The Manning times. (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, October 10, 1900, Image 3
Publishes All County and Town Of
ficial Advertisements.
MANNING. S. C.. OCT. 10, 1i00.
Great Damage.
You will do your pocketbook great
damage if you buy your Dry Goods,
Shoes and Clothing before you see what
the JENKINSON Dry Goods Store has
to offer you in the way of special uoar
A large and well selected stock of
Calicoes at 3t, 4. 5 and 6:e per yard.
Outinirs for Dresses at 5. Si. 8 and lc
per yard.
Fruit of the Loom Bleach by the bolt
at Sc per yard.
White and Black Imported Organ
dies. GG inches wide, for evening dresses.
at 40 and 50 cper yard.
Sea Island Homespun, yard-wide. only
Sic per yard. A pienty of these yard
wide goods on hand for all who come.
Beautiful Drill Homespuns at ;c per
If you want a nice Suit or a nice pair
of Shoes, the Jenkinson Dry Goods
Store is the place to find them.
Ladies. that nice dress you are think
ing about is right here. with all the
triunings to suit it.
Yours truly.
Notice is hereby given that no advertise
ments will be changed in this paper where
the copy is brought in later than Saturday
They say it will come off on the 25th.
Remnants. Remnants. at S. I. Till's.
How about a Lemon Phosphate now
at Brockinton's Fount.
Court convenes here next week His
Honor Judge Ernest Gary will preside.
Till's is the only cheap place in Man
Grape Juice deliciously refreshing at
Brockinton's Soda Fount.
When you come to court next week be
sure and pay THE TIMES editor a visit.
Lapiline Shampoo, 23 Shampoos for
25c. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
S. I. Till cuts the price and not the
value. See him.
MiW- Maude Wilson of Anderson is
visiting her friend Mrs. A. I. Barron.
All Ladies' Hats at cut price at S. I.
Brockinton's Soda Water. Bright,
sparkling. cold and refreshing.
When grades are taken into consid
eration, Manning is a first class cotton
You should see S. I. Till while you
are in town.
Soda Water. cold as it ought to be,
and sweet as you like it at Brockinton's.
Died last Friday on Santee near Jor
dan an infant of Mr. and Mrs. WV. G.
Fine Confections in artistic boxes.
The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
Mr. Frank Zemp of Camden has ac
cepted a position in the store of C. M.
Davis & Co.
Buggy Cushions. 25c: Shafts. $2.50:
Poles. .$5. Dashes to tit any buggy.
For sale by Legg & Hutchinson.
The lovers of nice things :o eat should
not fail to read Ninmmer's advertisment
in another column.
School Supplies for teachers and
their scholars. The R. B. Loryea Drug
The State fair should be a great suc
cess this year. We hope Clarendon
wil be well represented.
Toilet Requisites, Household Neces
sities, Delicacies for the table. The R.
B. Loryea Drug Store.
Miss Bessie Galluchat has returned
home from Charlottesville, Va., where
she has been visiting relatives.
Gentlemen, smoke The Pathfinder,
Our introduection, and Expert Cigars.
The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
THE TIES editor feels grateful for
the complimentary expressions he has
received on last weeks issue.
The "Star'' is a Smoothing Harrow
that will interest you. Call and see it
at Legg & Hutchinson's Stables
To be married on the 1-th, inst.. Dr.
J. W. Pittman and Miss Alice Turbe
ville, a daughter of Mr. S. C. Turbe
Grape Nuts, a food for Brain and
Nerve centres. Children thrive on
Grape Nuts. The R. B. Drug Store.
J. M. Turbeville, a son of Mr. WV.
J. Turbeville, and D. E. Turbeville,
a son of Mr. S. C. Turbeville, have en
tered Wofford college.
From S. I. Till's.
There will be a hot supper at Home
Branch school house Friday evening
19th, inst. for the benefit of Miss Jesse
Curtis' school. The public is cordially
Five hundred sets of Single and Dou
ble Harness must be sold this season.
That $6 Harness is a beauty. Legg &
Married this evening, at the resi
dence of Mr. Jeff M. Davis, Davis Cross
Roads. Mr. Connor WVells and Miss
Helen Benbow, a daughter of Mr. WV.
