The treatment of Catarrh with antiseptic and 7 ) astringent washes, lotions, salves, medicated tobacco and cigarettes or any external or local application, is just as senseless as would be kindling a fire on top of the pot to make it boil. True, these give temporary relief, but the cavities and passages of the head and the bronchial tubes soon fill up again with mucus. Taking cold is the first step towards Catarrh. for it checks perspiration, and the poisonous acids and vapors which should pass off through the skin, are thrown back upon the mucous membrane or inner skin, .. producing inflammation and excessive flow of mucus, much of which is absorbed into the blood, and through the circulation reaches every part of the system, involving the Stomach, Kidneys and other parts of the body. When the disease assumes the dry form, the breath becomes exceedingly foul, blinding headaches are frequent, the eyes red, hearing affected and a constant ringing in the ears. No remedy that does not reach the polluted blood can cure Catarrh. S. S. S. expels from the circulation all offensive matter, and when rich, pure blood is again coursing through the body the mucous membranes become healthy and the skin active, all the disagreeable, painful symptoms disap pear, and a permanent, thorough cure is eficected. S. S. S. being a strictly vegetable blood purifier does not derange the Stomach and digestion, but the appetite and general health rapidly improve under its tonic effects. Write us about your case and get the best medical advice free. Book on blood and skin diseases sent on application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. A GRAND OPENING Of Spring Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods. You will find here the very newest and up-to-date Suits, Furnishing Goods 1.- ~ and Hats. We make a specialty of Extra Size, Stout and Slim Suits. On receipt of your letter we will send you swatches of Suits, if you are inter ested in any. In our Tailor Department we have Over 500 Samples for you to select your Suit or extra Pants from. . Suits made to your measure from 81 to 50. Pants from $3 to $12. 9 GRAN ITE1 H. BROWN'S CLOT=ING -IOU SEL, 224 KING ST., Opp. Academy of Music, o - "r. ro . - - S. C. All mail orders promptly attended to by a special salesman. CAROINA PORTLAND CEMET CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. S1e Selling A.gents 1 1 TDTI AN Fire Brick, Fire Tile, Arch Brick, Bull-Head and All Special Tiles. ALSO FINEST PREPARED FIRE CLAY. Carload Lots. Less Than Carload Lots. Look to Your Interest. Here we are, still in the lead, and why suffer with your eyes when you can be suited with a pair of Spectacles with so little trouble? We carry the Celebrated BAWKES Spectacles and 6lasses, Which we are offering very cheap, from 25e to $2.50 and Gold Frames at $8 to $6. Call and be suited. W. M. BROCKINTON. Watches and Jewelry. I wantimy friends and the public generally to know that when in need of a Wedding, Birthday or Christmas Present, That in the future, as well as the past, I am prepared to supply them. My line of Watches Clocks Sterling Silver Diarnonds Jewelry Cut Glass Fine China Wedgewood Spectacles and Eye Glasses Is complete, and it will afford me pleasure to show them. Special and prompt attention given to all Repairing in my line at prices to suit the times. AWatc Inspector.* L. W.