GIVE AWAY! In one of our show Windows you will see a beautiful Hand-painted China Dinner Set I Fourty-two Pieces, which will be given free to any one of my customers who holds the lucky number. We will give a coupon for every twenty cents purchase made at our store, which entities the holders to a chance at this Set. Don't forget to see it. and have us explain, and if you are looking for . Bargains in Clothmonag SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, HEAVY UN DERWEAR OR GENTS' FURNISHINGS. of any kind, come to see us before you buy. Money saved is money made. We especially invite your attention to our Line of OVERGOATS. C.M. Davis& Co Have on hand a nice lot of Horses and Mules, -which mustbe sold between this and the 1st of April. and we are receiving for our spring trade - the celebrated ckneyBges st Buggy that has ever been sold on this market. tey are fresh and select one for beauty and comfort, ability. We are also receiving Other- Buggies eto satisfy all purchasers who will place their trade with us. -rtment of One and Two-horse Wagons, made by the Hackney - eople. the bnest manufacturers in the South. Also full line of e and Single, Slip Gear for wagons: Collars, Bridles, Whips. * the people for their liberal trade to us in the past, and will en in the future as to maintaiu their confidence and support. W. P. Hawkins & Co. The fact that S. S. S. is a purely vegetable preparation. containing not the slightest trace of mineral in any form, has benu one of the strongest points in its favor during its forty years of existence. It is recognized everywhere not only as the best of all blood puritiers, buif the one medicine that can be taken with absolute safety by the your~est child or the oldest member of the family. Next in importance to removing the cause of any disease is the condition in which the system is left after a course of medical treatment. Medicines containing mercury, potash or other strong mineral ingredients often do permanent injury by eating out the delicate lining arnd tissues of the stomach, producing chronic dyspepsia. unfavorably affecting the bowels and so damaging the system that even if the original cause of the disease has been removed, it is left in such a deranged and weakened condition that $1 0 R EWAR D the health is permanently impaired. S. S. S enjoys the distinction of being the only blood IF N'OT PUR ELY medicine on the market that does not contamn a mineral property in some form. Being made V E C E T A B L E. entirely of roots, herbs and barks it is absolutely harmless to any part of the system. and while curing disease adds strength and health to every part of the body.. S. S. S. removes all poisons, freshens and purifies the blood and gives better and more lasting results than any other blood medicine. S. S. S. is the veryv best treatment for Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison and all troubles due to an impure or poisoned blood supply. Besides bemng the King of blood purifiers S. S. S. is the best and most invigorating of all tonics. THlE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATL.ANTfA, GA. ~/nAJI*TANTICI jTILNt ~A13A I~~iUG HFARofi eween the NOR THJANDS SUTH AFlorida-Cuba.I Apassenger service unexcelled for luxury and comfort,equipped with the latest Pullman Dining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars. For rates, schedule, maps or any informa tion, write to W1M. J. CRAIG, Gienera! Passenger Agernt. Wilmington, N. C. Alcolu Siftings. Editor The Mannin:z Times: We notice in last week's issue of THE TiMEs that you wish to know what has becone of Pat, and that his newsy letters are missed. We are glad to know that the editor thinks our letters newsy. Lack of news has caused us to refrain from writing often er. We do not desire to create the impression that we are sleep ing, for such is not the case by any means. Wc are still doing a lively business at the same old stand, If Alcolu is not rep sented in the columns of THE TIMES we wan't the public to know that we are getting there just the same. Mr. F. L. Collins, who has been superintendent of the Al colu Railroad for a number of years, has resigned his position and gone to Sumter. We uder stand the vacancy will be filled by Mr. A. H. Reese. Mr. G. W. Stewart, who has been foreman of the planing mill, left last week to accept a similar position at Tyler, Fla. Mr. G. A. Thurfard has re signed his position in the shops and will return to McColl next week. Miss Pauline Horton, who has