. :Nt"ES : i -r tO 0 v ate t n No crni' tw of a persoba aetrI -x: b M a :e p The Fior.reucec Tiies intimiuates thtat OLeV Was us'ied to inluence many trustees mito sitiug ib pa wa ants f)I. the v"\w ntltriouls I'TlpS and Ch*ta Wc 'I I t I' CeV , ore i any juart cause 1o suilh a uspicin, but we do Ii e that it Zook nwre th an the mrit s ft Imap1's and charts to obtaiun the wimllmendati'n oft' Ilioia0, w- suplied thbe can tiils. Deeis somet tatlk in ce(rtamn quar ters of Col. \\ i . la s bLeting a cani e 1 (-1110n. ZIil ',h, C') Jumbia ltLicor :l':tk it. 4 sr t be suggesi. inut0 J .'o1 1 is a spln1dd ail, IIC ath . ari has large b-ui I. eX jdrience. He is clean and Very c SI VvatiVt. 1,1t \ut tinkr the p(tion Ilo(f Stace Treasu rer oull be w I. i :is i n ae.l:.d a lace where his buinets qLuClc tous could bo btter u: li t the State's advautage. There are sone newspapers trying to throw cold water on the Ieunion by cleating the impression that the people of the city are going to resort to extortion. There is not a word of truth in the thought; rates have been published and they are very reason able, and besides that, the good peo ple of the city are making every effort to provide for thousands without any charge whatever. Of course, those who are to be entertained without charge, are such as cannot afford to pay hotel bill. We are sorry to see this attemptt to thwart the efforts of those in churge of the reunion, and it is our belief that Charleston not onlv has her full heart in the wvork, but that it is her determination to make this, the ninth reuion,. the grandest ever held. No one need fear of being imposed upon inl Char leston, rates on t le railroads, at the hotel and boarding houses ai e as low as any reasonable being can expect, and if any attempt at extortion is discovered, and it is reported to the committee, the matter will be stopped. instanter. Let ever body go to the reunion, for it is as much the duty of! the entire state to help entertain thbe visitors from other states as it is for Charleston. Do not lt any body be frightened away by the foolish cry of extortion from certain newspapers that are antagonistic to Charleston. The political sensationalists are at work endeavoring to start the polIi cians off. The first thing sprung- was an alleged combination between Sen ator Tiliman and General Butler, in the nature of a conspiracy to defeat I Senator MIcLaurin in 1903, and for the part Butler is to play in the game, Tillnman is to lend his influence to Butler. That cilly story went the rounds of the press, and before the1 readers finished expressing their' opinions, a bran new one is sprung which puts General Butler in the field as a candidate for Governor.t There is no doubt about it. (Gen. 31. l C. Butler would miake a fine governor. I He has had more experience thanI any other man now living in the State I in public affairs, and we believe were I he to offer himself to the people for the position he would make a race that would keep) other caudidates awake at nights. But we have noC idea the General has a thought of re-t entering State polities. lie umde a race against Tillmnan and wasde feated, and since then, he has been in the government service, cupiugr a position much nearer to his heat t, and better suited to his disposi:ion tha