- FOSM "S".C'" OLEAN-VAGENR HIARDVARE CO., (SUCCESSOR TO C. P. POPPENHIEDL) 363 KiNG STREET, .. CHARLESTON. S. C. Shelf Hardware a Specialty. -AGENTS FOR Buc0keye Mowers, iniiley Plows, Oliver Chilled Plows. --OF FC ER S: GEORGE A. WAGENER, President; GEORG~E Y. COLEMAN, vice President: L . BA 'LL, Secretary 'and Treasurer. Corespondence Solicited. mu .MOPPETT~. Cures Chb!ara-lfantuill, ~UDiarrhoea,Dyserntery, and ~~ the Bowel Troubles cf ~ Children of Any Age. - UGPOWES Aids Digestion, Psegulates COSS Oaly 25 cents at Driggists, *TCE nd aG Omail 25 cents to C. J3. MOFFETT. M. D., ST. LOUflS. MO. I have found Dr. Moffett's TEETt a speDd remd sn ai foi' :ee~n rslc Te cr n oldest thEE da o n drc eato. I a e asatyk t :n sed po sce wit -t kdc. n . BRING YOUR Job Wcrk TO THE TINES OFFICE. I- w woo' 0" n + 0~ ""eq. Cj 00 :1 0 11 . :r rr C i C =v 7z C toot to .:- "T 20 -}"ycc 2: + . 2 r:. I i 2 . : _. 2 r +. .:OC 7C ZO rr-7" A 7 21 t0 " " ...a .+ ..: 20 G 2.7 .... 01 r+ it r-+ F"+ i:. iv to r" 7C CY C x t:. "-+ , 0'r c t.: p-, O 7 to, C_ to Z= CIT Ct I 4c, Z.: ZZ - to C-,, to to C OC t0 2vClT +.:" ti CVCZ to C-tw aCZIO _ OD a or, C tD ZZ P;'- V1 r"+ C t7 OC w ri+ C? - cc O x OC CTto20 V1wC".w :tZ --}.^.G." vTZ"D- -7 - f-'." Aw CC ZZ 1.4 to ACCCT. i:- .Cw?'?"-7 cz=czCT C:ri" rr " C J " a . C f" + c: r to -z; t0 Cr " CT -+ to -7 Cl W+ r+ C r to : x 20- a .>a.+rZo x c Oct...c Axr"QrTcc .ca ," -.7 coD-3 to j 0: - to ZO A .. Z.7 to a ti ":, F-+_ .. CTCCACc C'tto -7...r.+A:.'r':"..^_C P )- COC'r1-7-J to "-- to CT z o to to to 2,:r Z - to to C CC :- .-":.:..r+OC:.T:.: C-70...00 t.:.CtO CC> 0 VT "- 2J '-+ r O to. - Ct : F+ b-+ r-+ ri to cc + - ~ t~ a " zI: .:..z.:-7^G: OD'1AAto to c::ctaCZ cz cC'T OC"DOZ. 00 to ac C "rC1occ:T --C? to -C? c -" to cc a c- r+ + 1- '-' to -' W :. Zo Ct . A oc':-o :-oo-:.acoo.c::zCtctoAatoza.."aa O c -- " to to 7^CtCZto ":-to , WZOtoQa zu to c" - &c- cc ac . c CC? r?2oGtQA- C? C 2:. :-_wr VT to-7-.7" CZ - ,c.2 aWccc C? . cCT a CIA CT "". Z-3 IvaOC- +'- +CC: rt" CTQCOWCeWto Cwt .- . "+ r . x- " Q "+ 1Cto iv" C-7CZOC?..L to - O j to C'T r+ -7 to to tA to H 20 .+... r"+ W Ct COCCtor^. 7'w'17 -+OCGZ 2QVIaCQr:-Q :tW000r+C GT h"J A 0 2ti' G't ':- 7 + .i^ " C '?. CO w ZO C7 'F- t to C --" " to W G to C 20 r ..j to C r. to a ZC w W to to ZO to t + to to to C 7 r ::"Or, CQC'CCZ-2000'TAa-70AOC7to -4 0 1 toZO)-A -7 aCtto VI rto CT +f- a;N tito to ato CCto to to cc" to to " tiwCJto t:+to. " . . t to" to to to W - to + H+ . t r ia to CZG'wv: - " C'- CC"00 toCO ODt -7CTC. a CC A C-t . a ZO Ct CT o: W to to r w - to ZD W -7 ! '?C72vaG1Ar000C': t\'+C-7CCCr-'" CCOA " toZO C? W to -4 .. . Tte a t-+ a 1 c.7 " OCR-:I:OD a-Oto aCcz -C't rCCCCtC: C? - '? -+r+C"t" Ctto" " a-" af+" " ZC -tocGCO to I to I tS 01=c r-L OD Q71 1.4 to to to to r+ to ANNOUNCEMENTS. For State Senate. TOTILE VOTER:S OF CL:AItENDON COI'N ty:-Some time ao I announced in Tii: MANNN 'LmEs that I would not be a candi date for any ofAice in thc coming election, and -+ until very recently I had fully intended to pur suc this cours. but rcent developments with pWrsonal appeals ane ptitions (unsolicited on my part) fores mc to reconsider. nn I now an nounce myself a candidate for State Senator frW. thicounty. subject to all the rules gov erning thc Democratic primary and thc ;general election and will abide the result. C. M. DAVIS. