IG 6c a package befc 5 c a Packag4 duri c a packag( THE FLAUC SO DOES TI I was there to make a sketch of < her. Luncheon was just over, and I she was talking to a little knot of a women. The first words I heard, - I slid quietly into at nearby seat, wer "National Hiscuit," recalling plea. antly my own tasty Ulceda Lune eon. I liked her, and fortably as she stroke a , and ears busy; "Between the dark and daylight,' she was qur ' " 'ii bit of pans seems waiting and listening-for children. Since they w things, I've given] that h hables. First I had Then, when the to toddle, I rue in Imn 1l one The "I original, a" inherent tigoodness of a~ Uneeda Biscuit is dlue to the superior r iernployed in the baking. "'goodnessof Uneeda Bi list of the In-er-seal 'a tOO-I Sior NATIONAL were wa COMF Ilouir. "Youi see, even wellt. on, "are much I taal s. T1hey are most lovale ann most tractabde after they've had somtlet hing to eat. National BIscuit i dainties always begin our Ch'.-< WVe cant furish8I you with a first S pite with 34 (Cut Off) Saw I'or $ 1:.50) ad with check for $.i5.0u. we will pri lie oyour freigh t ollice. We also have latrg.e stock of Iloil Columbia Suj I 823 West Gervais St. i MENL Your Chroni ARE YOU TROUI Rheumatism High Blo Kidney Stomach Br onchitis Skin Die Examination and cc D) R. W. R. RI 1 206v ' Main st. LeY5 re the war ng the war row R LASTS IE PRICE! 15~7 1Iren's lour like a feast. 'or ti11 iny toddlers there is a variedt tienu, soietimes Uneeda Biscui .nd milk, sometimes Graham Crack rs Oat meal Crackers or Lhinch Bils uit. This is changed on ieclai ecasions to Old Time Sugar Co6o7 Newtons and, rai'est'or pFW reI days when e ihlad ce cream and d * those here our pJ3 dei u e k emi naterials and methods The everlasting table scuit is due to security t" -ade mark package. cit ,BISCUITho ANY vybu eniough .,btalway~ /. ng as only National( ixsenit I'rodiucts (enn be. Drin~ig the 'ears whieni my baies4 were gr'owing ii0 we never IIuis.sed t he (Child .IT allyojie ( sl14ding tIs thi er Tubes, l'ipe, I'umps14, ('yl in ,ply Co., (olumbaiia, S. C. 1e Cure c Diseases _ ILED) WITH: 9(1 Priessuire Liver1 Tr'ouble Asthmai cases Etc. nisultationi free. E GIST E R Colnmbin, . C. is The ChristmasGos By CE.LIA E. ChIUTE Copyright. 1919. McClure Newspaper Syun ( )IA)M(N, the ('liriti hlerB' gottst', hiat gi'owti s O h)Iitiiii 2111( si? plnt iiiiti' * 1 ltht It seetittI ats If the tunas lhe :Lwa":re flhat *~grea t I hi tis 'Were ex Ii'(t t't fir lI,it tit i t(.I doinug hi s hest, to fill 4f of it res. iilitv us itiiee ini t ptt'tI tV vai ente,. "T i4iti in l (4) i he lIriii t I lI ti\i ttiI t. 'u's 1lev~ uloi t ii' i4''-tt.4111 \141 :1'tt1 It4' 1 1 14 }4t4t 1: Ii 'I g t 1' t'. ' iie - I aI'tl 1 1'.: * 4.111 t 11 4':4lihul\ alit tii-'l li' se i:114 . e4it si'ititt :t litle, >t- ri s Of1lt I )11' 1)1I 141j11 I in:I his ' he nex. t it t ii'-ift-u11t .li's ' 4 w tl Ii-it t i y 1t i; NII4 111 11 a1,4 i i it, excite 11iti Itt ' I I ' I t o -il ( i4 . ' i t-tai n {fi '1lttlloti. le si~tc. of Ii'lit'er 1t')1110 \hil 111 ttho' i slt uk itg t41t' helu ,ias strti~ty ihiim.l ')Isv er lit~ ''f"rii't'u ii4; ' t'ntteti itii' tlI i-A.-t ('m oth 'is h1t t ittlI li t itgit to li' (tti I)' 't'ieitt I e-ts evt It a fiir'gtulli e t; rt)Itut Si, i' l.ritol ii), i tit ii (113'lil~ a nttw e thin iinitte was t Mrs !1'a t pei hi ht-g IItI)it stick h111 Matt,'g: 11o4)14t lu1u ntty. ''"Into it. "coh i its heo1 "141\"\ 0\1"k !"u helt 114 I a I iIt (l \! ill \~ In- t', . bu t F:"l * Ccro11 OII(EI 01. 1)18i('11t( 1.CI 1, V:ill apply oI i . o'k f ro. bite+ f,,r t !:tr."oulun (ouiln " ,.on L ("~ i :. . for It (t, t': 13 i 113( LCe f . II.W So 11iiu ..u1. n:, S. 1'., N :\ 21 101. NO)I'ICE ()I' I)ISi('.IAI;; I \\il I ;JpV In ie+ .111,1I~ i of I 'i~" ~I ~f6 NOW 10 1_(t.1 yoursclf an~d ()Ill LX;cl.r- at o r ' ( u J e r o r a l 'ili o CtW t.n n u i[ ri m; i ! : i t iiI' TrS t(,t ( l rC j IC'\'t~c \4', 1:11 (tI f itt C1 i " jici i t hii 'r.'' dit1 ;1 1i' : Vltil tflt''il t ,~I i ??" U 1CO : ;tI I ~na Machinery Con S UMTIER, S. C. 1i,: t I t\(l t C '~r .Itu:t i V ti. il t ! i 1'ilic 1: :1 I 1 ' "tt ,; t": 1t\ ~ i~I. ' lol \ t I LII h I ,ri1' NI 1(1;' II) ( IZEI1IIOItS /r S't 1 71 i" ' t I.y f j. it :;.1 ;1I t'} "l. " s f - iclr ici[[t., G' :1 tlt t1.. C, t!f::. rI'iIt i ,tcNI,,, it Sn. { tl tht >':li 1 t t.t+. il'. tu::k '.'Itit"lit t lh t lltl It r l: n t' I "itl:ti;it tI tnin i::tl:t!t r I I i tltt r."i'I :ta t' I ht':ti l t';lutt. " :fit}ti11!1:-[t:llt l'.