The Manning times. (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, April 05, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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MNIG. S. C., APRIL 5. 190-5. Publishes All County and Town Of ficial Advertisements. Advertisers will please re member that copy for a change of ad. MxUST be in this office by Saturday Noon in order to insure publication the following week. All Eyes are Turned on Jenkinson's Depart ment Store. If you want a nice Black Dress or a Black Skirt, Jenkinson's is the place to get it. Large stock of choice Black Goods to select from. If you need a nice summer Silk Shirt Waist Suit Jenkinson's is the place to get it,as they have the finest line of Silks they have ever shown at this season of the year. If you need a nice Spring Hat, see our great line of Millinery, we have just what you want. See our great line of Trimmed Hats at $1 each; they look cheap at S2. Do you need a nice Silk Umbrella? Call and see us. We can do you some good if you want to save money. Gents', do you need a nice Spring Suit, a nice Hat or nice Collars, Cuffs and Neckwear? It will pay you to see us, as we have now in stock the largest line of Clothing and Gent's Furnishings in the town. If you need Shoes it will pay you to see our great line of Gent's, La dies, and Children's Oxford Ties. Al so a full line of High Cut Shoes. It matters not what you need, it will pay you to see Jenkinson's. You will -come nearer getting it there than anywhere else. W. E. JENKINSON CO. Farmers meeting Saturday. Dr. W. M. Brockinton is spending a few days in Savannah. Mr. Alva T. Sublett of Summerton spent yesterday in town. Attend the Cotton Growers' meeting in Manning on April Sth. Hon. Jos. F. Rhame and family have returned home from Florida. Everybody who uses soap should read D. 0. Rhame's advertisement. Miss Hattie Perry of Wake Forest, N. C.. is in Manning visiting her sis ters. The people will have an opportunity to hear a distinguished lot of speakers April 8th. We want our readers to give more than usual attention to the advertise ments in this issue. Tell your neighbors and your friends to come to the farmers big meeting here next Saturday. Mrs. Jno. G. Slaughter and Miss Alma Smith left left yesterday for Mul lins to attend the marriage of their sister. There will be preaching at Fellow ship church next Sunday at 4 o'clock p. m. by Rev. M. A. Connors. Public cordially invited. Miss Emma Ayres of Solem, 'Va., whos~pent the winter in Manning with her sister Mrs. J. M. Holladay, has1 -- ned to her home. Rev.Bare ?zasof Charleston ar-] rived in Mnig -Monday morning on a visit to the family' f. '--~Lit yea and left for Sumter yesterday. The meeting here next Saturday is for the farmers good. Let us give the speaers a rousing reception, and show to the State that Clarendon is alive. Miss Margie Appelt left yesterday for Mullins to attend the marriage of her friend Miss Loulie M. Smith to Mr. Herbert E. Vaughn on the 12th inst. There will be no services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. The pastor will be at Presbytery which1 convenes at Hephzibah. church at Scarborough, Sumter county. The Summertoni depot was destroyed by fire list Thursday night, and every thing in it went up in smoke. The cause of the fire is suspected to be the carelessly dropping of a eigarette. Let every man interested in the Cot ton Growers' Association make himself a cmmittee to see that a large turnout is had on April 8th, to hear their in terests discussed by Smith, McLaurin, and others Taken up at Mr. W. H. Gaillard's at DuRant's, a pair of roan horses, the owner can have same by proving the property and paying the expenses of care etc. Address W. H. Gaillard DuRant, S. C. Rev. A. N. Brunson, pastor of the Manning Methodist church has been honored with an invitation to preach the baccalaureate sermon for the Cita del commencement. Mr. Brunson is of the class of 1887.. Our' thanks are due Mr. L. Murray Fischer for a handsomely gotten up invitation to attend the commencment exercises of the South Carolina Colleg~e of Pharmacy which takes place this eveningat the Academy of Music. Miss Julia Sprott was the unfortunate loser of $20. on her way home from the bank to her dinner yesterday. She will be very grateful to the finder to return the money. There were three $5. and five $1. bills. Send your orders to'the United