The Manning times. (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, January 04, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Stes. ,M AFING. S. C., JAN91U Publsbes AU Cosuty a&n Of Skal Advertisemcis Advertsers wseS re member thaz for a change of ad. be In Ztthis ofcey Saurday Noogder to - ure publicasion the folo week. A. F. ezt MIeetinx. Weay. 5:) p. January 11:. E. A. -... Wolrr. W. X. FaD3E- SM RU.TF! CIAPTER, No, RbYAL A=0o Regular Xetias. ad Mon day in Ecach2L - -.WC.Dass H.J.K.x MaairChg .-1 1nachXi (Mw FULcs 3. W. M. on MarTs se THANIS the generous parge ac corded us durng . ~aaiga, continuanci you r bsiess, We arn Wars for perfect Se3e Grow C& PnrVeyopgs to ftftuwajote Uoi 19LL The enesembly coim nexM 1 LLV hag ardived no I'omn ansaban IWOsterday Harvin left aday for I Ceud o i W. Immer -W.- Amea t esn or4ay 1n TOWn Xu Bssok oti s1 ensdrar1n nessarday. nw pay wish the malty as Mr 3.,SomX& Mannin~ wm hgh srsMinns town of I L thec - 1] n e toi o he heree . heenc. or she RM. wDeno C.ashinr ce Lp Cres o j~RY.3 A. is reem-i a, beere.oohwetG~r : awn& ks&Mn dhid the ctOat tassUIDIdayI "Mrs Ye! 1U~ he eer idtsceladon drespas t Creb. 1ae ti ~>iswn by s evL. M~or.lst S hea.Mr boaught pCchan of ~r av Szon.hws SThe.i c ogriai o bei isabotng . api s einsraerd ragsedcy ev thE sning ~relty am Israc M b rd ss. . arMnae. ~7dnnd teaksginatp ite hargest isoume on nkw.drigth es Ma 0, o the vrddboe n h beevpec as fr herecord reae ahis vanred a the hpier vasfa. Thoe bydo Be.L Coop Ferast TUiony wir mee ~an-=bg octhr oft n"'ini.l andl o'cl vg yock, lc ofcs Therel bogesin of he Manig churcha Kin, reoSten of h Aeservicenet raSeda Ren TheeNa ire arlbor hie ownt theaod Fre Toncena molt.nerJr da.,anrid bhy Re goin j. meti ae mde Warma sh ork ofs Tuildng henones's sotntiayer.ti eNowlt. l ul etecut Fir aneir falhe r chibic iny disordes for anoyingv' nources.fWe uantage tortewlarte e oey Kd fo eii.A reset ,and eeie hoed ineork. e a bade drde. h W. K~ Bow n, Co. fSmewl The Woman's "Hom'' an the W man's "Foreign" M Societi. of the Methodist cbu vi hold joint metng on day a rnoo January 13, the object f whic "shall 1 to explain to the me rs 0 both s cieties. the Union of t e tw societie A few mornings o the was strong smell of cloth b ening Invest gation oiscovered tb it - in tt home of Mr. Joe Wells but r. Wel does not sit down to b over tt damage. It is inte ng hear hi. tell of the accident. There was a rucus Ho e Chap. near New Zion last T ursda in whic a number of negroes ere i plicate and James Brown sh Willi i both hands, wounding im so erely. is claimed by Brown t be -hot Ro accidentally. Mr. and Mrs. Step en T mas, th parentsof Mrs. W. in of th* town. met with a so *ous eat i Charleston last Mon y a roon b being thrown out of 'eir tomobil into a ditch. Both ere b ised bu not badly hurt. The ambition to g t-rieb nick ha been the undoing of y ay ung man The latest hails from umm tha is to say, he did live Sum rton, bn there is no telling r re is now However. he left be a umber ta mourn his departure. and wonde bow they are going 9et e mone: back this young man' ambi filchei from them. The sheriff sold at bi wery bt following tracts of lan A. Lesesnt vs. Abie Butler,1 to A. L Lesesne; B. A. JTissu Charles et. al., 11 to B. A. Jahrnnn; M. H. Moise s. E. Middle too. two lots in Pinew - ,to J. A. Weinberg, attriey- ese were old unader mortgage. The1'nking of the Socth[ with the Wes through the themS Special is one of the ralrsd move mows in my year , Wch neans Much for the city of -lsso and the Btate as large. We ye lobg hoped 5r this connection now! that we save it, there will up griess devel >pments for the indu'ries. Mr. Julian