The Manning times. (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, June 03, 1896, Image 3

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1.UBLISHES ALL COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3. 1896. WE WILL PAY YOU Call On Me and I Will Pay You for Read ing This Advertisement if We Don't Prove to You That You Will Save 3,o -ey by Euying Your Goods from Us. 3.000 yards best indigo blue calicos at 5c per yard. We guarantee this lot of calicos to be of the best make and will not fade under the severest tests. 1.000 yards shirt waist calicos, colors warranted, only 4c per yard. The prettiest line of white lawns you ever saw o3ered in this town at 10c per yard. It is well worth 15c per yard. A beautiful line pin cord figored dimities at 8c per yard, co'ors all warranted. We still have on hand a large quantity of la dies' sleeveless undervests at 5c each or 6 for 25c. Ladies, when you want a nice stylish sommer hat, give us a call; we are offering our willinery very cheap. Gents, when you want a rice straw hat give us a call. We will set prise you at how cheap we are selling thecn. The best apple vine gar at 30c per gallon. The best New Or leans molasses at 45c .per gallon. A large lot of coffee peas at 75c per bushel. 20 yds good hemp rope for 25c fir staking cows. When you want some of the cheapest and best tobacco you ever saw for the money, give us a call. We haye it at 25. 30, 40, and 50c per lb. Yours truly, W. E. J-4sssos. Ice for sale at G. H. Huggin's mar ket. Just received 4000 pounds. We regret to learn of the serious illness-of Mr. A. N. Feldei lof Silver. Whet you hear a crndidate fly blowing his opponent put him down as a rotten stake to hitch to. Judge Aldrich is quite a favorite with our people. They like his busi ness way of ronning the court. Mr. J. E. Green, one- of Salem's most progressive farmers, boasts of having the finest crop in the county. If you want a nice cool drink these hotdas, call on J. C. Boyd. Hon. R. O. Purdy, of the Sumter Bar, and F. Barron Grier, Esq, of the Kingstree Bar; are in attendance upon the court. How about that pair of spectacles you are needing so bad? Now is your time to get them at Brockinton's. Oh! how the candidates are solici tous for the welfare of "your family" and when the primary is over some of them will not know that you ever had a family. Dyeing made easy by using Diamond Dye. All colors, at R. B. Loryea's. The people from all over town and a good many from the country send to the artesian well for water. There Is no doubt about the water contain ing medicinal properties. Go to Brocdinton's drug store for soda water, milk shakes and cocoa-cola. Pure fruit syrups always on hand. The c6mmittee in charge of the building of the Baptist- church have given out the contract for pews. They are to be shaped in half-moons and when in position will add much to the already beautiful edifice. Stockton's Antiseptic for all chronic dis eses, for sale by B. B. Loryea, the drug Died last Sunday, in Asheville, Dr William Davies Kirkland, one of the most prominent members of the S. C. Conference and for about ten years he ably edited the Southern Christian Advocate. Milk shakes, soda water and ice cream at J. C. Boyd's We acknowledge with thanks an invitation from Pro. J. W. Morris to attend the commencement exercises of Allen University. Robt. A. Stew art, Esq., of this town delivered the annual address and it is highly spoken of by the Columbia pape' s. Acme fire proof lamp chimneys are the bet at Loryea's. Every white man in this county must procure a registration certificate whether he 'wants, to vote or not. The day may come when he will be anxious to cast a~vote and he connot do it 'without a certificate. Remem ber this and tell your friends. *-Bed Rooster" smoking and chewing to baco,5c a twist, at Brockinton's. The Summerton and afanning base ball club crossedl bats in Manning last Satur day; resulting in a score of 14 to 16 in faor of our town bloods. Alcola is to be lighted with elec tricity and we understand that a conspiracy is being organized in that town to get up a gang of mill. hands and come to Manning some night to move the court house over there. If this is so we want to warn them that Manning has a policeman on guard every night. Alcola need not get too big for her breeches, because she has one man that is public spirited en ough to establish all kinds