It is interestin you have he other sort. Its merits are rarely a sub That the car granted.. TI Therefore sale It will The Touring Car or R< Se SUMi Opp. Claremont I HOW AMERICA MET FRENCHMEN IN 1798 Took No Foolishness "in the Brave Days When We Were Twenty-One." t U. S. DIDN'T DECLARE WAR Poughkeepsie Representative Re- r vamps Measures Passed by Fifth Congress. - Washington, Feb. 25.--With regardl to the widespread belief that Presi dent Wilson wvill ask Congress for authority to arm American merchant ships for protection against subma rines in the European "wvar zone," it is timely to note certain historical -facts called to the attention of the liouse by Representative Platt, of .Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in support of three bills introduced by himself. Congressman Platt recounted .tihat in 1798, when England andl France were at war and were recklessly dlis regardiing the rights of neutrals, the United States didl not hesitate to take aggressive defensive measures, corm pa rative ly feeble, though, our country waIs 119 years ago. The laws and mteasures then alpplied to the problemt Pies Cured In 6 to 14 Days O1NTM NT fail to cre any cane ofItching. Blind. iteeding or Protruding Piles In 6t114 days. The Srst application gives F~ase and 50c. For Sale. All of my Property iManninfg and Clar endoni County I have some of the finest lands and lots to offer you. For particulars ap ply to A. WEINBERG, MANNING. S. C. MOTORDE g to stop and recall how mai ard of the car, and how v now so universally accepted ject of discussion. is all it is represented to b tat it is good value is conced s are very quickly consumi pay you to visit us and examine th gasoline consumption is unusually 1 The tire mileage is unusually high. adster, $785; Winter Touring Car Ian, $1185 (All prices f. o. b. Detro 'ER MOTOR lotel. - - vere more radical than the Presi lent would be likely to ask today. "Both England and France," said 2epresentative Platt in his speech, 'were interfering in 1798 with the ights of neutrals on the seas, but he French were doing the most lamage at that time, so that our ac ion was taken against France and iot against England. "One of the laws we enacted au horized American merchantlien to irm for (defense. Another shut off ill commercial intercourse with 'rance and providled that no ship caving the United States should go lirectly or indlirectly to France or o any French dlependency or trade vith anyone resident in France. I inve taken that law and copied it dmost word for word, substituting Gernmny' for 'France.' If passed ow, it will shut off all commercial ntercourse with Germany and will >revent any further dlisp~utes wvith nhgland "The third lawv authorizedl war ves (Is of America to go out upon the igh seas and capture Fren~h war 'ossels or French armed vessels vherever found; and substituting the vordl 'German' for the word 'French' his bill wvould give our navy abso ute right today to go out and cap uiro or sink German submarines or ~ruisers wvherever they may be 'ound." After explining tnat he had him self introduced these three bills with he wording slightly altered to bring ~hem up to (late and make thomi suit ~he circumstances, the Newv York Con .tressman continuedl: "That is what we did in 1798, when we were a little nation of 5,000,000 people, and surely we cannot be afraid to (d0 the same thing to protect our ights now wvhen we are a nation of 100,000,000 people.' "We could (do today just exactly what we did then. We did not de alare war against France. We did not even formally break off diplo matic relations with France. We ha( no minister in France at that time, it is true, and there wvas no French minister here, but there was no for mal rupture of (diplomatic relations, "We were nominally neutral, 'a though we went on the high seas and captured of sunk eighty--four armed French vessels and had two or three fights between frigates (the ba~ttleships of that day) that are .fa mous in the animals of the Ameri ean navy, notably between the 'Con stltution' andl the 'Insurgente,' which we captured. HERS y good thjngs ry few of the that they are e is taken for ed beforehand. nated. Is car. DW. or Roadster, $950; it) Co., SUMTER, S. C. "In introducing the bills which would give the President authority to put a stop to the illegal and in human German submarine operations without declaring war, I do not mean to imply that I shall not support him if he shall decide to go further. I shall support with my whole energy and adequate measures which the President may recommend for ending the preseit intolerable situation." NO T Owinq to there bei aged wheat that will n< for exchange, THE ( FLOUR MIL LS will grit the balance of the sea toll or its equivelent in CLARENDOlN ROLl Inauguraion of I WASHINGTON, D.' See the Nati Tickets on Sale March Limited U~nti Extension of limit uni tai ned by deposit of tic! Terminal Station, Wash ment of fee of $1.00. For information or re Atlantic C .The Standard Ral H. D. CLARK, Ag-ent Berlin Req lares 8 hp 'O Wers Should ' N OFFICIAL STATEMENT Berlin, Feb. 24.