"Cured"~I Mrs. Jay McGee, of Steph enville, Texas, writes: 'For nine (9) years, I suffered with womanly trouble. I had ter rible headaches, and pains in my back, etc. It seemed as if I would die, I suffered so. At last, L decided to try Cardui, the woman's tonic, and it helped me right away. The full treatment not only helped me, but it cured me." ThM Woman's Tonic Cardu helps women in time of greatest need, because it contains ingredients which act specifically, yet gently, on the weakened womanly organs. So, if you feel discouraged, blue, out-of-sorts, unable to do your household work, on account of your condition, stop worrying and give Cardui a trial. It has helped thousands of women.-why not you? Ty Cardui. E-71 CITY HAS SUFFERED MUCH Diarbekr, on the Upper -Tigris, One of the Most Interesting Spots . on Earth. One of the important cities of Asia Minor lying In the region in which the Russian and Turkish armies have been in contact for some time is Diar bekr. situated on the upper Tigris, which, at this point, is a stream flow tug through a deeply cut open valley. Describing its situation, the National Geographic society says: "The situation of Diarbekr is an im pressive one.' Built upon a basaltic tableland, surrounded by walls con structed of basaltic rock, the city over looks a broad bend of the Tigris, which flows byits eastern side. Beneath the walls of the city and within the bend of the river lies a plain covered with vegetation of every shade of green that the East can produce. Few cities of the earth have undergone greater vicissitudes than Diarbekr. Roman and Persian, Armenian and Parthian, Arab and Turk have dis puted its possession. In one of its many changes alone, more than 80, 000 of its population were put to the sword. "So heavy has been the toll that war has levied upon it that where once it was larger than the capital of the United States, today less than 40, 000 people dwell there. The city Is rich in remnants of Its former great ness. Old Jacobite, Greek and Ar menian churches raise their spires to heaven along with the mninarets of a host of Mohammedan mosques. Silk raising is a principal industry, and the sheaves that the Inhabitants bring in there are sheaves of mulberry leaves which serve as fodder for the hungry and ravenous silkworm. Lettuce Is a favorite article of diet, and the Turks eat It all day long. "The Diarbekr scorpion is as fre quent If not as poisonous as the New Mexican tarantula, and thousands are bitten annually by It. But~its venom Snot penetrating like tifat of the snake; hence prompt scarIficatIon of the wound prevents infection." i'Rather a New Thing. A Chicago woman has asked for a place on the police force, advancing as her special reason the fact that "her husband Is a poet and she has to live." Perhaps this case might be cited in support of the assertion that clever men seldomi narry clever women, and, vice versa, although it is hard to say whether the cleverness in this par ticular Instance Is possessed by the poet husband or by the *ife who wants to become a policewoman In order to live. We have our suspicion, however, without knowing anything about the respective merits of the pair. It Is, at least, a mark of originality for a woman to aspire to active work on the police force, and a vein of origmnality Is one of the attributes of cleverness, while even a stupid person may write poetry or what often passes for poetry 'in these days. *Perhaps this Chicago husband is not really a poet, but only thinks he Is a poet. It Is unfortunate that there is a lot of confusion of these two classes in the popular mind, for there have been, and still are, inany worthy poets who are not afflicted with stupidity, but they treat poetry as a pastime and carry it along as a side line, getting their bread and butter with something more dependable. As a rule, a man who makes poetry his steady job is a pretty poor specimen as a husband, and his wife Is in luck If she does not have to take in washing. It is to be expected that his Chicago wife is the real poet of the"'amly, be cause she has the vision is:. see the reality of life, and if she gets d"er place on the police force it would )robably please her friends If her first, official act were to run her husband In for nonsupport.