of things to give people -employment. She need not think because she has a great big lumber mill 'which feeds rowds of people, a knitting mill to feed more, and now an elecitrie light plant that Manning is afraid of her. Manning has been here many years and has lived without such things it really looks as if our moneyed men think she can live always without ~exerting herself. -If we are leaning on love we are not reatless. It is easy to stumble over the smallest sins of people we dislike. Honest poverty is no disgrace, but living beyond one's means is. There is more catarrh in this sectio-1 of the country than all other diseases put to gether, and until the last few years was upposed to be incurable. For a sreat many years doctors pronounced it a iocal disease, and prescri'oed local remedies, and by constantly failing to care with local treanent, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a consti tu'.ional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken inteinally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direc ly on the blood and mucous suir laces of the system. They offer one hun dred dollars for any case it fails to cure. ed for circulars and testimoniatls. Ad dress, F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. prSold by Druggists, 75c. For that torpid liver try "Thedford's Black Draught" at Brockinton's. For writing paper, pens and ink, at the lowest prices, go to Brockinton's. "Pick Leaf" smoking tobacco, 10c a package, at Brockinton's. D. M. Bradham is going to put up an improved ginnery in Manning, any one wanting secondhand gins and presses can get a bargain from him. Why suffer with coughs, colds and la grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine wll cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like Sulphate of 'Quinine. Pnt up in tablets convenient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or noney re funded. Prnce, 25 cents. For sale by It , Lryea, the Druggist. COURT. The Court of General Sessiow opened last Monday morning with Judge James Aldrich p-:esidini Solicitor John S. Wilson as pro0eei ting officer and J. W. Misson steno grapher. After the osual opefningL. preliminaries His Honor delive: d his charge t> the grand jury and i.e Solicitor gave out the following bins: The State vs. Ed Meyers and John White, assault and battery of a 1:. h and aggravated nature. The State vs. Judson Chewni:' rape. The State v.s. Seth Sh ->rte;, -air. The State vs. Louis Gri-in, lareeny, The State vs. Jamies Wilson. u lary and lareeny. The State vs. .James H. 'Tin:daii, assault and battery with int-n' to jkill. The State vs. Bossie Bailey. ra-.. While the coort was waiting f'or the grand jury to return Willie Me Leod was brought from jail. le,had been in jail since last court, having been convicted, but was down with the measles at the tine and too sick to be brought into court for sentence. His Honor Judge Buchanan did not sentence him, so Judge Aldrich tak ing into consideration the length of time McLeod stayed in jail after con viction gave him the following sen tence: "Imprisonment at hard labor on the public works of the county for a period of nine months or in the State penitentiary nine months. The case against Westley Deas charged with arson was stricken off the docket with leave to re-docket. The grand jury returned to the court the following bills: Ed Meyers and John White, assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature, true bill as to Ed Meyers. No bill as to John White. Judson Chewning, rape, true bill. Louis Griffin, larceny, true bill' James Wilson, burglary and lar ceny, no bill. Bossie Bailey, rape, true bill. The first case tried was Ed Meyers, he was charged with playing ghost to scare Jim Barfield, a young white man, and because Barfield would not scare he jumped upon him and gave him a severe beating. He was found guilty with a recommendation to mercy and sentenced to pay a fine of thirty dollars or be imprisoned in the State penitentiary at hard labor for three months. Judson Chewning charged with rape was arraigned and through his counsel made a motion for the case1 to be set for Thursday morning. Seth Shorter charged with rape, was also arraigned and he announced himseli ready and the trial was at once entered into. This is the case where it was al leged that a young white woman by the name of Belle Corbet was rar ised and deserted in