= (Vji Sayville Feb. , )-4n official statement with refetdnce to the sinking 'of the Dutch steamers by a German submarine i; givep out through the medium of. the Overseas News- Agency as follows: "Acc.ordng to telegrams receives tromi Holland on 'February 22' at I o'clock in the-afternoon several Dutel ships were destroyed 'which, with the agreement of Germany, wanted t< leave the barred zone in a westwar< direction from Falmouth and flart mouth. "In answer to this, it is stated-ir authoritative quarters, that after the declaration of the barred zone, Dutcl ship owners asked the British author ities to perntit thirty-three steamer; lying at Falmouth and Dartmouth, 'o1 which .twenty were -loaded with grain for the Dutch Government, to procee< out of the barred zone, which wer< still there after the expiration of the time fixed, (by Germany) February G Germany Agreed. "The German' authorities agreed t< this, making an exception in order t< let the twenty cargoes of-grain reac the Dutch Government, but the con dition was added that the ships ough not to sail later than midnight, Feb ruary 10-11. In this .way the shipi would have been able to leave in al safety the barred zone within the ex tended time, which was known to al submarines, and the termination o: the period, February 21-23. "The Dutch ship owners accepte' this offer, but were, for unquestion able reasons unable to get their ship; out of the English ports within the alloted time. They renewed their re quest for permission to sail later anc were informed that the vessels coul< leave Dartmouth and Falmouth eith er, in full safety, on March 17, o: with only relative .safety, on Feb ruary 22 by an indicated route. "Eighteen of the ships decided t sail on February 22, traveling to gether. Word reached Berlin on Feb ruary 16 of this intention, and, there upon, the ship owners were expressl: informed that unconditional safet: could not be granted for February 22 as there was no certainty that 'al the submarines engaged in the water to be traversed would receive th, wireless order. At the same time i was insisted that outside the indicat ed course no guarantee whateve would be given with respect to th, danger of mines. CASTOR IA For Infants and Childrea In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of"F af6 IC E. ing considerable damn >t make flour suitable LARENDON ROLLER id each person's wheat son, taking one-eight cash. E FLOUR MIS p.10 'resident Wilson, C., MA RCH 5. 1917. on's Capital. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th 1 March 10th til April 10th can be ob ~et with special agent in ington, D). C., and pay servation, address' ~oast Line, road of the South MANNING,$ SLC. Uhe T ind You a v ways ouht, nd h has been! In use for, over over 30, years, has borne the, signature of --U d has been, made under his per, tonal supervision since its. infan . A119w no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations 'and' " Just-as&6od'b are but eriments that trifle with and endanger the .health oft Igants and Children-.-Ex erience against Experiment. - What Is AST ORIA1 Castorila .is a harmless substtute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops ad Soothing Syrups. 't ,is pleasant - It -contain - neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic sp1..tance.' Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years' it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by etulating the Stomach 'and Bowels, aids the assimilation f Food; ving' healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-- he Mother's @rn GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of InUse For Over 3B Years TheKind You Have Always Bought ' TH ONTAUNC- MPMNVe NSW YOAt cOTY THOMPSON'S JEWELRY STORE Will be glad to serve you. We carry a ciplete line of JEWELRY. Prices Very Reasonable, OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Graduate Optician in Charge. All work guaranteed. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT Will give you prompt service and guaranteed work. Call on us for quality and service. Mail orders solicited and given pronpt attention. W. A. 'I HOMPSON, Jeweler and Optician Phone 333 SUMTER, S. C. GET EGGS NOW Make your flock profitable by feeding "Sev en Eggs a Week Hen Mash" with "Red Shirt Scratch Feed." . Seven Eggs A Week Hen Mash Guaranteed Analysis Protein ------------..-,.-.18.00 per 'cent. Fat -__._---------.........4.00 per 'cent. Fibre --.... ------10.00 per cent. Carbohydrates --....--....-40.00 pe*: cent. Ingredients; Ground Corn, Wheat Bran, Mid dlings, Kaffir Corn, Peanut Meal, Rice Meal, Meat Meal, Calcium Carbonate and Salt. Manufactured by MOLONY & CARTER CO., Charleston, S. C. For Sale by MANNING GROCERY CO., [EON WEINBERG and B. B. BREEDEN MANNING, , C. INO A. MODERN TONIC.* It is recommended to Improve the Ap petite. give tone to the stomach. build Iup that run down . condition and promot( strenqth. Order a bottle today. Dickson's Drug Stor& The Quinine that Does Not Affect The Head Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up S$ flecausse of its tonic arnd 1axative effect. rd ,XA. teOdsadr gnrlsrng"a TIRB OM O INlt~IN better than orinary ThehII8 chiSanad len l strenth, p Qnasmddoes not cause nervousness no I $t a TArla 4>eprl chl l O ~d'a~ loo for te igntur of$.W. OROVEf. 25c. temn. A true tonic. For adults an~d~bc