McC WH Begins and conti T when last si per p4 40c. p our ea WHI' icC ADMIRAL SIMS MUST PROVE HIS CHA Senate Subcommittee to Contini vestigation of Record of Na During the War RATHOM IN CONTROVERi Declares Men Used for Vile Nameless Practices to E Others While in Service. W'ashington, Jan. 19.-Charp Rear Admiral Sims that the na; partmnent failed to cooperate ful) the allies during the great wva' be investigate by the Senal committee before wvhich they made. This was decided todlay by th naval committee which also aut ed1 appointmnat of another subco: tee to determine whether there be an inquiry into charges ma4 John R. Rathom, editor of the I dlence, (R. I.) Journal, that wit knowledge of Secretary Daniels' seamen in the navy have been for most vile and' nameless pra in order to enitrap innocent mer While the Senate committee v session, Secretary Daniels anno that Admiral Sims would be call to make goodl his charges eith< fore the Senate or naval board. Simultaneously, Chairman ] of the House naval committee, Bland Cars of Charac SUMTER, S. C,, ollum Bni ITE Wednesday, Jc nues through Satui he majority of this merchandis( our buyers were in the North immer when cotton was selling >und and to-day cotton is brin er pound. Did we save you a rly buying? All we ask is a 'E SALE and we will let U B JUDGE ollum SUMTER, S. C nounced that Major General Leona would be called before that co ROES8mittees to explain statements tributed to him that American na .e In- vessels were "floating death trap General Wood explained at Portlai Maine, today that what he said w that naval ships manned by untrair crews would be death traps in batt Inquiry into Admiral Sims' char and will not be started by the Senate si ntrap committee until its present investij tion of naval decorations is complet wvhich probably will be wvithin I es of (lays. That investigation was c< y de- tinuedl today, wvith Admiral Simsc with eluding his testimony. Rear Admil will Mayo, commander in chief of the sub- lantic fleet luring the wvar, will were called tomorrow. Charge Immoral Conditions full The full naval committee took toriz- telegrams sent to Senator Lodge a nmit- other members by Mr. Rathom chi hould ing immoral conditions in the na le by andl it authorized Chairman Page 'rovi- appoint a subcommittee to make hi the preliminary inquiry to dlevelop whel many er an investigation was warrantedl usedl Secretary Daniels declined to co etices ment on Mr. Rathom's charges < i." cdaring that he did not desire to ma 'as in a statement until he was more fart unced jar with the allegations. Assista edl on Secretary Roosevelt, who was said r be- Mr. Daniels to be more familiar wv the matter, assertedl that the spec Jutler board of inquiry appointedl by I an-- Judge Advocate General of the Na ..... two wveeks ago had full authority --investigate the methods employed ntival intelligence officers in securi evidlence against persons undeor 51 picion of moral dlelinquency andl inquire into all judicial procedure the navy at Newport. Secretary Daniels also (declined discuss the assertions attributed General WoodI, saying that if anyc wished to "put him on oath and hi mtell what ho knows about t navy he might ,be called before t committee andl he dan explain his < por1t knowledge." Entering a general denial of t Sims charges against the Navy I partment, the naval segretary decdlar that "the matter has gone so far tt unless at the Senate investigation t charges are proven to the entire sat Ne faction jf the American people, are --- q.uiry will be made by a naval hoar< Not Commander-In-Chief Trho secretary emphasized that A miral Sims was not commander c.. hief o# the AmarIann naval forw ea ha yther's fC4 M qu er pr 3ALEes th so fo Pi U: Y4 mnuary 21, G vl, Sr. 'day, Jan. 24. A te nil tic ml was bought at in ern Markets for 27 cents CL ging around *f di inything by fl inI visit to our pt Ic tic ll CS th Bros., rd overseas and that throughout the m- war he was subordinate to Admiral at- Mayo as commander of the Atlantic ral fleet and to Admiral Benson, chief of s," naval operations. He said Adimarl d, Sims' duyt was to make commenda 'as tions to the department and then to ed obey the orders issued after those le. 