i any civil position would be. Besides, were he to conclude to rounad (t1 is public eareer with ibe guberniatorial p5 osio, his persouad pipular ity, to gethler with his long puhlic service, in our opmnian, w ol not ove'rcomne his opIpositin to1 the dispensary law.x The peCople have differenes~ of opin ion as to) the way the dis pensary should be managed ;there are large number who favor the disp sary law, and1 wa~Ut to see such1 legis lat ion as wihl put dIown pposuwn;ion this, they believe, call be accem;lished by permitting the various counies1 to vote on the quelstion, antd, b the consent of the peopjle, haveo the: liquor traille regulated :at tile samne time, rather than see the dispensary law destroyed thev would stand be QUARTERLY REPORT COUNTY eUPEF\/18OR. Th1 followingi Report tf Claimi , approved from the ist (lay o .1m1-y 1899, to the 1st day of Apr !. 1899, inclusive. showi n. the nuiber. in whose favor, for what purpose, and the aim1t. is jul isheti in confowrmity to the A ;-t of the Ltgisurlatiie 4f 1897: N' ...~.N.30K AND A1u'-: N1r No. N.N'I.; AND) 1_uiti'0SF. X DAF DA_______ ... - -.. 1 Jan. 14 Walker, Evans & Co., books and st 11 A 11 Hill. Equalization Board . .. 2 Feb. 4 iPese elerk salary...........w Fe.4C1) 1..e ... 12 !) 0 7 W A Broada 1 .1) :11) J Bradha'. jail dieting........... 8 GO. M Montgonery. . 401 4 4 F P Ervin. tools, ch.ainlga .g .. ' .5 W \ 1 MC )(1. 1 -, Walker. Evans & Co., stationery, etei 2 41 .1 Nettles . 1)5 .Jessie Tobias, guard chain -ang.. . 00 61 J E Br-r -s 1 0 V M But ler, overseer chaingang.... Ov t; X T Keziledv 2 . SL \els, Sup't Education ........ 3 61 J C B r .... 1 L Wells, traveling explases . . .. 10 00 64 A J Rt hhlurg. 1 H A Johnson, chaingang supplies. .. tM 10 1# E C Dickson, inagistrate............ Oo Gf: N 1 Broek I) - 2G Malnning Hardware Co., iron eh'n S 1 1 F B Felder, 15 1:; 2R R M Johnson, constable. ............ 12 5 W E Dan-i 5 14 T R Itolinson, constable......... ... G 2 5 1 15 Estate M Levi, poor house account ..F R Plow(ei, Jr, -) Estate M Levi, jail account.. . ....... j Estate M Levi. chaingang accoiit. . 01 7 J W Col . I C P Lesesne. clerk salary.. ...........2 I5 J S Mr u ...n 1 00 11 uggins & Chandler. beef, ch'ngang '2 f J S 1 ) J F Richbourg, magistrate .. ...... 1 45 A P lagin, magistrate. ............. 7 6 M Dav .. 5 ST 22 M Johnson, coroner's constable. . M Pavei 1 6) 3 2' . L Wells, Supt Edicat'n, salary.. 3 7 50 1) (4 tmhle . 20 F24 E ' Dickson, magistrate .......... W d0 W M Butler, overseer chaingang . 2 10 X( N Morn 1 26 26 .1 W Barrow, fixing bridge 12 50 SI A Smith. 1 01) 2 . A P Ragin, acting coroner............. 50 X N J urh ville, 6 -55 2, A P Ragin, magistrate ..... I Sprott 1 J P Audrews. coroner............ . 11 0 1i Burgess 4 -) 0 1) J Bradnai. ex. trav. for prisoners 3 S M Nexse. 1 -1 1 Mar, 4 F N Wilson. ins. on e'rt h'se and jail I 6 1 S I) .1 Bradlim. dieting account 10 I :0 0 a7 Mar. (2' F A Sports. guardi 11 W T Kennedy, daiage to horse... 1 A I %oeJ.5t' Tol ls. gIarll (1hai .an . 11 (0 .1 V McLeod, chaingang suplhies. .1 1) Andrvws. coroner..............11 00 . A Smith, lumber. ete..............1 I !")April 1 1, , Wells. Supt. Ei.. salary. . J Turbeville.hImiber and fix' li11 r 21 br; ) X MIRI V r.*airig court housebr 5 0 S(7 Ti ri 'ov ili (* 14 !11 t' l*I i. (Clerk saa r n..... ........ ) ) W I Ciastilno, 6 O;lV1 2 E C 1ivkson. magistrate.............23-) S(i King,. chaligall 'l . I 0l1 1 F It: gs 13 41 P G (ibbons. tixiig bridge.......... 00 11 B, Iiateroan, constable.............12 5)) 41 Chas Rtidgill, hay, chaingang........ 11 -I W M Butler, overseer claingang.. 120 42 Walker. Evans & Co., stationery .... 13 !1; K B 0anihe. coroners constable.... 4 0 .:8 14 1) F Lile. Equalization Board........ t )n 4 It H Oiriffin, S -5- S-TTobias, constable...............33 :i2 A .' A urgess, I tt Wl Sult. State Pell*\. Clothes convicts 39 OI W M Plowden1, 15 1V( 1, Stidham. Supt. poor farm........." 75 47 . M Strange, 4 60 1(il S I. Stiram. (lothes for pauers.. . 2 45 4 . J E Richbourg, 1 14 1112 A P aii.ching prisoner.........34 .4 J H Johnson . 53 103 ( I)u Ha ut. lixiridge...........2 00 51' .J F Bradhamn 5 5 1)4 J 1) washinitonburying dead bodv 4 21 ! T1 L Bagnal, 1 20 1,1C .1 F Ricliboun constable........... 23 5 J Watt,......... . 43 15 It 1, Bell, making -r-i- wagon 0 17 f 1. BinnI'; I St 11 S Tohbials, coiis-tUble.............. P M 1 ) Wells I I . I 1 7 Bateman, constable..............) 2 Pi. .I A J AicrNhourg, iNDgistrt. . ......... 8 :13 $F 1 Ervin bardware hainrzan .... T. (. OWENS. Attest: Sitpervisor C'laredon County.1 C. P., LE.SrcSNE.. Clerk. oetting- such mo1dicainfrmte Wa.-lnntoll~ Letter, stuff was unfti to eat, .Shafter said it to time w3 coutlitioiis will demanild. v. as goodi, and t hat h~e ate it everv~ General Butler is an uncompromis- . ~ I~~1'.I*t Kn~~ntrt (t n noe t ihrh vr IG (Y il istsimnlo i %Vas1igoArl14 i h hn img opponient of tile dispensary law, 1 c"tn pi 4 S' tddtetigi hstsioyo i is rcarettable that Congress is not inl wzs furnished withla differeut sort of as all of his utterances indicate, ses n so th. th deort ol anned "roast" beef from tbat furn andI recently lie gave to the press a inject sufficient ginger into) Mr . l-slied the rest of the armyv. How his letter whichi will drive away fromn biun Kinley to make him call Germ acv 'testimnony was received at the White advoate ofthelaw mater nothow(ll~flas heymad hi cal %p-ni House mnay be judg-ed from the fact persoally We ~wn yea ago 'Ih ejl i:ta ewstegus fhnra high th regar h~m strred0t deees ininto4 I h inrgvnb r cily e do notbeliee any an inthe Stte nes tha 11ma tra'ev n i Ih e ett-vadwa sue canbcelctd po a atidipesa hs eeiirep1nshl fr mb'.iu'~tht iewoldbeon0o te ddtina rvpltfrm I telat letin he(f t mal etteiert lfAmr c-nI ajr enras ht2he5l ( wllb proibiioist shwe thir trngt j ndEngis mar5~ 7080n~ nite otne ir ryrogn in il flstpriar, nd heaut-ds-I ad he ilin of tw jnean u1 i~l]at America and on 7nlsoeAer ineseetir fM.E at pens~r its udproriitonst crn-i(anEnig, 1 50lu maie l etIrpo:.Ia.,wowsins bind.slowAt ei's n heseondth udmiisraio is don7 uta7t*itlAsti ne h lvli~ prinrvthsto, ih h ad f~~t5(oii ayerilowitng h'~ a]ni37i ton o50peen te7.S man eterues(iocrnr llebe iil nnnyha dee0e risapcl on7ltleinentoa oiisrnta tiI~ii thi gIvriiiE0 tfu o iew60er~eLort taghe u madeby is arilusa1~ontienttmesi1w li0 wa ihSanbgn .81rii age wsdsponigt man ofthee nemes otd fr te ut n eer intac th cmnsr-: iibro eulcasxh '1i proibiio cadidtt intir scon Lin as lhove itsel tob lctdlk I av3eue h )1 r priary atthesaie imethe ae wth litl sof sopfo h e- cily4 onviei h aeo manambssaor Ths78on ui oitc egt lce 5 h lp ardent dtsen~ar~i~e. ness ha ar5se the pcladpht lreiridrcl fgl Itisou piio. ht hee uncrs~tu;'i s eaned Snto Sewr100 00Lat. ul reisplyngfMa h ~bot Gnerl Btlr, urprtig o vice puli scdmnt ve e dI spotnetya. r rp ~unnat frm elibiesorce. ae DI~5 Gr.iv wan totgt I sai'lddmorr e.9elei caee cap~nlr, tre l~tjehts f si'' so sh:ma bercci frda te. 