EbtNM.unhsg tImes. Published Every Wednesday WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. Miss Addie Weinberg spent the week-end in Sumter with friends. S. Katzoff spent a few days last week in Charleston on business. Mihs Myrtle and Jleniie Bomaid spent last Thursday in Sumter. Miss Gertrude Oliver of Greeley ville, is visiting Miss Mary Dickson. Miss Gertrude Oliver of Greeley ville, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. Oliver O'Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. Fleet Lanneau of Bishopville, spent Saturday in Mann ing with friends. Messrs. A. J. King and Wright Tur beville spent the week-end in Sumter and Bishopville. Miss Mary Miller Plowden is much better after being ill for the past ten days. Miss Corinne Barfield has returned from Charleston, where she spent Sun day and Monday. Mrs. Rickenbaker and daughter, Miss Thelma, of Orangeburg, are visiting Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. H. C. Curtis has returned from Newborry, where she was visiting re latives. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and children of Lake City, spent Sunday with Misses Daisy and Mae Flowers. Miss Clara Shipman of Alcolu, spent the week-end with Miss Ruth Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis and baby of Davis Station, are visiting Mr. Davis' mother, Mrs. T. M. Davis. Mrs. E. S. McLaughlm, who spent the summer with relatives in Dalzell, has returned home. Mrs. D. D. Salley of Orangeburg, spent a few (lays of last week with relatives in Manning. Don't forget the hog show in Man ning October 14th. Bring your hogs in and win the money. *1 ch,' * as' They look alike but on them has seen months of wear Tht. - the O A "i.,U~uA& cm A . o .M c F A h o d L . D , cofonaWc thelol sihot 0 mAw whenoyou, )utc 0 b.1 Yok W~A . be gt., it a 0 had.en lepalle T. o M 0 it. p aFpeANDpe, idre ins.a, hand derwtha per n tyed btop. o a. atom. und adncha dor wth pn tehe gi Tag| man, whaty< .flavor mRore-ia way t< and kn Copyright 1921 by R. .J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Winston.Salem, Miss L'llis Gamble of Paxville is visiting relatives in town. Miss Mamie Phelps and Mr. Jackson of Sumter, spent Sunday here visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barton spnit last week end with relatives in Lan caster. Mrs. J. E. Reardon left Monday for a two week's stay in Salem, where she will visit rel:Atives. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Floyd have re turned from a motor trip to Hender sonville and Asheville, N. C. Mrs. B. A. Johnson and Mr. Edwin Johnson have returned from a trip tc Spartanburg, Greenwood and Foun. tain Inn, where they have been visit ing relatives and friends. See Mr. F. P. Eryin at once and give him i your order for wheat seed which will be furnished by the banks of Manning at ,ctual cost to them. We noticed a young lady getting into a car the other afternoon and we might add that we also noticed that she was "rolling her own." Mrs. D. L. Sams left Monday for Rose Hill, N. C., where she will visit her mother, Mrs. L. M. Dew, for a few weeks. Miss Rhoda Nettles' many friends will be glad to learn that shi is im proving after being operated on about ten (lays ago in Sumter. The many friends of Mr. Hugh Plowden will be glad to learn that he is able to be out again after a two week's illness. Miss Rita Huggin's many friends will be glad to learn that she is better after being quite ill for the past two weeks. Manning extends a welcome to every man, woman and child to visit the great hog show on October 14th. Come, it's all free. Mrs. F. D. Boswell has returned from a visit to her brother, Mr. Eugene Davis, and family of Davis Station. Mrs. J. E. Demars who has been visiting relatives in Manning return ed to her home in Baltimore last Mon day. Don't plant wheat before treating it with copper sulphate or formalde hyde to prevmt siiut. On account of court convening this week, the regular w-eting of the Wo man's Auxiliary wili be held Thursday afternoon at 4.30 o'dioek at the home of Mrs. C. B. Geigcr. Mr. and Mrs. Cc:on Belser and Miss Mary Ingr: of Columbia are guests for the WIls< i-Hunbert wed ding, at the home -f Judge and Mrs. John S. Wilson. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Joseinh Sprott on Mon day afternoon aL o'clock. A full attendanco is ean.stly requested as delegates to the Sa:U2 Convention will be appointed at thi: meeting. The First Nn "-. The Bank of .an'i ~inand Th- Pomue Bank and Trust Company rili furnish the far iers of Clarendon C ou.i v with wheat ':(e:d at alctual CoSL. Ench farmer sho'lld pAmit two acres of wheat to vael work hors or mule. You'll sport T thing you do next ArE a get some makin's Albe s and some Prince there tobacco and puff away and p iome made cigarette our e rill hit on all your ess! cylinders! P. A se sitting.-by and say- slip 1 iybe you'll cash this out a tomorrow. Do it while Pr ng's good, for manL-o- co thi rou can't figure out smok >U're passing by!i Such smok such coolness, such You< ;h-ness-welI, the only --if: get the words em-- for j enough is to go to it revels ow yourself!I or a < ~INEE A thse national joy u Mr. and Mrs. N. Il kNeWme of Casa den, visited thoir aunt, Mrs. E. C. Als brook last week. Dr. H. L. Crouch of the Dickson Drug Store, spent Sunday in Colum bia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roigr r Bluff, N. C., are the guests of relatives here this week. Dr. L. W. Nettles of Camden,, was a visitor last Wednesday of his sister, Mrs. E. C. Alsbrook. Licuts. Runser and Turner will re turn to Manning tomorrow (Thurs day) from Savannah, Ga., with a new aeroplane. Mr. Allen Harvin Jr., left last night for Youngsville, N. C., where he has accepted a position in Clark's Warehouse. Mr. R. R. Jenkinson has decided to close out his mercantile business, and is now traveling for Hornick and Peeples of Charleston. The regular meeting of the Ameri can Legion Post will be held at the new club rooms over Manning Hard ware next Tuesday evening at eight o'clock. Mrs. W. E. Reardon returned last Friday evening from an eight week's stay in Black Mountain, N. C., where she was visiting her mother, Mrs. Cauble. Word has been received here of the announcement of the marriage of Miss Margaret Thorp Green of Council Bluff, Iowa, to Mr. Courtney Camp bell of Foreston, S. C. Mr. Campbell is manager of the Carolina Stock Farms at Foreston. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride on October 6th. Mrs. A. Forest Fowler and her chil dren, Elizabeth and Forest Jr., of Co lumbia and Mrs. H. B. Ennis and her children, Marjorie and Helen of Mil ledgeville, Ga., are visiting at the home of their mother, Mrs. E. C. Alsbrook. 0 CARD OF THANKS . We, the members of the High School Foot Ball Team, wish to thank the people of Manning for the contribu tions given us for our new suits and new foot ball. CLASSIF[D ADVERTISING Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer. Relieves pain and soreness, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. WANTED-Ford Touring Car, in good shape, price must be in har mony with boll weevil conditions. Box 274, Summerton, S. C. BRICK LIME AND CEMENT-We have them in st-ock all the-time, and would like to have your order. Dick son Grocery and Peed Co. We are proud of -lhe confidence doc tors, druggists and the public have in 666 Chill and Fever Tonic. PRATTS-Poultry and stock reme (lies-we carry a full line. Dickson Grocery and Feed Co. Rub-My-Tism is a powerful anti septic. Cures infected cuts, old sores, tetter, etc. enjoy the of rolling rith P. A.! d, besides Prince rt's delightful flavor, 's its freedom from bite arch which is cut out by xclusive patented proc Certainly-you smoke ,from sun up till you etween the sheets with comeback. ince Albert is thie tobac at revolutionized pipe ing. If you never could e a pipe - forget it! an-AND YOU WILI) you use Prince Albert ~ackingI It's a smoke ation in a jimmy pipe igarette! LBERT A LDER.MA N'S 20 STORES IN ONE New Fall Readymto-Wear! New Coats, Dresses and.Skirts, beauti'ully designed, of the favorite materials, Satin, Canton Crepe, Serge and Tricotine, in Navy Blue, Brown and Black, trimmed in Beads, Buttons and Embroidered effects are now in. These garments are made up of the best and newest material on the market. (We carry a complete line for the stout ladies as well as for the slim and medium sized ones.) HOSE A complet line of Ladies' Silk Hose in all col ors have just trrived. We handle The Gotham Gold Stripe, Onyx and Holeproof Hose, the best on the market today. LADIES!! Call and see our