the woods by hr betrothed, Seth Shorter', whiile on their way to a Mag'st rate to have the nuptial knot tied. The trial showed that some prtet~y. bad stretching of imagination was indulged in, and in plain parlance, there was a considerable .lying done. The trial began Monday afternoon immediately after dinner, and lasted. all day yesterday. During the pro gress of this case the grand jury brought in a true bill against Bossie Bailey, colored, cha:ged with rape! ~and no bill against William Johnson charged with the illegal sale of spi: itous liquors. -The grand jury having concluded their work brought in the following preseitment: r~r.zsEY ?MESr. SmzT or Sor~H C.&nor:n, Cw~aEsnoN Cousm. In Court of General Sessions, June Term, '1896. To His Honor James Aldrich, Presiding Judge: We would express to Your Honor our high apprectation of having so able and painstaking Junrist to dire't us in the dis charge ot the arduous duties devolving upon us as jarymen, and hope that it may be Clarendon's good fortune to have yon returned again and again to her county seat as Presiding Judge. We would ask to call the attention of the court to the fact that the recommendations made by the jury with reference to the in ferior -class of lumber used in the coasftuc ton and repairing of bridges, has not had the desired effect. Complaints along this line have been made and we earnestly hope that effective measnres be taken at once for the carrying out of recommendations con tained in our first report. Also, we note the feet that persons in all parts of the county are loath to give heed to the law in reference to plowing into and in other ways infringing on the public highway-s, this greatly to annoyance of traveling public, and we would ask that especial attention be given to the matter. The evil of gambling has been brouf t to the attent~on of this jury, and very es pecially have we been urged to bring to te attention of this Honorable Court an evil which seems from the reports made to have assamed large proportions. namely: that of cock-fighting; and whilst the parties. have presented no persons for iniictment, they claim thxat the law has been violated. in the absence of data sufficient for this, your jury, to suggest the punishment of any person or persons for having violated the law in this particular, we must be sat isfied to give notice to persons thus vilat ing the law that we propose to give atten tion to reports brought to us an d that we will leave no stone unturned to bring vio lators of said law to justice. We warn them. We would call attention to the killing of fish in the larger streams by the rtse of dynamite. and we do pledge ourselves to act promptly wvhensoever perso:ns are re ported for the violation of this law. There is also a law against trapping fish duarimg certain mouths of the year, and we wuuld place those who propose to give no heed to the law upon notice, that we will bring them before the courts. We most earnestly call the attention of this Honorable Court to the makeshift of a jail which we regard a disgrace to Clareo don county. It is a cramped, badly-c'on structed, vermin-infected seructure, and we do earnestly reucmmeud that sayps Le taken to provide a better one. Ow~vin to the manner of its construction probodky more than anything elss, the ja:iorin forms the foreman that it is impossil X3 to clear it of bed-bugs and other vermin and consequently the prisoner from the mo ment he enters the ce-ll is tormented al most beyond endurance. Complaint has been made to this jury that some of the county offices have not been kept open as regularly as they should be, entailing very great inconvecience and sometimes expense upon those living a distance from court house. We hope it will not be necessary to refer to this mra: ter again. We urge that parties running train-roads in different parts of the county be required to provide good bridges over them on all roads, public and private. We do respectfully ask that this Honox able court provide this jury with a compe tent person to assist in the examination of the different offices and records and 1would reco mmend Mr. J. H. Lesesne as suited for the work. In our first report we recommended that a fire-proof vault be built for the safe keep ,, ti _ i: ,4iI(uc :"f providing this I : . .- il present to this e n.t ;. ". " . . s as living in : , -rv .:n- t ;-;...:t . ntrarv to the ".* .. .