-Providence Journal. Avoid Spring Colds. Sudden changes, high winds, shift - ing seasons cause colds and grippe, and these spring colds are annoying and dangerous and are likely to turn into chronic summer cough. In such cases take a treatment of Dr. King's New Discovery, a pleasant Laxative Tar Syrup. it soothes the cough checks the cold and helps break up an attack of grinpe. Its already pre >ared no mixinig or fussing. Just ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery. Tested and tried for over 4Oys-ars. A t your druggist.-A d. Resigned. The Minister's Wife-"The new cook left this morning, the one you said the Lord must have sent." The Minister -"Well, dear, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the aame of the Lord."-Puck. .Rheumatism If you are troubled with chronic or muscular rheumatism give Chamber lain's Liniment a trial The reliel from pain which it affords is, along werth many times it cost. Obtainable every where-Adv. A.i Sanits (Fl Phone or estim Phone 420. ---- e4 you .seMake t< V by If, for no other reason than ti te uman life, you owe yourself a Ii's a duty, because you, har ture but you have power to star eutre. Besides we want tolhel) sintolaywith S. he Bank o The Older Woman. ever did woman of mature years a so much attention paid to her wises along sartorial lines as at the est time. "Anything will do for radmother" has ceased to be the loan since tho capable middle-aged woan has evinceed a desire to wear >eminlg clothes. Couturieres, always wit to feel the sartorial pulse, are us making things for the quickened beaing of the lice of the woman of Profit by This. Dont Waste Another Day. When you are worried by backache, By lameless and urinary disorders Don't experiment with an untried micine. Follow Manning people's example. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Manning testimony. Verify it if you wish: V. R. White, prop. of grocery, S. Bondary St.. Manning, says: "I suf frd from kidney trouble for years I hdto get up very often during the niht to pass the kidney socretions and the were higbly colored and contain esediment, like brick-dust. I suffer constantly from backache and sharp ains across my ins. I could hardly jur over in bed and mornings my back wsso lame and sore that it was difli cu, for me to dress myself. Nothing heled me until I got 'Doan's Kidney Pls. After using one box, my backt did't ache any more and the lameness adsoreness bad all disappeared. I d't gave to get up uow to pass the idey secretions and ami feelhng twntv years younger.'' (Statement givn March 19 5i. 1908 ) VER SIX Y EARS LATER, Mr. Wite said: "I alway s use Doan's Kid evPills when I have any sign of kid eytrouble, they keep my back and kineys in good condition.,' Price 50c, at all daalers. Don't sim lyask for a kidney remedy-get Den's Kidney Pills-the same that M.White has pub'icly reccomnended. ter-M ilburn Co . props., Buffalo, N.Y.-Adv. Making Money at Home. Agirl makes quite a nice sum of mney every Saturday morning the ya- around by conducting an amuse mnt and instruction class for chil drn up to twelve years old. She tches them basket weaving, raffia wrk and clay modeling. Before Cristmas the children make presents fo their parents. The class meets ather home from 9:30 a. m. to 11:30 a.in, and the children pay 25 cents alesso.-Baltimore American. ,For Greatest Sailactioni Use DOUBLE SERVICE AutomobIIS Tires Absolntelj Pnctureproaf : il es o oc no~ and co Ienche surface tread robber mabrsspace antindcaesee Thee is Ter.s--goyrment and gwoean Wardr ore Lry Plum RST CLASS WORK ONLY write me anc ates on your v SUMTER. S. C. Time tells what did yesterday. )-morrow better dtarting a Bank account to-day." ie unforeseen demands incident Bank account. en't the power toldpredict the a Bank account and fortify for ?worthy young men to succeed. f Manning. Keep Your Skin Clear and Healthy. There is only one way to have a clear healthy complexion and that is to keep the bowels active and regular. Dr. . King's New Life Pills will make your I omplexion healthy and clear, move c the bowels gently, stimulate the liver. I leanse the system and purify the I blood. A splendid spring medicine 5e .t your Druggist,-AdV. Glycerin for the Feet. I Doctor Benians, a well-known S French physician, recommends the use of glycerin in cases of too profuse per spiration