The Manning times. (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, November 08, 1899, Image 1
A Disastrous Hurricane Visits'the
Town of.Florerce.
A CreatMany Hcuses.>Unroofed,
and the Pecple Iept'Up
All Night on the
Florence. S. C.. was vi'itd-by a ter
rible hurricane Monday riight of last
week, during which,-many- building,
were either unroofed or movcd from
their-.foundations, a large amount -h
fencing blown dtwn and the trees ba'1lI
twisted and broken. Nca lv eveq stor
and residence in the city suffntred wore
or less damaged from water.
The weather Monday was cxcecdinglb
murky; the rain fell in torren,s and the
wind blew at a terrific rate. Busincsz
was suspended almost entirely, for it
was practically impossible to get any
where through the blitding sheets of
rain that were-being driven by-a forty
mile wind.
Towards evening the wind grew fast
ter and the rain fell thicker so that be
fore sundown very nearly all the storcs
closed for the evening and the men
folks hurried home to make themnelve
comfortable for the night. They were
disappointed, however. for very nearlb
every one was up throughout the night
sweeping the waterout of their homes.
for there few that it did not get the ful>
effect of the heavy rain that fell
throughout tLe night.
Between 11 and 2 o'clock the wind
seemed to have reached its height.
which was very nearly 70 miles an hou
while the rain seemed to be coming
down in sheets.
L Towards morning the storm had pass
ed over and by 10 o'clock had spent it.
A walk over the city Tuesday showed
that the First. Methodist church had
been damaged mome than any othei
buildiag, fkr the roof was lyiag in tht
street and the interior of the building
badly damaged.
The court house was patly unroofed
and also badly damaged from rain.
One of the buildings at the Coast
Line shops was unroofed.
The electric light plant had a larg(
portion of its roof torn off.
The kitchen of the Rev. J E. Wilson
was twisted from its foundation.
' Besides this several small buildings
in the suburbs were completely demol
The-Electric Light'company suffered
heavy from destruction of their wires.
blowing down the poles, etc.
The telephone companics tuffered
the same, as did also the Western Uni
on company. All of last night and
part of Tuesdav Fiorence was cut off
from telegraphic communication fron.
all points north. east aid west of the
eity. TheoLt- xlre that was in work
ing order was b wcen Florence aLd
The trees are badly damaged and
many of them wtere strippe d of theit
foliage, and the street s today were fill
ed with limbs of trees, feneing. signs
and pieces of roefimng -Nas and Cou
Damage te Wilmington/tN. C., and its
Seashore Resorts.
A dispatch from Wilmington, N. C,
authrit'ative reports from Wrightsvilk
and Carolina beaches say that the stormn
which reached the height of its fury at
5 o'clock Monday- morning has wrought
great havoc to property at these points.
No loss of life is reported.
At Wrightsville there arc sixty odd
cottages, and of this number fifteen are
a total loss is estimated at from $20,000
to $25,000. The trestle of the Wil
mington Seacoast Railroad and its track
aggregatlr'g in extent about three miler
isa wreck and the daumaze is conserva
tiely estimated at from $40. 000 to $50,
000. At Wrightsville Sounds on thi
mainland, about otne milc this side of
the beach, considerable da mag e was also
done and this is estimated at severai
thousand dollars. The two large sum
mer hotels on the beaeh were not de
sroyed, br~t were damaged to somue ex
At Carolina Beach, near the mouth
of the river, there are about twenty-fiv<
ottages, boat and club houses, and
also a large hotel. A bout eighteen oi
these totally destroped and the remain
ing-badly damaged. The loss is plac
at from $12 000 to $15,t000. BotI
beaches were fortunaely deserted or,
account of the .season.
A special from Southp'ort says that
there was considerable damiage along
the witer front there by the storm. but
no loss of life reportai. A small pas
senger steamer and a tug, the Alexan
der Jones, were ba ctied. No othet
news or damage to sbigping has reach
ed here.
The Clyde steamer New York, Capt
Ingam, arrived from New York Tuies
day afternoon. She encountered thi
store off Frying Pan light ship, but
rode it out with only sli~ght damage to
her sargo of general merchandise.
The damage in Wiimington along the(
wharves by reason of the high tide iui
morning wti approximate a bout $2,000..
The maximum velcity of the wind
here was estimated at from 75 to 90
miles per hour.
One Child Killed by a Falling House.
A Fifty-Eight Mile Wind.
The Carribeanu storm passed by
Charleston at 2 o'clock Tuesday morn
g, sending the barometer down to
29.07 and producing a wind velocity of
58 miles an hour a few hours previous.
The wind attained a velocity of 50)
miles at 9) o'clock last nigbt and in
creased in force until the 58 mile was
reached, at which it blew for some
time. Ee~eral small framue houses were
blown down, among which was a negro
house on Coning strcee. where a 5 year
old child was ki!!eli ar'.d several other
people were woun:ed by tlie fahing
timber. Si-tes, t:n and tiles were
loosened and torn off :oofs and hurlea
into the streets. fences and trees were
blown down, shutters were wrenched
off telphn telegaph and electric
wires were ciawaged and much other
propjtertv was damaged. The shipping
intert:,ts in port were not hurt, special
preparations having been made in the
way of putting out additional anchors
and hawsers. Auxiety is felt for the
larec fleet of vcs-els, which sailed from
Charleston Saturday and Sur -. The
verdict of the eoroner's jury a inquest
over Alonzo Boyd, the Negro boy
killed in the falling of the house on
Coming street. was that *the deceased
canme to his death by misfortune or ac
eident, as a result of the falling of a
house and the act of God," etc.