-. ! ,. :..I their country: L r - : ::: t t Ele an i Janie noal. ' .Jk-on. Wit .. - O m .J. :- o rg, .. i t : .. .I. Tiner. _ -,. = . -. i1b titted. * : ' . . . :, ii 'arxnia~l~ ~, '.! "* " .. " :.. l '' :.:1 e ~ll:Iiig ll S R radham~t Le obt:ined y ..c say a few .r, - , : to the report n - - ; . He said ij hl ;ld ask the : ba e spread ". n eertificate f--om I. c.. ., i.- , :airman of the o, .;:ti. ho has made as the r.w. t rs It::hly visits to the con,. iaii :o e:,!m- ne its sanitary ondtio!n: That he has used every ,.re,":: rad endeavored to pre vent the comi(tions complained of, het ti- convsi-uc'ion of the building is ;icch a ch:;."-r; :,"r that it is ut terly ;iossible io keep vermin out of th e it thorough lv to>-d a.nd place some vagabond in it to-night .ith. vermin on him thb place would be full in a little of no time. The record.- of this court show that several g ind juries nave recommended the building of a new jail on account of the bad constrec tion of the present one, and at the last session of the legislature an act was passed leaving it to be submit ted to the voters of the county to vote for the building of a new jail; that he sincerely hoped the people v ould vote for the measure, as the present structure is not fit to confine a decent person; and he further said the reference to ofces being closed he would say that for some time past he was out of his office, leaving it in charge of a deputy, and sometimes the office was closed, but its being closed was through no fault of his. His being out of the office was due to the great trot ble and deep afflic tion re. ently passed through by him. His Honor consented to the certi'i cate of the board of : ealth being spread on the minutes and when it was brought into court the Judge ordered the same read in open court: CEIITIVICATE OF TH . BOAED or HEALTH. Orr:cE or BoAr. Or HEAOTH, Ao.S. C., Jr N 2, 1896. Captain . Dradham, Sheri:T Clarendon County. Dear Sir:-In accordance with the re quirenerL- .f the State law regulating boards of health we have at regular inter vals inspec! td the county jail and have found the .me to ein an unsanitary con dition. Th; mea;itary :ondition of the jail is n.: d. :" t v ne.;c on the part of the oX i. heing charge of same, who asl:-ar to) lea i:"e everything in their pe ;o mii.;a:te this trouble, but it is de p nent urn the ptciar construction of the buildir' and th' conseriuent difficulty of carrying out hygienic measures. Respectfully. C. B. Gi:lGER, fM. D. R. . Loir., President. cecreta.'y. During the delivery of Captain Bradham's rem: rks every eye was riveted upon him and he seemed to deeply fcel the necessity for rising in open'court to defend himself from what miglit he construed as a charge of neglect of dutv. Mter hanknd t e oy for their kin ausinsto h;a his Honor wet o myv that he wvould refer their re.annendA tions s o the .prop e ofi:ors a:ad as to that portion of the presentinient -.lic'h referred to the jaii he said that it often occurs the commtercial value is almost taken awar~ tromi buiinting which are so eost'tucted1 that vermuin can not be woril out of theni. 'FThe shro cawv was resumed and at about sevenu 'lock last evening Hi Honor delivered the charge and gaet the recrds to the jury; at about te ('elock they b: ought in a verdict of not &enIty. The defendant was represented fby 3iajor A. Levi who condeted the defense in a masterly arlner. This muorning at the opening of the court- Bossie Bailey charged with rape was arrtligned and the trial postponed temporarily. The next mnatte: taken rp was the arraingment of Lou:s Gin charged with grand larceny, and in his ar raingment he pleaded guilty. The defendant is a young white boy about nineteen years of age. His Honor being impressed with the ap pearence of the youth, made inquir ries of the prosecutor as to his rais ing and his mind; the prosecutor, Mr. J. L. Eadon, informed him that he did not think the boy very bright, but that he knew the difference be tween right and wrong. His Honor after giving the boy a lecture, sen tenced him four months in the pen itentiary at hard labor or four months on the public works of the county. After a considerable delay caused by attorneys just being employed and 11aving to consult their clients; the court ordered a jury empanneled in the case of Albert Washington and Cadress Martin, both colored, haged with ad altry, and as we go to press the jury a c deliberating on tb~s Surely this court has been for the past three days wo'-king in a bog of filth and the prospect is that it wijl not extricate itself fromn the filthy mire before the end of the week, and the~n let us all hope never to hear of snelh offenses being tried in our ourt hoa; any more. lFUCR lGEN'S ARNIJCA SALVE. The bes salve in the world for cuts, biLss, . se, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,% tLtter 3chlappeLd hands, chilblains, orn- ad askin eruptions, and positively car-. pil,' or.n pay required. It is guar anedi giv perfect satisfaction, or money raadd.