'e nr Ap tre ';irrrne fSfalI [Il~iia hoehi s rones.it~ i ~elcIulIaw~e.(n C i Ir~ ~r s*t 21ii i. woiscrarriii0~ 1 1110 i'ilrna ~vll e acanli~~is ti su- ~on hei shoules.A101i ~ iis reedhimelf an thre s n ma inresnt'~i 1 14h (I102 Llti noliics n th St~tc ho kows et- an, aid 25iIrX SCt1l h ec:i lllrsNw lasbee sio 5 agis 95rln Ir * I 104V AI.l'jtIi il3L thanTillan hat e hs no tun Si nioth 1 2he 10.3 l L F.u ~n~slt ci ;beler hey mus sek esewere trllig tr led~r~gon ue a PI Hit lle .' . Eq a ito oard... ..nt $1 :ii ''Ac;111. it" I~o une ha cii W~ AiHroa way, l I " .. ...-i 'l- 1120 h~mn s trog it te m sss r jwhn hemin o ie (ieniti.11 3 1 1 igomery," i " t ..... 5~l 40rii roseph H Earle. Li.ippEesuisesisl"i" ong..v.. d1,:'' iext yer, and he disensar. ueL Mathistha "h" ila.ds.wre li0 io wllbe reivd le erail bt~nu it $QO OA0I, nd ta; P Hro .1 " " ...... 1 Wlil pa~Etireehler, a"l"ng..ime.b1f15 vould no attemp tO CncurittW E DLbni.ls Edtr 1'ls alo m- a -sm.all :anidtefrm Iisow cun", nd ;~ e pS~el~od (.C E p L e, i t " "o . ..... o 1ri~ T 20. -uc a itis XhenAginildsE R Ponden mor, "i "or ind... to 5 50 'spcill oe ~ir w~id b bun i~i w~s akn t ws nuluce N Toiasl" w '' - il -a about - t5e J(.iPlyero""....... 1 6 er ir . o gt hnri ou trer' didt hve o W al t blIe.r " th t 'l -ncl ....e eels )oitontotihtMcaurntw 'eas ;dactn, iter. jlaknr 11A' ofHudd i, iu' wa .it .... an :ii0 ate, ndBule i-ain hs igt cl rm ohcah, enra Saim1 J Morit "eyuc. ... 12 gait hedipesar, ha'i" i si ~ eas~d t~toi ul isith, ''"a- d-nerwa-ad.- Tir l1di r. 5 FA porsguard thing . .......od 41ent h 'iid li l.. a c~ndinit n wla~I he lliir~s ie ou t -.I P And e, re r ...... riin was. th 1 or ~ond hve t~lstniil~ P ~ tveitlahi ,but1 eliv i s Lt L Wel, ut.E d. ay ay......75 W- Hutleri oers.anag.. 50 EI bnleacroers ontale..040 ltit~ei~ rit m .0a con- .jent~t Ltwtlfi 5ct~Lliu ibnsic tue and P.Hadling.r. 14iii withBI~t~crdefat M~tu-in,"Th hh~~nrs wil gt tied t. Stacte Pandy, clohe sovieal.other0. or s Ie ncc.;rgirg utlr o b itI has sone- tan ir Aer .\a P Mai, eil h pionuer.. r 1turne ltiiidtt fo Goeror. lir I~lii- ias dd. ri itieritfew \ .iii o h D rona t erxing bide.... week.. stay J i Wathinlien brin d(iea body, 4and H Haermanreti on ta ir........ tha wil tir.e iusebhourrsupigistrate..........i8it Tlrit F ~ P -rvn hadwar ir ebinane.... 10i5 Attest: nSupervisor $('hirendon County.l W Ci. P ! .;;Li.:i-m:.tr C Uulerk . tea,. . .fili Nev Iwllst inr totm scnitions~.1. ie demau.c id11 hsI!