of the feet, producing a dis agreeable odor. He says this odor is due to a production of poisonous sub stances by bacteria. One has only to apply glycerin to the soles of the feet every morning and the distressing -' trouble will disappear. Rheumatic Pain Stopped. The drawing of muscies, the soreness stifuess and agonizing pain of Rheuma tism quickly yield to Sloan's Liniment. t stimulates circulation to the painful part. Just auply as directed to the sore spots. Ip a short time the pain gives Way to a tingling sensation of comfort and warmth. Here's proof--"I have had wonderful relief since I used your iniment on my knee. To think one application gave mc relief. So rry I bavn't snace to tell you the history. Thanking von for what your remedy has done for me."--James S Ferguson, Piada, Pa. Sloan's Linimen kills m 2h at Drugi.;ts. Adlv. 'he M"ammoth Yellow Soja Bean p-mises to be one of the most proDfitable crops for southern farm ers everywhere. lMakes a large yield of beans, which are readily s.lable for oil-producing and food p~rposs, in addition to its use for forage, soil-improving and stock fecding. Splendidly ndapted to our southern soils and climate. The New 100-Day Velvet Bean the quickest growing of Velvet Beans, promise to supercede Cow Pes very largely as a toii-improv ing, forage and grazing crop touhut the South. Cheaper t seed er :scre than cow peas. W7rie for prices and "WAOOd'S C-co L::eciall" giving full in Ifrion' in regard to Soja and I het Geans, Cow Peas, MIllet, j :ed Corns, Sorghums, Sudan Grass, etc. lMailed free. VT.W.WOOD e SONS, paEsmEN, - Richmon, va. ISTATE OF SOUTH CAROLUNA, Gouty of Clarendon,. COURTOF COMMON PLEAS. H. A. Poevden, Plaintiff against Elsie Capers, Toot Benbow, Sadie Ben bow, and Macy B~enbow, Defendants. Summons For Rlelief. (Complaint Served) To the Absent Defendant. Toot Benbow: IYou are hereby Summoned and re quired to answer the Complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a cop)y of our answer to said Conr-plaint on the Subscriber at his office in Sumter, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the Comulaint within the time aforesaid, the dlaintitT in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. AND YOU WILL PLEASE TAKiE NOTICE, that the original summons and complaint in this action have this ddy been tiled in the ollice of the Clerk doof unv'fCourt of Common Pleas for Claren IDate March 29, A. D. 1916. L. D. JENNINGS, plaintiffn Attorney. U bifg. get my ork. 10 Edst Liberty St. tr - There's a great variety in the kitchen for cooking them all in superior quali1 Pots, Broilers, Saucepan etc., we have in the most of the finest block tin, at makes them most durabi whole kitchen outfit or an A Good Family Gough Syrup. Can be made by mixing Pine-Ta conite, Sugar, Hyoscyamus, Sassafra eppermint, Ipecac, Rheubarb. Mar rake, Capsicum Muriate Ammoni; oney and Flycerine. It is pleasani eaig and' soothing, raises th legm, and gives almost instant re ief. For convenience of those wh refer not to fuss, it is supplied read 2ade in 25c bottles under name of Di ell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Can be ha tyour druggist. Insist on getting D e1l's Pine-Tar-Hosey and see that thi rfula is on the package.-AdV. -The Millennium. Nobody has the faintest Idea whel t ever. the war of competition ist :ease. It may De that sometime me s-ill live only in thoughts, not deeds a beatific contemplation of thei wn ideals. Sometime the valleys ma e exalted and the mountains brougi ow, and we shall jive on a high p1a .eau of co-operative equality, when, t tupply his wants, a man will have oni .o touch a button and the machiner t government will do the rest. Troth-Business and Political ' Hei y D. Estaorook, in National Magazin< TiS &XAMPIA' Of The Successful Bus ness('Man is a goo.l one to follo w; you cani't far wroog if you walk in his footste No man of affrs today i. without commercial bank account: no busine however small, can atford to be with< one. If von have not an account, get line for success by oponing 90e with ilome Bank ald Trust ( For Sale! All my town and country property. Have between 5,000 and 6,000 acres of farm lands, both largc. and small tracts. For terms and Iparticulars, apply to A. Weinberg, Manning. S. C. Notice of ,ischarge. I will apply to Judge of Probate for Clarendon County, on the 20th clay of f April 1916, for retters of discharge as C administrator of the Estate of S. a Pulina Harrington, deceased. John K. Harrington, Executor. Workman. S. C., March 20, 1916. Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria,enrichestheblood.andbuildsupthe sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c. RUB OUT PAIN witi good oil liniment. That's the zurt way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is MuSTANG LIN MENT! Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. of useful articles required purposes, and we have ry. Kettles, Tea and Coffee s, Fry Pans, Cake Tins, xcellent makee. They are id formed in a way that e. Whether you need a odd thing, it is here. A Symbol of Health. r The Pythagorians of Ancient Greece ate simple food, practiced temperance and purity. As a badge they used the five pointedstar which they regarded as asymbol of .health. A red five pointed star appears on each pac~lage of Chamnberlain's Tablets, and still ful Sfills its ancient mission as a symbol of b ealth. If you are troubled with indi estion, biliousness or constipation, get a package of these tablets from your druggist. You will be surprised at ethe quick relief which they afford. Obtainable every where.-A dV. Ice Box for Sick Room. A convenience in the sick room is Lan improvised ice box. A large, comn Imon, red, earthen Isower pot with a saucer a couple of sizes bigger than -Ithe pot should be bought, also a small wire trivet. Set this in the saucer and Ythe lump of ice upon it and turn the ower pot over it. Stop up the hole ~with a bit of cotton and cover the whole with a damp rag. YTells What She Thinks. Anna Hawn, Cedar Grove. No., writes: 'lWe think Foley. -Cathartie Tablets are the best liver pill we ever -got hold of, as they do not nauseate or gripe, but act freely on the liver." Rec loeddfor constipatiOn, bloating, sorom ach, gas on stomach, bad breath, clogged or irregular bowel action. Dickson Drug Store,-Adv. Ii Misleading Degree. Bill hez got back from a special course he's been a-takin' at college, with a piece o' paper signed by the authori ties sayin' as how he's an A. Md. I dunno what an A. Md. ?s, but I'm afeard .1they's some mistake about it, for judg in. from the time he gets down to breakfast he behaves more like a P. M. ter me." . Cnt This Ot-It Is Worth Money. Dont Miss This. Cut out this slip, enclose with 2c to Foley and Co.. Chi cago, Ill., writting your name and ad. go dress clearly. You will receive in re .turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for bronch a a co'ughsa. colds and croup. .Foley Kidner Pilis. and Foley Cathartic Tab lets. 'Dicksons Drug Store.-Adv. Frnh Poitense. -M a joijts mastog the f1hneh un doubtedly lead the world, thinks a ' contributor to a Britishi weekly. The 41 other day a Paris dentist's servant opened the door to a woebegone pa _ tient. 'And who, monsieur." he quer ied in a tender tone, "shall I have the misery of announcing?" -Keeping up to The Mark. "Spring fever" is not always a joke. If you feel dull and sluggish, tired and worn out. suffer from backache or weak back, rheumatism, sore muscles, stiff joints or other indication of ki d. ney trouble, it will pay you to investi gate Foley Kidney Pills. They are hihly recommended as prompt and elicient aids to health. Dickson .Drug Store.-Adr. Brown Spots on Old China. The beauty of old china is often de stroyed by brown spots which appear on the surface, says the Toledo Blade jAn effective way to remove these is to bury the dish in the earth, cover ing it completely. The darker spots require more time to remove them than the lighter ones. This methed will not harm the most delicate china. IShe Told Her Neighb ar. "I told a neighbor whose child had croup about Foley's H-oney and Tar.' writes Mrs. Itehkamp. 