Syn dicate Buyers, 450 Broa~way, New York City, N. Y., big or little, they are in the centre of the metropolis and ex cte all orders to the very best advant age, looking~out for their clients' in terests. We are in receipt of an invitation to attend the marriage of Mr. Robert Lee Jones to Miss Rosa Lee Woodfield at UprSeneca Baptist church, Ce GrvMaryland April 12th. Mr. Jones is a son of Hon. Geo. R. Jones of Davis, and a young man who has won for himself a high stand in the business world. We wish for him and his, much success and many joys. Last Thursday afternoon the dwel ling house of Mr. D. R. Lloyd about one mile from Manning together with its contents was destroyed by fire, caused it is thought from a stove flue. One bureau, sewing machine and two feather beds was all that was saved, and among the things of value destroy ed was a'new piano recently bought. We are glad however that Mr. Lloyd had 900 insurance, while it will not comensate his loss, it will be of great helpto him. W. E. Jenkinson Co. is out this week ;iu a large trade searcher and what he offers are at tempting prices. Read the prices he quotes, then go and see the goods. Jenkinson is no bluffer, he means business in everything he says and does in his store. Of course what he says when~ buggy riding does not count,because his speeches on these ccasions are stereotyped and his conm panions, one and all, get handed to hemthe same spiel, but when it comes to selling to goods he has the eye of an eagle that can see away off, and a heart that has a feeling away down for thel man or woman that wants to exchange' money for goods. Go to see Jenkinson's Died at Yorkville last Sunday. .Mr. John A. Barrou. brother of Mlrs. F. N. Wilson of this town. The deceased formerly lived in Mianning, where he practiced law and edited a newspaper, the Clarendon Enterprise. Mr. Barron was a general favorite, and especially with the ladies. He had delightfully entertaining manners, and was a man with a fine sense of humor. Although a bachelor, he loved little children. and they loved him. MNr. ".Iohnny" was everybody's friend. Ran Away From Home. Corns. bunions. warts leave home when Dr. Kiag's Corn Salve getS after them, and though it only costs 10e., is guaranteed same as if sold for a dollar. hat's King's way always. Sold by Dr. W. E Brown & Co. Ned Mack who was to be hanged on Friday has been granted a respite by Governor Heyward until the 28th inst., upon the-recommendation of Solicitor Wilson. A strongly signed petition as forwarded to the governor, urging im to commute the sentence, but the overnor referred the matter to .udie Klugh and Solicitor Wilson, the former leelined to make any recommendation but the latter, inasmuch as some hought there was a doubt about the ;anity of the condemned man, Solicitor Wilson recommend a respite in order to ave an expert examination made. Plans to Get Rich ire often frustrated by sudden break lown, due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up and take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They take out the materials which are clogging your energies, and give you a new start. Cure headache and dizziness too. At The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. 25c Guaranteed. It will be recalled that Mr. Joseph Sprott had his pocket picked of a watch belonging to Mrs. Sprott, and on last Monday a negro by the name of Sam Frierson who lives on the Berry place ear Trinity was arrested in Sumter. Frierson attempted to dispose of the watch at Bultman's jewelry store, Mr. Bultman suspecting the watch to be ;tolen, turned the negro over to Police man Weeks, who locked him up. Po iceman Weeks learning from the negro that he was from Clarendon, called on the writer to learn if anybody had lost i watch, we told him of Mr. Sprott's oss and described the watch, he then showed it to us and our indentification f it was complete. Telegraphic com-. unication was at once had with Mr. prott and Sheriff Gamble, armed with i warrant, went to Sumter yesterday morning for the prisoner. Frierson :laimed on Monday to us that he found the watch between the bank and the irtesian well in front of the court ouse. He is now in jail hei'e. - Forget About Your Stomach. [f your digestion is bad the vital organs )f your body are not fed and nourished is they should be. They grow weak d invite disease. Kodol Dyspepsia ure digests what you eat, cures indi