Damage at Virginia Beach.
A dispatch from Norfvlk says the
storm in that sceion was vcry severe
Monday nizht. .About I o'clock that
urorniiii the wind increased in velocity
to .7S iniles an hour. Very little da
age was done in Norfolk. but at Vir
inia Beach tishing nets, pounds.
uoard walks. fencing. etc., was washed
;wny. The loss there is estimated at
:10.~000. The three riasted schooner
Kate Darhneten was wrceked on O)ean
View Beach, having been d:iven high
and d-y at 1 a. n. by the wind. In
,assirg through the Capes Monday
sight shc was run into and badly
e.pplcd by an unknown steamer. Her
anchor would not hold. The Darling
ton was retuining from Atlantic City,
wh(re she had conveyed a eargo of
lumber. The ides were unusually
hih. _
Gov. M. B. McSwneney Issues His
Proclamation to the People.
Gov. McSweeney Wednesday issued
the following Thanksgiving proclama
The people of this State have been
iburdantly blessed during the past
year. Gratitude is one of the Chris
ian virtues. We should give thanks
at all times. 'Men too often forget the
goodness of God. There should not
Only be gratitude in our hearts, but
,here are times when we should give
visible evidence and audible express
on to that gratitude. We have been
remarkably free from pestilence and
,courge. We have been permitted to
.Iant and to garner. The rains have
onie and the earth has yielded her
fruits and we have been allowed to en
joy the labor of our hands. We have
made progress in manufacturing the
roduct of our fields and our forests.
It has long been customary to take one
iay out of the three hundred and sixty
tive when we shall cease from the toils
>f our labor and render thanks to the
Giver of all good for the many bless
ngs we receive. To the end, there
fore, that we may, with thankful
acar:s show appreciation of the tender
care of our Heavenly Father. 1, M. B.
MleSweLey, governor of South Caroli
ca, in conformity to the proclamation
of the president of the United States,
lo hereby appoint and set apart Thurs
lay, the 30th day of No-:ember, 1S99,
as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to
,e kept and observed by ail the people
.f this Statt.
Let all public Oficecs be closed and
ill private business and labor of every
zind cease and let the people assemble
in their accustomed plaes of worship
and render thanks with grateful hearts
to their Creator and Preserver for the
olessings of life and liberty and happi
ess which they daily receive. Let
he people on this day also remember
he fatherless and not forget that the
poor and the needy yo.u have with you
la ays, and that a ecare told by Him who
:ade the great saerifice for us that it
is more blessed to give than to receive,
and by our own deeds of charity prove
:he sincerity of our gratitude.
U. testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand arnd caused the great
seal of the State of South Carolina to
be affixed. Done at the Capitol, in the
city'of Columbia. this 31st day of Oct
obr, A. D). 1899.
M. B. McSvtney.
B: the governor:
M1. Rt aCoper, Secretary of state.
SAd for Freight.
The ad-;crtisemnent in The Green
ille %ews f or the sale of a number of
inlaimed freight packages containing
,ehool charts, school books and school
~urniturc consigned to W. W. Tutwiler,
calls the adventures of that smooth
.i:z:n in working cfi on unsuspecting
tnd innocent school truatoes qiantities
f public tehool paraphernalba at what
.ere said to bc exorbitant prices, and
the charge that Superintenemit of Ed
.cation W. D. May dield was t sufici
ntly watchful to spoil his game. Noth
irg could be l.:arned here yest.erday
~but these pa.:kages nor where Mr.
utwiler hatt gone. All that wa
<nown at the freight office was that the
packages were shipped here from
'reenwood and Ninety-Six, where they
remained unclaimed for six months.
\r. Tutwiler apparently did not think
ai goods worth the freight charges and
is probably in some other State seeking
ew worlds to conquer.-Greenville
Two Schooners Wrecked.
Advices from Morehead City, N. C.,
say: The three-masted schooner
Tbares S. Davis, Somers Point, N. J.,
froum Savan nah for Pniladelphlia, lum
t r iaden. is ashore at Bogae inlet.25
miles west of 3Morchead Cityv. The yes
-el abd cargo are a total wreck. The
crew of ciatht men were all saved. The
vessel was commanded by Capt. John
W. Adams of Pimiladelphia. lHe is
now at 3Norehead with his crew. The
bre e masted schooner Thomas L James
f Kcyy port N. J., is also ashore at Bo
ue inlet. She is lumber laden, from
Savannah for Philadelphia. The cargo
and vessel are in bad condition. The
crew of eignt were all saved. Capt.
Pierce reports the worst storm ever seen
on this. east.
Lost at Sea.
The schooner Stonewall,
Capt. Milliken. from W~Xiliniggan to
Si llotte N. C.. w ithI a cargo of mner
chaudi'e, v~as caucht in the recent
sorim af er she had entered Shallotte
iver and wa blow a out to sea. Ves
sel' cargo, v~ith crcew. supplosed to be
lst. Two miasted setboonier Lee, Capt.