Clark, Las' Azgeles. Dlifornia, spent y and Sunday in Manning visiting ves, and on he loth he is to Miss "Jack" Rogers, o Lake City. C. Mr. Clark wa reared a Lake CI and i few years ago went West b he has made Als home. He and Carolina bride will leave for the ' West" im nediately after the A motion was bef4re Judge Wilson-in Mannin Monday for Xil for E. M. charged with neag an accomplice wne aurder of Bossard, the negro ckman in Sam er. The moion was withdrawn tem Moarily in order to re additional fldavirs. Solcitor represented besaeand ap- . C. Davis, the There has been omplaint to the (agistrate of the of the chain n guards, Powel White, and arran have been isued for the aMrsies. Supervisor eFaddin when he inada *that these - wereacting *dly dieharged as he will not lerao Unanly duct on the part if those whom he inicharge of heconviesm. Won that White s been arrested, tat Bowell has eft for parts unkno There will be much 'Improve neat in anning this . r.W !. Bown Isto ear mher ao being onp as and mild shree st Wein mrg issmo put up two across ne street where the es now tre, and W. P.Leggzisto bc a mod ro sable othe lotno uedb daSaf as~ aWarebon of these aildings aretobe of k. N1o.L,&acele p spent iday in anine- as w 'here he oght adfrom auumi of -viduals obephhnon so Chai The fel ow isaamnof niceaddine genae VOeIAIdresed and of a mdsy beondmng a 5tentle He ja trvelled the world b~ear speaks evealanuaes He clal to be an igra'ern by as is his :stom he -made his h iullesn bordnthe ro le it a know thathe has anning. Easls the tramp "Jack "wie sout. he maPo, t Dy be ~0 Y am t osntadIgnity of blad thes days forn to sy things that come ast rofanity is they can without crig .e mghcall t . , 01o heoears of agentemen know of aothng more disgustlnt ha a lecent woman effect of a high-Byer." By perenittine did not ive any idea what damag ng us to handle our An that we are now with the and aesour friends can y we wil in abad Ex. H . e fr sd the handling ofour es. -weare n need of inD issues of ot ich, Nov. 9mh, and Dec. Ah. is almost seoktely necssary for %st ve these mmbers. sad we appeal~to friends o lock through the cables y retain m send us these misinnum comn lee, promising to keePp ers. law ers and othe flksfrom - g with ;hefles in the future. . Tbe colored people c~leb their retest ofdays here la4M day with speech making. music, )mnd general olinm ccin Tnere weretwo bands isorsing loud and lnsily son One mfrom Sammy Swzpand eomher eloged here. A lK crow of well behaved negroes was bhall day and they seemed to enjoy'pio Day ceremonies. The id house was used for the but e build in could not hold 'of the tmr. The orator for e on wa Dt Anderson,, of Gogewn, and whoe hadhe ve speak high termsof th et T who. ad chargeof the ara~mn deserve redit for the manner in w 'chi they mnaged the large crsd, the con fct of these people des-~es mnmend-1 aton. Dr.A. STodd' m" e arge of r~he editorial deparsto a of - TIMEs while THE TIMES r is unching pinders in Columble d we id beg te friends of the lo to giv him all the aid they can tting urm have he news. We sa is ou custom write a letter eacke k to -eep our readers in touch wii t e wor ofthbe general assembly, a. 