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS: I AM A candidate for re-election to the State Sen ate. upon the platform, constitution and rules of the Democratic party. I have served in that honorable position one term and feel that I have given the people a conscientious service. __________________- _____ I am opposed to rings, cliques and combina tions, and if re-elected will use my best efforts Wmn. Elliott. to resist the encroachments of monopolies that R.are fast making themselves manifest by the combination of corporations. I favor a still fur Jno. Gary Evans. , ther reduction in our taxes and believe I have a .plan by which Clarendon county can get her neededl improvements without an increase of Jno. . Hemphill. the present tax rate. nRespectfully. LOUIS APPELT. D. S. Henderson. For County Superintendent Education. Geonge Johnstone. HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN didate for re-election to the office of County A. C. Latimer. Superindent of Education in the coming pri mary. subject to the requirements of the Dem ocratic party. L. L. WELLS. Martin F. Ansel. THE FRIENDS OF S. P. HOLLADAY .feel that his constant and unswerving fidel ity to the Democratic cause midst all circum TD. C. Heyward. stances should be recognized: we therefore < place his name in nomination for the office of W. Jasper Talbert County Superintendent of Education in the en suing primary election. e FRIENDS. James H. Tillman. For County Supervisor. . PON THE SOLICITATION OF MANY . . i rn friends I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Supervisor, subject to the ac tion of the primary. With years of experience _________________________________________Cole L. Blease. t~ in road-building I believe I can. if elected. keep _________________ the roads satisfactory to all the people of Clar [. endon County. . L. JOHNSTON. Fernk B. Joae. - ________ O HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN JonT4lon didate for re-election to the office of County TSupervisor, subject to the rules of the Demo ncratic party. and If elected will endeavor, as I Austn. ~ have in the past, to administer the affairs of the .. Thomas office for the best interests of the general pub . o lie. T. C. OWENS. J. T. Gantt. IFor Magistrate at Paxl le. SHAVDVG BEEN URGED BY FRIENDS. I J. Harvey Wilson. hereby announce myself a candidate for S - theposition of Magistrate at Paxvillc under the ,o-_ -~ rules of the Democratic party. U. X. Gunter, Jr. Cf. L. S. BARWICK. W. F. Stevenson. For Magistrate in Salem. ____ ________ HERE BY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CAN S - IState date for Magistrate in Salem. and pledge to R. H. Jennings. ree~s abide the decision of the primary. BAD S.J C. HortRn. N. W. Brooker. j0 HS E A. W. Jones. OF W..,hre ALL KINDS, G. P. Walker. FOR John J. McMahan. ALL PURPOSES. 0. B. Martin. e " SPECIAL BRAND " Corn Whiskey.... $ 1 25 nPOPLAR LOG" Corn Whiskey.1 50 .POPLAR LOG," Old. Smooth, Mellow. 200 Pau E Ar PRIVATE STOK." 4-qt. case........250 PalE"yr PIAESOK"1-t ae.... 0 0c HUNTING CREEK" Rye. 12'qt. case 700 J. 0. Boyd. ' HUNTING CREEK" Rye,. 1-qt. . ase ...................10 00 Apple Brandy ...................... 50 John D. Frost. Charge of 25c. for -gal.. 35c. for 2-gal., and 4Tc. for 3-gal. jugs, and Kes. for 4.-gal. kegs: cr. when returned prepald, they w ill be taken back John M. Patrick. at cost. George D. Rouse. J. C. SOMERS & CO., James Cansler. OSrLES .-- STATES ViLLE, North Carolina. B. L. Gaughman. W. Boyd Evans. THOUSANDS SAVED BY . . eprd. jj I ' -f IC !D Henr . ubeille.Thswneflmdcnpoi H. Prince. moiHyeerPlusL Jate; Woens an Jru adWhonn-ou upritndn Evrybote Ed-ted. at G.aWoning; Cue.NoPy.Prceman& 1 ~7~7 '* ral ot Se ate Geo ~ Iegre ITe:-S. ometie ao Dru annoe nTi i. C. GalMAhat.NG TEver attat i wul o be w candt da ors an ofiesecia int the co p:eeoal utio vsiy orcnl hadule nten to pct H.Bpihado. orsoinaaes l anofiio(nolctdo my part) forGen eto'ese.anInoa JohnCinLnhathan D Hocatsayad heea ____________election handleill abids u