Willim-ton, bound from Shallotte with
argo of naval stor.e and produce given
up as lost. The little tuig Woodward
of the Cape Fear quarantine station
and a small launch, talso -belonging to
the governmcnt, were broken loose
thae mnmiingo-annd sunk in the storm.
The Sole Survivor of a Wrecked
Steamer Reaches Charleston.
The Lumber-Laden Steamer G. L
Colwell and All Aboard Except
Captain Gaskill, Lost
in Storm.
Another tale of shipwreck and suf
fering comnes from Charleston. The
steamer Navahoc. Capt. Staples, arriv
ed there Wednesday morning from New
Yrk. Monday she encountered the
gale, stood out to sea and hove to for
I hours. Tuesday, about 50 miles east
of Charleston lightship she rescued
Capt. John Gaskill, sole survivor of the
crew of the steamer George L. Colwell,
of Detroit, bound for New York from
Fernandina, Fla., with a cargo of lui
ber. Capt. Gaskill was clinging to a
piece o' wreckage of his lost vessel to
which he had clung for 2" hours.
Capt. Staples and his officers dis
played care and skill in rescuing Capt.
Gaskill. At first a skiff was lowered
with a picked crew: this was smashed
against the iron hull of the steamer
and the crew st-'uggled manfully in the
angry sea until hauled in by life- lines.
Capt. Staples steamed near the vcck
age, a line was thrown to Capt. Gas
kill, who made it fast around his waist
and was hauled aboard. He had been
badly bruised. le was kindly cared
for on board and is now in St. Francis
Xavier infirmary here progressing favor
The following particu'ars of the
wreck we elip from the News and Cour
Twenty-four hours overdue and con
siderably shaken up by an encounter
with the Carribbean Sea hurricane, the
stanch Clyde steamship Navahoe, Capt
Staples, came into port Wednesday.
Hardly had the gang plank been secur
ed when the captain, accompanied by a
pale-looking stranger, came ashore and
a carriage was called to take the sick
man to St Francis Infirmary. "That
man," Capt Staples said to inquiries, is
the captain cf the steamship Geo. L
Colwell, wrecked off this port Monday
mornin&, and we picked him up fifty
niles east of here Tueslay afternoon.
He was cut ar d bruised by shifting lum
ber and stuff before the vessel was
wrecked ind is otherwise badly shaken
up, so he gees to the repair shop for a
bit. I think be will come out as good
as new, but he was pretty shaky when
we hauled him aboard.
"We bad a dusty time of it our
selves," oontinued .tbe captain, when
urged to give fui ther particulars. "You
see, we came out of New York Satur
day afternoon and caught bad weather
right along When off this coast we
ot into the very teeth of the hurricane
and lay-to for eighteen hours, going to
sea probably fifty miles. Monday was
a hard day and the night was worse.
Tuesday morning the seas were running
very high and the wind was terrific. At
about 12 30 o'clock I went up on the
ridge, after being below a short time,
ad the mate said: "We are passing a
ot of wreckage.' 'Keep a sharp look
ut, then,' I repliel, 'for we may find
some poor fellow afloat on it.' With the
words scarcely out of my mouth, I toy)k
p the glasses and, sweeping the water
n all sides, discovered a man on a raft
bout half a mile to the eastward. The
whistle was blown and even at that dis
ance we could see, through the glasses
he frantic signs of joy made by the
one mariner.
"I ordered out a boat as soon as we
ame near to the tiny raft, but it was
stove in before it could be lowered into
he water. Then I decided to move the
Navahoe up to the raft and ware round
o windward, taking great care not to
ollide with the frail support which up.
eld the shipwrecked man. A rone was
inally gotten to the man on the raft
nd with difficulty he was pulled up on
he Navahoe's deck. - lie managad to
ell us his name and the fate of his
hip, the Geo. L. Colwell, and then
ave out. for he had clutig to a few
panks for nearly twenty-four hours and
iad not had food or rest for nearl)
wice that length of time. We did
what we could to make him comfort
ble on the Navahoe and he will stop at
he Infirmary here until he is himself
Capt. Gaskill was lying in a little
white bed at St. Francis Iafirmary when
a Reporter calkcd and asked for a stor3
f the wreck.
"We sailed from Fernandina, Fla.,
Saturday morning," he said, "with a
argo of 400,000O feet of pine lumber.
ad, with variable winds, was off Char
eston, say fourteen miles, heading east
nd north for Cape Rbmain, at about 2
clock Mouday morning, when the
heavy blow struck us, but the weather
had been bad Sunday afternoon. The
~quall was northwst, veering to north
eat. and the cross seas were fearful.
The' ship strained and behaved badly
from midnight and at 2 o'clock the
engines were working miserably. A
little later the terrible rolling had
thrown ashes and coal about s' much
that the pumps became choked. 1
had put out the cornucopia drag and
then the anchor, with forty fathoms of
chain, but neither helped us at all, and
when, a little later, the engines stop
ped, we wallowed in the trough of the
sea. Two gangs were working with
buckets and a acek pump, but the wa
ter gained on us rapidly. At about 4
o'clock the Colwell was so low in the
water that a heavy sea swung it almost
over anct dumped the decked load of
lumber. With it went the after drek
house and smoke stack. There were
nine men in the after house and we
never even so much as heard-a cry as
they went to their grave beneath the
seething waters. After relieving her
self of the deck load the Colwell ri.ghted
and plunged on for a time, one minute
high on a wave, then down in the valley,
with the boiling foam above us. It
must have been two hours later that a
great crash came. Louder to us than
ver was the horrible roar of the ocean.
and the Colwell split in two about amid
ships. There were only five men then
sb ard arnd we were thrown violently
into the sea. Half crazed as I was al
ready, I had still the instinct to strike
ou ndr fo m-ething floating. I
fourd a piece of timber and crawled
upon it. Once I saw, on the crest of a
wave, one of my late cotmradcs, ([ think
it was Mate Neilson.) but only for a
moment, ai he was gone. Then such
a battle as I had for life! Not for all
the gold in the universe would I go
through such an- experience again.
