The Manning times. (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, March 21, 1900, Image 3
Publishes All County and Town Of
ficial Advertisements.
MA\NNING. S. C., M.\iH 21, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that no advertise
ments will be changed in this paper where
the copy is brought in later than Saturday
Of Pattern Hats Wednesday,
March the 2th, and all the rest
of the week, 29, 30, and 31st in
elusive. Ladies, you must not
fail to attend this Opening, as
we will show the most exclusive
Line of Spring and Summer Mil
linery wel:have ever shown at
this season of the year. We will
have on exhibit sum 30 or 40
Real Pattern Hats. In addition
to our Millinery, we will show
the most exclusive Line of Dress
Goods, Silks, and Trimmings we
have ever shown at this season
of the year.
A cordial invitation is extend
ed to all of our friends and pat
Yours truly.
Died last Friday. near Packsville. an
infant of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geddings.
Miss Sara Waters of Johnstons. S. C.,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. R. Boger.
You can get a nice Tooth Brush from
5c up, at Brockinton's.
Died suddenly last Friday, on the B.
R. Gibson place, about five miles East
of Manning. Mr. J. W. Thames. aged
about 61 years.
Just received, a new supply of Writ
ing Tablets, from le to loc. at Brockin
The ladies of the Methodist Church
served refreshments last Friday even
ing. and made the occasion one of profit
as well as pleasure.
Died of menengitis, at Cheraw last
Thursday. Dr. Thomas H. Jones. The
deceasedfras a brother of Mrs. H. D.
Plowden, of this town.
We are still headquarters for all fine
Perfumery and Extracts. Call and ex
amine our stock. Brockinton.
Our readers must be convinced that
certain merchants in Manning propose
to make things hum this sprig. if the
advertisements are to be taken as a
Died yesterday afternoon, Cornelia,
a ten-vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Bodenheimer. The child attended
school last week and was sick only a
few days.
Rheumacide is not recommended for the cure
of ev-ery ill: it does not cure everythmng. But it
is a certain cure for rheumatism., and is a tine
blood puritier and laxative: try it. The R. B.
Loryea Drug Store.
We heard that a copy of last week's
TIMES was used as a dream pillow by
one of Manning's sweetest girls, after
reading an article from the pen of a
far-away soldier boy.
We are requested to announce that
Rev. J. 0. Gough will preach at Home
Branch church next Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. and the exercises of Miss
Jessie Curtis' school will take place
Monday evening.
The- County Pension Board for this
-courity, will mneet again on Monday, the
26th day of March. for the purpose of
closing up all business that may be sub
mitted to the board for consideration.
All applications must be filed that date.
M. B. Smith. Butternut. Mich., says. "De
witt's Little Early Risers are the very best
p~ils I ever used for costiveness, liver and bowel
troubles." D. 0. Rhanme, summerton: Dr. W.
M. Brockinton. Manning.
The first dog to fall a victim to the
town council's edict against unmuzzled
dogs roaming at large, belonged to Mrs.
E. C. Alsbrook. The ow'ner of the dog
being away from home accounts for its
being at large in violation of the law.
Charlie Washington, who has an ad
vertisement for a lost 'boy in this issue.
has been out hunting for the lad for
some time. He searched Charleston.
Columbia. Camden and other places.
and so far has failed to find him. The
boy is a son of Marion Brock.
To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask
for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, well known as
a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Be
ware of worthless counterfeits. They are dan
gerous. D. 0. Rhame. Summnerton: Dr. W. M.
Brockinton, Manning.
Rev. J. G, Clinkscales, of Wofford
College, will speak at the Methodist
church Sunday morning at 11:30. a. in.:
Sunday afternoon at 4:30. p. mn.. and
Sunda'y night at 8 p. m. The public is
cordially invited to be present at each
of the above services.
Married Sunday 11th inst.. by Rev.
Huggins. near Packsville, at the resi
dence of the bride's fathar, Mr. Don
White and Miss Mattie Broadway. a
daughter of Mr. B. L. Broadway. On
Monday night the friends of the couple
complimented them with a serenade.
Mrs. Harriet Evans. Hinsdale. Ill.. writes. "'I
never fail to relieve my children from croup at
once by using One Minute Courh Cure. I would
not fee'l safe without it." Quickly cures coughs,
colds. grippe and all throat and luna' diseases.
D. O. Rhame. summnerton: Dr. W. M. Brockin
t on. Manning.