'ecommendations were considered es Mr. Daniels indicated that there ib- were frequent Iclashes between the a- cpartment and Admiral Sims because. ad, destroyers were not withdrawn from 'en convoying troop ships andl assigned to* m- duty in the submarine zone andl added on that it wvas the paramount dluty of ral the navy to protect American sol tt- (iers going overseas. be Declaring that when all the facts* wvere laid bare the country would be proudl of the navy's record in the wvar. up M'ar. Daniels said Admiral Sims "must ad be required to establish every criti g-g eism he has made of the dlepartment." vy "When the smoke blowvs awvay" the to secretary continuedl, "I am confident a that the people will see that the naval hi- administration has been effcient." Askedl whether he contemplatedl rep m- rimandling Admiral Sims for criticisms Ie- that might be proven beaseless, Mr. ke Daniels said: ii at ySUMMONS ial STATE OF SO CROIA he County of Clarendon vy COURT OF COMMON PLEAS to SUMMONS FOR RELIEF by .T (Complaint Served) W T.Lesesne, Plaintiff, ng against as- Levy Trindal and Willie Witherspoon, to Defendants. of TO THlE DEFENDANTS above named: You are hereby summonedl and re to qjuiredl to answer the complaint in this to actionL of which a copy is herewvith no served upon you, andl to serve a copy of your answ~er to the said complaint ton the subscriber at his ofmce in Man he ning, South Carolina, wvithin twenty he (lays after the service thereof, ex e lusive of the (lay of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time MVoresaid, the plaina he tiff in this action will apply to the e- Court for the relief dlemandedl in tho comnpl ain t. D( Iated January 12th, A. D. 1920. at W. C. DavIs, he Plaintiff's Attorney. is.. To the dlefendlant Levy Tindal: You will take notice that the Sumi ,,rons and Complaint in the above ca -* tltledl action has been filedl in the of flee of Clerk of Court for Clarendlon d.- County. n.. W. C. Davis, Plaintiff's Attorney. es Jan 20th 100.3c "I have never employed the old time ilitary method of dealing with criti I na'al officers. Perhaps I am ong; perhaps I am right. But I ye an enduring faith that in the end e great bulk of the American -peoplp ways arrive at a just conclusion ih ntroversies for this kind." )TTON ASSOCIATION CALLS MEETING Columibia Jan. 19.-President R. . Mixson, has called meetings in ite a number of counties, of farm s, bankers, merchants, business and ofessional men and all ladies inter ted, for the purpose of discussing e purposes and activities of the as ciation. Meetings have been called in the llowing counties; Newberry, Jan. 25, wurens, Jan. 27; Greenville, Jan. 28; ckens, Jan. 29; Walhalla, Jan. 30; nion, Jan. 31; Gaffney, Feb. 2; >rk, Feb. 3; Chester, Feb. 4; Lan ster, Feb. 5 (a. m.) Camden, Feb. (p. m.) Greenwood, Feb. 6; Abbe le, Feb. 7; McCormick, Feb. 9; luda, Feb. 10; Edgefield, Feb. 11; ken, Feb. 12. -Ic has addressed the following let r to the chairmen of the above med counties. "The South Carolina Cotton Associa )m has called a meeting of the far ers, bankers, merchants, business d professional men and all ladies terested, to be held in the court' use in your county to discuss the irposes and activities of the asso ation as they relate to the prosperity all classes of our citizens, illiteracy, versification and oragnization. In et, all questions pretaining to the Iprovement of the financial, social, oral and education conditions of our !ople. "Good speakers, competent to hand thees questions, will be on hand to cak to the people. We want every dv in the community to be present. 0 PROHIIITIONIST METHODS Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 19.-The ethod used by the prohibtiionist to tablish prohibition will be used by e anti-prohibitionists to revoke it, cording to Claude R. Diegle, grand cretary of the Order of Camels, the ttional organization formed to fight ohibition. Mr. Diegle said political action ould be employed by the order. In 'cry case, he said, the order would I I Ihe greates The greainm inderedetor alonerfuplr The aknewnm ingly devot< realization C In the perfor our reward. know that v A single den that it is ti Amelican m PA LGB EDET R Caroli F I m1 me )ppose a prohibitionist rather than avorany one anti-prohibitionist. "The first important action vill be it the national conventions of the epublican and Democratic parties his summer," said MJr. Diegle. SENTENCED TO DEATH Georgetown, Texas, Jan 18.-Juan Thadalla, a Mexican, was found guilty )f murder an dsentenced to death to lay in connection with the murder of Attanaccio Brabo, his wife and nine rear old daughter also Mexicans, near Farrell, last month. The murder of the Brabo family be ame of more than local interest when t Mexico City newspaper declared the 'sheriff and the judge" had reported heir inability to apprehend the slayer. ['he newspaper declared that hatred or Mexico engendered by certain American newspapers was responsible for the Brabo murder. O MULE LOSES ANOTHER Nogales, Ariz., Jan. 18.-Mule skin 1ers of the First cavalry hereafter will have to swear - at refactory car )uretors and punctured tires, for the irmy mule is being banished. Farewell to the mule, in so far as he First cavalry is concerned, was paid recently by a board of general Advaitin eSitprnitit ttiit ttittt Advance sprit Advance Coats, Suits will now be found on dis attractive numbers in eac Call and let us show ALDER 20 Stores I -MANN Mot Beau