The sea was running mountains high
and many times wrestcd from me the
drift. I caught it as often, until, spy
ing a piece of the steaner deck about
six feet square, I swain to it. For near
ly twenty four hours I was alone on
the sea. and you can judge my joy when
I saw the steamtuhip Navalioe bearing
down upon me. It was then early
Tuesday afternocn. The work of Capt
Staples in wearing around to windward
and picking me up. aft-r disabling his
smail boat, showed both seamanship
and humanity."
Capt. Gaskill could not recall the
nimes of his entire crew, but said there
were fourteen. all told, on bard. Neil
son was first mate; Charles Oliver,
sccond; William Murray. chief en
neer: Charles Rockfelk r, assistant
engineer; William Mackenzie, steward.
All on board were white men and were
shipjd in New York, Capt. Gaskill's
home is in loboken, N. J., atd he
was the only married ian on the ill
fated vessel.
The steamship Geo. L. Colwell was a
wooden vessel. bui't in ISS at Bay
City, Michigan, and for a long timie
used as a freighter on the great lakes. It
was bought by the Yellow Pine Lumber
Company of New York a short time
ago and put in the coastwise business.
It was of 447 t ;ns gross and 371 tons
net register, and %as loaded when
wrecked with 400,000 feet of lumber.
It is understoud that the vessel was
insured. Five voyages had been made
between Fernandina and New York be
fore the one which began last Satur
How the Trust Will Get: Its Money
In view of the fact that the piic, s of
all manufactured fertilizers had materi
ally advanced recently a Reporter for
Phe News and Courier called on Messrs
H. M. Tucker& Co., brokers in ferti
lizers and fer:ilizer materials, and ob
tained the following statement from
Mr. 1I. M. Tucker regarding the situa
tion: "The probabilities are that there
will be a sharp advance in the general
prief s of fertilizers. The prices of fer
tilizer materials have materially advanc
ed and will advance still more, in con
sequence of whien the manufacturers of
fertil'z2rs will be cmpelled to advance
the price of the manufactured article to
meet this advance of raw material.
The prices of fertilizers have for sev
eral years been on a very low basis, but
the cost of the material has responded
to the g2neral advance in the c)st of
raw material in all of the industries,
and that will necessitate an additional
cost of the manufactured article, as,
for instance, phosphate rock is now
trom $1.50 to 1.75 per ton higher than
it was last year and the sul phurin pyrites
is also from $1.25 to $1.50 per ton
higher, and the same applies to the
cost of all am n iatcd ingredienis, as
well as the advance that has been made
in the price of labor, and of the gener
al running supplies, machinery, etc.
necessarily used in the manufacture of
fertilizers. This altogether would mean
that the cost of manufacture and of
material would average ov'er the cost
of last year from $2 2S to $2 40, and
this will necessitate a proportionate
advanein the cost of the manufactur
ed article. "The trade may look there
fore for a continuel average higher
price for fertilizers this year than last
ofover $2 per ton. "It is fortuuate
for the up-country that the advanced
prices of cotton and othcr articl es of
production s'iou'd more than comnpen
sate for this increased cost in fertiliz
Total Number of Soldiers Who Suf
fered During the Year.
A recapitulation of the casualties in
actions and deaths in the regular and
volunteer armies between May 1, 189S,
and June 30, 1S99, contained in the
annual report of the adjutant general
tf the army, shows a grand total of 10,
076 men. The casualty list alone ag
gregates 3, 454, of whom 35 officers
and 45S enlisted men were killed, arnd
197 *offieers an d 2.764 enlisted men
woun ded.
The death list, numbering 6.619, was
made up of 224 offieers and 6.395 en
listed men. 0: this total but 3S fficcrs
and 45S enlisted men were killed, the
remaind~r of the deaths resulting from
various causes including the following:
Wounds, 10 omfi.ers and 192 enlisted
men; disease, 16-> officers and 5,:344 en
listed men; accident, Gi '.fieers an-I 209
men; drownings, 3 officers and 85 men:
suicide. 2 officers and 52 men, and mnur
ders or homicide 52 enlisted men. In
the regilar army the total casuaies in
actions and deaths amounted to 4,155
and in the volunteer establshment 5,
921. In the casualty list the regulars
had 127 offi-:ers and 1.850 calisted men
killed and wounded and the volunteers
105 offieers and 1.36t colisted men kill
ed and wounded. In the regular army
bet ween A pril '30, 1898, and June 30.
1899, 917 enlisted men were discharged
by sentence of general court-martial
and 2 949 enlisted men de' erted
Three (dIieers of the regular army who
were killed also held commis:,ions in
the volunteers forces in which they arc
included in the above recapitulation.
Witnesses Intimidated.