held a position as stenographer for D. W. Alderman & Sons' Co., has resigned and gone to her home at Heath Springs, S. C. She is succeeded by Miss Gable, of Troy, S. C. Several couples from here at tended a moonlight picnic given by Miss Belle Hudnal, at her home last Friday night. A de lightful time is reported. Miss Una Jalinson has return ed home from Columbia, where she has been attending college. Mr. R. E. Plowdeu spent Sun day at DuRant. Mr. T. Martin Mims, of Sil ver. was in town last Friday. The dusky damsels made the town lively for a while Saturday night after the arrival of train Fo. 47; which brought them from Manning, where they usu ally go on Saturday to get their supply of "fuss x." For about half an hour they screamed, scratched, and occasionally a board or stick was mustered into service. Don't think anyone was hurt. Every Saturday there is an impatient awaiting on the "shuflv" which will take them to Manning where they can pre are to make their home-coming a festive occasion. Mr. D. W. Alderman, Jr., who is attending Furman University, has come home for the summer. Pretty girls are plentiful here just now. Now is the time for you young fellows to put in full time. PAT. Superiority Proves Itself. The sincerest tribute that can be paid to superiority is imitation. The many imitations of DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve that are now before the rove it the best. Ask for DeWitt's. Good for burns, scalds, chaffed skin, eczema, tetter, cuts, bruises. boils and piles. Highly recommended and re liable. Sold by The Arant Co. Drug Store. Pinewood News. Editor The Manning Tinies: The latest time table issued by the Atlantic Coast Line has the follow ing changes: bouthbound through passenger train No. 3 arrives at 9:01 a. mn.; old time 5:41. Northbound through pas senger train No. 32 arrived at 0:07 p. in.: old time 5:57. Mir. W. P. Mooneyhami has quit the railroad company and is now rural free delivery mail carrier out from Bisopville. Mr. C. B. Kolb has taken charge again at his old post of duty. Mr. Joe Barwick has sold his house and lot opposite Mr. E. P. Geddings to Mr. R. Lee H arvin. Mrs. R. C. Richardson, Jr., and lit tie daiughter left on the 1st to spend the summer at her former home, Laurens, S. C. Mrs. John J. Broughton visited 'riends at Summerton iast week. A young lady was "r-ubbering" at her beau a few days ago anid sud denly came in contact with a build ing ~and exelaimed when the jar Caie, "Oh, isn't that a cute uie ir. F. has on?'" Mr. Ji DeaX-:s etue1 down frm Camden for a short visit last week. Mrs. R. M. Brail,4ord and dlaugh last week. The Pinewood Mercantile Co. lias begun tearing down their old gin iery. They ire goiuer to ereet a newv piant near ~the guardhouse and will be better equipped for' the approach ing cotton gilnnig seasonm than ever before. Mr. Clinton Griffin went over to at tend the Groover-Griffin marrir ge at Co, Ga., on May :31st. 'he game of ball played here on Friday evening. June 1, between Paxville and Pinewood resulted as follows: Pinewood, 9; Paxville, 18. The Pinewood school closing exer cises will take place in the K. of P. hall on Friday evening, June 15, at Mr. Marion Graham, son of Mr. Frank J. Graham, who has been at tending a business college in Macon, Ga., returned home May 31. Mr. William Broughton and wife of Sumter spent Sunday here visiting Mr. George Smith, Sr., and family. Mrs. Mlary J. Murray and daugh ter, Mrs. 0. B. Rosenger of Orange. burg camne over last Saturday morn Mr. R. C. Graham was the victim of a very painful but not serious ac cident on last Monday morning while attempting to run a cotton press up to take off the '"follow block." He had the first three fingers on his right hand mnashed off by cog wheels. They were entirely cut off at the firbt joint. Messrs. Manning a nd Ransom Rich ardson and Dr. George Smith oJ Sumerton spent Sunday at ther respective homes. BUSTER. Pinewood, 5. 0., June 4. 