* You CG Better 4 g THAT not only these Suits we quality in the cloth Hart 6 - & Mar: use nothing but the that means longer that stays stylish. You'll pay more for cost you less than othe because they wear lon: service for every dolla only way you really de is low or high. Our prices are the low what you get; we doir antee it; your money b too. IJ JH. J 11 The home of Hart Sc Mann The Car With the V The Car that I and Dependad that has sausf users. New Prices Tfhree-.Passenger Open Five - Passenger Open Four-Passenger Closed Five-Passenger Closed Seven-Passenger Open Seven-Passenger Closed Distr At CLAREND( Mannina. rn't Buy Lnes !| applies to the style in u are showing, but to es. schaffner I U finest all-wool fabrics; wear, better fit, style such clothes but they'll U irs, day in and day out; ger; you get more days of r you spend; that's the U 'termine whether a price I est you'll find considering a i't just say that; we guar ack if you don't think so I I a ffner & Mark clothes ing, S. C. alve-in-the-Head Motor. ra Style, Power, ied Thusands of in Effect Now Model H-Six-44 . $1495 M'odel H-Six-45 . $1495 Mlodel H-Six-46 . $1986 Viodel H-Six-47 . $2195 Mvodel H-Six-49 . $1785 Model H-six-50 . $2585 ,OWDEN, ibutor. bN MOTOR CO., South Caolinan MNRCHANT fOUND Customers Tell Al of His Remark able Improvement HE GAINED 25 POUNDS White Declares He Thinks Tanlac Greatest *Medicine in the World. W. S. White, a well known merch ant of St. Elmo, a Tennessee suburb of Chattanooga, recently made this remarkable statement regarding his experience with Tanlac: "Most everybody coming into- my store is telling me how much better I am looking, and no wonder, for I have gained twenty-five pounds in actual weight since I I -ran f> take Tanlac. For months I '-,i in a terrible run down cond on and had no appetite or energy. fell off in weight and got so weak until I could not attend to my business, I was nervous and dizzy and took no inter est in anything. "I have taken three bottles of Tan las and my improvement is remark able. I weighed on. hundred and thirty-five pounds before taking Tan Inc and now I weigh one hundred and si :ty, and, although I am a man of sirxty years, I feel like a man of forty. My strength and energy have return ed, I eat like a farm hand, and feel fine all the time. Tanlac is the great est medicine in the world." Tanlac, the Master Medicine, is sold by Dickson's Drug Store, Manning; H. W. Nettles, Jordan; Shaw & Plow den, New Zior; Farmers' Supply Co., Silver; I). C. Rhame, Summerton. COI.ORED !1[LD DAY C[[BRATION On Friday, March the 28th, the largest crowd of Negroes that has gathered in Manning for some tim', met at the Manning High Schol build ing to celebrat their Annual Field Da y. Quite a number of schools from all over the county was represented. At eleven o'clock the teachers from all over the county, with their pupils, -pet on tha campus and the exhibits from the various 'chools were display ed in thy! different class rooms. Among the exhibits wer" chairs bottomed with cane, hats, brooms, shuck mats, rues, flowers and all kinds of fancy work made by the pupils. At 12 o'clock the progr.n was had in the school auditorium. The ad 'r~asses by Dr. R. S. Wilkerson, A. M., Ph. D)., Rev ". A. T ong. B. S., D. D.. ,n: r.. 'r' ol' llard were v ry timely -1 intructive. The audicocn ".,s alo addresser by Prof. llnrry E. D.nie', Dir'ocbr or A 'ric ltur-il Ex 1e'ison for South Ci'o-'a, Mr. Unim ton Woo 1 hrd, 13. S. Farm Deewn strator for Suinmt-r County an-1 Prof. I,-ti'on, lrireipll of the Lincoln 11igh Slhool. Mr. Calvin Johnson was appo!i''ad i. Fa': D o'nnst.ruton A'rrnt for Negroes in Chrerndon o'ntv. Music was rendered by th' band from State A. and M. College. After this program ore'r a thousand swhool chil-!ren of ( n, on County. along with their teachers, marcheel fram the school houe to the city park I where ther witnesser an intere,tint guom' of baseball between the boys of the Mannin. Iie-h t'-!tool andI the bovs of hb inco'n H1igh School. The dav clse with a literary pro '"rn, at I t schol no;Itori im,' h'r th ramnils of the Mannjf~in i High St'hoo!. ndcr the direction:s of one of their teachers. IAs a whole the Field Dcv celebra t'on was a gran-'l success, and was pro 'toincedl he om'y to be' the hest we have ever had. G;uada Agai::st TJuhe-'-'-der t . 