The Manning times. (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, December 25, 1895, Image 3

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mre gpatiUti tme PUBLISHES ALL COUNTY AND TOWN OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MANNING, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, DEC. 25, 1895. Look-out for squalls. A merry, merry Christmas to all. Call at the Times Office and buy a big dictionary. The musical notes of gobble, gobble, will be stilled to-day. Thomas & Bradhamn had a horse sale in Salem last Thursday. The college boys and girls are at home spending the holidays. The county treasurer tells us that the taxes are coniing in very slowly. The Euphemian Literary Society will have a public meeting next Friday even ing 27th inst. The public is invited to at tend. We missed a treat last Friday by not be ing able to accept a kind invitation to dine at Mr. C. L. Emanuel's. Henkel Craig. & Co.. sold a fine lot of horses and mules at Leg & lutchin son's stables last Monday. There was a Christmas tree entertain. ment last Monday night at Miss Carrie Legg's school house in the Fork. An occasional visit to Pinewood would have a healthy effect on the dispensary law, and help to increase the school fund. The Bank of Manning i, closed to-day, and will be closed to-morrow for the officers to take Chrismis. The bank will also be closed New Year's Day. Assorted nuts at Rigby's, 20c per lb. We think it would be a good idea if the water in parts of Manning could be ana! yzed in order to locate the cause of certain troubles. Now is the time to plant onion sets, we have a fine lot. R. B. Loryea, the drug gist. Died last Thursday at her home in Salem, Mrs. Flovilla Lavender, aged about seventy live years. She had been a member of the Midway Presbyterian church for fifty years. Onion sets at R. B. Loryea's We saved a number of New Home sewing machines from the fire and will sell them very cheap for the cash. You will never buj them as cheap again. W. E. Jenkin Son. A big stock of delicious confectionery, at E. B. Loryea's. The Episcopal parsonage. near Fulton, occupied by Dr. James B. Richardson, was destroyed by fire on Saturday. 14th inst. Doctor Richardson saved some of his furni. ture. Goff's caps at Rigby's, 25c and 50v. A box containing liquor was seized at tL-e Manning depot recently. The cousignees claim the liqnor was for their private use, but do not explain why the stuff was bid away in a box. Sachet powder at the Racket Store. Please look among your old copies of the Times and tind for us tbo three missing issues so as complete our file. The dates are Sept. Gth 1894, Dec. 19th 1894, and Dec. 26th 1894. The nicest line of fresh candies to be found at Brockinton's. Mr. H. S.-Dollard sent us four excellent turnips which we appreciate very much, now if our friend had only thought of it he would have sent along a ham of pork to cook with his fine turaips. All kinds of stationary at R. B. L'ryea's Since Constables Alsbrook and Carroll have been at home visiting tneir families we notice that certain suspected charneters do not take trips in the conntry as often as they used to. Walking bars are off on a vacation. How about that pair of spectacles you are needing so bad ? Now is your time to get them at Brockinton's. Marrried, last Thursday nighbt at the residence of the bride's parent, by Rev. C. W. Watson, Mr- William Richbourg and Miss Josephine Sumter. After the cere mony a magnificient reception was ten dered the guests. '-e Rooster" smoking and chewing to bacco, 5c a twist, at Brockinton's. Remember that before another issue of thbe Times the tax books will be closed. The readers of this paper will be doing a favor to those who do not take it, to tell them, that the books close next Tuesday, and there will positiv'ely be no extension. R. B. Loryea, the druggist, has a large stock of spectacles and eyegltsses. The elopement scheduled for this morn ing failed to specify