A business man who has -an eye to
the main chance."~ alw~ays makes a
good display of his wares, and by sean
ing over the columns of THE TIMEs ouir
readers will ascertain who it is that
wants to cater to the cash trade, and
who can offer inducements to draw the
The editor will celebrate his 43rd
hithday to-morrow by gnawing on the
rib of a'Cincinnatti turkey, direct from
the cellar of the Manning Grocery C~o.
He feels in luck to have the rib. some
thing few editors are so fortunate to
have, and the Grocery Company has
not complained of losing anything
-I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in may family
with wonderful results. It gives immediate re
sults, is pleasant to take and is truly the dys
pepti's best friend." says E. Hartgerimk. Over
iel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail
to cure. D. 0. Rhame. Sunmm'erton: Dr. WV. M.
Brockinton. Manning.
The town council has issued an order
authorizing the police to shoot down
any dog found running at large unmuz
zed. This precautionary measure was
consdered necessary in view of the
large number of rabid dogs now doing
so much damage. and bringing so
much distress all over the countyv.
Mr. J1. H. Williams, the depot agent
at this place. has bought a beautiful
pony. an~d will deliver express packages
fromi the depot for the convenience of
the people of the town. This town is
large enough for an express and a tele
raph oflice to be located in the busi
ness part of the town, and would be. if
our business men would interest them
"Catch the opportunity." By taking Hood's
Sar.aparilla now you maly build up your health
Last Monday. while Ellison Tindal.
color(d. who liveS near H1ome11 I-anth
church, was at work in his field. he
sent his little hoy to the house to make
a fire in the stov'e: in a few minutes he
discovered his house on fire. and before
he could get theire the whole st ructulre
was destroyet and with it. (tsntir
ec ntents.
Rev. W. F. Sitzer. W. Caton. N. Y.. writes. --I
had dyspepsia over twentv years. and tried doe
tors and miedicines without benerit. I was per
suaded to use Kodoi D yspep-ia Cure and it
heiped me fron the start. I believe it to ie a
panacea for all forms of indiestion.' It digests
what You vat. D. 0. Rhanie. Summerton: Dr.
\\. 31. Broekinten. Mannling.
Buddie Miller, colored. killed on last
Monday. in B-gess' Lake. n-ar Mr.
W. 'M. Plowden's. an alligator weigh
ir_ gS7 pounds and measuring 7 feet and
1 inch in length. He brought his cap
tive to town and it attracted consider
able notice, besides giving those who
like te tell big yarns an opportunity to
tell theni.
Lewis Ackerman. Goshen. Ind.. says.I --De
Witt's Little Early Risers avays bring c-rtam
relief, cure my headache and never grip-.. ey
gently cleanse and invigorate the how.-s and
liver. D. 0. Rhame. Sumimerton: I)r. w. M
Brockinton. Manning.
The Republicans held a convention
in Manning last Saturday. and elected
delegates to the State and Congres
sional conventions. Delegates to State
convention were 1. A. Stewart. 1". A.
White and Edwin Welis. Congressional
delegates were lt-v. 1). H. Howen. Alex
DuBose. John Dow,. and Seipio Mack.
United States Deputy Collector Ed
mund H. Deas was present and address
ed the convention.
Win. Orr. Newark. 0.. says. "We never feel
safe without One Nlinute Cough Cure in the
house. It saved my little boy's life when he had
the pneumonia. We think it is the best medi
cine -ade." It cures coughs and all lung dis
eases. Pleasant to take. barmless and eives im
mediate results. D. 0. R ame. Summerton:
Dr. W. M. Brockinton. 'Manning.
We have on the road and arriving
a large stock of envelopes. paper. card
board. wedding stationary and other
material to supply the demand for first
class jobwork. Our job type is of rhe
most moderu make. and we will not
permit a job to leave our office unless
it is done in a first-class manner. In
having job work done. the quality of
the material and the workmanship is of
great importance. A word to the wise
is sufficient.
Quick Results.
Coolidge. Ky.. Aug. 1. 189S.
I have been suffering with female troubles and
was unable to zet relief. I was persuaded to try
Benedicta and after one month's treatment I
can recommend your remedy to suffering women.
Sold by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
There has been in the past a quantity
of mail matter sent to the trains to be
posted. and it was the cause of affecting
the income of the -Manning post office:
but we are now glad to announce that
an arrangement has been made
which went into effect on the 15th inst..
that will give the post master credit
for the cancellations of all letters mailed
on the trains at this depot. This we
have doubt, will be refreshing nev- to
a few gnats that have been lighting on
the ox's horn.
