had a tion is now happily a thing <' i f .Gospel Hymns?All the ilar and Semi-Classical >ers.. with us or write and we j the latest bulletins and >n the best sellers and de- * % * | rch Company rAREROOM 00. P. M. Aabury, Mgr. \ . i / ? ' > . i*sV, . % v . t \ ;