for two reasons, first, because the Romeo could not raise the necessary funds to buy him a suit of store clothes and second the Juliet is now a member of the "Tea Club" and man is so detestable any way. "Pick Leaf" smoking tobacco, 10c a package, at Brockinton's. Died last Monday night at midnight, at his residence, in Manning, after a linger ing illness. Mr. Wolf Pass, aged about twenty.aight years. Tho body was taken to Charleston last night where it will be interred to-day ini the Jewish cemetary. The deceased leavas a wife and two small children. Toys, dolls and other Christmas goods, at the Racket Store. We have receiv-ed a few of Webster's Unabridged dictionari-ss and we will sell them at astonishngly low prices. A die tionary of the englhsh language containing 1281 pages can be purchased from this office for $1.50. Every family should have one as it is next in importance to the great est of all books, tne bible. Fresh and genuine garden seed at R. B. Loryea's A young lady hung op her stocking last night and this morning she was the first at at her house to get; up day had not time to make his way into the windows of her chamber, so 'she struck a light, got hold of her stocking-well we need not teli all, be cause she got her foot in it. This damsel belongs to the '-Tea Club." Rigby, as nsual, has his center counters full of Christmas attractions. Be sure you take a look at his pretties. One of our lady friounds cautiot~ed us to look out I. r a crowd of girls who propose to mob us. We are truly glad of this warning and giv* '.otice to the mob of tea.clubers that they must not jnmip us in onr office, nor on the street, because wea have a has of trained mice in the office and always catrry a half dozen of them in oar pockects. Fer writir-g laper, pens and ink, at the lowest prices, go to Brockiunton's. Santa Claus, accompao'iedl by his wife and two daugter,appae in the~ hall of the Co'll-giate Institute building lust night at h.dlf-past .six. lie deiveredl an ad1 i,-,s to the anche-nce, and dlistrihted' such1 gifts as Le b~roughot to the chtildlrea.. Th'ose who miswed1 ibis opportunity or- se-ir.: the ori; inal Santa Clan', who trav.eled aP .:.i. down the world for nearly two raton years. moissed a rarc trerat. Erer~sbo ly wa invited to attendo. k~as vwere in eo al!. No co)llectionis were tak.'n. Ail st the c'.ter p.-ple caorr~eld thiir elhi ldrean. .titaL~i arrivred promliy ton 'Loe, acco'i*-. 1-i to' hois family. Tihey sang a song for th-- ehil dren. 'itah for Christ:,ias: Now ih-t of raitsins, currants anrd eitran at Rigby's tar aking fruit cak~es. Cheap. Oo:ue andl try' them. If you want aony kind of staitio) ar.y, aneh as writing paper, bax paper, entvecopes, tablets, pens, inks, blank-books, pencis and slates go to R. B. Loryea, the drug. A number of persons here would like tc attend the lecture in the Sumter open house next Monday night. General John B. Gordon will diliver the lecture. Subject "The last days of the Confederacy," but oi account of the way tho tra!ns are iunningr they cannot do so without spending. twi days and one night away from hone. Parties that c: go by private convevanc should do so; they will b- well paid for the trip as this gallant Confederate General i one of the best platform speaktrs in the South and there is no man in the Unicm better equipped to lecture on the history of the Confederacy from its beginning t( its close than General John B. Gordon Do vou know that the best 5e cigars on the market are to be found at lBrockinton's Rev. W. H. Hodges was duly installe I as pastor of the Manning Methodist church last Sunday. He preachel to a large corn gregation and his sermon shows him to be a deep thinker and a practical worklr. At the conclusion of his sermon he stepped down out of the pulpit an.d invited those who would help him in his work to shake his hand; a larg. pait of his congregation went forward and gave him the p:(ldge,. The scene was very tonehirn. and Mr. Hodges was visibl1y affected. He certainly received an encouraging welcoie from his flock, and we say in beh:df of the people of Manning. Pastor Hodges you are welcone, thrice welcome to our midst, and may success crown your labors. Beautiful decorated vases, cups and san ccr, and pinzh albums, at reduced prices. R. B. Loryex. the drotgst, next to my old stand. Through an oversight last week we for get to mention the meeting of the "t.