- icee 25c. per box. For sale by RI. B3. Loryea. XOIR 20 WoN'T LIVE A MONTH. So Mr. Gilman Brown, of 34 Mill St., South Gardcner, Mass., was told by the o ors. His son had lung trouble, follow ng tyhoid muala11a, and he spent three hu dred and sevenity-five dollars with doc tors, who finally gav. him up, saying: "our boy wat live a month." He tried Dr Liag's New Discov'ery and a few bot tieS rstored him to health and enabled hi to go to woi k a prfectly, well man. He ays he owes his present 4ood health to use of D r '2 New lisee'.e. and knows it t b .. :t in the~ arld foi lung e~g~e. eie.;omi m.: :.: R. B. Lor sud your addr'ss to 1i. iE. Bucklen &h Co CIeco. and get a tree sample box of Dr Ning \N"w L.f PillAs. A trial will t-- ve-- T-u f i :: w it-. These pills a e er.Ve I'I ne -i rparticularly ef feive'in' th cure ot cons'tipationL and sick LdeL~e For maleria and lier troubles tv hav.e been procud' invaluable. They w aated to be perfectly free from en ri deleteri'os subs'tance and to be pure. I vetale. They do not weak' n by their action, but by giving tone to stomiach and bowels greativ invigarate the system. Reg ular size 25c.~per box. Sold by R. B. Lor yea, druggist. ~7ns Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules:<.ne gives rr lief. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure headache.. Why Do people buy Hood's Sarsaparilla in prefer ence to any other,-in fact almost to the exclu sion of all others? Because they know that Hood's Sarsapa rilla cures when others fail. The question of best is just as positively de cided in favor of hood's Sarsaparilla, as the question of comparative sales. Remember, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One T:'ue Blood Purifier. All druggists. Bi. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. cure Liver Ills; easy to Hood's Pills take,easytooperate. 2c. PosLed? Do you know what Grocer ies are worth ? Do you buy your Dry Goods right ? Do you know that you can save $'s by buying your Goods in all lines from an Up-to-Date Store, where Cash is the Motto and where a poor man's dollar is better than a millionaires I 0 U ? We buy our goods at lowest CASH cost and sell with but one small, just profit 'twixt maker and user. As a clincher to this argument we offer: Best first patent flour at.............$4 75 Fancy straight or half-patent at...... 4 25 Fancy family at .. ......... 3 10 to 3 35 Very best Rio Coffee at ...............22c Good Rio at ....................18 to 20c Fair Rio at.....................14j to 16c 40 lb box lump Starch for $1 55, retails at 5c Octagon Soap (per box) at .......... $3 8i0 Circus Soap (per box) at ............3 50 Good mixed Teas 25c per lb, 5 lbs for 1 00 All other goods in proportion. In Dry Goods we offer: 36-inch Percales, in all colors at 7} and 8#c. 36-inch Sea Island Percales at ........10kc 36 inch Irish Lawn at................ 8ic Grass Linen, all colors, at. .10, 121 and 15c Solid and fancy Ducks at ....... 8 and 100 In White Goods we have Swiss and Organ dies in plain, stripe, check and dots. Just received, 50 pieces wash Silks, at 25c per yard. Embroideries and Lace to match all the above. 50 Mosquito Canopys, in white and colors, ready to hang, at...............1 50 Agents for Thompson's Glove-Fitting Cor sets, at............... $00 to $1 75 Silk Mits and Gloves, in all colors. A large- line of Men's Furnishing Goods. Special drive on Colored Laundried Shirts at......... ............50c, worth 75c Shoes of all kinds and prices. 18 styl,-s of Ladies' and Children'sO ford ties at 50c to 82 00. O Strawv ! a:s for everybody. Mail orders promptly attended to. No charge for packing or drayage. Cou pons with all sales. Give us a call and you will be pleased as well as we. THE DUOKER & BUITMAN CO. S-urnter, S. 0. SNEW SUPPLY ____of HA TS at Our stock of Ladies' HATS and MILLINERY pleased the ladies so well that we have been forced to buy more and this time we have the prettiest line ever brought here.