Yestion and all stomach troubles. You 'orget you have a stomach from the very day you begin taking it. This is >ecause it gets a rest, recuperates and radually grows so strong and healthy hat it troubles you no more. Sold by rhe R. B. Loryea Drug Store. The Mutual boys had a record-break ng opening last evening, and their vis tors appreciated the beautiful display, he ladies especially, were carried away way with the embroidery exhibit and nany a yard of it did they carry away rith'them. There is no doubt about the ~Iutual having, this season, an elegant ie of dress goods, the finest they have ~ver carried. Their millinery depart nent was not decorated with a lot of iesand bunting, but Miss Burkhead :ertainly'did irave her artistically trim med hats so arranged as to attract the mdmiration of the large crowd of visi ors, who seemed to enjoy the evening 3.nd the polite attentions of the Mutual] eople. This store has adopted a :novel idvertising plan. They give away ~ickets, and the lady holding the lucky 2umber when the drawing is made is resented with a beautifully trimmed at. There is no gambling feature bout this, but the scheme is on the ,rinciple of giving a rebate ticket with each purchase. The opening display ontinues all through this day and seenng. Ballot-Box Stuffing Allowed. As previously announced, a hand some ring, mounted in genuine rubies ad pearls, of pretty design was donat ad by a Philadelphia lady to the build ng fund of the Hannah Levi Memorial ibrary, and this ring wili be voted to the most popular lady at one cent per vote. There is placed a ballot box in ach store with envelopes, the voter writes the name of the lady chosen on he envelope and the money contained i the envelope when opened repre ents the number of votes cast. For in stance one cent reprtesents one vote, 81 eepresents 100 votes. Each day these boxes will be opened and the number )f votes each lady receives will be re ported to Mr. S. R. Venning, at whose jewery store the ring is on exhibition, who will post it, so that each day, until the close of the contest the voters will know how the vote stands. On the evening of May 1st., the final result will be declared, and the lady having received the highest number will be given the ring. The proceeds from ontest will go into the library build ing fund, and we hope a goodly sum of money will be raised by this means. Here is an opportunity for our people to display their patriotism, the money raised from this contest goes to a grand purpose, one which this town should be vitally interested in, and we believe there will be a pleasant rivalry, be cause we are all interested in the one grand purpose-the building of a suita ble house for our publiei library. We hope every merchant and clerk will electioneer for their respective boxes, see which store can secure the most votes, and let every citizen inter est himself in the contest, and if we are as zealous in this matter as we are when interested in a county or munici pal contest there will be a nice round sum to be added to the building fund. This is one time when a voter is not restricted to a single ballot, the votes may be cast early and often, and no registration certificate, oath or po011 lst required. Youog men do uot think this ballot is confined to young lady contestants, a married lady has as much right to be! voted for as the most beautiful six-I teener, and if left to us, we would urge the married men to give the young chaps a hot chase for this very pretty jeweled circle: a married woman could' place that ring upon her index finger and wear it as conspicuously as the smartest girl that every pulled her skirts around her -the girls always hold their skirts with the hand the rings are on. Boys, if we were you, we would see to it that the prize goes to your best girl, your mother may not 'need it, and some other fellow should look ut for your sister, but we do not intend to dictate how to vote. In this contest everybody votes for his choice, and all that'it costs is one cent per vote, with the grand and glorious priv ilege of voting as many votes as you will. as often as you please. liotice. All members of the Hampton Light Dragoons are hereby ordered to meet at their parade grounds, at Panola, April 7th, at 10 o'clock, a. mn., sharp, fully armed and equipped. By order BIYYnx HARVIS, Orerly Sergeant. Everybody Come! Manning will be honored CXt Satur day with the presence of a number dis tinuished gentlemen. some of whom re Hon. E. ). Smith, President. of the Stite (rotu owers' Association:Ton. F. HI. Weston. Secretary: Mr. F. H. Hvatt, Treasurer; Hon. John L. 