-a club' on Monday evening, 10th inst. The at tendance was not as large as usual, out those present enjoye.d tei evening. They discussed pro and con the various squibs about the club publish--d in the Times and never cmul exactly locate the friend of the editor aal the traitor to the club. two of the members participated in t1e discunsion; the rest were at lio:iue witi their m:'as. but the two that did turn out to the meeting can now teli exactly how manr bites thre are in a tart an 1 the ex ict num ber it takes to satify a member of :neh a grand organization. My ! these girls can gossip and munch tarts. Handsome line of Christmas cards at re duced prices. R. B. Loryea, the druggist, next to my old stand. Tee news reached here last Saturday that the eay before, at the Charleston Hospital, Thomas Nimmer, the Assyrian, who was so badly burned in Manning's recent fire, had his right-arm amputated at the shoulder. Nimmer is a man of family and it only adds to the sadness of his case. Both of the victims of the, catastrophe were strangers here, and neither had any interest in the fire except to help others whose property was in danger of destruction. The amput-tion of this unfortunate man's arm was not a surprise to r.s aa it was cooked from his shoulder to the hand. The last heard from him was that he is getting on as well as van be expected and it is hoped by everybody here that the poor fellow will be able to pull through. When in nced of jelly for cakes come to Rigby's. At a meeting of the Manning Guards last Saturday, the company acetpted an in vitation to go to Panola next Wednesday to take part in the millitary festivities which will be Lad under the auspices of Col. David Brailsford's battalion of Cavalry. This will be a grand affair; the Cavalry will give an exbibition of excellent drilling, and the Guards will have their quarterly prize drill. Everythina that a hospitable people, can do to entertain will be done by the Pano laites, for there are no better entertainers in the State. Colonel Brailsford, although a bachlor, has the reputation of having a happy manner of making ore feel at home, and it is a pity that one so well qualified to entertain others is not himself entertained by having a wife and a house full of litt'e children. When the hair has fallen o'it, leaving the head bald, if the scalp is not shiny, there is a chance of regaining the hair by using Hall's Hair Renewer. Preserve your sight by having your eyes properly fitted with at pair of "Crystal Lenses." Spectacles or eyeglasses. RI. B. Loryea, the druggist. Mr. WV. Hi. Cole. of thre Fork, was in town last Saturday and he tells us that he wvas the victim of a dastardly outrage last -Thurs day night. He s5ays th-ut a party of white men under the cover of night went to his place and tore up the large bridge ia front of his avenue leading up to his houis3 and scattered the plank for ai half of a mile, thrt they threw some of the plank in Captain Bradhtam's tield. The amount of timber they carried oftf and scattered would have maide a good two-horse load. The bridge tore up was between 30 and forty feet lon.. He is satisfied white men are the perpetra tors of this deed, and he says the only cause he can asign is that he declined to al low the neighborhood to turn their stock ont; the neighbors requested him to agee to let the stock run out and he told them that he could not do so and keep up his farm; at that time Mr. Cole clainms,that he hal 7-> or 100 bushels of pecas in his field; that for the past