EER ere is Food foi Calamity Howl by Mr. C. A Ford M It is very peculiar, this human na re of ours, because 90 per cent of , men and women are very quick see the clouds of trouble and to iss the bright sunshine of pleasure, it a rumor emanate from an insane .ylum that there is going to be a ilure of the crops, and the multi des commence to mourn right away, ems as if people like to be i1 ouble. And so it is that there has spread rer this country an almost universal -lief that we had to have a financial inic; we must have a commercial de ession; we were due for a period of ard times; Hades was to pay and nc itch hot. Rumor upon rumor of a !ortage in crops, shortage in me hanical production, shortage in labor; i fact, it seemed as if the whole rorld was going to be so dog gone bort that it was liable to drop into a ole and disappear. The prophets of heerfulness were like the proverbial en's teeth-few and far between. Now let us look at the facts, for lever before in the history of civiliza. ion has mankind had a more roseate uture to vision, and this applies to ivery part of the globe, as we could rove if we had the time and the space. But let us just take America. Never n our history has there been so mucll :noney, real, honest-to-goodness cash n the United States as there is to. lay. This country has been growing in wealth by leaps and bounds, be. cause we have the best educated peo. ple in the world; the most moral peo. ple; the most humane people; people gith more initiative than obtains among any other peoples on Earth Then we have a country whose un limited natural resources represent Wealth untold. We were coming tc the mastership of the wealth of thc world before the War. For instance in 1913 this country produced $14,000,. 000,000 more than it consumed. Thor the War came on and our productior was hurried until in 1917 we produced $18,000,000,000 more than we con. sumed. We loaned to the nations of Europc in excess of $30,000,000,000. With th( 'exception of some $3,000,000,000, this money remained in America and was spent by the borrowers in our mar kets. It was not taken out of Ameri ca-it is here still. Since the Wim closes hundreds of rallions of gold have been sent into the United States by foreign countries in payments or their debts. T1hen in 1919 our production was the largect in the histnry of the coun try. We produiced more goodls thar we did in1 1917, andl we had an eaget market for everything we prodlucedI and all we sold brought the money tc America-it's hore. Take this statement by John Fletch er, Vice President of the Fort D~ear born National Bank of Chicago: "Th< United States is far and away thr richest country in the world. The ag. gregate deposits of its banks are bil. lions more than tihe combined dleposits of all the banks in the world outsid Sammy Swamp, Manning, Mt. Zion, .. Brewington, Plowden's Mill, lHar - mony, Midway, New Zion, Douglass, y Sandy Grove and Mott's. Mott's r. Township and a portion of Sandy 'Grove were a few years abo cut off and thrown into Florence County, - while the relaining eighteen retain - their original naues and each now - forms a school district. i Perhaps it will not be uninterest I ing to give the names of sonme of the gentlemen who have filled the offices - of the county, and in the order in a which they came since 1855. The i first sheriff that Clarendon ever had - was P. Margan Butler. Hie was suc a ceeded by his son, Y, Newton Butler. 3 Hie was in turn followed by Capt. D. 3 .J. Bradham, then a young man, who e remainedl in office until reconstruc - Lion in 1869. Then came Tr. W. I Arledge, who absconded while in j office, from getting into money a troubles, then a nman by the name of i Parker, appointed by Governor| , Scott. He was follwed by th elate r William J. Clark, Then came WR. y' Burgess, then Major H. H. Lesesno, t who remained in offce until his ~ dtenth in 1891, and was followed b e the present sheriff, Capt. D. J. Brad . ham. s During a period of forty-two years e there have been only six gentlemen t who filled the offce of Clerk of Court e for Clarcndon County. The first of these was Josiah M. Folder, who ab se'rvedl twelve or fifteen years, and .was succeeded by his son, R. F. F'el 5 decr. Then came W. A. Barfield. He .was followved by that late lamented -and much esteemed Christian gentle a man, James E. Davis, who remained, , in offce until his death. His un .. expiredl term was filled by our fel ~. low-member, Mr. A. C. Davis, and he d was succeeded by our present Clerk,I ,; Mr. J1. H. Timamons. s The offce of Treasurer used to com I bine the duties of both Auditor and Treasurer, and was known as tax col n lector. Its first occupant undler the e (Continued on page seven) IHICH ESTPR S Pil~ vna DMAitax , ? e Ieikeaset~eetMse soL sYDRIOGS~Lmr515 II OWEN BROS. MARBLE and GRANITE CQ. D9sIGNERS MANUFACTURERS ERECTORS Dealers in everythind for the cemetery. The largest and best equipped mon. - - umental mills in the Carolinas. -- Greenwood,...... .. C. Future Cotton Contract. If you want to buy or sell cotton contracts in units of ten bales or upward, send at once for free booklet of valuable information and rules of trade. Letter on probable market trends in cotton and grains sent free upon request. MARTIN AND COMPANY Cotton Brokers 81 Broad Street, New York City Members American Cotton & Grain Exchange Member Clearing House For personal interview get in touch with our State representative, EDMUND A. FELDER 1512 Sumter Street Columbia, S. C. Long Distance Phone 1229 Wood .Sawing Machine Do not forget that when you buy our Type "W" Drag Saw machine, cut of which you have seen in the naner. that vni knu Ann with Bosch Magneto, and which alone sells for about 440.00. This machine is also controlled by lever Friction Clutch, which prevents stopping of Engine every time you wish to stop the Saw. And last but not least this Machine sells for no more than the machines that are not equipped with Bosch Magneto, and do not have Lever Control. COLUMBIA SUPPLY COMPANY 823 West Gervais St. * Columbia,.. C. OUR BANK and THEY ARE Fu tur INSEPARABLE .our Future A good future without saving is something that doesn't often happen, you know. Our institution is a progressive money saving and investing bank. We solicit the patronage of these whose person al attributes are likewise-and those who earnest ly desire to become such. You never regret money saved. There is no use to regret when it is gone. The Bank of Manning JOSEPH SPRYfT, Presiderit T. M. MOUZON, Cashier We Are Headquarters for Nitrate of Soda in quantities. from ten tons and upwards. We have sold during the past ten days a large ton. age of this material, and while prices have advanced during the past week it is still cheap com pared with other ammoniates. Get our prices before you buy. MANNING OIL MILL.