'll', n* &ollege, A' .- -he a Service Jive -. -,eeiaI ......to call to th a tion of id live sto!.-.in the b ulletin of th. '-cnu of ant ? rvn entitled "('im '-ol and -of Tu'mberenmaia in Cat - -nt-r ins a 60 of al nl ne eceitm 'a in the at e- --ud the Vrtu 1 -s, and those (once tested without reactors. Antneiralitedl hard i's one which has bteen tested an-1 o'Ticially accredited as free fromt tuberc"losis, and 'very buy er of cat tle should nrotect h imelfV by (cfns't nao this bulletin nnd by cor r'swondence with the state omlie of the li'raan. Dr. W. K. Leism, 901 Union Nation al BWnk IBuilding, Colunibia, is in charge of this work In South Caro ho'. TFrom him enn he had copies of the bulletin mentioned above and also names of breeders adided to the o00ieial list since publication of the bulletin, RURAL, CARtRIERt EXAMINATION The United States Civil Service 'oeiss ion hias anno'nneed on exami.. n't tont for the Co"nty of Clarendon, S. C.. to hbe held at Sumter on April 2,11,to fill the ptosition of rural Tl e Strong Wilthstandl the Winter Cold [Better Than the Weak You must have Health, Strength and En durance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza. When your blood is not In a healthy condition and does not circulate properly, Ioryse isunable to Withstand tho OROVB'S TASTEISS Chill TONIC FortIfies the System AgaInst Colds Grip and Influenza by PurifyIng and Enricuinag the Blood. It contains the well-known tonic prop erties of Quinine and Iron In a form ace -table to the most delicate stomach, and Ispleasant to take. You can soon feel heitfandthnnInvdoralnd Ernaoc An. carrier.at Forestoii and vacancies that may .later oc~ur. on rural routes from other bost ofrfs In the above-mon-. tioned county. .The examination .witl be'oped only to male citizens who ari actually domiciled in the territofy of a post office in the county and who meet the other requirements set forth in Form No. 1977, This form and application blanks may be obtained from the offices mentioned above or from the United States Civil Service Commission at Washington, D. C. Applications shouldebe forwarded to the Commission at Washington at the earliest practicable date. -o - TO HAVE AERIAL POLICE New York City's 'Cloud Cop' Squad ron to Be 150 Strong. New York, N. Y., March 28.-Plans of the New York po-ice department for a "cloud cop" section material ized today when twenty six Ameri can, British and French aviators were sworn in in the office of Deputy Police Commissioner Rodman Wana maker as members of the police re sereves. Col. Jefferson Do Mount Thompson, who will command the police aviation squadron, announced that uniforms for the aerial patrol men had been ot Iered and that planes would be or dered in Msy at a meeting of air plane manufacturers in Atlantic City. The squadron probabi:y will take the air by June, he said. Accordin r to Col. Thompson, the squadron when completed, will coin prioe 150 mcn, including flier., mech anai:ans, supply officers, medical of ficers, a chaplain and cooks. Landing places will be at, Gover nor's Island, Van Cortiandt Park, an Sheenshe-id Bay. Later. he said, land ing places probably ;dl be construct ed on the tops of high building. Both bnd aned sea planes will be usdd he said. SAVE THE PEACHES Clemson (allege, March 29.