three years lie has been damaged fully S00 by the neighbors stock. M1r. Cole i. naturally very indignant and although neighbors should try to work to help each other and one man in a neichborbr od should not obstruet the desires of the others, there is a law on the statute books that protects a citiz,-a against people who take the law in their own hands. For that torpid liver try "'Thedford's Black Draugh t" at Brock inton's. Whyv suffer with coughs, cohls and la grippe wvhen Laxative Bromo Quinine will ure you in one day. Does not producee the ringing in the hcad like Sulphate <-f Qinine. Pat up in tablets convenient for taking. Gaaranteed to cure, or noneys re Price, 2-> eents. Fo:r sale by 1i. . Loryear, the Lruggist. l;UCKLEN'S ARMNCA SALVE. TiLe best salve in the world for cuts, brises, sores, ulcers, salt theum. fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positivel~ cures pnil-s or no pay requirel. It is guar anteed to give perfect sattmtetion, or nmoney reindlcd. P'rice 25c. per box. For s.dle b~ It. 13. Loryea. ALL FiREE. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery knowv its value, and those wvho have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggi: and get a Trial !intth-', Free. Send your namue an-I address to H. E. iUnekln A- Co., Chicago. and get a sample hox of Dr. King's New Lire Pills Free, as wvell asa copy of Guile to Health and Honust-bold In structor, Free. All of which is guaranteed o do you good and cost yoi nothing. At iR. f. Loryea's drugstore. FREE PILLS. Sent your address to II. E. Ulneklen d Co , Chicago. and get a free- saiirple box o Dr. King's New Lite Pills. A trial ii co'nvince yon of their merits. These pilhi are ea'sy in action, and are, particularly ef fective in the cnre of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they' have been proved invaluable. They are "narante-ed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be pure. vye "-gtable. They (do not wveak- n by their actin, but by giving tone to stomach and bun eis g're athy invig->rate the system. Rteg ulr siz- e per box. Sold by Rt. B. Lor yea, druggist. A CARD. To the Publie: - Osving to the late disastrous fire, I have been comnell-d to move may stock of drugs, I tedicnes, etc., to the adjoining store. I havye rep'enishe~d mhy stock and replaeed goods~ ie-.troyed, an :1c cus nsomers nmy b assnred of receiving the same c treful atten tion to :h- ir wants as it) the past. While noy ipce is limited, I have on hand as Iarge and- com palete stock of all goods in my bIe ac s ever, and I hope to merit a continu aneec of th'e liberal patronage so generall~ bestowedl on me in thec past. Like the fablel P'iwae:x, I have arisen from the ashes, and hope so-9n to be re-es tablished in icy old stand. R spectfully, A Good Appetitb Is essential to good health, and to make an appetite nothing equals Hood's Sarsaparilla. " For over5 years I had dyspepsia, had no appetite and what I did eat was with no relish. I had headaches 3 or 4 days a week, and an awful tired feeling. Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured all my ills. I rest well, have a hearty appetite." E onA R. TnoMAs, Forestville, Md. Hood's Sarsaparila Ls tbc One True Blood Purifler. -ood's P s111S easyto bay, easy ta, loeasy In eiflect. 21iv' A SAD DEATH. Last Thursday morning the whole., n was terribly s.Lccked by the intellige' -e that Mr. 11. Schwerin. a prominent M. chant and muciber of the city council, i. 1 shot himself throuigh the head. le J been at his phze of business the day ti- 4 Vi(iou, app:rently (Leerfnl and happy, d the .ad intelligvence was very bard to be lieved by thos w:.o kne. the leceased ' eiuce idotA datiV contact With him1. . T1le details of \r. Schw'-rin's death probably nevtr b! .letiaitely known. tragedy ocenrred about 8:30 o'clock. w* he was in his romi a!one, and he died most instantly aftor it happened. He N ,s in the act of dressing and had ben in c'n verrati, n with Mrs. Schwerin