-. FLOWERS, . PLUMES - AND . LACES RIBBONS, INFANTS' CAPS of the most delicate and Stylish Patterns. We want the ladies to see our goods to appreciate them. Mrs. H. D. Riff is an expert Milli ner and spares no expense to KEEP UP W"ITH THE WORLD OF FASHION and we want to assure you that at least 20 PER CENT-.CAN BE SAVED.......BY BUYING YOUR MILLINERY FROM ME. I have just re ceived a pret ty line of GENTLEMEN'S HATS. They are of the very - latest blocks and I can save you big money. ~RUSSET SHOES for gentlemen in abundance. Come - and see my DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and SHOES. Groceries ! Groceries ! always fresh and cheaper than else where. H. D. RIFF. ThE MANNING POULTRY YARD, I have on hand a carefully selected yard of the heavy Light Brahma, Buff Cochins, Partridge Cochins, and also the White Leghorns, which I offer to the trade. Eggs for setting $1.00 per 13. Address all communications to I J. D. GOUGE, Manning, S. C. Who Doesn't Like Poetry? For spring our line is ready, Of styles we have galore We've hustled at them steady, For several months or more. We feel content you'll like 'em, .s to price, fit and style Ecu cau't help but buy 'em, Yes, buy 'em with a smile. This Tells the Story! [he Pepl are mi r Fi Sl Th eeaeComing for Me'sDesauis CoigFor nSpBuins Suits -umrCohn Coming for Ben's WoClrking Suits. ng Coming for Men's Trn otrs. CoigfrYugMnsComhingfrMnsFrnsigGos Comiomin for Right Sreyles.ts CComing for the' Latests Noveties CComing for Clothin thatin Wears. ? Coming for ClotFnihing h ooFd. Coming for the Best Fit and Make. Coming to save their Dcllars. And Coming Always to Bl'Wi 01111104 olgr S u nter, S.C Pleae Pellwee arie ComigOufa ayirgSsomething tomthe ladiesnof Clroin o a nd toChilre' Iohing. oinge bforMen' Coming Goor ns. DesSi Comien fos r ren' Trettser a:O V tr :Coming forrMen'snFurnishingrGoods. mown laCnsnnicerquality andlfss lyesCooiselforefoeeLaoestheoveltieel on pricmiof 4orperotard. Ihalsoehav. aComingiforoClothingdthawnDon'ttFade. ielComingttoc.aIehaheisome goods :ost. YoAndllosninglyAlwayto be : a dinit CDylothin wEmprim lon om SatenIha prcae aS C Mar Ediy to- nda awy Pleaste allowces thwn Anothger sayisoethingI atsellng socheapo aryoendone aton' toc it the toldtthemsbeforendoIcamniow beginnock F EOFSUPERVISORS OF~ REGIS I hve verknon tem efoe, n os7j n CLARENDolf COUNTY. pries relowr.Youhae nve rJ& OOKS FOR THE REGIS know lansnic qulit an f~ -L tration of voters will be opened at the court house in Manning, Mon dyestosel beorefortheexte dey, ApX1ril 6ith, 1896, and continue open for six consecutive weeks. All male citizens who have been lowprie f 4 pr yrd I ls ha.3residents of the State two years and quaityof oloed awn tht Iamtheir respective polling precincts for four months, and have paid their poll sellng t 3. Ihav soe godstax six months previous to an elee tion, and who are not laboring under tha I m psitvel selin beowany of the disanuLies mentioned in the constitution, and who can read cos. Yu wll carelywan tobe-or unde:.-stand the constitution, are qualified to register and become elec liee tis nti Iexpainto ou hytors. T he books will be again opened on the first Mondays in June, July, am oig i. ry oos wntAugust and September and kept open one week in each month and downsom afer hadpurhasd athirty days before the general elec tion the books will be closed; but cit partof y sock andas alaysizens becoming of age during the in terval and are not otherwise disquali meetcometig prces I ave folifed, may be registered before the books are closed. lowe th pries own.Anoher All persons registered on or before January 1st, 1898, will be qualified reaon hatI a sllig s chapvoters for life unless they subse quently should be disqualified on ac is ecase t i nt god usiesstocount of other provisions of the con stitution. G. T. WORsHAM, carr ove oneseasn'sE. D. HoGEs, stock ito theS. G. GRIFF'INs, nextseaon, nd am ow egining Supervisors of Registration, Clarendon County. o make room for the fall stock. Manning, S. C., April 1, 1896. Please remember that I have on and a full line of white and colored STOOKTON'S ANTISEPTIC. awns, dimities, all qualities, calicos, TEGETS piques, ducks, ginghams, percales, SCESO utings, dotted Swiss muslins, check TEAE ad striped white muslins, all kinds W aescrdteAec o Clarendon County for this cele f white goods and ladies' wear, brated remedy for serges, cashmeres, dreLss Saunels, Blood, Liver, brilliantines, a full line ot laces, em- and Kidney Diseases. broideries, notions, ete., etc- IT IS NATURE'S OWN REMEDY I You are cordially --.