-~ nrrcu re ynx etr sii l forignIopponwe vit gtof thieun dispentsary ltawprceet ndrcetly hl~ gav toI1i;-rn~ e thempes tetX terrwhicriverll)drivefawtyacing htm dvoates oftelw mattersino how r;e - r' c~Irig ~I f31fe lnii itt2 ois it0i notI albelievenuiIcaux maIfn fl tin nthigpatStahore tiy Ihtfr. In a la t e lcn th e ce. ti hrs I - (oi rervr,2)febiig t 'h irtpiary ad the anti-fdi-ls- fntdrrngpst2 pnsarite and Irohibtioist com- td u i t iuhyIe'ttniir. pi,3a, this~ too, wth the hasaidcii htofrtigIeh~ c ier,16fe. tigafllo -f Sr.hSbitionncs.didate 1i1.thea.eciud It.d soufrt opnin hattes c-rumrsofteedereo ulouofcvi itfSne ie,5.febe ol11:i1e i - whoshtv- it. tcrowsswuletss.I a heir tairar ~rnrgpat2 hus The Successful Farmers D Who tuy ltr asl are on the increase in this count y. Julgitig from the nuniber who cooe t- our place of IIusiei.s- for thir spring sippliv of llariiwarv. TlI-y low. too. when they: ,et proper v.alues for their noney. for We are daily inakiin i tiww ' touers. Our stock of Plows, ioe, Rakes. Shovels, -l'd.S. Pit umps, Piphig, Mill Sipplies. Holrs. Stoves and Shelf Hardware was nearly all hottgh t before the receit sharp ad vaice in prices. We are ofleriig thiem at the oldI tiires. lWe call sipply tobaco growers with Paris (Green and Eleetric Sprayers at lowest prices. MANNING HARDWARE CO. Wim. E. Holmes & Co. 209 3east Bay. RL-3 FCoTNrT. G. a., - rEE' IN -- Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnish and Brushes, Lanterns, Tar Paper and Building Paper. Iea(quiarters for tle CelebratedI Pahuerto Branid of CylIinderr, Planilog Mill and Einine ( )ils aiid reases. In the Privacy of the Home. HERE is no need of women subject ing themselves to the mortification of examinations by doctors for the C treatment of the various diseases to which they are subject. These troubles can be treated just as effectively at the home. When you are affected with de rangements of the menstrual functions or any other female disorders, you can be completely cured and the organs fully : restored to activity and strength if for a few months you will use regularly GERSTLE'S FEMALE PANACEA. TRADC.E .~.MARK. DOCTORS FAIL, BUT GERSTLE'S FEMALE PANACEA CURES 3MY wife was taken sick and I at ,nre called our family ihysiian, and h e thought best to call in another piys:eian for consultation. A tr using their miedi-ines frt two months I fouT bhe was very little Ibettr.so I tihen icirchased abo'le of Gerstle's Female Panacea ana coninenced treatn l her. lkefore she had finished taking the second bit tle whe was in letter ealti than she had enjoyed in years previois. I then riiierumiended the Panacea to tbree of my neighbors wit'h good results. 1H. J. TiH RAILK I LL. Tlrailkill. Miss. Remove all costiveness with mild doses of St. Joseph's Liver Regulator. If your case is complicated, write us and we will instruct you fully how to use these great remedies. Sold by all druggists. L. GERSTLE & CO., PROPS., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. For sale by Rl. LB. O R~VE]. Take Care of Your Eyes. We take this met.thod of inflormnin our friends and the publie genterally :batt wte have~ just rec eived a nicee assortment of the bes tG(lase made, and re prepared to furnish our customers with acurate and scienitific aidls to ision. Outrt ies are on the "Live and Let ILive' plan: hienee you can, with a stuall sum, buy from us a pa.ir of good glasses. We have Spectacles and Eye (Glasses of all styles, grades and prices. W. M. BROCKINTON. Fo Ifatsad hid)n AVegetablePreparationforAs siiaigteodn~ Bearla PrmotsTstonCheerfu-Siatr Ixessandgrest.Contains neither OpntNorphin nor IEmieral. NOT NARC 0 TIC. Aperfeclemedy fo Costipa t ion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Wormns,Convulsionsfeverish- E