a few min utes befo're, when she left the ioom, and shortly afterwards the report of the pistol was heard. Mr. Schwerin was found lying flat of his bac k upon the floor, with a wound in the right side of his head. w-ar the tcz ple. The bill, which w.ts from a 38 calibre Stith & Wesson revolver, passed through the brain, came out at the other si;&e of the heil, broke a pane of glass in the room, and struck against the window blind, fall ing to the ground. It is thought from I te position in which Mr. Schwerin was found that he was in front of the bureau when Z.e pit il was fired. Dr. J. A. Mood was at once suwn.nP. but it was impossible for him to u-. thing. Mr. Schwerin was unconscious and b:'eathing heavily and irregularly and soon died. No one knows whether the deceased in tended to take his life or not. If such were his intention it is hard to find any reason for such an act. He was not embarraissed in his business in any way, and to those who came into contact with him each day he seemed to be the last man who would contemplate suicide.-Sumter Herald. To the aged, wit.i their poor appetite. feeble circulation, and impoverished blood. Ayer's. Sarsaparilla is a boon beyond price. Its effect is to chec h the ravages of time, by invigorating every organ, nerve, and tissue of the body. See Aver's Almanac for the new year. BEN BROADWAY Of Packsville, Wins the Times Sew ing Machine-357 the Lucky Number. The Manning Times prize drawing took place yesterday in the presence of a crowd of spectators. The afternoon before, at the reqnest of the editor. Major J. M. Richardson wrote a number on a slip, and sealed it up in an envelope. Yesterday this envelope was turned over to Mr. C. T. Henkle, th.' gen. tleman that sold horses at auction, an d Mr. W. T. Lesesne was given the tickets to draw. Tihe drawiwg began, and when Mr. Lesesne called out 357 Mr. Henkel an nounced it to be the corresponding num ber and the winner. The name on the 00 posite side of the slip was B. P. Broadway of Packsville, an d we can congcatulate Mr. Broadway upon his luck and his handsome CJhrisuznas present. So thorough is the excellence of Ayer's Hair Vigor that it can be used with benefit by any person, no matter what may be the condition at the hair, and, in every, ease, it occasions satisfactiou and pleasure, in ad dition to the benefit which invariably comnes from its use. ATTENTION, BAT TALLION. PAxou, S. 0., Dec. 11th, 1805. Companys A and B of the 2nd sqnadron of cavalry are hereby orderedt to assemble at Panola on Wednesday, Jaunary 1st, at 11:a. in., for drill antt review. Ily order D. W. BRAILsFOUi>. S. A. H.tuvxN, Lt. Col. Commiandinig. Adjutant. ATTENTION, GUARDS! MlANNI~O GUinDs, I Manning, S. C., Dec. 23, 189)5. The -embers of the Manning Guards are hereby ordered to be and appear in full dress uniform at Panola, S. C., promptly at 11 o'clock a. mi., on January 1st, next, in accordance with invitation received from the cavalry companies to be rev.iewed there on this occasion, Our quaiterly prize drill w.ill be given on this day and at the said place, and eachi imember of the company is expec ted to obey this order in its entirety. Trhose ni--mbers who <l not gct their guns a::d accontrcementsj on Saturdaylast, will report to moe at once for thenm, that they n~ight be put in order for the occasion. By order of W. C. Davis, W. \l. LEwis, Caipt. Manning Gaards. 