The feudists charged with the murder
at Manchester. Clzy county, Ky.. have
comparatively easy sailing, as witnesses
summoned to appear and testify agrainst
them a ill not testify against the warring
factions. Mrs. Sarah Collins. chief
witness atp-inst James andi Millard
Phil pot and AMlxander Fischer, chlarged
with the murder of her hauaband, com
mitted sticidc by taking poisoin; fear
ing, it is claimed. to testify against
them. Ozhcr feud eases have been
postponed from day to day on account
of absence of witnesses. who re-fuse to
attend court and testify against the
feudists, believing, they say, that their
eviuce avinst the warring factions
would imperil their lives
Between the British and Bcers
at Ladysmith.
They Lost Arti!lery and Ammu
nition by Stampede of Mules
in Night March. Fought
to the Last.
The British war office at London
made public the following dispatch from
Gen. Wlite describing the operations
of Monday:
"Ladysmith, Oct. 31, 7,50 p. m -I
took out from Ladysmith a.brigade of
mounted troops,'.two brigade divisions
of the Royal artillery, the Natal-field
b.attery and two brigades of infantry, to
:econnoitre in force ;the enemy'4 main
position to the north, and, if the op
portunity shruld offer, to capture the
hill behind Farquhar's farm which had,
on the previous day been held in
strength by the enemy. In connection
with.this advance, a column consisting
of the Tenth Mountain artillery, four
half companies'of,- the Gloucesters and
six companies of the Royal Irish Fusil
1ers, the whole-under Lieut Col Charl
ton and Maj Adye, deputy assistant ad
jutant general, was dispatched at 11 p.
m.. on the 29th, to march by night up
Bell's Spruit and Seize Nicholson's
Nek, or some position near Nicholson's
Nek. thus-turning the enemy's right
flank. The main advance was success
fully carried out, the objective of the
attack being found evaeuated and an
artillery duel between our field batter
ies and the enemy's guns of positions
and Maxims, is understood to have
caused heavy loss to the enemy. The
reconnaissance forced the enemy to
fully disclose his position, and, after a
strong counter-attack on our right, the
infantry brigade and cavalry having
been repulsed, the troops were slowly
withdrawn to camp, pickets being left
on observation. Late in the engage
ment the naval e ntingent under Capt
Lampton of H. N. S. Powerful, came
into action and silenced, with their ex
tremely accurate fire, the enemy's guns
of position.
The circumstanceswhich attended
the movements of Lieut Col Carlton's
column are not yet fully known, but
from reports received the column- ap
pears to have carried out the night
march unmolested until within two
miles of Nicholson's Nek. At this
point two boulders rolled from the hill
and a few rifle shots stampeded the in
fantry ammunition mules. The stam
pede spread to the battery mules, which
broke loose from their leaders and got
away with practically the whole of the
gun equipment and the greater portizn
of the reeimental small arm ammuni
tion. Tie reserve was similarly lost.
The infantry battalions, however, fixed
bayonets and accompanied by the Der
sonnel of the artillery, seized a hill on
the left of the road two miles from the
Nek. with but little -opposition. There
they remained unmolested till dawn,
the time being occupled in organizing
the defense of the hill and sonstructing
stone sangars and walls as cover from
fire. At dawn a skirmishing attack on
our position was commenced by the
enemy, but made no way until 9 30 a m
when strong reenforcements enabled
them to rush to the attack with great
energy. Their fire became very search
ing and two companies of the Glouces
ters, in an advance position, were or
dered to fall back. The enemy then
pressed to short range, t1M losses on
our side becoming-very numerous. At
3 p in our ammunition was practically
exhausted, the position was captured
and thc survivors of- the column fell
into the enemy's hands. The enemy
treated our wounded with- humanity,
Gen. Joubert at once dispatching a
letter to nme, offering safe conduct to
doctors and ambulances to remove the
wounded. A medical officer and parties
to render first aid to the wounded were
dispatched to the scene of action from
Ladysmith last night, and the ambu
lances at dawn this morning. T be ffant
of success of the column was due to, the
mistottune of the mules stampeding
and the consequent loss of the guns and
small arm ammunition reserve. The
otlicial list of casualties and prisoners
will be reported shortly. The latter
are understood to have been sent by
rail to Pret,aria. The security of La
dysmith is no way af~xted"
Imprnsoned for Kissing.
From New Haven. Conn., comes the
story of the undoing of a Yale fresh
man, and the sorrows o.f his sweetheart,
and with the story comes proof that
the old blue laws of colonial New Eng
land have not entirely passed away.
Stephen 0- Lawrence, a member of the
freshman. class at Yale, was the escort
of Miss May Carroll, a pretty young
girl of New Haven, to- the theater
where they saw Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Losing themselves in the story beirng
acted before them, they soon grew mel
low in disposition and sympathetic in
heart, of which they gave evidences
later on. After the performnance Law
rence took his yovns lady to an ice
cream festival. The comb'nation of
Uncle Tom's Cabin and ice cream was
too much for the young man, and con
sequently as he left the festival, it hav
ing become necessary to aid her in the
adjustment of her wraps, he bent low
and touched her ruby lips with his.
Being only a freshman, and therefore
unskilled in osculation, the young man
made such a resounding smack that a
nearby policeman was awaken from his
slumubers and bore down upon the
frightened couple, escorting them to
the police stati-an. The following
morning the stern old judge, a puritani
cal soul, sentenced them each to fifteen
days in jail.