IT REQUIRES NERVE to stand the strain of
nervous neuralgia. pains in the face. head or
any part of the body. These pains are quickly
st6pped by the use of PERRY DAvis' PAIN
KILLER. The relief is immediate and lasting.
Do not suffer a moment longer but use the Pain
Killer as directed. Avoid substitutes. there is
but one Pain-Killer. Perry Davis'. Price 25c.
and 50e.
Mr. William Howe, a prominent fi
nancer and banker of Florence. arrived
here Saturday evening, in the interest
of the Southern Presbyterian. On Sun
day evening he was suddenly taken ill
and for a time he was so desperately
ill that his wife was telegraphed for.
Mrs. Howe came, and we are glad to
state, found her husband better and out
of danger. They are at the Central
iotel. Mr. Howe asks us to express
his gratitude for the kindnesses shown
him by the people here.
It Saves the Children.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has saved the
lives of thousands of croupy children. It i-s also
without an equal for colds and whooping cough.
For sale by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac
M. Loryea. Propr. [januay
The ladies responded well to Ken
dals 3 opening,"- and they were cer
tainly wvell pleased with the Millinery
exhibit. This department was without
a doubt, a bazaar of loveliness. and the
ladies in charge, Mrs. Gibbs and Miss
Avant entertained their visitors charm
ingly. If the men who will have to go
dow'n deep into their jeans to gratify
the wants of the ladies of their house
holds. do not invect maledictions on the
head of Mr. Kendall for bringing to
this market such enticing hats at such
seductive prices, then we wvill come to
the conclusion that Kendall has "moved
a spell" on the women. and has the
men hoodooed.
Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism.
iFrom the Vindicator. Rutherfordton. N. C.]
The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion
to test the elhcacv of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
t wice with the most remarkable results in each
case. First. w'ith rheumatism in the shoulder
from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten
days. which was relieved with two applications
of Pain Balm. rubbing the parts attiicted and
realizing instant benetit and entire relief in a
very short time. Second. in rheumatism in
thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe
pain, which was relieved by two applicatioa..
rubbing with the liniment on retiring at nigh:.
and getting up free from pain. For sale by the
R. B. Loryea drug store. isaac M. Loryea.1Prop.
One of the shrewdest tricks that can
be worked on an unsusp)ecting man. is
to get him to hellp make up a joint
stock comp~any, in order to raise inoney
to pay out another man who is clamor
ing for the money he advanced and is
about to lose. We have heatd of a
racket like this going on not fatr ftrom
us. It makes us smile when we see
how some people are hoodwinked. Be
fore a man puts his money into a coin
pany of any kind he should first have
confidence in the business ability of
those who are to manage it: then he
should calculate cost and expenses and
the sure income. The man who is in
duced to put up his money without
looking into the matter catefully de
seves being hoodwinked in or
der, that those now suffering ftrom the
bite may be r-elieved for- others to be
Free of Charge.
Any adult suffering from a cold settled on the
breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubl-s of
any nature. who will call at the R. B3. Loryea
Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Propr.. wilt be
presented with a sample bottle of Bosehee's
German Svrtup, free of charge. Only one bot tle
given to one person, and none to children with
out order from parents
No throat or lung remedy ever had such a sale
a' Bocschees German Syrup in all parts of the
civilized world. Twenty years ago mtillio'ns of
bottles were given away. and your druggists wilt
tell you its success was marvelous. It is re-ally
the only Throat and Lung Remedy generally
endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent bot tle will
cure or prove its valtue. b
Attention, Manning Guards!
You are het-eby orderu ed to replort at
vor armtorv Satut-day. latrch 24. at 3~
'olock p. ni., with gt-ey and blute uni
forms, caps, helmets aindi guns in your
By ot-det- W. 31. LEwis. ( apt.
F-. P. F.RvIN. 1st Serigt.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
New Town Council.