'muregf will be to make our letters tresin as well as instructive. If desire tomake suggestions to us Wi, we away if they will address t Col bia we shall be pleased to 'er at they suggest. It is our P se to pesent the peple and to do .5 whi is for the beas wesee '-Dr. T dis an experienced newspaP' :man we can sincerely congra ourself in being so fortunate as to secure his a.' . So THE Tms will not lose any 'ng by our absence from tbe editorial desk. Rhesmaern Reievd in 6 DE. DETCumON'S R'AIEFr FO REU Mrisx usually relie;'es seve t. cases in a few hours. Its~ation pcon the system isremarkable and eff ive. It removes the cause dan' the disease quickly dsappears- rst d benefits -~c .a SI Sold by um B - . Ssummerton Iews. Editor The- Mnnin Tim-: On Wednesday night Dec. - at the home of herdaughter, Mn .J. G. Wells, near Summertoi occurred the death of Mrs. Lav rence Robert Chewning. Jr. For some weeks past Mr: Chewning's health had been ser ously impaired bya recent illnes: from the effects of which she wa unable to rally. by reason of e: treme weakness. Surrounded b her large family of devoted an grief strickenhildrenaud gram children. the soul of this trul ood woman took its Iliglht baC t0 the Bosom of Him wbo sai Be thou faithful unto death.aii I will give thee a cro.n of life. Mrs. Chewning. nee Ragar the daughter of David Ragan. i ,survived by the following chi. dren. having been the mother c i thirteen. D. R. Chewning, of Hendersor ville. N. C.: Peter Checrning. h C. Chewning, L. R. Chewning S. H. Chewning, all of Summei ton: Mrs. J. G. Wells, of Sun merton: Mrs. M. R. Rantin. c Hendersonville, N. C.: Mrs. J. S Watts and Mrs. R. J. Carragav of Summerton. The interment was at St. Paul Methodist Church,at 11:30 o'cloci on Friday morning. The family share their grie with the entire community. At 3:30 o'clock on the afternooi of the same day was laid to res in St. Paul's Methodist Churcil cemetery the remains of Mis Martha Eadon, whose death oc curred on Thursday afternoon last, at the home of her brother in-law, Mr J. J. Gr -er, in thi Davis Station S .in. Mis, Eadon's end come after a lont and painful illness, but the new. of her death was a shock to ht many friends in and about Sum merton. She was near four score year of age, and had lived a thorougbl3 unselfish and useful life. Sh( was the grandaunt of Messrs. J. R. and L Y. Eadon, and of Mrs. A. G. Chewning and Mrs. J. M Rowe, of Summerton, as well ai leaving behind to mourn her tak ing off, a large family connection. Both services were conducted by the Rev. Edward S. Jones, oJ Georgetown. During the next ten days ser eral families who have bough1 property elsewhere will be en gaged in moving their families and effects to their new homes. Mr. J. M. Woodley, who has par chased a thousand cleared acre farm in Georgia, expects to get away this -week. Mr. Woodley states that he regrets exceedingly to leave this neighborhood be cause he has made money whilE here, but leaves because he can not secure a tract -of 1000 acres in one piece, such as is his ambi tion to plant. We give him up with great regret. His place known as the Rutledge place was sold at a considerable advance t( Mr. "Jud" Plowden. Over on the Benbow place, on which Mr. Woodley raised some lne crops this year, is located~ Mr. C. W. Wilson, son of Col. Thos. Wilson, of Sumter. Mr. Wilson will superintend the plant ingof the placein 1911. and every one wishes him a successful year. The Plumer Burgess tract has also changed hands. having been bought in by Mr. D. W. Allen, of Troy, N. C. Mr. Allen is a farmer of some considerable experience and will be a desir able addition to our agricultur ss. He will move into his new home ilthin a fortnight. Mr. Ed. B. Felder is engaged in disposing of remaining prop rty on his place before leavmng for Rome, Ga., where he will in the future make his home. Mr. Felder's place has been bought in by Mr. Bunyan Harvin who, it is understood, will take posses sion before long. Mr. C. M. Simmons is also leaving for Georgia this week~ with his family. Mr. Olin Cosk rey will immediately instal his family in the Simmons' home, whichi place, along with consider able land about it, he purchased some time