'Mc Liurin. and Ilon. Richard I. Manning These gentlemen are invited here to urge the farmers to aid in the great movement looking to the organization 1 of the farmer on a plain, practical busi ness basis, that he may obtain a fair price for his cotton This is a move ment which, if properly understood, must appeal to the good sense of every man, and where it has been properly presented all interests have combined I for the one purpose. We want every farmer, white and colored, to come to Manning next Saturday. This should be an occasion when every man should feel it his duty to see after his neigh bor and urge his presence at the meet ing, and he should aiso use his influence towards urging the colored farmers to hear these speeches. At Simter last Mlonday, the court house could not hold the crowd, and the meeting adjourned to the opera house which was also filled. At this meeting there was a goodly number of representative col red farmers, some of whom told us they were going home and urge their friends to back up the white man in this fizht. In an interview with Sena tor McLaurin, lie told us, that there are two counties in South Carolina he felt especially close to. One is Claren don and the other Greenville, that while in all of the counties he has many friends, Clarendon and Greenville have been specially kind to him. and he would make sacrifices to go to either of these counties when the people call him, that he would be in Manning Saturday unless some Providential cause prevents. He went on and said: "Tell thl people of Clarendon I am more anxious to see, and talk to them than they can possibly be to see and hear me talk. I will be with them and do my best to give them good advice." About Rheumatism. There are few diseases that inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of rem edies have been suggested. To say that it can be cured is therefore a bold state ment to make, but Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale, has met with great success in the treat ment of this disease. One application of Pain Balm will relieve the pain, and hundreds of sufferers have testified to permanent cures by its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such quick relief and costs but a trifle? For sale by The R. B'. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. Persons having the following or other books of mine will confer a favor by returning: Shakespeare, green back Volume, tissue paper and gilt edge: Krentza Sonata, by Tolstol: Lives of Great Commanders: The Leopard's Spots, by Dixon: Looking Backward, y Edward Bellamy: History of the Lowry Gang in N. C., and some other books that I cannot mention. J. H. LESESNE. BeTh kid You Have Always Bought signature of . c4? die The Murder Case in Valdosta. Valdosta, April 1.-The commitment iaring of A. L. Frierson, charged with the murder of J. E. Flood, some time ago, and Mrs. J. E. Flood, acces ory to the killing, was held here this ~fternoon before Judge Griffith, of the City Court. The main witness was lit le John Flood, stepson of the murdered an, who saw the tragedy. Frierson vas bound over to answer for murder, tnd MIrs. Flood held as accessory after he fact. Eer bond was fixed at $1,000. i number of witnesses were sworn, and large crowd attended the preliminary nearng c ccasionally vou see a woman in mourning who looks as if she actually mnjoyed it. A man doesn't necessarily have to have a stroke of* paralysis in order to become paralyzed. When two persons tackle a duet it looks as if they ought to sing it in half the time one could-but they can't. Bears the TeKind You Have Always Bought signatue Now is the time to take a spring tonic. By far the best thing to take is turray's Iron fixture. It makes pure blo'd and gets rid of that tired feeling.