Haselden's Side.
In last wee's issue we published some
extracts from letters written to Uutz
charging that Hlasdlden received nu
merous presents of liquor and beer from
hauses coing. or desiring to do, busi
ness with the State Board of Control
and that he shared these with his
friends and neighbors. In reply to this
ebarmze Haselden pnblishes a letter
signedi by thirty-five of his neighbors in
Marion county certifying to his high
character ano speaking of him in the
Colonel Thomas Wants Certain Infor
mation About Them.
Col. John P. Thomas is working dili
gently towards getting up the Confeder
ate records of this State, without the
financial support of the State and that
is all the more reason why he should
be given the data he so earnestly asks
for. It is a burning shame th:at tie
record of this State in the late war is
not yet complete, and Col. Thomas
shows why it is so difficult to com
plete the records. He makes this state
Columbia, November 1, 1899.
In response to the circular letter of
the undersigned calling for corrections
and amendments to "River's Ac.ount
of the Raising of Troops in South Car
olina for State and Confederate Ser
vice, 1861-65," to be handed in or re
ported by November 1, 1399, the follow
ing survivors have responded being one
half of the number called upon:
Orr's regiment rifl..s, Sergt Major
Fifth regiment, Col Asbury Coward.
Twenty-fourth regiment, Col Ellison
Twentieth -regiment, A. S. Salley,
Watie's artillery, Sergt Bridges.
'Twenty-sixth regiment, Col J. H.
Eighteenth-regiment, Col W. H. Wal
Fifth cavalry, Col:Zimmerman Da
Lucas battalion, Major J. J. Luzas.
Second artillery, Capt T. K. Legare.
German Artillery, Capt Theo Mel
St Helena Mounted .Rflemen and
Palmetto Battalion Artillery, Lieut T.
G. White.
Second cavalry, Adjt. J. W. Moore.
Eighth regiment, Major T. E. Lucas.
First regiment regular3, Col Wm
Fourth cavalry, Col Wm Stokes.
Seventh regiment, Capt J. H. Brooks.
Second foreign battalion, Lieut Col
F. H. Brooks.
Hampton Legion, Lieut S. E. Welch,
acting adjutant.
Palmetto Sharpshooters and.5th regi
ment, Col Joseph Walker,
Sixth and 9th regiments,-Major J. L.
First cavalry-and 7th cavalry, Lieut
W. G. Hinson.
Twenty-first regiment,-.
Fourteenth,.. regiment,- Col J. N.
Charleston battallion and 27th regi
ment, Col Julius A. Blake.
Historic matter, Col Ed McCrady
and Capt W. A.-Courtenay.
The time for additional responses is
hereby extended to D. cember 1 next.
The foundation of the hi-tory of the
part taken by- South Carolina in the
war between the States, 1S61-65. rests
upon the complete and accurate a
count of the raising of troops in the
State for State and Confederate service.
The duty of s-irviviug offi-ers and
men to make the record as full as pos
sible is a self-evident proposition.
Hence it is urged upon former com
manding officers, living, to whom Riv
ers' pamphlet was sent, and who have
not thus far responed, to make answer
by December 1 next.
John P. Thomas,
State Historian of Confederate Records.
The Crop Half Million Bales Behind
Last Year.
Secretary Hester's New Orleans cot
ton exchange statement issued Thurs
day covers the monthly movement to
October 31. Compared with last year,
the month is behiud in round figures
549 000 bales and behind year bef ire
last 152,000. The amount brought into
sight for the two months of Septem
ber and October shows a decrease of
396 320 under last year, a decrease of
109,16U under the year before last.
The movement from the first of Sep
tember to Octocer 31st showvs receipts
at all United States delivery ports 1.
916,3S5, against 2,414 060 last year;
net overland movement by railroads
across the Mississippi, Ohio and Poto
mac rivers, 299,430, against 192,791
last year; southern mill takings, exclu
sive of quantity consumed at s ,uthern
outports, 269,863, against 245.463 last
year; interior stocks in excess of those
held at the commencement of the sea
son, 3t'6,491, against 396.174 last year
and 311,750 same tiwe in 1896. These
make the total amnounit of the crop
brought into sight during the two
months ending Oct. 31st, 2,8->2,160,
against 3,243,491 last year. exports for the first twro
months of the season have been 1,242,
89S, showing a decrease under last sea
son of 177,946.
Stocks at the seaboard and the 29
leading southern interior markets at
the close of Oatober were 1,473,6S1,
against 1,523,871 the same date last
Including ports and interior towns
left over from the previous season and
the number of bales of the current crop
brought into sight during the two
months, the supply has been 3,471,067,
against 3,516.057 last year.
Up to this date last year 23 Si per
cent, of the cotton crop had been mar
keted, and for the same months in 1897
the percentage of the crop br~ught into
sight was 26 44, and for the same time
in~1896 the percentage marketed was
Sound Advice.
The prices of fertilizers are rising.
So arc all other prices. A big cottou
rop will surely be sold at a low price
and cheap cotton with everything else
:ear will mean ruin for the South in
1900. Let farmers learn. The drought
has been a blessing to them. It cut
own the cotton crop and brought bet
ter prices. Heced the lesson. Sow
abundantly of wheat and oats. Wheat
is a cash crop now. Make some meat
t home, make plenty of corn, begin
he year's work with the firm purpose to
make cotton the surplus crop. An
ther great cottmn acreage will be smi
idal and will check the prowerity we
re only beginning to feel.-Greenville
Infant Burned to a Crisp.