ago. Mr. Jas. Deas has moved int( the home of the late Mr. Richard Felder, and is much more comn fortably situated in his new plact of residen-.e. The Rev. Mr. W. S. Porter, former pastor of the local Pres byterian church, moved his :fam ily this week to their new home aTownville. in Anderson county. Mr. Porter will be greatly missed by those who had learned to lovE him for his many excellent traits. There has been no action takex as yet, it is stated, by the Pres byterian church members to se cre the services of another mini ister. At a recent election Dr. Joseph Burgess was chosen Elde: in the church. During the next few days Dr. Burgess will move his famnily from Seneca, S. C., to the olc family home here in Summnerton. Dr. Burgess is running an ex tensive farm near here, and hope: to live here permanently. WVe are glad to welcome him " home again. The Christmas holidays hav< not been allowed by the younl people of this community to g by without numerous parties and entertainments. Among thes< may be mentioned a dance give at the home of Mr. R. C. Rich ardson, Jr.. on Thursday night Among those present and enjoy ing the dance were Misses Ada Tennant, Mildred Jones, Berth: Davis, Ellen Deas, and Mar: Briggf. The gentlemen presen were Messrs. McClary, Baskins Morris, Ellison Capers, Jr.. Deas and Clifton Wells. On the same night at the horn of Mr. Beaurigard Davis th younger set enjoyed a party, w.hich many plaesnt hours wer Jurors. venes January 23rd.J ude ides. VEX GRAUND .JrnORS: iedy. -iot. IraU. tran. ron. .dway. URT )RAWS FOR 1911. tin, Turbeville. :ess. Mouzon. s, Summerton. -oe. Manning. ington. New Zion. R.F.D. er, Manning. ardson. Jr., Summerton. . Silver, R. F. D. t, Summerton, I. F. I). ons, Turbeville. R. F. D ings, Paxville. Davis, Davis Station. PETIT JURY ands. Foreston. .er. Manning. F, Manning. ess, Monzon. ,ons, Turbeville. ick. Pinewood. prott, Foreston. ck, Davis Station. ham. Manning. )w, New Zion. & F. ) inson. Davis Station. e, ew Zion. ings. Reitrini. .waY, Turbeville. Idin, Turbeville. White. Manning. 1idgeway. Manning. >rbett, Wilson R. &F. D. -ey. Suminerton. .r, New Zion. Davis. Jordan. ings, Manning. R. F. D. athis, Manning. er, Alcolu. R. F. D. , Pinewood. .e, Alcolu. S.C. Lee. Manning, R. F. D. I. H. Geddings, Paxville. J. 0. Lowder. Jordan. Louis Ardis, Pinewood. D L Reardon, Workman. .. E. Rowe, Summerton. R. F. D. TredwellDingleSummerton,R.F L) E. B. Andrew, Manning, R. F. D. R. W. Wheeler, New Zion. D. 0. Brunson, Davis Station. Death of a Little Child. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Thames, of Sumter, and "rand-child of Mr. C. C. Thames, of Silver, died Sunday morning, Dee- 25th, after an llness of several weeks with typhoid fever. Itis but another frarrant flower plucked from the tender vine of life. The little body was brought to Silver &ad laid to rest in the quiet graveyard at Andrews'ChapeL Rev. F. M. Cannon, of Chesterfield. conducting the funeral services. Great sympathy is felt for the eas-crusbxd parents and relatives. The little one was given them just long enough to entwne its sweet httle life around their hearts. May the God of love give to them that perfect and ever abiding grace, and may they go to Him and may He Ml the vacancy in their ea.. -Sae In te arms of Jesus Sare on His gentle brest There by His love o'ershaded: sweely the soui shan rest. Hak Vsthe voice of Angel Borne on the Sea to me Over the hills of lorY Over the Jasper ena bate ia the arms of Jesus Sate an Eisg enzle breast There by His love oershaded swety the soul shall rest.