-d te~ callPuiesteBod and I will take pleasure in showing Gives Tone to the Stomach, you, whether you buy or not. Aids Digestion, and ~i',: ieaseAssimilates the Food. To the gentlemeni wele)i Pes remember that I :-i Leep the LARGE BOTTLES $1.00. hoicest line of clothing, shoes hats- R. B. LORYEA, shirts, neckwear, etc. The Druggist Come and see me. sign of the Golden Mortar. E. C. HORTON Next door to Barnk. Notice of Discharge. !n the !>t day of July 1896. at 10 o'clocl - n6- orenioon, I will apply to the Judgi atu "r Clarendon County, Souti '.r.n- r e~n order of final discharge al a itror of the estate of the lat MaaL. IHrvin. 0. D. Hayz, Administrator. 232 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON S. C. Stats Agents for the Sale of Wholesale dealers in Stoves, Tinwares, House Furnishing Goods, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Tinners' Supplies. Galvanized Gutter and Rainwater " ' Pipe in ten feet lengths. We Manufacture TOBACCO BARN FLUES and Deliver Them .World Je Freight Prepaid to Any Sta tion. Send for our Circular bac r g. *iving weights showing plans of To ofbest styles.............. Percival Manufacturing Co. Doors, Sash and Blinds. 478 to 486 MEETING ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1868. L. W. FOLSOM, Sign of the Big Watch, SoU T . s a S. C. - A BIG LINE OF - Birthday, Wedding and Christmas Presents - WATCHES, DIAMONDS - Fine Sterling Silver Clocks, Optical Goods, Fine Knives, Scissors and Razors, Machine Needle All repairing guaranteed. THOMAS WILSON, B. E. JAQUES, JOHN WILSON, President. Manager. Secretary and Treasurer. The Carolia Grocery CoIllpally SUCCESSORS OF BOYD BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers and Coninission Merchants, No. 195 EAST BAY, 0 ' 3RS=.a * . . 5. 0. TO CONSUMERS OF LAGER BEER : The Palmetto Brewing Compar~y of Charleston, S. C., have made arrangements with the South Carolina State authorities, by which they are enabled to fill orders from consumers for shipments of bee-. in any quantity at the following prices : Pints (patent stopper).....................--...--..--- --70c per dozen Four dozen pints in crate...... ...............--...$2.80 per ceJ THalf-barrel............... .--------------------------' Exports, pints, ten dozen in barrel.................--- .. --- . $ ----9.00 It will be necessary for consumers or parties ordering to state that theibeer is for rivate consumption. We offer special rates for these shipments. This beer is guar anteed pure, made of the choicest hops and malt, and is recommended by the medica fraternity. Send to us for a trial order. The Palmetto Brewing Company, Charleston, S. C. FREELAND AND ROGAN, Proprietors, Have got settled irom the great rush of the holiday trade, and propose now to continue to offer bargains from time to time on their special coun ters, as well as general stock, which will consist of China, Dinner, Tea and Chamber Sets, Open Stock in Plain White China of Haviland and Austrian Ware. LAMPS which will range from 20c., 25c., 30c., 40., 50c., and up to $5.0O each. Will keep in stock a general line of the best TIN WARE on the mar ket, WOODENWARE, BROOMS, and a general line of HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS. ESVSTWe have just received another car load of the Home. $ TOYPride Cooking Stoves and Ranges, and our line of SStoves is complete and ranges in price from $6.00 to $25.00. We invite inspection on this special line, as our Stoves are cheap and good. FREELAND &ROGAN, Opera House, Opposite Court House, Sumter, S. C. PARIS GREEN cao and LONDON PURPLE. It is an extremely dif ficult matter to get STRICTLY PURE PARIS GREEN, We have it and guar antee every pound sold. Our prices are always the lowest for best quality goods. Win. M. BIR D & CO., Charleston, S. a. Headquarters for everything in the PAINT and OIL Line. DR. J. FRANK GEIGEB, A EI DENTISTATTORNEY AT LAW~ MXNS .MANNING, S. C OFFICE IN MANNING HOTEL. Noieo'Dchr. o Jun, 189,.I wlls. R'HAME &~ DAVIS,trtrothEttefMs.San. AITORNEYS A2 LAW,P.MHDE M&IINI~iG,8.0. PineoodANNIG, aS.t 19.