beautiful line of Blouses for Fall and Winter in Georgette and Crepe, all colors and the latest styles. Prices range from $3.00 up to $15.00. BOYS' AND MEN'S CLOTHING A complete line of clothing for men, young men and boys', in the latest models. These suits are absolutely guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Mothers, bring your boys in and let us fix them up for school. We were fortunate enough to buy a complete line of Dry Goods on the low market and we can give you right prices. SHOES We are a"ents for the very best Ladies' and Men's Shoes, Zeigler Bros., for the Ladies and Boyden's for the Men. These are shoes that fit your foot and will not lose their shape. Come in and let us fit you in a pair of these shoes; narrow or wide, we can fit you. ALDERMAN'S TEACHERS' EXAMINATION new rules and regulations adopted July 1st, 1921, and wvill embrace tlcee The next examination for teachers groups of questions. will be held at the court house on Fri- The Primary division embaces the (lay and Saturday, October 7th and following subjects: English Ghim 8th., beginning at nine o'clock. This mar and Language, Arithmetic, Ply examination will be held under the ground and Community Activities, and Geeal History, Geography, Civics BATTERIES FULGHAM OATS-Abruzziy, Health, Nature Study, Sool Winter Rye seed. Dickson Grocery Law, Manual Training. and Feed Co. The General Elementary division embraces the fol lowving subjects: RUMMAGE SALE-Saturnay, at R. English Grammar and Composition, R. Jenkinson's old stand. Arithmetic, History, U. S. and S. C., 666 cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Biiu eeClsadLaGrippe, orooyan yinNteSud money refunded. :n giutrSho av n l o tr nte FOR RENT--l-our rooms, together or TeHg colDvse mrcs S~~ f twl singly, for board or housekeeping.thfolwnGrmailAayisrout le VETlCI I and Rape seed-Plant some 11( iis cec GnrlSine for your stocks sake. Dickson Gro-PhsogyBilyhscCh cery and Feed Co. avnofrd ~or~ur~)Aih 'Y% vi~ n COTTON-Sh'ipped to BATTEY &mtiAgbaGeeryFoin CO.. The Proficient Cotton Factors Giiuifurofrd n eurd of Savannah, Ga., yields satisfac- Ace tion as is evidenced by the lairge tad Mdr itrSho volume of business entruistedl toiI i them. Isn't it to your interest to beoesecanevrtahcGOlVN try them'' Do it nowv and he con- t ulf ne oedvso.Tah vincedl. Nov. 30-c.eshligFrit uttk h x n LOST-Saturday, hound pupp~y, re~lsdebre rmtahn.WODIUFF and wvhite-answvered to the nme ulrifraio eaiet e of "Blig-um," about a year old. Re-neasoceicasanlceenils SnnetnS.C '. ward il retuii ned to A. J1. Tindaul inonwiht (urceiiaesmyb a~rk o' 1hack Rivr. pd. hdb viigfrtellmhe s T"OR S A'E-N ice pears for canningalptl ll 1s___________________________ 81I.50 burhl cdeliver~ed a'. Manning, E 1 R W E S. C. Write or see .J. Morgan 8t Conyup.oEdctn COLGI'IAATY Spirott, Jordan, S. C.SHO ICOTTON-A mple storage capiacit y at NOIETCRITS Mr..C.etlsAbokPicpl reasonable rates andl liberal a'd vances on consignments in anyAlPesnhaigcamagis Fitestdrdnt. ghcol quantity, for priompt sale or to bethEsaeoHerD.Toad-EliFincLi, thnacs held, offeredl by BIATTEY & CO.1caewilpeetteduyats-sinendemnhp.Toug The Substantial Cotton Factors ot ' nlaltoeoigth a~ saepeaain o n olg.Suet Savannah, Ga. Nov. 30-c ilmaepymttotein(rig-frWti-pndCmsninhp Rub-My-T'im is a powerful antisep-EsteothsadHnyDThmcolgsvtotexiain.S tie. Cures infected cuts, ol sores,deesdclcohigfrbniiaycoa tetter, etc. uieE'hoa, sisoerdb Witrp Clm~ WANTED-A position as manauger of iiiiiS et 4 91p cst.Ssinbgn et 2h a grain andl tobacco farm. A p~ply - to Hi. I. Proctor, Route 1, Box 46, - - - -?tUUmrnsmnumng uun* newTTules and rTgullaigesandore liabl cottn facors o Sa groupsi, Dr quetints. digsoevr aisatr y GaThe Primary divisiontembracesithe longandsuccssflexerince, ollexingsujetis: nglassitinGram-ay. r pertandalengangeipiahmefinanciay m~ounness. ___--Nov. 0-c.rou ne h mui enjivites thandptteelse LOSTraORHSTOLry,-Onegrepher Civg, blackbody nd had, gayighogyr giving? Ifur ot Shool toce legs and Lndw,-Mady.lAnTrainingt nameeofenex.lWillmentaiyddinysine foinglnformationrorndeturnosftiog. A.ritharetnic,-Hiso r U. S.ad .C, GeographyiCivichindenurrentdEvents themllingaRendinglPedagogyonhyso cery ad I'cd Co.-----logy--and--Hygiene,--- Nature--- Study~ -nd-Agriultur-,-choo--La,-and-A gebra.