1st Sergeant. Executors' Sale. ON SALESDAY IN JANUARY next, immediately after the Sheriff's sales, we will sell by puiblic auction at the court house at Manning, the described real estate be longing to the Estate of Dr. S. C. C. Richardson, deceased: First: The prieises whereon Dr. Richardson resided, situate on Brooks street, bounding to the north on lot of Mrs. Hattie J. Bradham; to the east on East Boundary street; to the south on lot of Mr. Walter I. Burgess, and to the west on Brooks street, coniaining tw.o acres, more or less. Second: That parcel of land situ are near Manning ou east side of Ox S wamnp, containing twventy acres, more or less, and bounding north on the Manning and Kingstree publie road: east on lands of Salinas and others: isouth on lands of Strange, and wvest on lands of Joseph Sprott and others, the neighibor'hood road to old Oak G3rove church sepa rating it from the lands at' Joseph Sprott and others. Third: That lot containing twvo acres, more or less, situate opplosite the Presbyterian church in the town of Manning, on Brooks street, and bounding to the north on lots of Bradham, and P. B. Thames; east on East Botindary street: south on lot of Dr. W. M. Brockinton, and west on Brooks stre~et. Fourth: That ti'act containing twenty-t wo acres, imoi'e or less, situ ate at the crossing of the Manning and Fulton public road and the Rae coon public road, about one and one half :miles west of Manning, and bounded to thme north on lands of Est. J. ID. Weeks: east on lands of ----Salinas: to the south on the Manning and Fuiton pumblie road and to the wvest on the IRaccoon publie road. Terms of sale: Half cash and bal ance oii a credit to the 1st D~ecember 156, with interest from day of sale, to be secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the p~renuses. Purchaser to p)ay for papers. WILLtot F. B. llAysswo~tr. B. PaxEStLY BARRmoN, Qualified Executors of the Will of S. C. C. Richardson. Manning, S C. Dec 11_ 1895. The Best S. A. RIGI Di N< G( / -r /J Clothing. Gent's clothing from $4.00 a suit up. Children's clothing.. Glassware. Im this line we can show you beautiful room, sitting roo n, dining room, bed roo of all. We also carry a large line of table ter dishes, and many other articles usuall Hats and Caps. Wc keep the latest styles in Hats and Cal Groceries. There is no need of talking to you atbont f headquarters for staple and fancy groc tripe, mock-turtle soup, canned beef, bre FIRE SALE What Goods I Saved from the Fire, consisting mostly of. C L OT HING, I am now sell ing out at and below cost at the old Leonard Store. EC. H OR TON. Clearance Sale of Christmas Gooods ! Owing to our limi n-. store room, *I day Stuck. to mak- roomzi for other enodsi, ami live thereftre made '.irge reductions in tie prices of my inns anid variedl stock of C iristnnis goods1. eensisting of 1'!.1%h Phiotograph arid Aningraiph Aiumns, maupor ted D~e.-oate- Yasiis Cups :a:ni SL1ncers. Lii'ips, Paint ing, Shell Uoa beauitul line of Artistie Christmas~ Cards. Call arid mi:&k.- yonr punrchases before my stock is b~roken. Don't forget the place, next to my old stand. R. B. LORYEA, The Druggist. P lace ~n tin ) get goods at reasonable; prices is 3Y'S. -ess Goods. This department ji comnplete, and weiare'selling the goods at'rock-bottom prices. We have a 1,eautif'l lne of DutinI ........................................................ ic and 8e Ginghams, in dr -s and apron sty ................................ . t 5c and 7c Urown suitings, the thiang you want for chi*iren's r ............ 5c )tions. E this It-p:rtm ent yo wili n. 1 lie p:a, whito an1 coir-reul threatls,.pin5 ned -sstationery, Ian l n-1 i .: co d les, tal.le clths, so-ps in al the late.,t styles for ltud; an. fac:., .1 vvt, : iLu ms, Lowls, h lies' und r-vxear cognes, i~lks, pens, p- n-ho!.h-s, lead a)cils ad m:ny other notions. nbrellas. A good eight-rib sat --c-u cover(i1w tu'rella....... .. .................... 'or 50c A No. 1 sixteen-rib gin:ha il4b ella . ... ... . . ........ .. for 90c aMts Furnishing Goods. Meu's hmdere0.1 sli:. . .... . . . ..fro: 50. '1p. Think of i:. 1en's un!anndiurel rt ......................................... froim 30 to::1 n r.a- w eri............................................ .......m5 up W\e have the bst : stomatie su..:less ha s..: for 5 e, nt, :1 over S::w. A inrge amusortmient t.f ib::-:: ul ruffs, Landlerchiefs, neekties ..:. .ioves at pa.lar prices. LOeS. We have a big lie rf ,hoe- f,r n:::n, boys, laies, :uisses and girs at very low priceg. .