- At all drug g-ists. 50c a Bottle. Or Direct from THE MURRAY DRUG COMPANY, Columbia, S. C. New Livery Stable Summerton, S. C. We will always have on hand good teams and vehicles to hire, and espe cial attention will be given to the onveying of drummers to different points. Bring your horses to our stables to be fed. Rhame & Smith. OUZON, The Staple and Fancy Grocer, arriea full and complete line of Green and Prched Corfees. Sugars, G rits. Meal and all Hcavy Groceries. You can tind on my shelves, right fresh Can ned Meats of all kinds, including such delica ies as Chicken. Tonguc. Chipped Beef. Lob ters. Shrimps. etc. I have the entire garden of freshly .canned Vegetables of the staple variety, including far ol Boston Baked Beans. Of the easily digested cereal preparations I arry, among others. Force. Shredded Wheat. Cream of Wheat. etc.. all of which is delicious. healthful and nutritious-the very food for dys peties and invalids. You want Condiments. None are better than HEIlS CELEBRATED PICKL.ES, MUSTARDS, and his varied line of appetizing relishes. I cow ithe time to buy your Jellies and Pre serves. Come to MOUZON'S for them. I keep all the time a full line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. You can get your breakfast, dinner and sup per from my store. I can feed the toiling la borer or the fastidious epicure: the irritable dyspeptic and the pettish invalid. SQUARE DEALING, live and let live, with olden rule prices covers my motto. Before buying for your table call and see . B. MOUZON, The (arooer'. Kodl Dyspepsia Cure ni..sts wat+ yu at. I BUSINESS LOCALS. The Furniture Man. Levi Block. tf] For Neck Wear see .1. H. Rigby. .enkiuson Co Grand display tomorrow and next day. string music. Plant Wood's tested and true Wheat Seed. The R. B. Loryea. Drug Store. Fancy Vest beautiful assortment at J. H. Rigby's. Two (2) Druggists at The Prescrip tion Drug Store. Capers & Co.. Prop's. For fashion, fit and finish-There's none better made, Dee-Vee Shoe for men at J. H. Rigby's. For Rent-A nice six-room house on Church street, near Methodist chureb. W. P. LLegg. Tlhoroughbred Barred Plymout.hj1 Rock Eggsfor sale at $1. per setting. J. F. Dickson. tf. I Legg & Hutchiuson are offering big bargains in good secondhand Buggies, Carriages. Wagons. and Harness on easy terms. D. Hirschmann's grand Millinery Opening will take place Thursday, 6, all day. Come one, come all. A grand line of Hats will be shown. Jenkinson Co Great Millinery Open ing Thursday and Friday 6 and 7 music. We will be in Summerton Tuesday April 11 to Saturday 15th, Inclusive making tine Photographs. Cloud3 weather no objection. Satisfaction uaranteed. Taylor & Beaty. Our grand MIllinery Opening will take place Thursday G, all 'day. Ladies you are cordiaily intvited. All are wel come. D. Hirschmann. You will find a pretty line of new Buggies, one and two-horse Wagons, single and double Harness, Men's and Boys' Saddles, Whips, Buggy Lap Dusters, Umbrellas, etc., at Legg & Hutchinson's Stables. Ladies, you are cordially invited to our grand Millinery Opening tomorrow all day. Come one, come all. D. Hirsch man. The greatest Millinery Opening .Ten kinson Co ever had Thursday and Fri day 6 and 7, music. Don't fail to visit J. H. Rigby's store, Many bargains there. Wood's Wheat Seed is the best. The R. B. Lorvea Drug Store. M. M. Krasnoff,formerly of Manning, now in New York, has opened up a job bing house, and has bargains to offer in drg goods. clothing, notions, ladies ap parel, etc. , He is also a resideu, buyer, who is able to save you 25 per cent. on purchases entrusted to him. He solicits trial order to convince his merchant friends of what he can do. Address Cohen & Krasnoff, 214 Canal street. New York. For Sale. Old Presbyterian church building. For particulars apply to W. S. Harvin, ,hairman, b'ld'g com. 0TH E H EGE LOG BEAM SAW M IL L WITH HEACOCK-KING FEED WORKS ENGINEs AND BoILEE5, WooDwoEEDTG MAcmINERY. COrrON GINIG. BEICE AND $SaINa XE AN~D LATH M.cINR. CORN IIILs. ETo., ETC. GIBBES MACHINERY CO..) Columbia, S. C. THE GIBBES SHINGLE MACHINE Fire Insurance 1 represent ' some of the . oldest and strongest fire insurance companies do ing business in the Unit ed States, and respect- - fully solicit a share of your patronage. . R. SP R -T Overworked KIDNEYS. Murray's Buchu, Gin and Juni per is prescribed and endorsed by eminent physicians. It cures when all else fails. Prevents Kidney Dis ease, Dropsy, Bright's Disease. etc. At all drug stores. $1.00 a Bottle. Or direct from | TlE MURRAY DRUG COI1PANY, Columbia, S. C. ..THE.. R. B. LORYEA DRUG STORE, ISAAC M. LORYEA, Prop., Sign of the . . . Golden Mortar, Beg to inform their many friends and custom ers that they are prepared to supply their wants with their accustomed celerity. We carry a full and complete line in every de- - prtment