2404 Herman S., Covington, Ky. "W~hen she gara it a couple doses she wit so pleased with the change she ,idnO't know what to say." Thi.: reliable remedy helps coughs, colds, croup and whooping couh. Dickson Drug Store,-Ad v. Notice of Discharge.. I will apply to the Jud-e of Probate >r Clarendon County, on the 10th day f May 1916, for letters of Discharge as dministrat'or of the Estate of F. Press y Harrington. deceased. John K. Harringtou, Administrator Vorkman, S. C., April 10th, 1916. Notice of Discharge. I will apply to the Judge of Probate or Clarendon County, on the 15th day ,f May 1916 at 11 o'clock a. M., for let ers of discharge as administrator of he Estate of Giff James, deceased. A. Levi, Administrator. anning, S. C. April 14, 1916. Notice of Discharge. I will apply to the Judge of Probate or Clarendon County, on the 15th day if May 1916, at 11 o'clock a. m., for let ers of discharge as Administrator of he Estate of George Nelson, deceased. Abe Levi, Administrator. anning, S. C., April 14, 1916. Constipation s te be dreaded. It leads to serious ailmns. Faver. IndigesiOs. Piles. SickH.Sed*Ohs. Foisornd System ad a seate of other troubles follow-. Dee't let Cosatipation last. I e. you Kidneys iver ssteml of fermented. gassy foeds. Nothig better th' Dr. King's NewLifePills BATISFAr N O MONYBC C. 0. EDWARDS. H. M. PERRITT EDWARDS & PERRITT, .. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. Office Over Bank of Manning. MANNING S C. G. T. Floyd, SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER Office over Bank of Manning LOANS NEGOTIATED On First-Class Real Estate Mortgages. Purdy & O'Brya, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Manning S. C. DR J. A. COLB, DENTIST. Upstairs over Weinberg's Corner Store MANNING, S. C. Phone No '77 cJOHN G. DINKINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Manning, S. C. Ofce in Old Court House. c. H. LESESNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING. S. 0. W.C. DAVIS. J. W. WIDEMAN DAVS & WIDEMAN, - ATTORNEYS AT LAW , MANNING. S. C. DURANT & ELLERBE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. - R. . PURDY. S. OLIVERt 0 BRTAli PURDY & O'BRYAN,' Attrneys ounselors at Law. MANNING.-S C. From Weak and Lame To Well and Strong Try them. Foley Kidney Pills will do for other men and women---quick ly-what they have .done for Mr's. stra year I got almost down with y back writes Mrs.H T. straynge er, andI whenever Istoppe doctoring p gre wrerI tried Foley idne e stinging sensation disappeared. mno fstronger Inmy bakthan ry no retr of the troubl ellan Start in now to use Foley Kidney Pills. You will feel an improvement from the very first doses,d showing bladder They to icrregular urinaY liber up stif joints and aching mus cles. They put the kidneys and blad der in sound, healthy .condtiton. Tr3 Dichszn's Drug Store. 1-MWMhRiiORN MSO CHAR LESTON, S.C. The Stror~g WVithstand the Heat C Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble, and younge people who ar ekwl b teghn nd enabled to go through the depress ng heat of summer by taking regulari Grove's Tasteless ChifllTonic. It purifii nd enriches the blood and builds ii thei whlissem. 50c. s m THE BEST FER~IE to use this year is a mixtude of equal parts of Acid Phosphate and Cotton SeedtMeal. This mixture will analyse NINE per cent. available iPhosphoric Acid, and THREE AND ONE-HALF per cent. Am monia, and nearly if not quite ONE per cent.. Potash. We are prepared to furnish both the above materials and also Blood and Tankage. and we solict inquiries. Manning,. S. C. __________l I On The Firing Line! Pressing Clothes is as Experienced Muh an Art as Help in lMaking Pressing, Dry Them. Cleaning and We claim that to properly and thoroughly press any kind of gar Tailoring. ment it must be done on a Hoffman 1 sanitary steam clothes pressing.. <., Oldest Sani- machine. . This method produces the nat tary Shop in uial body shape in clothes of every x. Town. description, raises the nap, brings out the color gives the garment an Look for the an appearance of newness and Sign. causes it to last longer. Hoffman French Dry C|eaning. IO' 'Phone 142. KEEP COOL! Buy Your Kool Cloth Suits For ,$5.98. Special Bargains Everyday in Dry Gloods, Clothing, Shoes. Ladies' Hats, Skirts and Children's Dresses. A call will convince you. OUR MOTTO: More Goods for Less Money. KATZOFF I Now at Player Furniture Co.'s Old Stand, Manning, S.C. We Have! A Full Stock of Buggies, Wagons, AND Harness in stock, and ask your inspection. Glet our prices beforeyou buy.NEverythinlg guaruan teed, Highest prices paid for COTTON SEED! D. M. Bradham&Son The Bailey-Lebby Co MRacbtinery. Mill and Plumbing Supplies. Automobile Supplies and Accessories. 6. & 3. VEEDOL Tres and Tubes. Oils and Grease. CHARLESTON. S. C.