W. Benbow.
There is no friend like a good book.
Novels in Cloth and Paper Editions,
Poets and other literature at all prices.
The R. B. Loryea Druff Store.
The servant problem in this town is
something serious. Cooks, nurses and
washerwomen, seem to have an under
standing among them, not to work for
"de buckra"
Wood's tested Rye Seed, Cow Horn
and other varieties of Turnip Seed,
Yellow Danvers, Silver Skin, and
Pearle Onion Sets. The R. B. Lorvea
Drug Store.
Died at Foreston last Thursday night
of congestion of the brain Alva Black
well, a 16 year old son of the late M. J.
Blackwell. The funeral took place
at Oak Grove.
An unsurpassed assortment of Toilet
Soap. Perfumes, Extracts. Our own
Cologne prepared in our labortory is
acknowledged to be the peer of any.
The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
3The tax collector give you a cordial
iv:tation to call at his Aiicc Ion LI"
after the 15th. inst. --Ohdi Rock"' has
scraped the ruist oF! of his reus -o that
he can write recepsgby
Oh. yes: Oh. ye' That e ar loadl o
the famous "Aueor" Buggtes~ wil
sn be gone anid the buyers~ tcll. us
thev are delighed w.ithi their Bu~igles.
Another car of 30 are now. on the road.
The commissioners of election, State
and Fiederal, will meet in Manning next
Saturday to organize and appoint muan
tigers for the general election which
takes place November 6th.
We rceeived an interesting cominu
nication from our fellow townsman lMr.
W. H. Cole. which through some mys
terioi accident has gotten mniaplaced,
an ineident we regret very much.
\M '1. 'Moore. Clerk Council, Colum
bus. Ga.. writes: I have known TEETH
!NA TeethinZ Powders) to remove
worms wnen all other remedies failed.
Everybody sceems satistied with the
action of the executive committtee in
the Gamble-Davis contest, and it is
hoped that in the future there will he a
more strict compliance with party rules.
No other pills can equal DeWitt's Lit
tie Early Risers for promptness, cer
tainty and etticiency. The R. B. Lor
yea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Prop.
A gentleman living out of the county
owns 1311 acres of land about live
miles West of Manning which he has
placed in our hands for sakl. Parties
desiring to purchase can get prices at
this otlice.
This is the season when mothers are
aaried on account of croup. It is
quickly cured by One 'Minute ('ough
('ure, which children like to take. The
R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Lor
yea. Prop.
Died at Gaffney last Saturday at the
home of Rev. \V. H. Hodges. M1iss Daisy
Kennedy. aged 21 years. The deceased
was the daughter of Hon. W. H. Ken
nedy of Kingstree. and a niece of Ir.
J. E. Scott of this town.
The best method of cleansing the
liver is the use of the famous little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Easy to take. Never gripe. The R. B.
Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea,
Married at the residence of Mr. John
:ousar, the bride's brother. Oct. 3rd,
1900. Miss Corine, daughter of the late
Nelson Cousar Esq., to Mr. Robert W.
Wheeler. all Clarendon county. Rev.
.James McDowell officiating.
Torturing skin eruptions, burns and
sores are soothed at once and promptly
healed by applying DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, the best known cure for
piles. Beware of worthless counter
feits. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store,
Isaac M. Loryea. Prop.
R. A. Stewart Esq., has been nomi
nated as a candidate on the Republican
ticket for Congress. The Republican.
party in noking this selection bestowed
the compliment on one who has always
been a loyal representative of their
If put on a line. would reach nearly
one quarter of a mile. Largest ship
ment of One-Horse Wagons ever
brought to Manning can now be seen at
Legg & Hutchinson's Stables. The
--Russell" is its name: knocks out all
ompetition and is the greatest seller
on earth.
THE TIMES office ha: dicontinued
the use of the telephouc o,: account of
the raise in price. When the company
started they contracted to furnish the
'Phone" service at $1.50 per month,
now they have raised to $2.(0, and it is
too rich for our blood.