* F. M. C. We. the undersigned, a self-constitu ed committee, hereby issue a special all to all the colored people of Man dng and vicinity, to meet at the court ose at 3 o'clock p. m. on Sunday.Jan ary 8th, 1911, for religious counsel and sanning for a better and brighter New The space within the bar will be re erved for white people. Colored choir will sing. Joseph Sroti., R. A. White, W. M. Plwden, A. A. Tindal. A. C. Bradham, June Walker, F. C. Thomas, John Dow, Ld. Ld. McDonald, Charlton DuRant. laour Roll f Trinity School for Month End .Isg Dec. 23, 1910. V Grade-Jack Hodge, 92; Lila Mc all, 93; Dik ese,)EmKma Hlnson, 92t Louise Rodge, 93: Brownie FEman el, 93. VI Grade-Wilhie Young. 95; Sallie cCall, 94; John Emanuel, 92: Jeff Le, 91. VII! GradeAlbert Hodge, 92. A. R. WooDsoN, Teacher in Grades 3. 6, 7 and 8. Beginning with Tuesday afternoon, anuary 10, at four o'clock, the Foreign Misninary Societyv of the Methodist hurch will obsery. "Week of Prayer." Te following program will be carried ot, and all the ladies of the town are nvted to attend these services. Tuesday afternoon, "Looking Out 1. The Field is the World. 2. The King's Business requireth ase Wednesday afternoon, "Looking Up 1. Thanksgiving Service. Thursday afternoon, "Looking For ard." 1. How to interest the Inulividual. 2. Money and the Kingdom. Parson's Pom a Gent. From Rer. H. Stubenvoll, Allison, Ia., n piaise of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They're such a health necessity, n every home these pills should be. f other kinds you've tried in vain, USE DR. KING'S nai be well again. Only 25c a: all ruggists. NOTICE. I will attend the following ap >ointments, either in person or by roxy, to take tax retuans of all per onal property for this good year. 1911. You make returns of all per. onal property owned the ?1st day of anary, 1911. Paxville, Cuitis' store, Monday, anuary 18. Pinewood, Epperson's store, Tues ay, January 17. Friendship, C. WV. Brown's store, Wednesday. January 18. St. Paul, The D. Levi Levi Co.'s store, Thursday, January 19. Summerton, Judge lRichbourg's ofce, Friday, January 28~. The Cross Roads, Saturday, Jan. ary 21. Earmony, A. R. Chandlers, Mon day. Feb. 6. Midway, Eclntosh Bro.'s store. Feb. Feb. 7. Sandy Grove. WV. L McFaddin's, Wednesday, Feb. S. Douglas Turbeville's store Thurs ay, Feb. 9. New Zion, Friday, February 10. Jordan, Davis' store, Monday. Feb. St. Mark's, at H. A. Allsbrook's. 1'esday, Feb. 14. Foreston, Cantey's sto~re, Wednes day. Feb. 15. Wilson's Mill, Thursday, Feb. 16. Alcolu, Friday, Feb. 17. The time for making returns ex pires Feb. 20th. ANDREw P. BuRolcss, ... -County Auditor. For Lagrippe Coghs and Stuffy Colds. Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It gives quick relief and expels the cold from Iyour system. It contains no opiates, is passed in playing games and in conversation. Many visitors for the Christ :nas season are here. and the streets are continually tilled with laughing youths and maidens, on pleasure bent. Miss Louise Scarborough. of the Lynchburg graded school stff. is here on a visit, as is Miss Etta and Miss Margie Scarbor ough. Cadets Counars Gentry and Ellisou Capers. Jr.. of Clemson d College, are here spending the Ihoiidays with their parentL. MissAdaTennant who is weach ing sehool near Summerville, is d among those at hiome. SMr. W. H. Anderson. who is buivng cotton for Sprutit in Flor ence. is here for a weeks holiday. Messrs. Julian and Orlando I Scarborough. of Furman Uni If versity, are with their parents for the holidays. Dr. Eugene Tennantof Charles ton, was snaking hands with his friends here this week. Messrs. Murry Fischer.of Lake City, and Samuel Fischer, of Greenville. spent Christmas at the old home. ,!Mr. Samuel Colclough, form serly in business here, but now located at Wagner, S. C.. spent