-It not only pays to spray, says Extension hortiilturist, Geo. P. Hoffman; it is necessary to spray, if you want good fruit. Successful spraying calls for carefuzl thorough use of particular nirays for particular purposes at par tica1r times. The time is at hand for the first sulfur spary against worms. Spray your fruit and eat it yourself, or leave it unsprayed and let the wormrs eat it. First Sulphur Spray:---This appli ation is for the purpose of combat mny and controlling worms in peaches, plti's and apnies. Kind and Preparation:-An arse nate of lead, or a poison spray made of a mixture of arsenate of lead, quick lime and water mixed as follows: Arsenate of lead (powdler, see note), 1 pound; Quick lime, 2 pounds; water, 50 gallons. 0 Make a thin paste of the arsenate of lead, and slake the lime to a white wash (warm water giving best results in aekin' the limes and nour to gether and dilute to fifty gallons. This m'ixt tre should be well stirred during 1:e roces of spraying. Note:-In the use of the wet past 'orm of airs'nntn of 12:1. two poundsI 'hn,71: be tised instead of one pouni 'iie of A pplvi n:--A pply when about three-fourth. of the shucks ha e slinped (which is r.bout 12 to 15 ',:S after the tree is in full bloom) mnes of the neach and the plum; nd after the h'oom parts have fal ahd before the blossom cup closes, m Case of the apple. I-abltual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" Is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular c etion. It Stimulatea and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. W hen Col Was Dumpe how r: .uich w', aated i imply can't afh use1 al~~ caux te Avery "IMem] Will Pay I with seed it saves. .It pufsa Ithe riglht quantity oE seed in the flround, at a uniform depth, and covers it proper-] ly. Plantingj plates are driven by two pitman s--no chains to slip off or cofl wheels to w e ar out of mesh, hopper can be lifted off COFFEY & B NOTIC OF DISCHARtGE " I will lp )y to the Jude of P bate for Clar p on .County' his o at. Mannin . C., on- the :1st day of April, 1919, at eleven o'clock a. .m. for Letters of Discharge as Exceeii trix of the Estate of A. Preston Brock, deceased. Lucy S. Brock, Executrix. Summeorton, S. C. March 18th, 1919.--3t-14-p. Thc State of South Carlina, County or Clarenlon. Julia C. Johnson, Ella Brasington, Sue Johnson, Cornelia Johnson, Ida Way, May Hodge, and J. Columbus Johnson, and D. A. Johnson, in their own might and as executors of the last Will and Testament of J. H. Johnson, deceased, Plaintiffs, against Thomas J. Johnson, Charles S. John son, Minnie E. Hodge, Columbus J Johnson, and Julian S. Johnson, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a Judgment Order of the Court of Common Pleas, in the above stated action, and to me directed, bearing date of March 17th, 1919, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at Clar endon Court House, at Mannine;, in said County, within the legal hours for judicial sales, on Mondag the 7th clay of April, 191), being salesday, the following described real estate: 1. All that piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situated in the County of Clarendon, State aforesaid, containing one hundred and twenty nine (129) acres add bounded on the North by lands of Fulton; East by lands of Carolina Stock Farmy; South Carolina Stock Farms and lands of Martha Brogdon and West by lands ref Belle Landsey and lands of J. C. Johnson. 2. All that piece, parcel of tract of !ln:l !ying, being and situated in the C;oudty of Clarendon, State afore said, containing twenty (20) acres, more or less, and bounded on the Nqrth by lands known as Aaron Wil sobi lands, East by lands of Estate of R. R. Hudgins; South by lands of C S. Land, and lands William Holladay and West by lands of I V. Plowden And lands of William Holladay. Pur :haser to pay for papers. E. B. GAMBLE, Sheriff Clarendon County. CYPRESS SASH DOORS BLINDS MOULDINGS AND 1" tonSeed1 dI in Creeks l Oliat" . Now youn 'his No. 10" 'or Itel ez tilted back without tusing~ tool ofi any kindl. Tecorn plateso are~ extra arse, tdiving e a e hi hole a ~hance to fill. lTin n-as i 10 hare apota in the feXd, Come;inand let'ashow you >ther good points that ma~ke~ he "Memnphis No. 10" the avorite 4f~outhernlfarmerra. IGBY. MANNING,