The term ftor which th present town
council has be eni elected. will expire
soon. and an lh etion will take place
next month. A far as we are eon
eei the piteeiit mentbership of the
connei! suits is. they have dnte j od
work. and have gotten the town out of
debt and put the tre-asury in I wholt
some11 condition. We. understanI d. how
ever. that some of tht Irsenit n-lilmtes
will not stand for rt-eitt io n. and of
couirse. otthteri will havt tole Selet
tetd in their hwei. it it iixptrtant
that live. progrei-;ixve iel te placed ol
the couinil. ment who have made a sue
eens of their own bidnes. a tn l n
who are ablt to sait ti tm tt Ie
VOTe S0om]e atttinl to the town'.s wt.]
fare. Wen have n t terona eandidattes to
sutggest. anti will bw perfeetly satistied
with the choict I thte lwtilte. but we
do think. in ordtlr to get Some xi e
Sion of a choict the Intendant should
tall a pubtlic mneeting and ask the citi
ztni tO intminate a ticket. If thisis done
n0t, oibd coilain and charge fore
St ain In selecting men to servt on
th countil. we think men should he
selected who have a financial. as well
as a moral stanling. htetatuse those who
have I tinancial standing are naturally
oret interested in tlie progrress of the
town than those who do not furnish any
thing in the nature of taxes. As we
said hefore. we have no )ersonial choiee.
but in ordter to put the voters to think
in" we will take the liberty, without
authority. to surggest the following
Intendant. )r. W. E. Brown: War
dens. W. C. Chandler. W. C. Davis.
E. L. Wilkins. F. P. Ervin.
These tentlemen would represent the
the various interests., and they are all
men of sound business judgment. as
well as progressive in their ideas. A
council composed thusly.would be econ
omical. and at the same time they would
seek to put in the improvements neces
sarv. and incident to a growing town.
There is not a man whose name we
have. without authority. taken the lib
erty to use. that cannot spare the neces
sarv time from his business to attend
council meetings and give such aid as
is important for the Intendant to make
his administration a success. Manning
has a number of men who would make
good wardens. some of whom are on
the council now.but they are so situated,
as to be unable to give much of their
attention to the town: some of them
have business which takes them away.
frequently. and perhaps at times when
they are most needed. If the present
council were to stand for re-election we
would give them our vote as an endorse
ment of the good record made. but we
learn that some of them will not permit
the use of their names. and hence, wve 1
suggest the names already mentioned
for consideration. with the understand
ing that it is an individual tax-payer's
suggestion. ___
Red Hot Froin The Gun
Was the ball that bit G. 1. Steadmnan of
Newark, Mieb., in the Civil War. It caused
horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped
for 20 years. Then Bnkilen's Arnica Salve
enred him. Cures ctts, bruises. burns,
boils, felons, corns, skin eruptions. est
Pie cure on earth. 25 ets. a box. Cure
anaranteed. Sold by. R. B. Loryea tlrn,
Charleston Drummers Fight.
Two drummers for Charleston houses.
Mr. Julius Levy. who represents I. M.
Pearlstine & Son. and -Mr. Sam Oppen
heimer. who represents Fineken.Jordan
& Co.. met at the Carrigan Bros.'s store.
near St. Paul. on last Thu-sday, and
had an altercation, in which Levy wxas'
shot by Oppenheimer. The catuse of
the trouble. s wxe hear it. was about
the sale of certain goods to Carrigan
Bros. by the one. and the ctttting in the
price after the order was given by the:
other. This caused hot words to come
from Oppenheimer. which was resented
by Levy. The wottnded man went to
Charleston that night, and while he
is painfully wounded, no serious results
are looked for. We see from the News
and Courier that on a warrant sworn
out by MIrs. Levy, the wvife of the
wounded tman. Oppenheimer wasar
rested in Charleston.placed uder bond
for 8L.000. and a ptrelitminary examina
tion was to be held on MIonday before
Magistrate Moore. We do not see howx
a Charleston M1agistrate could hav e
anything to do with the case. as the
rime was committed beyond his juris
diction. It seems to us that Oppenhei
mer would have to be broutght to thisI
cotnty to be tried and bound over for
the court of General Sessions. on the
charge of assualt and battery within
tent to kill, and carrying a concealed
weapon. The wotunded man is regard
ded by his acqttaintances as a genteel:
man. one who attends str-ictly to his,
business, and is very courteous to those
with wxhom he comes in contact. He ts:
a man of exceedingly temperate habits.
and his getting into a personal combat
was not expected. It is the general
hope. that he will soon be tip and able
to be on the road again soon.
The followxing was taken from yester
dav's News and Courier:
Mr. Sam Oppenheimer wxas given a.
preliminary hearing yesterday before
Magistrate Mloore. The only evidence
brought out was atfidavit sworn out by:
a hack driver named MIeLeod before~
M1agistrate Dickson. of the county
where the shooting took place.
