-To the Tobacco Farmers. I wat you to bring your .Tobacco to Manning, and while here come iand look at our stock of ' * Dependable Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Groceries. Everything in the store is of the very freshest, and we sell our goods on the very lowest margin consistent with quality and service. Our years of suc cessful merchandising has taught us the needs of our Olarendon people, and *we stand ready to serve you with what you need. J. LI. RIGBY, The Young Reliable, ADMIRAL FISK HAS PLAN TO RUIN GERMANY'S NAVY New York, June 23.-A detailed plan for the destruction of the Ger man fleet in Kiel canal and Wilhel shaven by a mighty squadron of tor pedo planes and airplanes is outlined in a letter Rear Admiral Fisk, V. S. N., retired, made public today by the Aero Club of America. The board of governors of the club endorsed the plans and suggestions of Rear Admiral Fisk. 'It was stated by the board that it "believed this to be as among the .most definite and promising solutions of the submarine menace yet proposed." The program will be laid before the Council of Na tional Defense and military and naval affairs committees of both braryjhes of congress. Rear Admiral Fisk's letter says in part: "The English torpedo planes which sank four. Turkish ships in the Sea of Marmora in August, 1915, were of considerable size. The German tor pedo planes which sunk the British steamer Genoa off the coast of Eng land May 1, 1917, were also of consid DI Tobai We Seciv to ti doti We stoc and wan LADIES' I ME YARD GO SHOES foi Everyarti priced jus1 possibly b you bring *Manning, to see us. Mannii arable size and power. The success Af this attack will withobt doubt en :ourage the Germans to develop tthe torpedo plane. Most Powerful. "The torpedo plane embodies a great concentration of power and mo bility than does any other mechanism For its cost. The torpedo plane is the most powerful and mobile weapon which exists at the present (lay. "An attack by allied torpedo planes, armed with guns to defend themselves from fighting aeroplanes, would be a powerful menace to the German fleet and if made in sufficient numbers would give the allies sdch unrestricted command of the North Sea that Ger man submarines would be prevented from coming out from German ports and the submarine menace abolished and all chances of German success wiped out. "An inspection of the map of Eu rope shows that in air raids over the land the strategical advantage lies with Germany because her most im portant towns, like Berlin, are farther inland than the most important towns of the allies, in order to reach Berlin, would have to fly over greater dis JRING TI cco Se, are going to LI Induce ie Tobacco F ieir buying al have one of Lcs in Clarend you can easi] tsin EADY-TO-W N'S READY-'J DDS. the whole fan MENS' FURES cle irn our sto b as low as made, and vw your Tobacci be sure and c 1g Dry G I. D.. DoRROW. Manager. tances while exposed to the fire of other aeroplanes than do aeroplanes of the Germans in going to London for raids on naval vessels. Near Base. "However, the strategical advan tages lies with the allies, because their control of the deep part of the North Sea allows them to establish a tem porary aeronautical base of mother ships sufficiently close to the German fleet to enable the British to launch a torpedo plane attack from it on the German fleets in Kiel and Wilhelm shaven, while the Germans could not possibly establish an aero base suffi ciently close to the British fleet. "This gives the allies the greatest advantage in offensive. It would seem possible provided a distinct effort is made, for the allies to send a large number of aero mother ships to a point, say 50 miles west of Heligo land, and for a large force of fighting aeroplanes and torpedo planes to start from this place about two hours be fore dawn, reach Kiel bay and Wilhelmshaven about lawn, attack the German fleets there and sink the Ger.. man ships. The distance from Heli goland to Keil is about 90 land miles IE aSofl ! )ffer iments armers to our store. the best on county ly fill your EAR. ['0-WEAR. 1ily. ISHINGS. re is can. hen D to ome iods Co. and to Wilmshaven about 45. "Of course, the atack would be re sisted by German aeroplanes and fighting would be needed, but no war up to the present time has been won without fighting and in the present case the allies, now that the United States has joined them, could unques tionably put an overwhelmingly large number of aeroplanes in the field." ----0 - STORM SWEEPS WAYCROSS One Death and Damage to Property and Crops. Waycross, June 25.-J. S. Craven was killed and J. R. Hall was prob ably fatally injured this evening when a heavy wind and electrical storm demolished a shed at the Atlantic Coast Line shops here in which they were working. The storm was the worst of the year. Fences and trees were blown down, an unoccupied dwelling was wrecked by lightning, many tele phones were put out of commission, and the heavy hail, which fell for ten minutes, did much damage to crops in this section. SELL YOU MONEY When I Put iti put it ir its kee "going~ THE BAM .CLARET I Sanitary Dry Cleaning. Quality is the First consideration With Us. You've had your clothes come home smelling of gasoline, and you didn't like it. We didn't do that work. We don't do that kind. Your clothes leave our house perfectly clean ed, with no odor about them, and sanitary in every respect. Then, too, our prices are very reasonable. Don't discard that old soiled suit until we have looked it over. A few cents may make it worth a few dollars." -Hoffman French Dry C1eaning Co., E. W. ROWLAND, Prop. R TOBACCO IN MANNING ! SODES unniEY t Has No Keeper! )ehind steel doors i this bank---let us be per--and instead of 'it will be "growing" 1K OF MANNING! ! IDON'S OLDEST BANK.