1900. A Texas Wonder. There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex., thats twice as big as last year. This wondei is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of 9( pounds has grown to over 180. He says I suffered with a -terrible cough, anc doctors gave me up to die of Consump tion. I was reduced to 90 pounds,whez I began takina Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs an C:olds. Now, after taking 12 bottles, have more than doubled in weight anl( am completely eured." Only sureCougi aud Cold cure. Guaranteed by Thi Arant Co Drug Store. Druggist 50' Turbeville Dots. Editor The Mannina Tines: The little child of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Coker was so severely burned by boiling water last Thursday that it ditd Saturday. The interment took place at the Pine Grove cemetery Sundaymorning. The svimpathy of all is with the bereaved parents. The crops in this section are look ing well. A much-needed rain fell yesterday afternoon and the pros pects for a good crop were never bet ter than they are now. Miss (iavnell Collins. who has been visiting friends here and at Sardinia. has retirned to her home in Snuiter. Miss Bertha Broadway, after an extended visit here. has gone back to Pinewood. Come again, Miss Bertha. A prayer-meeting has beei organ ized at this place to meet every Fri day evenin. One of tih'e jolliest fellows seen in Turbeville nowadays is one of- her young merchants who is a candidate for matrimony. lie is not alone, there being several opposing him. But from a)p~e:irances this special one must be receiving some encour ageuent along tlm;;t line, as he seems to be greatly elated ever his success so) far. The ineasies is going the rounds ag-ain over here..& Turbeville, S. C., June 4. 1990. Long Tennessee Fight. For twenty vears V. L. Rawls, of Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes: "The swelling and soreness in side mv nose was fearful, till I began applying Buckleu's Arnica Salve to the soreness and swelling to disappear. never to return." Best salve in ex istence. 25c at The Arant Drug Store. Pickings From Davis Station. Editor The Manning Times: Mr. David L. Jones of Baltimore, Md., arrived here last Thursday morning on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Sones. Mr. and Mrs. Evander G. Stakes spent Sunday in Charleston. A moonlight picnic was given at the home of Mr. Junius Lowder on last Wednesday evening for the young folks, cake and lemonade was served. A. B. C. Davis June 5. A Thousand Dollars Worth of Good. "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, passing ravel or stanes with excruciating pain," says A. H. Tburnes. a well known coal operator of Buffalo, 0. "I got no relief from medicine until I be gan taking Foley's Kldney Cure, then the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust like substance and now I have no pain across my kid neys and I feel like a new man. It has done me $1000 worth of good-" Foley's Kidney Cure will cure every form of kidney bladder disease. The Arant Co Drug Store. Obstnacy. There is something in obstinacy which differs from every other passion. Whenever it fails it never recovers, but either breaks like Iron or crum bles sulkily away-like a fractured arch. Most other passions have their period of fatigue and rest, their sufferings and their cure, but obstinacy has no resource, and the first wound is mortal. -Johnson. The sworn statement of the manufac turers protects you from opiates in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. Sold by The Arant Co. Drug store. Turkish Women. The fair sex enjoy with the Turks a life of perfect idleness. It Is not an ex aggeration to say that the Turkish wo men spend half of their life in bathbs. London Lancet. He surely is most in need of anoth er's patience who has none of his own. -Lavater. Will Cure Consumption. A. A. Herren, ;Finch, Ark., writes: "Fole's Honey and Tar is the best preparation for- coughs colds and lung trouble. I know that it has cured con sumption mn the firss stages " You nev er beard of-any one using Foley's Hon e and Tar and not being satisfied. The rant Co. Drug Store. Defined. Tommy-Papa, what is a diplomat? Papa-A diplomat, my son, is a man who gives eyerybody the impression that he is thankful for their advice and then does just as he pleases. Disorder in a drawing room is vul gar; in an antiquiary's study, not. The black battle stain on a soldier's face is no vulgar, but the dirty face'of a housemaid is.-Ruskin. What's the good of keeping from him Any good things you maiy see. That will lift his load of labor Like Rocky Mou,,ain Tea. Dr. WV. E. Brown & Co. At the Hotel. Mr. Verdant-Let's try this here demitassy at the end of the pro gramme. Say, waiter, bring us some demitassy. Mrs. Verdaint--Now, par, you promised me you wouldn't take nothin' stronger'n tea or coffee.-Balti more American. If you knew the value of Chamber lain's Salve you would never wish to be without it. Here are some of the dis eases for which it is especially valuable; sore inipples, chapped hands, ,burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itching piles, tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Price 2.