one AiIaniIng Limes. Published Every Wednesday I. I. APPELT-------------Editor F. M. SHOPE.. - ...Business Manager WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1918. .OCAL RED CROSS NOTES We gratefully acknowledge the fol lowing excellent work from the Sum Aerton Auxiliary of our Red 'Cross Asociation: 4 sweaters, 7 pairs of socks, I muffler, 5 wash rags. Wool has been received at the Red Cross work room for sweaters and mufflers. We hope in a few days to have another shipment of sock wool and needles of all kinds. I want to request everybody to bring back any wool that might be left over from the knitting of sweat ers or mufflers. We very often run short and these small amounts will help some one to finish their work. S. Vallye Appelt, Chairman Knitting Committee. The Clarendon County Chapter of the American Red Cross gave a Social Tea Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 29th, at the Red Cross Headquarters. The pur pose of this gathering was to impress FOR MEATLE Labrador Herri Will make a dandy bre same as Canned Shc Canned Macker Manning ( B Shaw&M Bargains bring Cust4 Because of the high j ity, but if you can't coi English Long Cloth, Sp for. English Long Cloth, S1 Middy Twill, 25c qualit; Cannon Cloth, 20c (qual Gypsy Cloth, 25c qu~alil Pajama Check, special Linonette, 30c quality, St. Regis Cloth, 30c val White Rep, 40c valuq, 3 36-Inch White Fancy SI One Lot Dimity Checi for One Lot D~imity Check, for------ - Table D~amask, 75c qua Sha Phone. 68. upon the people the necessity of utilizing every moment in making garments for our boys in service. Mrs. Joseph Sprott made, a splen did talk urging the ladies to make at least one garment per week. She told of the preference of the boys for gar ments issued from the -Red Cross rather than from the government, and also of their deep appreciation of the noble work of our women. By the request of our chairman, Mr. Burgess, Mrs. Sprott suggested that a Junior Red Cross be organized. This matter is under careful consid eration, and we hope to report good results later. So great a success was this first tea that it was decided to nake it a weekly event. While the Red Cross is not a social organization 'the ladies feel that a weekly social hour, when the members can get together to dis cuss the work, will be of benefit and will give a new impetus to this work. They voluntarily offered to, continue donating the refreshments. While the room will be opened at..the usual hour each day, the Red Cross extends a cor dial invitation to all visitors and par ticularly to those who are not mem bers to visit the headquarters at that time. Irma H. Weinberg, Secretary Clarendon County, South Carolina Chapter, U. D. C. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER has been used for all ailments that are caused by a *lsordered stomach and inactive liver, eu... as sick head ache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous indigestion, fermentation of YOUR SS DAY! ngs, - 15c. lb. akfas,t. Prepared the Mackerel. Ld, - 25c. 1b. el - 25c. 1b. irocery Co. l cCollum's A mers--any time--always; ani prices, people are very quick I ne and ,make your selection t acial by the bolt, 2.00 value, ------------.---...$1.73 ecial, by the yard, 18c and 22c ~, for-__.---......--18c ity, for ---- -- .-16c ~y, for !--_.._._-___-18c ---------16c and 18c sale Price -_---... --.22c LI--e ---------__-- _-22c 3 inches wide, for-. --33c :irting, Sale Price-..---69c :, short length, 20c value, -- - ----14c short lengths, 30c value, ------ ---24c lity, at ------...-.....59c If you enjoy prett .W dn 1, A Peruna eases the burden of the # housekeeper by keep;. ing away thedanger of illness resulting from colds, coughs, and indigestion due , . to catarrhal condi tio. It speedily re lieves and-overcomes thelse. Its tonic properties build up the strength of the, physically 'weak and run down, and its use In convalescense, especally after grip, remarkably beneficial. KEEP IT ON HAND The wise housekeeper has perusea on hand for Instantuseeven Ifcatarrhal .,troubles do not call for Its regular ad ministration. A dose or two to the often prevents a long illness. Liquid or tablet form. Manalin Tablets are a splendid laxative for home us Ask the druggist THE PERUNA COMPANY Colambus, Ohio food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regu lates digestion both in stomach and intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stim ulates the liver to secrete the bile and imparities from the blood. 25 and 75 cent, bottles. Sold by Hug gins Pharmacy.-adv. -" TRACKS ARE UNDER WATER Bristol, Tenn.-Va., Jan. 29.-The Appalachian divison of the Southern Railroad from Bristol to St. Charles, Va., is practically suspended on ac count of the floods. Several bridges are gone and much of the trackage is under water. 'No freight trains have operated on any part of the division since yesterday. This division ope rates into the coal district of Virginia and Kentucky. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the 0 Q Signature of hite inual White I d if you take advantage of ou o go to the store where they. fi e sure and send some one, as t Quilts, $1.50 quality, for. Quilts, $1.75 quality, for - Quilts, $2.00 quality, for. Quilts,-$2.50 quality, for - Quilts, $3.00 quality, for -. Quilts, $3.50 quality, for. Bleaching and Cambric, g a customer_ Sanitary Spreads, 63x90, $ Sanitary Spreads, 72x90, Sanitary Spreads, 81x90,: Two Bales short length at One Lot Shirting, shor at One Lot Percale, in shor y things, there's a treat in st< EcCol1lo SUMTE] SEASONABLE~ fG'< 1. ~I ,+,'_ .r"V , SOur buyer ut back fromthe market where hepickeduy'ome go0i values in winter goods. We are offering them to you a attractive. prices. Boys' Corduroy Suits and Extra Pants. Boys' Winter Suits and Mackinaws. Men's Overcoats. Men's Corduroy Trousers. Fleeced-Line Gloves. Sweaters and Undei-wear, These goods are marked at bar gain prices, and it will pay you to buy now. The D. J. Chandler Clothing Co. Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. PHONE 166 SUMTER. S. C. ,ooods Sale! oods Sale Begins JAN. 29-ENDS F , 2. r White Sale, you can supply yourself with a large variety of special values. nd the best values; be the first to reap the benefit of this great annual opportun his is an important money saving event. ---- -- .--$1.23 OeLtMdai hr egh,3cqaiy - --- --- $1.43at--------- - - - -2 c -----------$1.63 fo---------------24 ----- - $1.98 WieMreie olSl rc----7 -- -------- -$2.48 WfieGbrneSitn,6cvlfo -47 -- --- --2.73 Nv~y3-nhVie aePie-----9 ood quality, 10 yards to Wne ol------------m ----- -.16 1-2 ColrdFaoSl rc--------2 1.50 value, for ......$1.23 .Orade,4inhs60vlufr- --47 $1.75 value, for....-$1.48 Orade,4inhs40vlufr- --29 F2.00 value, for ........$1.63 Ogade,4inhs3cvluor- --22 Skirting, 50c quality, Wht an Cooe Crps 2cvluSe -- --.........33cPrc-------- -------2 b lengths, 50c value SoiUooePliVel;SlPrc- --24 -----33 1-3c Bs ult ecls o'h2c aePie~O t lengths, 25c quality, TaftSikinNv an Blc,$.5q lty atc fo----- ---- ------- -----------...--.2c Soisfortyounsshormembergthsdane and thetplace WieMrcrcizetie aPie C .....-27 WfiteGaba-dinekirtig,160 valujfor ..-47 'Novelty 3 -inch Voie, Sale Pice4~ .. .._..'- -39