The home of Rev. W. A. MacDonald
bout seven miles from Coiquitt, was1
~lestroyed by filue early WXednesd3ay.
orning. Oae of the infant childreni
ef in the house was burncd to a crispn.
A Word for the Housekeepers of the
At the late convention of wheat
growers in Greenwood, Mr. C. H. Jor
dan made a touching and appropriate
plea for the farmer's wife.
'While we are advocating a revolu
tion in our farmfng methods, permit
me to make a plea for the farmer's wife.
Give her every possible diversion which
your limited means will permit. Make
the home life attractive and inviting.
Every farm in the country shoud-have
its garden of bright flowers and varie
gated shrubberies. Nothing brightens
a room more or is apt to receive the
tender care of a woman than flowers.
Indulge your wives and daughters, as
often as possible, in that greatest of all
boons to women-social pleasures.
Every neighborhood should have its
woman's social club devoted to litera
ture, sewing or lovely conversation.
Women on the farm should be of the
highest order of intelligence."
J. H. C., in the Carolina Spartan,
says: "Not long since we published
some valuable communications about
the advantages or danger of a country
life for young people. We now want
expressions of opinions from the good
women, the mistresses of the farm
houses, on the social country life they
lead or wish to lead. The men on farms
have many ways in which they meet
their neighbors. Election days, sale
days, court week, muster days, tax-pay
ing days, market days and other times
throw the farmers together. Butit is
not so with their good, home-keeping,
home-loving wives. Big meetings
come on occasionally, and between ser
mons the well-filled baskets are brought
out and are freely shartd with visiting
friends, acquaintances and strangers.
The pleasant intercourse enjoyed on
such occasions is really close akin to
tly more distinctly religious exercises
within the church walls. Genial, un
selfish interest in the welfare of others
is a good field for religious truths to
fall in and bear good fruit. Let not tha
busy home-keeper think that all the
preparation-- she makes for such occa
sions is only outside, secular, worldly.
In feeding the hungry she may feed
herself, and even an unseen divine
guest. And, then, country people are
seldom cold or distant when a neigh
bor's house is singled out for a visit
from the angel of affliction. Then the
little worries and complaints between
people are forgotten, and a sick little
child may become a great peace-maker.
But, aside from all these, farmers'
wives need other occasions of social
enjoyment and recreation. We take
fot granted you have some musical in
struments in your home and that you
have good, fresh, attractive reading
matter for parents and children. Now
what plans have you to share these
comforts or luxuries with your friends,
whose dinner horn you hear every day?
We are not now thinking about "par
ties," that tire you for days to prepare
for them, and for weeks to recover
from them. We mean cheap, simple,
restful, healthfal occasions on which
young and old may meet and be really
and sensibly happy together, go home
at proper hours, in proper spirit, com
forted. refreshed, strengthened enri.ghed
by the flowing together of human
hearts and numan sympathies.
Orange Blossom Special.
Capt. Jack Allison ran an orange
blossom special Thursday night- from
Trenton, S. C., to Charlotte. He had
seren bridal couples on board-at one
time-five white and two colored. The
white brides were "all pretty and
timid," Capt. Allison said. They were
spotted as soon as they got aboard, and
the rest of the passengers forgot to
watch the scenery, so intent were they
on watching the newly-married lovers.
Capt. Allison has been running on the
road for 23 years. and this is the first
time he har hauled so many brides and
grooms on one train. One couple came
from Trenton; two from Columbia; one
from Blackstock; two from Chester and
one from Rock Hill-all South Carolin
ians. -Charlotte Observer.
A Fatal Runaway.
Miss Sallie White was killed at Hun
tersville, 14 miles east of Greenville, on
Wednesday afternoon by being thrown
fro~n a buggy. She anid Mrs. John
White were out driving, and when near
the Hu'ntersville store the horse became
frightened and ran. Both the ladies
were thrown out of the buggy ,about
the same time, but Mrs. John White
was not seriously injured. SThe acci
dent occdrred about 4 o'clock, and Miss
White died about midnight from inter
nal injuries. No bones were broken.
Killed at a Party.
A dispatch from Cheraw to the State
says the negroes there were considera
bly excited Thursday over the murder
of a young negro man nemed Ed Sel
lers. sThere was a party at a house
near town and a large number of negroes
who are working on the railroad attend
ed. Several of the town darkies went
there and a general row was the result.
Pistols were drawn and 10 or 15 shots
were fired. Ed Sellers was hit in the
stomach and died in about an hour after
No others were hurt. It has been im
possible to locate the person who did
the shooting, as there were a number
engaged in the flght.
Many Wars.
We are so busy with watching our
own war in the Philippines and the
British-B~oer conflict in Africa that
probably the greater number of us have
overlooked the fact that Belgium is
having alittle war of her own in her
:lendency, the Congo Free State, that
Itaiy~is about to have a brush with
Morocco, and that there are revolutions
zoing on in Venezuela and Columbia.
The mai~kers of guns and ammunition
>uehlt to be enjoying a season of great
A Good Suggestion.