thse c 3. W. Knnedy. e.can.garantee __________--Ou TEiDEorATIC DepaTERS Is prAMpA J dg tecarg ndidte are-eecin tou tailosn M.Wnh r'are, epernted wtormn.tto n ue L. isher of ut Dmcatic pary. ihv sufficien ta hono__ ~rab e tosfit o Coe tr s eel hv gCivenn J the DepeAVcnsIentou ser. H.I.Jhamn Kin rns Wlesnandrcombina combinapson.oF croain.ldvo astilfr Jonp.DilanViw by wihCArendon utan Dythe S. . ol. . ned oimoems thaningisterae of thembition.t Thouretatsptehi Fo__ ret Youn nl uestetEducatheon. didfat orere-etion ke oofich re-ont 3. W Herot. l Suieesrint of wokEdiestiningheourinfood. maryt soonjetors thoeqiets oma tne.m S. . ouocraI tiprety.e.n.ingL. feel_____ thatisfstngnsevngfd 3iJtyadn.~~ tthDeortccuenmistcircum Jos E.Ricborg.j Mg. estn. sold oan be rcogiesw thereforiee S or.TheR. .Foryeant rupervstore A.ind IJerhyRnnunehmsefuacadi tion. eefs.theNay WtUCaofExpree H. B eaedonnCOy TOW CLL AONTON LTS awc.~ HEEB ELLUCEMSEL' CN CA to Oount craticpibonsrWhic and itleted upwih endeao.a haveepa to amse the r s of the J. E Berd.ic. T. C.oOWENS 3. . urbFire.MAIrat CtTPavile HV AVIHGobs.BHAENGRGEDYFINSI ruesofe wmcrtic neates.a ry. dspath.. .S. BARWIC. . e.AForia MagistateinSlm dateeOwnsord Man-istrtenaed. adpldet abidethedeciionnftthofriEry at Mnnin; ~aemanJ. . WELLS. bsardTubeicfr anigWieIsEBlcT ,nd have a few good Farm Horses and Mules on hand to dispose f at close figures. Also a lot of One and Two-Horse Wagons-the genuine old -~wwwPiedmont rIake.ww one better. Yes, we have the best line of BUGGIES on the market for on to select from. Try one and be convinced. MOWERS, (the best yet.) siorne SELF=DUfP RAKES, DISC HARROWS & Cultivators. All of which will give satisfaction and save time as well as Loney. TERMS REASONABLE. COME TO SEE US. AV. P. HAWKINS & CO. !OBACCO SOLD For more money the past week at the "almetto Warehoise, TIMMONSVILLE, S. C., ian it has sold for in years. Our average is from $10 to $25. We have no tickets turned, no dissatisfied customers; every )dy well pleased all the time. We Have Ten Good Buyers, iough to protect you. We have large Stemmeries to handle your bacco. It is exported direct to the foreign markets from here. Try the PALMETTO and you will come again; you will niot ,gret it. )ur Prices Are High Every Day. It does not take fine tobacco to bring fine prices at the PAL= ETTO WAREHOUSE; just what you have will bring high ices at the PALMETTO. Try us sometimes. Your Friends, 'REDWAY & McELVEEN, Proprietor R. F. BETTS, Auctioneer. - SDORN YOUR PERSON'C oln rrao. : DORN YOURIHOME.* - ine Jewelry, Fine Silver- Cm n o pe;: ware, Cut Glass, China,ChretnS.. Bric-a-Brac, Pict-__ ures, Mirrors, WMPS AND ELEGANT NOVELTIES, A E' hieLm Watches of the Best Hsn qa o u~tsrnt n lianufacturers. Coeae akdi ev opr All goods handled are sold aeanStnrdoorge with a guarantee. As elr nPrln eet I do not handle any plated PprTraCtaPpec ware, therefore everything bought from me can be relied upon as being of the best. L CA14f All goods bought from me 'lIgVr .Jl~~~ wil.' be Engraved REE OF CHARGE. My repairing department .is:P1LIU under my personal supervis ion and I guarantee all workORNBUGs.C entrusted to me. Come to see me. Earnest A. Buitman, Beufuanhalflloti. SUI1TiiR, S. C.Areinwt. Prpae amorrepredStonegotoaeloan good real estate security, on rea-woktea. nable terms.caaouanpaicar rt R. 0. PURDY, Peiet WINTH ROP OI.IEGE Tbalwowudlktohvtei ~hoarship and Entrance Examina-Prseclanse hnwTiorn rerifMceonsin-in~ larips iithrop Colleead or ahe L.LntDNA t-t CourtI Hou onFriday. Julyh t th >plicants mu t.not be itss than fifteen years ff .they v~ be award o ths mkng te ch net sesicn ill ope September 17, 1902. 