Feelings of safety pervade the house
hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure.
the only harmless remedy that pro
duces im'mediate results. It is infalli
ble for coughs.' colds. croup and all
throat and lung troubles. It will pre
vent consumption. The R. B. Loryea
Drug Store, isaac MI. Loryea, Prop.
One of the proudest men we have
seen in this town in many a day, was
M~r. H. J. Wheeler of Sardina yester
ay. He has been married six :ears,
and after five years of long and patient
waiting, on last WVednesday a bouncing
baby boy arrived at his honse.
It is well to know that DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and
stop the pain at once. It will cure
eczema and skin diseases and ugly
wounds and sores. It is a certain cure
for piles. Counterfeits may be offered
you. See that you get the original De
Witt's Witch Hiazel Salve. The R. B.
Loryea Drug Store. Isaac 31. Loryea.
We take pleasure in calling attention
to the advertisment of A. A. Strauss of
avesville, because a great many Clar
endon farmers go to that town with cot
ton and tobacco, and besides MIr. Strauss
has a wvell eqiuip~ped store at Summer
ton. Read what he says in another
We would thank our friends to supply
their wants for Sunday on the ptreceed
ing day. As there is no disposition
o our'part to evade the town laws and
and we give notice that only M1edicines
and Prescriptions will have our atten
tion on Sundays. We make this an
nouncement so'our friends will under
stand that we are not arbitrary or dis
obliging. The R. B. Loryea Drug
Wanted-A local agent to represent
the Washington Life Insurance Comn
uan of New York, in Clarendon coun
y. The most liberal contracts to agents.
Cn-to-date policies. Write at once with
reference to Leon P. Sawtell, Mlanager
Georgia and South Carolina. Ninth
Floor. English American Building,
Atlanta. Ga.
The R. B. Loryea Drug Store beg to
'inform their many kind patrons that we
observe the following hours: During
Ithe week our drug stoic is open fronm 6
a. m. to 9 p. mn.: Saturday mghts to
11:30. Sunday hours. 9. in to 12:30 p.
mn.: 3:30 to 6:30 p. mn. Night calls re
sponded to promptly and cheerfully by
our Pharmacist. Mr. J. E. Arant. Ph.
G. who resides at M1rs. S.\ A ells'
Died last Sunday morning at his home
about five miles North of \lanning M1r.
.Tohn S. Cole aged 75 years. The de
Iceased was one of Ciarendons most sub
santial citizens and highly esteemed
for his many fine traits of character.
The funeral which was largely attend
ed took place M1onday in the M1ethodist
church. and he was laid to rest in the
Manning cemetery. Rev. JIames M~c
Dowell officiated.
Do not get scared if your heart trotu
bes vou. MIost likely you suffer fromn
indiestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di
~ests what you eat and gives the worn
out stomach perfect rest. It is the
only preparation known that completely
digests all classes of foods: that is why
it cures the worst cases of indigestion
and stomach trouble after everything
else has failed. It may bec taken in all
onditions and cannot help but do you
good. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
Isaac M1. Loryea, Prop.
anning needs a steam laundry, and
if the owners of the knitting, null. or
the oil mill will attach to their power'
modern laundry machinery, they ca~n
make it a proitable investment. W e
do not believe that such an institution
ol be made protitable by itself. but
ttaced to power used for other pur
1)ose we believe money could be made
and at the same time relieve the people
of this town from a condition that is
bcoing an intolerable nuisance.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Bave Alway Bought
Beas the
"Seeing is Believing."
When you see people cured by a
remnecy, you must t'e&ve in Zfs vower.
Loo: arom:rd yo::. Friends, relatives,
n9ihbcrs '! say 'bod's S:a saparla,
imerica's G;c.::t I'ccicc, c:cr:scc .he
blood of their ccr c::es =:d Ifey risc cr
masse to s-n-7 ;x=. The s r.:'.*g
IAe it in theL zzor:2 0
Dr. W. I. Lewis, Lawrenceville, Va.,
writes. "I am using Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure in my practice among severe cases
of indigestion and find it an admirable
remedy." Many hundreds of physi
cians depend upon the use of Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure in stomach troubles. It
digests what you eat, and allows you to
eat all the good food you need. provid
ing you do not overload your stomach.
Gives instant relief and a permanent
cure. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store,
Isaac M. Loryea. Prop.