The man says that he drove M1r. Levy
to the store of Carrigan Bros.. just omut
side of Summerton. MIr. Oppenheimer'
was in the store. but came out and got
in his buggy when M1r. Levy got out of'
his. M1r. Levy wvent into the store and
when he camne out told Mr. Oppenheim
er to get out of his buggy and come
and tight him. as he (Levy) wxas titred of
being talked about. Witness wxas not
able to say who struck the first blowv.
Tbe men wecre soon separated and i.
Openheimer steppled behind a fence.
As'3Mr. Levy started off someone cried
to MIr. Oppenheimer, "Don't shoot
him:" As Levy turned he was shot in!
the stomach. Oppenheiimeroffer'ed Levy
his hand to help him in the buggy, say
ing he was sorry lie shot hini, but Levy
said. "Go awxay: I don't wxant von to
Mr. George Von Kolnitz, counsel fo
the defence. claimed that the Constitu
tion gave a man the right to h~e con
fronted by his aecusers in ordcr tha t
he might cross-exatmine them. He ob
jeted to the alihdavit on thiisground.
M1agistrate Mloore held that it was
not a trial regulated b, the techical
rtles of evidence, but 'only a prelimi
nary hearing to find probable cause.
The atlidavit would. therefore. be ae
ented as evidence. "The present coi
diti of the defendant." said M1r
Mtoore. xwould not warrant a dienial of
bond. which wxoutld be given if I hadit
the powxer to admit him to bail."~ Owingr
to the fact that the otfence wvas com
mitted in another county the cae
would have to be referred to the magis
rate thtere and all that a mtagistrate
here could do xwotuld be to hold the de
fendant tinder utnder the wxairrant for
reuisition from that county.
Under this holding the defendant
was ordered committed. M1r. Yon
Kolnitz immediately set about to swear
ott a wvrit of habeas corptus. and in the
meantimte the defendant wa~s kept i
thcutodv of an officer.
.tudge Ga rx last nighlt ordered Mi.
Oppenheimner relea.:ed ou at hond o
W'torkhng nighit and Daiy
The bu lttI t and mightiest little thing
th txtvr was unide is Dr. King's New Life
Pils. Every pi is a sugar-coaited globulme
oi hltth . that ebanges wxeakness into
stregthi. liste-ness into en-rgy, brain-fag
into meintal powert. Tbhey're xxonderful in
buiima nyt the heathi. Unixv 2> e-i per
box .biby 1. 1B Lory.-a drnumit. 3
C U BA~je N O IL cures
311 Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rhen
m+;im am1 Sres. Price $25 cents.&
Profits Greater in Lawsuits.
''hec Ieaders of T: Tn.:s will re
iimber -o)II(e book agents that imade
their headquarters in Manning last
suinur. and seatiered their books asl
over tlie couity. These book agents
eaIle near brining suit against this
towl for iiprisonlinig ote of their num
her on a charge of violating an ordi
nance. It nowt seems they are in a new
Iolec. instead of books, they are. sellinr
washing compound" anl have got
ten into the ourts with adamagte suit
against a correspondent for the News
and ('ourier. We repiodnee the fo1
lowing from The State:
St. Matlew'.. March .-Ahout two months
a two young men from Charlotte. N..
cate to this town to advertise an "Up-tidat
walhin'tgl- compoundl" and to sell county rights
for the same. The two vouni. et'n were Mesrs.
R. P. Robin-'on and a Mr. DIuckworth. whose
father i'. a prominent attorney of ilirevard. N.
C. The ' Up-to-date washing compotund ori
inated writh a Ir. Taior. of Georgi. who had
it duil patented in Washinton. and who sold
ever al states. aiong them South 'arolina. for
a nea' littlesum to Me.srs. I.P.Robirson and
Smith. of Charlotte. N. '. These young men are
now advertising the washing conpouni and sel-.
ing:county andtownship rights.They spent about I
live weeks in St. Mathews and went from here.
to Monk's Corner. A few days after their de
parture there appeared a correspondence in
The News and Courier from this place which
did not speak of the younc nen or Iheir occupa
t ion in very complimentary terms. These young
men did not take the whole thing as a joke, and
have employed Mr. J.1. H. McLauchlin of this
place and Messrs. Raysor & Summers. of
tran"-hurc. to bring a libel suit again'.t the
corre'londlent of The News and Courier at this
plaee for i111.ttM. Those who know the attor
neys employed know that they push business
entrusted to them. so a lively Suit is expected.
'trs the ~ The Kind You Have Alwavs 800t
Major Richardson Explains.