-> cents per box. For sale by The Arant Co. Drug Store. If your stomach troubles you do not conlude that there is no cure, for a gret many have been permanently rred by Chamberlain's Stomach and r ;er Tablets. Try them,they are cer tan to prove beneficid. They only c st a quarter. Sold by The Arant Co. Drug Store. Moving. He read the letter twice and then said, "This is one of the most moving pieces of literature I ever saw." "Is it an appeal for aid?" asked his "No. It's a note from the landlord saying he has raised the rent." Don't be fooled and made to believe that rheumatism can be eured with lo ca appliances. Hollister's Rocky Moun tai Tea is the only positive core for rheumatism. 35 cents,.Tea or Tablets. Dr W. E. Brow'n Co. Drug Store. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of , , Kennedy's Laxntive Honey and Tar Cures all Coughs, su expels ColdS from e syeam nungently meilND the hoWelse STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Couty of Clarendo. By James M. Windham, Esq., Judge of Probate. W H EREAS, Viola Lackey made suit to me, to grant her Letters of Administration of the estate and effects of Milton H. Lack ev. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Milton H. Lackey, deceased, that they be and appear before ine,in the Court of Pro bate, to be held at Manfning, S. C.. on the 14th day of June next after publication thereof, at 11 oclock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administra tion should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 20th day of May, A. D. 1905. JAMES M. WINDHAM, [SEAL.] Judge of Probate. 32-3tl STATE OF SOUh ; AROUiNA, BY James M. Windhamn. Esq.. Probatc Judge. IN THE PRO3BATE COURT. WHEREAS. Mary J. Murray made V suit to me, to grant her Letters of Administration of the estate of and effects of Marshall D. Murray. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Marshail D. Murrav, deceased. that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Pro bate,to be held at Manning on the 31st day of May next after publica tion thereof, at 11 o'clock in the fore noon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this Gith day of May, A. D. 1906. JAMES M. WINDRAM, [SEAL.] Judge of Probate. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Clarendon County. By James M. Windham, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS, Mary E. Tindal made suit to me, to grant her Letters of Administration of' the estate of and effects of James E. Tindal. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said James E Tindal, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Courtof Pro bate, to be held at Manning on the 14th day of June next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 29th day of May, A. D. 1906. [SEAL.] JAMES M. WINDHAM, Judge of Probate. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Clareidon County. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Louis Appelt, PlaintilY. against Luana Carter, Dawson Carter, Birdie Carter. Rufus Carter. Herriet Par sons, Susan Estelle Felder, Nathan Parsons, and Margaret Carter, De fendants. SUflMONS FOR RE LIEF. (Complaint Served.) To The Defendants Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to suaid Complaint on the subscribers at their otliee in Man ning, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service: and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. The defendant Dawson Carter will take notice that the Summons and Com plaint in this action were flded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Claren don County ou April 16th. 1906. DAVIS & WEINBERG, Plaintiff's Attorneys. April 24, 1900. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLUNA, County of Clarendon, By James M. Windham, Esq., Pro bate Judge. IN THE PROBATE COURT. TIHEREAS, W. T. Sports made suit to me to grant him let ters of administration of the estate of and effects of Ellen E. Sports. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kim dred and creditors of the said Ellen E. Sports. des4eased. that they be and apipear- before me, in the Court of Probate to lbe lheld at Man ing, on the 7th day of June, next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the furrenoon, to show cause, if anyv they have, why the said admiuistration should not be granted. SGiven under mxy hand this 22rd day of May. A. 1D. 1!)u6. JA MES 31. WIN DU AM, [SEAL.] 1-ti Judge of Probate. Notice Is hereby given that thirty, days after date I will make application to the Bank of Georgetown, George town, S. C., for re-issue of Certificate No. 31 for five shares of stock of the said Bank, standing in the name of the late F. N. Wilson, the original certificates having been lost. C. F. WILLIAMS, Qualified Administrator Estate of F. N.Wilson. Manning, S. C., May 23, 1006. St. WH EN YOU COME TO TOWN CALL AT WAELLS' sHIAVrNG~ SALO(-N Which is fitted up with anI eve to the comnfort of LiE HAIR CUTT12Wi IN A LL STYLES, S HAV ING AND SHAMPOOING IDone with nextnes.- anud dispatch... .. .. .. A cordial ivitation is extended... J. L. W ELLS. Maning Times Block. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Makes manavay and Bladdw Bight rREEN PEAS should be treated with a fertilizer containing a high percentage of POTASH, in order to get the healthiest, fullest pods. "Truck Farmino" and "Plant Food" are two practical books for the farmer, which we mail free of any cost or ob ligation to those wio write for them. They contain valuable facts about truck-gardening as a profitable business. Address, GEMAN EAI.I WORKS. New York-93 Xassau Street, or Atlanta. Ga.-22 So. 3road StreOt. "Uncle Billy's Fa.vorite Blend " of Selected Moyune, Ceylon and Gunpowder TAE IS THE BEST ARTICLE AT THE PRICE EVElR OFFERED OUR PATRONS. By a speciai arrangement we h'ave purchased a fine stock of the above excellent varieties aud through scientific blending we are en abled to offera siuperior article of tea at Only 50c. Per Pound. We have it in two distinct blends-one for icing and the other for drinking hot. Enough said. A trial will do the rest. YOUILL FIND IT AT Purveyors of Palate Ticklers. Far supphies. and. StapS at Reasonabie Prices. Summerton, S. C. An A (~ii cc unty yu bills with checks whci - . . we~ return to you the lirst of each tuonth and which are thus made a rec.eipt in full for every HIGHL-BREDdollar you pay out. BARRED PL.YMOUTH ROCKS. You can always make change I h~c~fuC-ta~l o Brre Pmouh tO~~Swith a check. dif o e ie to anrred Pyomo p oc YO wl do well to purchase a setting~ of e~izs f romi Pr=c 1ankCf Ssettino1 ni um~In W. P. HAWKINS. IIUIOIIW lll Summerton, S. C. Mouzon & Rigby,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Etc. - VEGETABLES IN SEASON. AFaCURE HE LG UNC llih~ Il uo~I~ [~1IlWP!TH~ Dr. King's Always on hand a fresh, clean line of taple and tFanyGrcre.Cn tables, why not you rs? ONSUMPTION Price Give us your orders fr anything FOPvn n 0*1* in the Grocery line. Wefllad .DIi OGS Fred Tria&$. liver all orders promptly. ~ ~ ID reTil We have recently added to our line Quet~niies Cure for aU. STKROAT and LUN~G TROUB TN-CENT C0UTE. j '*or ***** AC Hae you been to see the wonder-i The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, ful bargains-on this countre for 10c.?_________________ 5 you haven't. come in now and let us show you some of the greatest bargins for 10 cents ever brought to Manning, a - Yours for business, i Woodmnen of the World. o i Meets 'on tourtigTouday uights al Mozn& R1J.%.........,.hg ovregn.ivied ZitfleIodor SAYS "Don't Physic !" Use Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets for all liver troubles. Safe, sure, permanent 'cures and complete treatment for 25c. Easy, natural and certain--money back if they fail. All Druggists. Mcllaciter4en MANUFACTURNS OF - C== -- - sose~e m aa :irm e COir - C L S. . C. LU . Doorsa Sash, Blinds, -Douldingand hffldin CHAIRLESTON, Sk. C. S'-sh Xeirzhts and 'm Undertaking. A complet4 st)Ck ou C:wkets. Cen, and Fit erat Supplics alenays on band. ' hearse will bersponded to y Mr. A. . . hi e; finer rector and undertaker. night or day. W. E. JENKINSON 00. *3 Corliss Coon2 Collars for A Much outwear others. Copied Style - Mtark them and but the fit and set, of, .see. Shaped eX "Outing" is a perfec- perttybyhand,nlot tion other m akaer s cheapened by ma have tried for in vain. chine.processes. NO BLADES.~ NO AN NUAL. STAX. ONE RAZOR LASTS - ALWAYS READY NEVER GETS DULL. Ga Cr.o Str.*A 31.00. Fre Booket* nstlo Shavs." MANNING. S. C. Cap4al Std - $4000 Srplus, .. - 35,000 ilit y, - - .4A,00 Total Protection to Depositors, $115,000 A G30OD BANK where ynni may re-st asured every deal wiil be condu':ted with t11w t ab solute truistworth;iness that has al was characterized all OUR TRANSACITIONS. In opening your Bank Aeeount at this Bank you will be. making no mistake. Rring jant Jah Wntfonnimar-flies