When we tell our readers that Man
ning is a good cotton market we do so
sincerely, because our buyers here do
not pay a fancy price for a fancy grade
and thereby advertise the market, but
they take the cotton as it comes and
pay the market price for it. We there
fore say. that everything taken into
consideration Manning is paying as
much for cotton as any other market.
If a bale of cotton happens to bring in
another a fourth of a cent more than in
Manning, and 200 are sold for the same
price as was given here, we do not hear
of the 200 bales at all. but there is a
great hula-baloo made over the one
bale. which possibly was bought in as a
bait. Bring your cotton to Manning,
and you will get full market price for
TEETHINA was first used by Dr.
Charles J. Moffet a graduate of Jeffer
son Medical College. Philadelphia, Pa.,
in his extensive and succesful treatment
of children in Georgia in overcoming
the troubles incident to teething and
hot eurmers.
TEETHINA ('fTething Powders) coun
tert.cts the e ct of hot weather and
keeps the digestive organs in a healthy
condition, and has saved the lives of
thousands of children in the doctor's
native State, where physicians pre
scribe and all mothers give it, and it is
criminal in mothers of our section to
allow their babes and little children to
suffer and perhaps die when relief can
be so easily obtained by giving Teethi
na. It costs only 25 cts. at druggists,
or mail, 25 ets. To C. J. MOFFET. M. D.,
St. Louis. Mo.
No Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face. form and
temper will always have friends. but one who
would be attraclive must keep her health. If
she is weak. sickly and all run down, she will
be nervous and irritable. If she has constipa
tion or kidney trouble. her impure blood will
cause pimples, blothes. skin eruptions and a
wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the
best medicine in the world to regulate stomach.
liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It
gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth. velvety
skin. rich complexion. It will make a good
looking. charming woman of a run-down invalid.
Only 50 cents at The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. 2
Jenkinson's Opening.
The old way of doing business has
been so changed that if one of the old
timers were to step into an up-to-date
store he would instinctively feel for his
change thinking himself in a show
which required an admission fee. The
greater part of ]ast week, that live and
hustling merchant W. E. Jenkinson
had his store converted into the at
traction of attractions, and by inform
ing the public through THE TIMES of
his opening, crowds took advantage of
the opportunity, and the whole week
his store was filled with purchasers. A
close observer mixing in that multitude
of buyers could gratify his curiosity by
studying the various class of buyers.
Thiere was the father laying in a win
tel' supply for the members of his
household, there was the mnother buy
ing those thmngs the father felt a deli
cacy in as king for, there was the
young man selecting his wedding suit,
and with face covered with blushes was
the young lady getting the essentials
for her trousseau. There were all
kinds, conditions and ages in that ba
zaar of drapery, ferns and flowers.
Dress goods of the very latest patterns
were displayed in the most tempting
manner, trimnmings and laces, ribbons
and draperies of every description were
so arranged that it was almost an im
possibility to refrain from buying. The
clerks were entertaining in the descrip
tions of the various styles that have
just made their appearance, and the
whole establishment seenied to be in
holiday array. The only sad faces we
sawv were those wretches called men
who were standing at the desk waiting
for their bills to be made out, these
fellows were their in fear and trembling
and countenances which seemed to say
'I wish I was single again."
All this was before we dropped down
into the millinery department which is
presided over by Miss Lydia Coppedge,
who, while up North this summer didn't
do a thing but study all the fashions
and the art of trimming hats so be
witching that if a man refuses to buy
one for wife or daughter he simply in
vites to himself a punishment which
he should not seek. at least while he
stays on this mundane sphere. A man
mayr r'efuse to buy "a bow-wow" for his
wif'e or daughter, and come out alive.
but let him refuse to by one of Jenkin
son's hats trimmed by Miss Coppedge,
and his name is "mud." This depart
ment was certainly beautifully arrang
ed. the hats on exhibition could not be
excelled anywhere, in fact it was the
finest display of millinery we ever saw,
and to be truthful, we regret having
seen it ourself or permitted any of ours
to see it. for life has changed since our
t'ibe visited Jenkinson's opening.