Editor The Manning Times:
I notice in the last i-tsue of THE
TIMES that certain individuals complain
of my withdrawing my tobacco bill in
troduced during the last session of the
Legislature. and wish some explanation
about the matter. This convinces me
that these are some who did not read
my card on this very subject. just after
I determined to withdraw the bill.
I hold that the people have a right
at all times to criticise the work of their
delegation. and although the reasons I
presented through the columns of THE
TIMES. I cant remember the issue,were
more complete than I can produce now.
till I take pleasure in again giving my
motives for the step I took.
The hill was introduced in deference
to the interests of the tobacco growers
of this county and State. and was in
tended to bring about a proper adjust
ment of the schedule of prices charged
by tobacco warehousemen in handling
leaf tobacco. If these were too high.
they should be lowered. and if the said
charges were irregular. a system should
be adopted to meet all requirements.
This was an important measure. and I
was sure it would be thoroughly sifted
when brought up in the House and pos
sibly from the amount of discussion pro
dued it would. as is often the ease. it
conditions like this. be lost without be
ing properly understood. or mutilated
to such an extent as to impair its useful
ness. I. therefore, requested the bill
be referred to a special committee. com
posed of two members from each of the
delegations representing those counties
where tobacco is grown. It can easily
be seen that those members would get
all the information they could on the
subject. and that their united verdict
would be of more value, than that of
four-fifths of the members who know
nothing of tobacco. and care little. as
the interests of their counties were not
involved. There were eight or nine
cotnties represented on this committee.
and every man. I am sure. had the good
of the peolie at heart.
I was chairman of the committee,
and Dr. Woods was the other commit
teeman from this county: but unfortun
ately the Doctor was prevented from
beinig present. as he was away at home
at the time. The subject was carefully
considered from every point of view.
and it must be borne in mind, that this
was done by a committee. all of whom
were specially interested in the matter
under discussion. whecre all friction
from heated arguments wvas avoided.
and a calm conclusion was arrived at.
Of course this committee had to rend
er in a report on this bill, and the re
pot must be favorable or unfavorable.
I knew the verdict would be an un
favotable report. and that it would be
useless for me to attempt to put a bill
through the House. opposed by every
single delegation in that body interested
in tobacco growing.I
To avoid any expense which would
have been useless to have incurred onI
the State, and other obvious reasons. I
requested the committee to withhold
an actior.. and that I would withdraw
the bill as I was satisfied it would have
no chance of passing. the overwhelm
ing majority of tobacco growers being
of one mind: that the present schedule
was the safest to keep in effect, for the
present at least.
I will only add that as I think it my
duty now. I thought it my duty then to
explain to the people of the county why
I withdrew the hill and did not wait at
day to forward a card for that putrpose.
wlich was published in the colugns of
Bars t'he qThe Kind You Have Always Bought
Stages of Water.
Camden. March 17. $ a. rn-Height of Wateree
river. 2'2.8 feet. be'ing a rise of 11 feet during past
24 hours.
March 19t. S a. m.-Height of Wateree river.
15.5 feet. being a fall of 5.8 feet during. past :24
Columbia. March 17. 8 a. m.-Height of Conga
ree river. 9.5 feet. being a rise of 5.10 of a foot
during past 24 hours.
March 19t. 8 a. m.-Heirht of Congarec river.
3.5 feet. being a fall of 3.3 feet dluring past 24
St. Stephen's. March 16. 8 a. m.-Heiaht of
Santee river. 8.9 feet. being a fall of 2-10 of a
root durn, past 24 hours.
March 19). 8 a. m.-Height of Santee river. 3.8
feet. being stationlary luring p~ast 24 hour-.
Mrs. (Calvin Zimmerman. Milesburg. Pa.. says.
"As a speedy cure for coughs, colds. .eroup anid
sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is unequal
Ld. It is pleasant for children to take. I hear
tilv recommend it to mothers.' It is the only
ha'rmless remedy that produces imnmediate re
suts. It cures bronchitis. pneumonia. grippe
and throat and lung diseases. It will prevent
Ionsmrption. D. 0. Rharne, Summerton: Dr.
W. M. irot'kinton. Manning.
Information as to the whereabouts of
Tate. alias Bosser Brock. a ginger col
ored boy, aged about 14 veal's: has it
scar on one side of his face. He ran
away from his father abotut the 7th
inst. Information will be gratefully
receied by
Silver. S. C'.