of the DRUG BUSINESS and every attention is, shown to the wa~nts of their customers. For Many Years We have endeavored to give the very best at tention to our customers' wants, and feel that we have succeeded. Our stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES and CHEMICALS i complete in every particular and every and any demand can be supplied. WVhen in need of PURE DRUGS and MEDI CINES call on us and we can give you general sA ORDERS receive our careful andim mediate attention on day of receipt. We hope for your kind patronage which for ye - we have earnestly striven to merit. ISAAC M. LORYEA, Proprietor, Sig-noftbce Golden Mortar -~ MANNINC, S. C. "rP-HONiE NO. 2.: Bring your Joh Work to The Times office Rhame's Drug Store, A For a few days only makes this Special Offer: One box (old style) Col gate's Violet Talc....... 2Sc. And one one box Allan's - 1L Borated Talcurn.. 25c. CILG&fELTotal 50C. F or. . . . .. . . ...... '15c. Remember, this offer closes as soon as this notice i iemoved. wt Dainty People \/ VIOCF18t~ Toilet Soap, delightfully perfumed Violet Soap, 5c and 15c the cake, at RAAME'S DRUG STORE. Turkish Bath Soap i Needs no introduction. RHAME'S DRUG STORE. When You Shave Use COLGATE'S SHAVING SOAP and let your face get smooth and free from bumps. Three styles at Rhane's Drug Store, 10 and 25c. Fairy Soap, Seven (7) cakes for 25c.. at Rhame's Drug Store, SUM IERTON, S. C. -&E UE 100......... ITHIS SPACE Points the way to big Sv ings for you. We have Bargains in everydeat ment.E We Ulldel'lby all( Uldel'sell f0' Cash l Remember we sell Milli nery at about half price. ~J. W cED The Cheapest Store inthe State. L.evi Bloc1L.. ~00 Some Reasons Wihy We Are Aways L~k-Wo -~ Our Spring Stock is one of the most I beautiful ever offered in Sumter. 40- .,. - Our lines are usually exclusive, dif ___ ferent from others, and this is what the 2 - ladies like~ We know the new from the old and those who do .not will not be imposed - upon. If uncertain what to purchase for the - ew Easter Gown or how to make it we can tell you. Some Other Reasons. We are selling abutai (washable) i SSilks, 20 inches wide at 20 cents per Oyard. Less by the mile. 7-Ten styles of beautiful Foulard Silks to select from -at 50 cents, their real WPvalue is nearer 75 cents. t h36 inch Silk Warp Eoliennes, exqnu Ssite shadings, including Black, 50 cents. w 24-inch Crepe de Chenes, any ev en ifing Shade, warranted pure Silk, 50 \cents, and similar values in every de Spartment. -2 Our Spring Millinery Opening will be held on April 6th. We shall ep deavor to make the occasion a pleasant ) one for the ladies: Very truly, Sumter, S. C. go- Sli0Furniture on easy Payments Most Wonderful Sale _ __ _ OF F it right now at wonderful bargains. Nothing is more serviceable than a good matting. We have a great assortment f China and Japan Mattings in plain white and new colored designs. OWe buy such goods as these in tremendous lots so as to get the best discounts and can afford to sell at very lowpriees, espe ei-ly when we really wish to sell off a lot of good Mattins. We have any kind you may want from 10 c. yard to 30c. yard. Picture Frames. S When you are moving or fixing up the house for spring, don't _ Sfail to get some new picture frames. They do a great deal to Imake things look new and fresh. If you have a specially old picture that you value very highly on account of associations, bring it here and let us frame it properly. Any price from c. a foot to 50c. SCLocks- That Keep Time. We are showing now a big line of good Clocks. All kinds, but they are all of the finest workmanship and keep perfect time. Some of the finer clocks are beauties for'the parlor, while -the plainer ones keep good time for the hall, dinig room or bed Sroom, Alarm Clocks that will wake you up on time. They ring Sjust at the time you set them for. S Special prices nowv on all Clocks. 75c. to $10. Big line of Crockery. Chinaware of every descrlption. Corn peesets for dinner, breakfast or tea, or single and odd piees just ayou want the~m. OUR CROCKERY PRICES ARE LOW._ 00Coplet Lime Elo0f NeW Fuitlre'. ofWe are selling all kinds of new Furniture in sets and all sorts of prtyodpieces. Prices that cannot be duplicated any where on the same quality of goods. Buy Your EURNITURE from T H E F URNITUR E M AN. S . L KRASNOFF, IFUR NITURIE AND UNDERTAHING, Manning, S. C. - Funniture on Easy Payments N1I1 iifF