some time recently with his family fihere. Miss Nena Boyd, of Williams burg county, is visiting at the home of Mrs. John A. Colclough. tI Mr. Edward S. Dingle, of the 1 United States District Attorney's 3 office in Charleston, spent ser eral days at Christmas time at the home of the Hon. John R. Dingle. K. Summerton, S. C., Dec. 31.1910. The Editor Manning Times, Dear Sir: Please publish this in yourpaper next week. Mr. Els N. Brunson of Summer 'ton, left on December 31st for I Newman, Ga., to study telegra ' phy, and his relatives and Ifriends wishes him much success in his study, and his appearance will be missed very much at home. Yours respectfully, (Mrs.) Lucille Simpson. Look For 'be Be ive on the package when you buy Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs and colds. None genuine without the Bee Hive. Remember the name, Foley's Honey and Tar sad reject any substitute. W. F Brown &Co. Henry W. Savage's Great Merry Widow. The management of the Columbia Theatre has arranged with Mr. Henry W. Savare to reproduce at the Co lumbia Theatre on Jan. 12th the Merry Widow, the most beautiful, charming and piquant love story ever told upon the stage. Seats will coon sale Monday, Jan. 9. Mail orders filled in order received. Prices at night 50, 75, $1.00,8$1.50,8$2.00. Prices at matinee 25,.50, 75, 1.00, $1.50. GOMFORTIN6_WORDS. IMany a Manning Hiousehold Will Find Them So. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed; to be entirely free from annoying, dangerous urinary disorders is enough to make any kidney sufferer grateful. To tell how this great change can be brought about will prove com forting words to hundreds of Manning readers. S. C. Brown, 12 Canal St., Sumter, S. C., says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills and they did me more good than all the other remedies I had previously tried. I suffered severely from a lame back and some days was not able to work. It was hard for me to stoop or lift, I could not rest well and no position I assumed was comfortable. In the morning upon arising, my back was so lame that I could hardly get about. The kidney secretions also contained sediment and were too frequent in passage. I finally procured Doan's Kidney Pills and they cured me. I have not had a lame back since and the secretions do not annoy me. I am in good health at present and give Doan's Kidney Pills the credit." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole afrent~s for the United States. IRemember the name-Doan's-and take no other. ARANT'S DRUG STORE The Licensed Druggist. -Sells Everything in DRUGS and MEDICINES 4 O ACL 12 Cents ~Rhame's IU Summer BUSINESS LOCALS. For Sale-Several plantations ft 100 to 2.500 acre tracts. Tern- et For particu'ars aply to L. H. Mvi St. Stephens. S. C. For Sale-One second hand Mar 'afe. four oak desks and a lot of p office boxes. Apply at the post-of for information. For Sale-Three nice buildin ion a desirable section on West Bound street known as some of the J. Bradham lots. Anply to Chas. Pickerinz. Bloomvile. S. C. Itch relieved in 30 minutes by W< ford's Sanitarv Lotion. Never fa Sold by W. E. Irown & Co., Drugai: STATE OF SOUTH CAROLI! CAnty of Clarendon. CoURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Copy Summons for Relief. (Cowpiaint Served.) Bruce W. DesChamps, Plaintiff, against C. D. Des-hamps, R. S. DesChamps, M. DesChamps. Ida Elliott, Henry Green. Hennie D. Brailsford, Gr L Brigrgs, Lalia Brig--s. Bessie D Champs. Louis T. DeslChamp, Myr DesChamnps, Mu. Caro DebCham NMarshall DesChamps.Iva DesCham C. Alphouso DesCbamps,H. J. Hari A. D. Harby, J. M. Harby and Hor, Harbv, as Trustees under the Will Horace Harhy. deceaed, Estella