But the millinery is not the "whole
thing" by any means. Jenkinson .with
the eye of a born merchant, realizing
Ifyou have neuralgia, Scott's
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
will feed the nerve that is cry
ing for food-it is hungry
and set your whole body going
again, in a way to satisfy nerve
and brain from your usual food.
That is cure.
If you are nervous and irri
~table, you may only need more
fat to cushion your nerves
you are probably thin-and
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
Oil ill iveyou the fat, to be
Cure, so far as it goes.
Full cure is getting the fat,
you need from usual food, and
Scott's Emulsion will help you
Ito that.
ii von have not tried it, send for free sample.
its aireeable taste will surprise youl.
scOTT & iSOWNE, chemists.
409-415 ?cari street. ew york.
that women will get married and wear
fine dresses, has added to his already
up-to-date establishment a dress making
department which he has placed in
charge of Miss Mamie Grimsley a lady
who is an expert in the art of dress
making. This department is kept sep
arate and distinct from the store so that
ladies visiting it can be private and
away from the curious gaze of "those
hateful men." The worked turned out
from this department is so far superior
to any ever before seen here that Miss
Grim'sley has had to have considerable
help. Miss Grimsley's work does its
own praizing and every garment turned
out by her will not only be in the very
latest fashion, but guaranteed to fit, but
when we consider the whole thing over
she claims to give perfect fits to the
ladies, but in our humble judgement,
while not claiming to be a world of wis
dom about such things, nevertheless we
think the men are to poor creatures
that get "tits."' Jenkinson's grand fall
opening was a big success.
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lily. a prominent citizen of Han
nibal. Mo.. lately had a wonderful deliverance
from a frightful death. In telling of it he says:
--I was taken with typhoid fever that ran into
pneumonia. Mp lungs became hardened. I was
so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing
helped me. I expected soon to die of Consum
ption. when I heard of Dr. King's New Discov
err. One bottle gave great relief. I continued
touse it. and now am well and strong. I can't
say too much in its praise." This marvellous
medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the
world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular
sizes 50 cents and fl.00. Trial bottles free at The
R. B. Loryea Drug Store: every bottle guaran
Examination of Teachers.
The regular fall examination for
teachers' certificates will be held in
Manning on Friday. 12th inst. Exami
nations to begin promptly at 0 o'clock.
Co. Supt. Education.
Ba Tehe Kind Yo HaN MwasBought
The price of bicycles may be reduced
next year, but the bicycle girl will re
main just as dear as ever.
It Saves the Children.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has saved the
lives of thousands of croupy children. It is also
without an equal for colds and whooping cough.
For sale by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac
M. Loryea. Propr. {janlay
Other people's troubles always bore
us more than our own.
This Is What They Say.
Those who take Hood'. Sarsaparilla for scrof
ula, eczema. eruptions. catarrh. rheumatism or
dyspepsia, say it cures promptly and perma
nently, even after all other preparations fail.
You may take this medicine with the utmost
confidence that it will do you good. What it has
done for others you have every reason to believe
it will do for you.
Constipation is cured by Hood's Pills. 25c.
Beam the Kind You Hae Always Bogt
still head the list and are acknowledged by
all to be the great conquerors of pains,
aches and diseases for which they are
recommende i.
Raimon's neueC will poitively cure
pains of all kini-Is, stuch as Ileadache, Sick
Hleadaebe, Tocthnehe, Neuralgia, Cramp
Colie, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels,
Diarrhon,. &c., almost instantly, and, as a
household remedy for these sudden sick
nesses. it has no equal in the world. "Once
tried, always usec.." Price '25 and 50 cents.
Sample bottles 10 cents.
Ram~an'a~ Nter' & 3esne Of1 is the
original and only genuine Nerve aud Bone
Oil made. It is just what Its name implies,
and penetratiug quckly to the nerve and
bone, relieves pain, drives away disease
and efreets a prmanen't eue.Ascic
for Rheumatism, Sores. B rui. ASpecams.
Cuts, Burns, and all Injuries to the flesh of
either man or beast. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Sample bottles 10 cents.
Tne genuine has the name blown In the
bottle. The Relief is put up In square red
cartoons and the Oil in green cartoons.