ness and LosS oF SLEEP. Y u n v Yac!i Signature of Always Bought5 -- Kin l~arz Always~ H B OUghtM TOSTORCAA Ilease al Ilow miie space to give ytur :ulers a hew lots fromi this place. IV IU SLO P oor staroils of corn is atll the cry mong the' farmuers. caused by recett Wihi itdu t i 'i spllIs. Mlessrs. I iiicv ando Alleni Bradh 11i C Oti oubr omi ' Sumtter spen it severatI ldays wit h 'itier..... wir sister. M1rs. .Iiosie C able. last H - eek. 1rs. Sara ( antnont and daughterINALS LE e visiting at Mirs. A. I). Cantnon's. Mrs. 1R. A. Few has returtied home. IAVItA) r. Charles Jordan, after repeatedS AMPt01Y tacks of ill ness. is ottt agin.it t hioughI oking quite thint. wtuniesth r. Rtobert I.. Jones left la tWVved- Iil....... sday for Nashville. Tlen., where ____ ' goes to at tend D)raughion' Bu-i- ..ouit~vttc ss College. lHe has tmany friends 're who wish hitm tuth siteerss aind S~tfd edict for him a rising caree..JL.W L. Itavis. S. HAVINprilA1O.N Bregyueobr to Th comfor office II ies @ With the Inner Man Whether you enjoy your life or not. Therefore it belioves all prulent peo lle to respect and treat the iuner inan with due consideration. The first requisite for the prolno tioll of happiess arnd g.oot health is purity and wholesomeness in all vatables.' You -et both here, together with prices which of thenselves are at trac'tive. It is worth your while to pay rue a visit. My Coffees and Teas are Unsurpassed. My Stock of Fancy and Plain Crackers Al Ways Fresh. Anid anythin:: your appetite would rave You can always find at inv place. From liny Bakery I can always give you Made froin Pillsbury celebrated flour -the best in the world. Mv Hams and Breakfast Bacon are of the well known "Husy Bee" Brand, unexcelled for their mild and delight fill Ilavor. A visit to inv store will convince vou. I carn show you souetiaing that wvill lease. Ihe niost fastidious. JOIN W. HERIOT, In Sprott Building Rear of Bank. High Class Tailormg. Made-to-Order Suits. Pants and Overcoats. Suits to .Masure. $6.00 and upward. Pants -1 2.00 Overcoats 6.00 Choicest Fabrics Latest Effects at prives iever known before. Send iie a 1ostal and I will call on you with salindes. J. L. WILSON, " 1 Manning, S. C. Geo.8 Hacker&Son MiAN'TFtERIN OIF r Ii Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding and Building ToCosues t .ae Beer Th5- nna s;wn Cma~,o Pits paen tp e . I' erdz - Exould ;ing. an.d zB-iLrrling prvt M ateri'a-l, spe ratsAfrLGE STOn~Nt, S:. C.e Wndowut ari Fa rG:.asn ad- bpcy th mTdeo frnsuerst. L:.iiagner B::b Tewu ihLrwng Con ay,' o Chretn .I'.Imeltn S. C.eann~zi~nt Tiv .: iNi V .tim lkl(i .\ t .Ii~ or. En. frm C arshn ' ! .'i s :I! 'T E.L. of l'r n a!l. Liot v t. f- -s o -l'lri- n atAm ri .I A A ATETD Notry v Pu btic an ren1 s-isurehanrc Aent. nrphtora . I : .'lmnry ex'nin tion Pafid .I \1i:. o: ;': r'tab iiy- ree in c a erme I' rC.LT;E.1 GUAR AN',t: "S:pa .1mei anand orein : i llcto r refe renes hereto. t. a. C Corrsanenc wih Ivenor O WALTed. BURTO T. OYLE CO * PAETATTES. Was 0 . mos D.i Car.. U. patent anyhin yo ivenorimpov wh; asout .ROTECT"O. end1 '.