D Levi, Mitcheill Levi and Ferdina Levi. Co-partners as Levi Brothe Defendants. To The Above Named Defendant: You are bereby Summoned and i quired to answer the complaint in d action, of which a copy is herewi served upon you, and to serve a copy your answer to the said complaint the subscribers, at their office, 120-1 North Main Street, in the City of Su ter, S. C.. within twenty days after t service hereof: exclusive of the day such service; and if you fail to answ the complaint within the time afor said, the plaintiff in this action will a ply to the Court for the relief demand in the' complaint. Dated November 19th. A. D. 1910. LEE & MoIsE, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the Defendant, J. M. DesChamps: Take notice that the Summons ai Complaint in the above styled acti were filed in the office of the Clerk said Court on the 14th day of Decembe 1910. and that plaintiff makes no pc sonal demand against you. LEE & MOISE, Plaintiff's Attorneys. STATE OF SOUTH GAROLIN Cunty of Clarendon. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Summons for Relief. (Complaint Served.) Hugh A. Richbourg, Plaintiff, against Alice Chewning, Sallie Senn, Ma Felder, Fannie Ragin, Ella L Master and William Shuford, D fendants, To the above named Defendants: You are bereby summoned and r q ired to answer the complaint is action, of which a copy is her with served upon yori. and to serve copy of your answer to the said cor plaint on the subscribers at the office, in the town of Mannin South Carolina, within twenty da; after the service hereof: exclusive the day of. such service; and if y< fail to answer the complaint with the time aforesaid, the plaintiff this action will apply to tbe Court f< the relief demanded in the complain To the defendant William Shuford: You will take notice that the So, mons and Complaint in the above e titled action has been filed in tl office of the Clerk of Court for Cia endon County this 14th day of ID cember A. D. 1910. Dated December 14th A. D. 1910. DAvis & WEINBERG, Jossr J. CAy'TEY, Plaintiff's Attorneys. TRY THE NEW G'rocery Stor4 For your next es'der. Every thing new, fresh and clean; just opened in MOUZON'S OLD STANI Your order will receive care ful and prompt attention and will be highly appreciated. Full and' complete line of STAPLE AND FANC GROCERIES Mouzon's Grocer P. B. MOUJZON, PROP. 38 'ablets! IN ONE DAY. by Mail, rug Store, Enn. S. C. 1- KIASNIFF'S ice ,.Corner Store RESOLV. THAT BEATS THE BAND WHATVE CAN Do WITH OUR. lMoNEY BY GOOD JUDO ENT AN Am MAGEmwETrrWo ToT4E RIGIT PLACE.WHERE .g THEYKNow {~BU *SEGIROi Lie AS. nd, rs, be WHY DoES ONE PLAGE BECoME THE RIGHT of e PLACE? THAT IS SIMPLE: BECAUSE AT THAT PLACE THEY TREAT PEoPLE RIGHT, BY GIVING GooD GooDS FOR THE MoNEY. THE GOODS WE SELL ARE GooD, BETTER, BEST--NEVER TRASH' ,dWHATEVER PRICE WE CHARGE YOU, YOU MAY of * DEPEND UPoN IT THAT YOU WILL GET SoMETH ING GooD. YOU CAN No MORE AFFORD To WEAR POOR CLOTHES THAN WE CAN AFFOR To SELL THEM. IF WE SELL POOR CLOTHES ,IT WILL HURT OUR REPUTATION; IF YOU WEAR -POOR CLoTHES IT WILL HURT YOUR REPUTATION. DID YOUR EVER THINK ABOUT THE VALUE OF' W.HAT oTHERS THINK OF YOU? Follow The Band'I ALL ROADS LAED TO e KRASNOFF'S ~CORNER - STORE. Accept my best wishes for a year of hap V piness, health and prosperity. For your part in the success of my busi ness duringr 191. I wish to warmly thank you,. - with the hope tnat the confidence engendered will result in our being the recipients of at least~a portion of your patronage during 1911. We assure you always square treatment, best quality and complete satisfaction with I ~ every item purchased of us, or money refunded --The Young Reliable."