'o futer ennformation and a cataloue ad Rock Hill. S. C. APYT '0 CONSUMERS OF WLO uAT Lager Beer. e..ace&s We are now in position to ship our 1FARSO ser all over the State at the following 'ices: EXPOR T. perial Brew-Pints, at $1.10 per doz. ~_ lffheiser-Pints, at....90c per doz. rmania P. M.-Pints, at 90c per doz. - ERMAN MALT EX TRACT. A liquid Tonic and Food for Nursing.. others and Invalids. Brewed from= e highest grade of Barley Malt and ____________ lported Hops, at....S.10 per doz. For sale by all Dispensaries, or send Dos ah lns vour orders direct. ill orders shall have our prompt and M udn n ulig reful attention. ash must accompany all orders.Maea, T HI ECH RETNS.C ERMANIA BREWING CO.,SahWits ndCd, ~~~~~~Charleston, s.cS.dwr n Pan. B~ugyou Jo Wok t Ti aes agie Wind SandFard~ CoosaSncal CLARENDON HOTEL, J. M. BAGNAL. Prop., MANNING. - - - S. C. RATES $1.00 PER DAY. Special IRates to Regular Boarders FOR SALE. o A town lot measuring about one acre, high and well located. For par ticulars apply to LOUIS APPELT. INSURANCE FIRE. LIFE. ACCIDENT & BURGLARY INSURANCE. Tailor=Made Clothing: Y FIT GUARANTEED. A FULL LINE OF SAMPLES. Also Ready-Made Suits, Mackin toshes and Rain Coats. J. L. WILSON. Like Giants THE Field! S TAN D S WHEELER'S TONIC, Preventing, Retarding and Vanquishing the at tacks of CHILLS AND FEVER. WHEELER'S TONIC Is simply a --Survival of the Fittest." Many chill and fever tonics have their day and vanish into oblivion as "a tale that is told," but WHEELER'S '?'ONIC Continues to be the ultima thule of Chill and Fever Tonics, And has become by its great merits a household necessity in thousands of homes. Eradicate Chills tic, Fe'ver By using that sovereign Remedy, WHEELER'S TONIC. Time tests all things and time has tested the efficacy of WHEELER'S TONIC. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, ISAAC M. LORYEA, Prop. Sign of the Golden Mortar. t 'PHONE NO. 2. - MANNING, S. C. THE b Bank of Manning, el MANNING, S. C. t Transacts a general banking busi ness. Prompt and special attention given to depositors residing out of town. Deposits solicited. All collections have prompt atten ion. Business hours from 9 a. mn. to 2 p. m. __ .JOSEPH SPROTT, A. LEVI, Cashier. President. BOARD OF DIRECToDS. . W. MICLEOD, -'W. E. BnowN,F S. M. NEISEN, JosEin SPRRT ~A. LEVI. Buggies, Wagons, road L Carts and Carriages. REPAIRE3D With Neatness and Despatch -AT R. A. WHITE'SF WHEELWRIGHT and BLACKSMITH SHOP. I repair Stoves, Pumps and run water pipes, or I will put down a new Pum p : heap. . - If you need any soldering done, give me a call. LAME. My horse is lame. Why? Because I dlid not have it shod by R. A. White, the man that puts on such neat shoes and makes horses travel with so much oi ease. SC We Make Them Look New. We are making a specialty of re painting old Buggies, Carriages, Road Carts and Wagons cheap. Come and see me. My prices will - please you, and I guarantee all of my work. Shop on corner below R. M. Dean's. R. A. WHITE, MANNiNG. S.C. a Money to Lend. ______hi Loans made on Improved Real Es tate. Interest at 7 per cent. d Time as long as wanted. Apply to J. A. WEINBERG, ~ Attorney at Law. '3 JA. WEINBERG, ATTORNEY AT LAw, MANNNING, S. C. JOS. F. RHUAME. 1- II- LESESNE. RHAME & LESESNE, I ATTORNEYS AT LAW, K MANNING, S. C. J. S. wILSON. w. C. DURIANT ILSON & DUIRANT, Allorneys and Counii'lors at Lau th MANNING, S. C. I C.DAVIS, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. R.J. FRANK GEIGER, DENTIST, MANNING, S. C. 'Pne No. 25.