The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
Jiierior Faints?
Are used with profit and satisfaction from
Are sold under a Guarantee.
We have numerous testimonials commending
the quality and endurance of L. & M. PAINTS
from Manning. Clarendon and adjoining coun
Carries the most complete line of L. & M.
Paints, White Lead. Plastico and Muresco,
Wagon and Carriage Paints. Floor Paints. Var
nish Stains-all colors--Domestic Paints, one
pint cans: Burnt and Raw Umber and Sienna.
Ivory and Drop Black Prussian Blue.
Our Oil Department
Is particularly full. embracing Wood Filler.
Fish Oil. Japan Dryer. Sperm Oil, Asphaltum,
Copal and Coach Varnish. Hard Oil Finish.
Neats' Foot Oil. Machine Oil. Raw and Boiled
Linseed Oil. Machine Oil. Spindle Oil. Kerosene
Oil, Vestal Oil. 175 per cent: Turpentine. Vene
tian Red. Spanish Brown. Whiting, Plaster of
Paris. Glass. Putty and Triangles.
Contractors. Builders and Painters will find
it to their material advantage to communicate
or see us in person ere placing their orders.
It goes without saying that as usual our stock
Is complete in every particular, and that no
second grade goods are permitted to enter our
1ll R. B. [9Y[ DRU SIOR.
ISAAC M. LORYEA, Proprietor,
Sig'n of the
Golden Mortar,
'PH4ONE NO. 2.
MisOlivia Ingram will be pleased to see
hrmany friends.
Mr. Jno. E. Arant, Ph. G., graduate of South
Carolina College of Pharmacy, is in charge of
our Prescription Department.
Notice of Discharge.
I will apply to the Judge of Probate
for Clarendon County on the 19th day
of October, 1900, for letters of discharge
as administrator of the estate of R. B.
Loryea, deceased.
Manning, S. C., Sept. 19, 1900. [27-At
Notice of Discharge.
I will apply to the Judge of Probate
for Clarendon County on the 20th day
of October, 1900, for letter of discharge
as Executor of the estate of Ann F.
Connors. deceased.
Summerton, S. (C., Sept. 20, 1900.
Land Surveying and Leveling,
I will do Surveying, etc., in Claren
don and adjoining Counties.
Call at oflice or address at Sumter, S.
C. P. O. Box 101.
Clothing Buyers
-- FEE
4i These Suits and Overcoats are
lol mnade by the best tailors in New
Owl- 1i York city, and are entirely different
I0 from the ordinary ready-to-wear
O clothing. E
S We also carry a full line of
w u ediulll alnd Low Priced Goods
I So that if youi want a cheap suit, a
medium price suit, or a fine tailor
made sait, you will have no trouble
in getting it here.
Our stock of all other goods, in
P" fludinw
i Bothi and Children's Cg.,
Is complete, and we will certainly
appreciate your patronage.
Habgu anBoclys' aknds CofDenabl Merchanis, sur
3 Svealthosad as cofmoople, a wello cernly
othe p a pe;orprite ourin t on ale. ..........
IBiglto rig ofteLo=lah tenwpieoh
Hosisegun and ices allrindhs ofDnale................... sur
psigall fome sal e hach ute andeole o deannngadrs. ltee
eperaloenad e'ETAGO OSThv l
FINE DetRES OOD 50c se our srie eery hsae wile our. Sea
Sodqalei tyig n LA R Corst...................... T A MA E
THInGS-five giing ae fthoe efurcseessou forcekn oeas
th my ce b nw acoupbtornrctorti.alilb
Sieqaltosad arss Goods Calile itha hell rcesa4c
isohe pce; our price dur ll in thss....................... e
GoodtHeayCnlne, worth 20an 2c: ourlo price.................
hevea tousndest of 20 5ad3DesGoodsPits h knothers sell fin
Bighre lot meFri of the Li ood wll ea sune re ant0hes.
for and; Cotie h4ie wi ensSuit.Patterns,.at.75c.per yd.
gu oods isatc our prcens ingchs le, ardnde .
OSalks lot rom ch cutoer ad noto 1.0deyareomltei
everal deadieslXR.ODCRSThv~ 2c
the feauejs bough manyler;u prie fotles sal willfrSitWit
Tnty-es ozen oadgre thosee ems Blac ostem.