~ mode k~t, or hey fr freei' ~ 1 ~*~ exa ina ion andL adv i tol n OC F.R.No Ats 1 ~"i~' i i '.1?Oii"T fe ' efu'ore pat.'ent. PaenIawer." A S iH''t GO N, D.Ce. r' it i i: 1 H.'T ulE, i rifsina MANI.G r C ILSRON DUR oANTN TOES Aoleeminatiand andare.a m NO OLD STOCK Everiin New. LOUIS LEVI Is now in position to offer to the trade Brand New Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. He asks that the public call in person and examine his stock, consisting of Cashmeres and H [enriettas Organdies Scotch Lawns Duck in all Shades & Colors Figured Lawns White Lawns Checked Muslins Colored Muslins Pereales Dimities Piques in all shades & colors In fact we keep everything in the Dry Goods line. All we ask is to come and see for yourself. If quality and low prices will !ell goods we are satisied we can sell you. W: natke Gent's FURNISHING Goods and Shoes A SPECIALTY. We have used every tffort to b:iy the lat est st le.;, at the very lowest 1-riee. and if you :; ed anything -n that lnt it will pay you to look at my goo.ls before bnving. Wt- hve the blest Bargains in Olothing ever brought t> thi- town. Onr .tek of GROCERIES is of the best quality. We carry a lirge as. sottutent in that line at prices that cannot be beat. 1,000 cakes Bull's Eye Soap, two cakes for 5c. 1,000 cakes Octagon Soap, 4c cake. 500 cakes Magic Cleaner, it-lb cakes, six for 25c. 400 pkgs Gold Dust, 5c pkg. 100 pkgs Gold Dust, 4 lbs to pkg, 25c. Ground Black Pepper, t-1b pkg, 5c. Gold Band Hams, strictly No. 1, 12jc lb. Best Corn Starch, per pkg. b Bst Lump Starch, 5c lb, six lbs for 25e. Good Flour, $3.90 per barrel. Large assortment of Coffees and Tobacco, Can Goods, etc., at prices to suit the hard times. LOUIS LEVI. W ilson ana Summerton R. R. TriE TABE No. 1, In effect Monday, June 13th, 1898. Between Sumter and Wilson's Mills. Southbound. Northbound. No. 73. 1aily except Sunday No. 72. P M Stations. P M 200 Le...Sumter...Ar 1230 203 ....WV&SJunction. 1227 220.......... Tindaml..........1155 2 38........Packsville........11 30 25 S..........diler..........11 10 3 uS 1 ilr 04 3301 --'- --- ---' '- 1015 ~3 50 ...Summerton .... 10 10 4 2"..... .....Davis...........945 4 4~ .........Jordan ... .. ...9 35 5 15 .Ar..Wilson's Mills..Le 9 05 B-tween .Millard andi St. Paul. South bonnd . Northbound. No~ 73 No. 75. No. 72. No. 74. P M A M Stations A M P 31 3 0)5 10 15 La .\illard Ar 10 45 3 35 :315 10 25 Ar St Paul L-u 10 35 3 25 PM AM AM PM TH1OS. WILSON, President. 1~ jjfl jjfl 8BUNTY, PRIZE i~ai~ II1~MONEY, BACK-PA? CLAIMS OF AlU. ~I9AKANDS GOVUCMTD In the PR i.PA RATION. PRESENTATI0N and the G;overnent of the United States, we possess unsau:-passed fclte-nwegsil xei enee. Xbmt fees. Quick tcork , Faithful &errice and ,Pof aji, rnubity guaranteed. Do not fat! to el. It will pay y ou to do so Information free Highest references given on demand. DOYLE & ECKMAN. WASHINGToN. D. C. THE Bank of Manning, MANNING, 8. 0. Transacts a general banking busi ness. Prompt and special at tention given to depositors residing out of towvn. D~eposits solicited. All collections have prompt atten ion. Business hours free 9 a. mn. to 8 .JOSEP SPROTT, k. LEIm, Cashier. President. BOARD OF DIRECToBS. 7 Lmv,- J. W. McLEoD, XE. B~aows, S. M. NEISEN, IOsEPHi SPRtO'r', A. Lrv. .and Surveying and Leelig. I will do Snrveying. etc., in Clarendonl nd adjoining Counties. Call at oflice or address at Samter, S. C., O . Box 101. JOHN R. HATNESWORTH. R.J. FRANK GEIGER, DENTIsT, MANNING. S. C.