.rai RT e Kind You Have Alays BougM
When at man undertakes to tell you1
what love is. the ehances arc lie is in
love himself, and yott can't believe him
uinder his oath.
A Good Cough Medicine for Children.
-I have no hesitancy in recommending Chain'
berlains Cough Remedy." says F. P. Moran. a
well known and popular haiker of Petersburg.
\'a. ' We have given it to our children when
troubled with htad coughs. also whooping cough.
and it has always given perfect satisfaction. It
was recomm~tended to me by a druggist as the
best cough medicine for children as it contained
~o opium tr other harmful drug.' Sold by the
. 1. Loryea drug store. Isaae M. Loryca. Prop.
TUANTE D-Hlonest nma or woman to travel
SVfor large house: salary $I5 monthly and
expenses. with increase: position permanent:
inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. MAN
uAt . 3i Cxtonv bldg. Chic-g.. innlst$
OHNSTON'S SARSAPAR ILLA. +0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0
9 it i., an easy matter to claim thata6
V reiedy has onderful curative wer
One Quart for One Dollr. c
One Quart for One Dollar. leave it to thoe who have been perna
One Quart for One Dollar. 9 lna plv cured of RHEU
'MATISM to make claims. Among those?
9 wi have recently written us voluntary
lotter, ayiiw the~y have been cured are: ''
OH'NSTON'S ARSAPAILLA. -. v- ter. Raleigh. N. C.: Mr. .
-~~~ K. hi tui.ilitor. G;oldsboro. N. C..,
OHN1STON's ARSAPARILLA. 9. "i5 iir: Mr. A. Daus. a prominent
OINSTON ,'S ARSAPAR1ILLA. x erehant. Nlacwi. (;a.. and Mr. W. R.
Duke. a railri aol tman. Kansas City. 110.
Rhewrmacetl Will Csr11 Your.
One Quart for One Dollar, n Ma"faturvi 1..v the .
One Quart . WITmrT DR~UG CI I_ RaIivigh. N. C.
One Quart for One Dollar, Sol in .ianni-, by the i. it. i.vteai
One Quart for One Dollar. Dru torem
o 0+0+ +0+0o ++ C~oo
One Quart for One Dollar. I am prepared to negotIate loans
One Quart for One Dollar, on good real estate security, on rea
One Quart for One Dollar. sonable terms.
R. 0. PURDY,
THE _Sumter, S. C.
R. B. LORYEA Furniture Stains
mPuG cSTonE,
SA M ron., and Varnishes.
ISAAC M. LORYEA, propr.j
!A Can With Brush, 25c.
Sign of Golden
the Mortar. AT
Use Both Your Eyes.
Buy your Hats where you have a first
class line to select from.
Get the Latest Styles, the
Cheapest and the Best.
It is not alwavs the low price that
makes the bargain. it is what y get
for the price.
To see a bargain you must use both
your eyes: keep one on quality and the
THE LONGLEY. other on the price.
I don't say it boastingly. but I know I have just opened up as nice a line of
Nen's and Boys' Felt and Straw Hats as has ever been brought to this town.
Are they cheapy I will leave that for you to say when you see them.
I also carry a nice line of
Ladies' Trimmed Hats
In the latest styles. I can sell you a Hat trimmed with NICE. FIRST CLASS
IATERIAL for just half the amount you pay a milliner for one: A dollar saved
is a dollar made.
Mv stock of Ladies' and Nlisses' Sailors is up-to-date in every respect. And
if you want a little Boys' Hat or an Infants' Embroidered Cap, I have them too.
at right prices.
Don't forget to come to see me when you come to town. for I am in the fight
for some of your spring trade, armed with a full and complete stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
DEFYING COM1PETITION. I have wvhat the people want and I don't intend
o let anybody undersell me.
L couis L -evi.
$ Ten Dolla
A Reward of Te
Will be given to the School Boy or Girl who writes and s4
before the 25th day of April, 1900. Said Composition must not
Fifty Words.
A Committee of three disinterested gentlemen will be requ
No one outside of Clarendon County need compete, as this
That is the day we will show the MOST EXCLUSIVE LI:
LINERY that will be shown this season. Ladies, don't be too ha
things in store for you.
Our MISS COPPEDGE has just returned from the Northe1
Stock of Millinery,.and a lady of Miss Coppedge's taste and abili1
it is reasonable for us to assert that we have a line of MILLINE]
friends and patrons. Remember the day, ladies.
AND ALL THE REST OF THE WEEK, 29th, 30th and
we will have on exhibit the most exclusive line of Dry Goods, Dr
son of the year.
