The Manning times. (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, December 24, 1919, Image 18

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We Are Hen Nitrate in quantities fr upwards. We h the past ten di age of this mat< prices have ads past week it is pared with otf Get our prices MANNING STO . and look o i have to si our line nE come to to be you are market ju what we b i but would I privilege a I of showin; anyway. XA you only st will give 1 I Prices an ways in lin us when ir ER M.Ba 1s yourF Hon t-date ? Are you giv HeathtI thle tion? Weare inl p Light and P~ - ply, Modern Sewer dispc Our Engin( is at your di: - to you. I f y/ou are intet be, let us know will calli and sec DIXIE ELECTI ANil dquarters for of Soda orn ten tons and ave sold during iys a large ton rial, and while ranced during the still cheap corn ter ammoniates. before you buy. OIL MILL. P IN rer what we low you in xt time you wn. It may not in the st now for ave for sale, give us the nd pleasure you thru re will show ich goods as ou service. I terms al e. Stop with i town. mer ! ue Saniitary and( up 11prope considera )sitionl to give you owver, W'ater Sup Plumii-bing System, sa!. erTinFg Department sposal, at no( cost ested, and you should aEnd our Representative C PLUMBING CO. Santa Starts Off By MARY GRAHAM BONNER COopyright,,1919. by Western Newspapor UntoD) ANTA CLAUS' dog, Boy of the North, was bark ing," said Daddy, "for there was great excite. mnent up North. o "The excitement was, o o as perhaps you may be able to guess, that San o O in Claus was about to start his trip. "'I have more things to do this year than ever before, it seems to me," sakit Sant:a Claus. "loy of the North wagged his tall and gave funny little short harks which was his way of atiughing. 'You say that every year.' he was trying to tell Santa (ainus, as he put his cold nos t in Santa's hait and rubbed up Sbe.side hit. ... "''le ieindeer were waiting. The bells on their reIns were jingling and 'i 1he sleigh was li'ed with packs and paa ks of toys, . : .. . I -- .NoI ; me see,' snid Santa ('fllan. "'There are ninny %hops were 001 pnks await me. The children have written to me about the things they have seen and of what they want. " ci I. "Good-Bye," Shouted Santa. That Is why I like the stores to have so mnuy of my toys. The children get a goodl iden of what they want. t"'en they write me letters, the precious dears ! They write of what they want and how much they eare for ae and how touch they love their sisters and brothers and mothers and 5 dad(llt s and playlnates n di dogs and other ptis. "'But I rlusli't stop to think of all these letters for I must get started, 4 for I've it long wiy to go." "Ile knew tie had to start soon for 5 the reilndeer ')11lid hariiy wait any 5 longer. and were trying to hurry him. S 'I won't he lite,' said Santta (hiuls. 'I have never been hate yet-and I've been doing titis trip---this trip to the 5 hainds whm there art chiiren-for n good mantly years.' ,And the reindeer mdtt queer sounisy and1 jingled their hells again for they knew Santa i Claus was right, 5 but still they were it a great, great hurry ! h y '' e re thinking of the roofs E would dasht ttross. ..lh, h.owa. 5 ous they wa'ere' to start! " And~ toya of thet Ntarth was tinlxi ous U too for I tet toa Stairt, for althIough he tdidtn't go waitih thtemt, ht' lontgedi to esee themt 'oe baitk anad heat' about Ithe trip. "'Ye,'tauon titued Satta ('liaus, 'I ttiust get th pitckai~s fromt t lt hi dffenent - holg. I knaow just waat alil tire ii dren wantl. It'Tie I itnist keem~p a griod tnany e'ngatgnts't I've mtadeO--prorntiises to appaar ait somo1 itg Christnatas trees, althioaighh I tnever let thle ''hibiiren see Oh no, that's ily funt-to keepi all that tia great, great i4ecreat. "'Ani they lave serret s, the little dea r' Nowa' let tie ser'--htave'~ I the ala's forn someof (theii sttatkitigs antd St(hi bag orainge's, to)! Yes, we' re reali ia atiti trulhy rt'ady at last.' "Whenl't Soalt'a ('iinuts so hi 'We're reay'ti tihe reab-ora~t tarnnited, IBoy tof Northi baarkedt andit Sianta (Claus spang nti th ito iaight. "Off waenit the reitller' with Sata (ius tand thle toys, fame Itandtiit (count h- i'Ss (ather'' tiintgs for Chr tistijias mornl ng. I ' o tri-bye, THoy of the North,' shiaaioutd Satati ('lau s. '(1oodaa-bayt, tdtar raid Norath homietta, goodat-bye 've'ryonte "Amii us hei shotad tuIhis thle rein deern''a~aat w tr tlmast 4)u1t (if si ghit andit thei ist tht could lae spin oaf Stitta Ilau wats as hae waivedu his red'( eap 'awith thie ie tssol. Now, said Itoy of the North, 'I w'aIll ii a everytinttg reaidy foar him 'a ahen ita gets bnek.' "othe dtag goat Sanilta C lauts' slip. laers iand is heaivy, warmitl 'aIntor warap lit'r' whih his ititster' waoro wahen he waa isti't wo''rk ing. Iie pu~t thertn nirar ha tire, buit nott toa ne'ar. Faor lie ktiw' ianitia ('lauls w'old~ het gonte (ite and the neaxt day ' tt had ('omi, even atoghi it wi at briight, lie would thent miovaa ltm vera'y nar th le flrt iiam hav 'th r readyii''01 . "And Byo thet a North fell asleep andt~ ( drnaaad iinrd htis dretamtis were h~iaila S.A his itf' ttlwmayas wais, for youai -fui''n hiiitginea how happaiy thie tda'g oft Santa Claus moust be'." MONEY N EAR ed ladd WH ded cam MO] beca Any young man i Deposit your money FOR YOU, and some Will have the money Be a self made i The brains of the coup have already achieved HOME BAl MANNING, iii222222muumm$::nm mu*22 nut21 u nums:u ICIAMI'] S We have j * of Ohampi * would likc ( and letus * ages of * Stock of *a Buggies, W< * is oomplh a make our * quarters. ( We will s4 * the SFamous GR. * These car * we would * your orde ICof fer MAKES L Y every self made i tates started in life at i er by BEGINNING TO EN YOUNG. Year a to his savings. In tim( e, and HE HAD THE IEY WITH WHICH use he had SAVED HI n this town or commur in this bank each weel day YOUR opportunit with which to swing i nan. What others ha try are not all centere success. alK &T 222222222222ttt:::222222222222222252225: [N ust gotten on Mowers for you tc show you ti this mach z gons, Hoa ste. When Stables yc >on have ii 4NT SIX s are hard 1 advise that r now. SMONEY nan in the Unit he bottom of the SAVE MONEY fter year he ad his opportunity NECESSARY TO SWING IT, S SURPLUS. city can do the same. . We will SAVE IT y will come, and you t. ve done, you can do. l in the men who RUST CO. SO. CAROLINA. OIIEKS! in our line and we' come in leadivant ine. Our rness, Etc., in town ur Head iacar of Automobiles o get and you place tigbyv.