Fine Trmmng Pareeuad ou Dress Goods,.double Braidsthand
isa1fetau Appiue till a 10ibnc sold1.per..r...Complet. 1See!
Fire rline and Brode Nweltive outiu colosrcs dou hi
quoith, wth 21.I and $125;: our go-C(
in ton gti neof 20,.2.. and..... Dre.s. 7_e
M Ten'se haetend cei SoisfrSisa 0 hrn
it ndCsim loh,4RicesawdeinSutMattenSitspry.
The betwine of Blac Drestos Gdin thse t.oeCotigi
Ou "chickin GofRs aor cetse3 inejst reided, a daniessat
We hme ust epbouhti manysielssyand in Sik ordehr t o str
ming tes prces Dtsl an Fievrytoemg. sobyhm
Our orimfine Eloieres Good. Inerais andrie
qUoe ato ascd $1.25 our pric wheks salei o 9C
Sumter is the City
We are iolding the Prices Down
And will continue to do so while our present stock lasts, and we've
got a big one. The rumored advance in Dry Goods is greatly exag
gerated and we promise you'll see no difference in prices at our
Our Dress Goods & Trimmings
Are always a source of delight to the ladies. All of the ultra Nov
elties of the current season's importations are now being shown at
our counters. Have you seen the new Pebble-Cheviot or Costume
Cloth? The handsome Plaid-Back or Rainy-Day Skirting? The
Zibelines, Steam-Shrunk Serges, Venetians, Broadcloths (the best
50-inch $1 one on the market), Camletts, Poplins, Prunnelles, Soliels,
Silks and Cut Velvets? You cannot afford to ignore this opportu
nity to get the proper posting.
Our Ready-to-Wear Garment Department
Furnishes the correct suggestions in Tailor-Made Suits, Jackets and
Wraps for Ladies, Misses and Children.
In Housefurnishings
We are making an exceptionally handsome display of Carpets, Mat
tings, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Portiers, Lace Curtains,
Tapestries, Bagdad Drapery Cloths, Velours, Printed Jap. Drapery
Silks, Silkolines and everything needed with which to beautify the
We ore ii1i e118e8ers 10 090 Fooeor
And handle only standard makes. If you've been having any trou
ble with your shoes, send to us for a pair of our Val. Duttenhoffer
or Drew Selby's Warranted Shoes; they'll please you. For school
children the "Little Giant" brand beats them all for good looks and
good service.
We cordially Invite our Manning and Clarendon friends to come up and
spend a day with us. The pleasure will be ours; the profit will
be mutual.
(l'roprietors of Sumter's leadiag Dress Miaking Establishment)
SUMTER, - - - - S- -.
Ifyou will only come to the C. M. DAVIS & CO.
SSTORE and examine our goods and compare quality and
C price with any retail store in South Carolina, you will see
Sthat we are a step ahead of all others. Our
F echheimer, Fishel & Co, Suits
SHave no equal, and we control their goods in Clarendon -a
S Young men wanting a perfect fit in real nice goods, 3
C such as has never been carried in this town before, will a
Sdo well to see our line before they purchase. Our
iVitals Brand Clothiing
In medium price goods are the best for the money ever
C sen inManning. We also carry a full line of Cheap
Sutprice from $2.50 up. Our line of
SIs complete, prices ranging from 50c to $6.50 per pair.
SSee our line of Mrs. Jane Hopkins' Boys' Knee Pants
SSuits, pants made with double knee and seats; they are
Sthe best for the money on the market. We control her
S Since the arrival of our line of
We aeWalk=Over Shoes
Weaeselling on an average of six pair pers day. They
Sare the best and most comfortable Shoe ever offered to
Sthe trade in Manning or any other town in South Caro- ia
Slina. Remember these Shoes have no equal. SEE
DREW SELY' e* Lais'.
SAlways in stock. In fact we have the most complete -
Sstock of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes ever offered
C the trade.
S Thanking you for your liberal patronage and await
Sing your further favors, we are,
Yours very respectfully,
C. I. DAIS & CO. I