We have not forgotten you in our great display of Spring
about One Thousand Dollars worth of Drummers' Latest Style Sa
ples means that you can get a Hat at half pice, or in other words
ple Hats we will show a line of
Gents', Youth's and
Shirts, Collars, Ouffs
That will just bang out anything ever seen in Manning. C
and Vests are the wonder and admiration of all who see them. It
to our store will convince you of this fact.
Yours tr
I Some People Guess,
3 While the Well-Informed Know,
Where to Get High Class Low Price
Goods These High Price Times.
We notice not the prices of things on the Philadelphia and New
York wholesale markets of today. but all of our attention is turned
toward our large stock of
<iSpring -: Goodsi>
And we intend to sell them all during a seasonable time if prices CUT
Our entire stock is New, Fresh and Stylish, due to the fact that
we completely sold out everything last season. lock, stock and barrel.
Remember, then, when we offer an article from a one-cent paper
of Pins to a side of Bacon. it is brand new from the factory.
We don't have any old shop-worn stuff carried over from time to
time. If we can't sell, our motto is to "GIVE IT AWAY."
We have Fast Colored Lawns, nice for Tea Dresses. for 4e.
A fair quality of Nainsook Check and Plain Lawns for 5c.
Real drive in Dimity Cords, fast and substantial, for 6tc. -
Organdies and Lawns for 71 St. 10c., 12ic., 15c., 20c. and 25c.
It would be useless to attempt to tell you about our White Goods.
Come and see for yourself.
We have the correct things in Lace Edgings, Lace Insertions,
Allover Lace, Embroidery Edgingss, Embroidery Insertions.
We are offering a good Corset for 22c.
Our New Spring Silks
Are the prettiest kind to be found in town.
We have the very thing for separate Skirts in Staple Goods. from
a 35c. Silk Lustre to a handsome 45-inch wide Melrose Cloth at $1.25.
Our Lining stock is the most complete that you will find any
where, from 5c. to 40c. per yard, including both Linen and Cotton
All kinds of Perealine. Perca Silks, Mercerized Silks and in fact
all the requisites used in the foundation of a ladies' suit.
Take a Glance at Our Umbrellas
While you are looking at the other things. We can sell you an Um
brella for 3:5c.
We carry always the most stylish and reliable stock of Shoes to
be found.
We have Ladies' Shoes, Infants' Shoes, Children's Shoes, Young
Men's and Old Men's Shoes. CHEAP FOR CASH.
Our Spring Suits
For Boys. Young Men and Grown up Men are daily arriving, and in
q this line you find some of the prettiest things the market sends out.
We have all that the most fastidious could wish in Gent's Fur
nishings, such as Suspenders. Collars and Cuffs. Handkerchiefs and
Ties. Shirts of all kinds.
Floor Matting cheap.
GROCERIES.uspecials for Cash.
Good Rice, 100 lbs., $3.
Rice Flour. 35c. bushel, or $16.50 per ton.
Dessert Pears, 3-tb. cans, 15c., or two for 25c.
Okra and Tomatoes at 15c., or two for 25c
Peaches, ready for the tabla. at 15c.
Loose Keg Pickles at 10c. dozen.
Mixed Pickle at 10 to 25c. per bottle.
Tomato Catsups, 10c. bottle.
French Mustard, large bottles. 10c.
Lng Cotton Tobacco, 35c.
3-ib,. can Tomatoes, 10c.
rin Gold.
n Dollars in Gold
mds me a Composition written on ME AND MY BUSINESS on or
contain over Two Hundred Words nor less than One Hundred and
~sted to examine the Compositions and award the prize.
prize is only offered to the schools in Clarendon County.
sty in placing orders for your Spring Hats, for we have some rich
n markets, where she has spent several weeks buying our Spring
vy with the greatest markets of the United States at her command;
~Y full worthy of the attention and inspection of our many lady
~, M A RCH 28,
1tINCLUSIVE, and .in addition to our display of MILLINERY
ss Goods, Silks and Trimmings ever seen in Manning at this sea
G;oods, for we will have on exhibit for your benefit and inspection
mple Hats, in both Straw and Felt, and of course Drummers' Sam
,at wholesale cost. And in addition to this great display of Sam
Children's Clothing,
mid Gents' Furnishings
ur line of Blue Serge Suits and Blue Serge Double-Breasted Sacks
is certainly the prettiest line of. stuff we have ever shown. A visit