Messrs. Ilaselden and Ouzts will kind
v retire to the remote recesses of the
ack yard where the jimson weeds and
>egar lice and cockle burrs are grow
ng agrainst the fence, and there eon
luet the rcmainder of their controversy,
-emaining until it is completed. If it
s never completed they will oblige us
>y continuing to remain all the same.
i.t the present time we regret to have
o announce that they fatigue us.
U-eenville News.
Result of Inquest Over the Body
of a-Murdered:Man.
Two .Brothers and a Cousin, All
Named Johnson, Were
Engaged in the Killing.
Another murder is reported from the
uppeir part, of Greenville County. The
killing took place between 3 and 4
o'clock, on Tuesday, Oct. 31, within
a few hundred yards of Marydell, where
there is a country store and postofce,
and the victim was Jesse W. Johnson,
an elderly man, who was shot in the
breast by his nephew, George Johnson,
with whom he had been on disagreeable
terms for quite a while. George eame
to Marydell badly used up in a battered
condition, which led to an investigation,
and the facts were-revealed that ho-had
shot his uncle, who died in a few min
utes. An inquest over the body re
sulted in a verdict that he came to his
death by a ;'istol shot from the hands
of George Johnson, and that Marshall
and Avery Johnson were aseessories
thereto, all of -them being nephews of
of the deceased. George and Marshall
are sons of Oliyer Johnson and Avery
is the son of John Johnson.
Two -other brothers of the ideeessed
M. M. and D. N. Johnsons testifed-at
the inquest. The origin of-the trouble
was not brought-out-in the testimony
and still remains in doubt. A, eitinea
of the neighborhood met the yozg
men en the way to their unole's house
and George said they were going to set
tle the difficulty with him, which the
neighbors knew existed. Another story
is that George-said-he was-going toset-'
tle with his uncle for work done, but
there was no evidence on these-points.
M.. M. Johnson, one of the deceased's
brothers, saw part of the difficulty, and
swore that Marshall and his brother
were fighting at the Johnson saw mill
or near ithere, Geoige made a grab at
the deceased by the arm, and he caught
George, who dewa-pistol.andfired-the
fatal shot.
Avery Johnson claimed-the-pistol af
terwards, when all three of the ne
phews went away from the place where
the shooting had occurred, which was
within 50 yards of the deceased's home.
Avery took no part in fight and Jesse
Johnson had a rock in his hand, but
did not use it, nor did he hit George
during the altercation with Marshall.
George had the pistol in his hand going
toward thue deceased-whenM. .M. John
son first saw him.
D. N. Johnson, another brother of
the deceased, saw the fight from a dis
tance, and knowing the previous trouble
he ran to them. He caught hold of
Marshall -and they fell to the ground
and he did not know that Jesse was
killed until af ter.kis separation from
Mrs. Aletha Johnson, wife-of the de
ceased, testified that George, Avery
and Marshall came near to the house
and called for their uncle, who went
out to them. He was met by Marshall
and the others went to the road. Mars
shall struck her husband and the othiers
came back, George with something in
his hand, and struck his uncle in she
face, when she heard Marshall, say,
"Shoot him quick."
The evidence was confined nearly al
together to relatives, and the examina
tion failed to reveal the case of the
trouble. _________
Arbor Day.
-The following circalar has been is
sued by Mr. MeMahan in reference to
arbor day:
To the County Superintendents of Ed
The legislature, by an act approved
February 16, 1898,.has directed "That
the free public schools of this state
shall observe. the third Friday in No
vember of each year as Arbor Day, and
on that day the school officers and
teachers shall conduct such exercises
and engage in the planting of such
shrubs, plants and trees as will impress
on the minds of the papils the proper
value and.appreciation to be placed on
flowers, ornamental shrubbery and
shade trees." Until the observance of
this day in our schools has become an
established custom, it may be overlook
ed unless specially brought to the at
tention of the teachers. You will,
therefore, urge upon all the teachere
of your countyto celebrate _the dayfLu
their schools.
John J. McMahan,
State Supt. of Education.
Three Men Kilied.
A distressing .nccident occurred
Thursd.y morning on the Georgetown
and Western railroad. The leg train
of the Atlantic Coast Lumber eompany
loaded with-timber, was backing down
to Georgetown, when it struck a oow,
which derailed six cars, th'rowing them
over the side of the track, killed three
colored men and badly injaring three
others, besides injuring a fine horse
used in loading.,.logs. .The- dead and
woundei were carried to Georgetown
and taken care of by the lumber eem
pany people.
Mrirried Nine Times.
Wesley James, an old Ncgro, whose
home is in Charlotte, has one -of the
most remarkable histories we have ever
heard of. He has been married nine
times. Eight of his wives are dead,
and he now lives with the ninth. He
s 75 year Ad and is hale and hearty.
His oldest children, twins, are 55 year3
ld, and his youngest, twins also, are
12 months old. James says he is the
father of 56 children, and many of
them he has not heard from in years.
Charlotte News.
Bad War Record.
The Pennsylvania Republicans are
probably sorry that they tried to "work
he soldier racket" in their campaign
~or the state treasurership. The man
hey nominated for the offlee was the
leutenant colonel of the Pennsylvania
egiment that want to the Philippines.
nstead of having a walk-over, as was
robably expected, he finds that he is
bliged to defend himself against
rtty well substantiated charges of
~owardice and shirking in the face of
he enemy. Meantime the Democrat
ho is opposing him is talking busi