\ l.u-~ lii-e '.of brogna caustantly on band. We keep the celebrated ZEIGLERI shoe for hadles, which ein nat be snrjpassed in beauty, style and finish. Youths' clothia- froma 42.5t) a snit up ..from $1.50 a sUit Ilp. T he . Higyhest designs in lamps for the parlor, music u and hallways at prices within the reach . glassware, such as gobleki, tuimblers, but. PriCe y found in glassware and crockery stores. Paid s for men, boys and girls from 10c to 50c. for Cotton. roceries, fur every one knows that we are ies. We keep the best grabies of canned akfast strips and the best grades of flour. SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS THE SUMT 'IER CHINA HALL, IN Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Chamber Sets, Lamos, and General Line of Holiday Goods. 10J n:-ce English Dianer &et at $.00............ .. . -i 1 itce Goid Band Dinner Set at $!4 00 ......................01.1 priee S'-:3 102 i:iece Carlsbad Chira Dinner Set at $20.00.. .............l:. re $22.00 118 piece Carlsbad China Dinner Set at $22.00.................old price S25 00 56 piee Carlsbad China Dinner Set at $ 1.50...............old price S 7.00 Chamber Sets from $2.25, $2.50, and $3.00, up. Just arrived: A crate ot' English Porcelain Ware, of Cups, Saucers and Plamtes. Tea~ Plates 30c per set, Bre'afast Plates 40c per set. Nice handled Cups and Sancers at 40% per sect. Toys! Toys! Toys! At greatly reduced prices. Don't fail to s.-e our Special Glounters. Oar line of Ieating and and Cooking Stoves, Tinware and Woodenware is Coplete. FREELAND & ROGAN, Props., Opera House, Opposite Court House, Surnier, S. C. 73Store open Till 0 O'clock P. MI. Gsa. . ~a k~r Son A Fewi Words to Our Friends, - For some tiwe we have been notifv -~ ~ -~ injg our friends of our great stock~ and our great bargains. We cer tainy akoldethe fact that we are patronized a great de-al. -Now our stock is comlete, and will state C, only a few prices. We carry every - '~ .thing in stock- from a pin to an ~" overcoat. Ladies' and gents' dress ~ ~ and furnishing goods. ~!.m rf?ctneiscf Our clothing is the best and cheap est in this county. DrsS s. lm Mo Ladies' eloais. the latest styles, from CHARLE STO N, S. c. ev cav.(ue SASH WEIGHITS AND a~~,a.otmn eas ul CORDS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE. ~iiI fi~btgxs IcentscroitS per yard. Oueaoe are idt very cheaiI..Cm a 1dpr e them We auluocrry. F~~U ful lieo ruber vug.' s.2 IRNOW AND FANOYdwomewae t ~hILFAII 1l-uO.:t I l gro l1cer eprmetiscm A SPECIALTY. ure ts aO t 1 ents t ound. French macaron jat epr n! Tea ~Yo a t : cents r d poun.e ii 2 ii IA ~ r n ceppe tm 12r een e ound. Our pueat up l cea at e c entld W. H. MIXSO , Manager, cer gclon or puens erqurt Crnd eryaadsteddenwredatwtic weeonepoduiE cALEa 1 DEALERANAIN bemaeprftal , feTrtijtendNrter er byArpESrTaton, of Cro.M IG . and y th intllignt Boy"0 au:1 "Ibe \~ii__age Gir_'_oba fertlizrs ontinighgh per pond prie-Gtagespr puod PotaShO1~ Oureoosar uateeo an exhaustedineds whloiereyreptul, wer onc~ie productie canam aain e madilel prfi aly ftile::a N .F -.s Ci~a as Sa MANd AER t P o~kiz. GRM tsh I uuK . 1K rLessel, S. t. , -DEERGEH It Pays to Tell the Truth! That's why we are so careful not 1 cxagcrate Ili our advertisenciits. T1 quickest way to sell a good article is I tell the truth about it. - - - - - - TE T Is offering some of the biggest bargains in Dress Goods~ Cloaks~ Jackma And Children and Iisses'Jackets ever offered in Sumter. In fact our entire stock was bought when goods were a great deal cheaper than they are now. Our in tentions are to do the sqiuare thing, and satisfaction is guaranteed. Tiles Suoter Dry'oois Co Jack C.U M TE]., S. . WE H AVE NO BA NKRUT STOCK! stc habogt wh en rswre a great We Do Not Pay Car Fare, Neither Do We Adver tioe a Fabulous Ao1Cunt of toc and nnhh 'But thlis is wha we w! do: > MB W\e ji show ,.n an of e :.r . 1) L s, h c-stonk in theurc ha ie p::i th:e::e w i fek , and ; a 10c to 25ttns ve . a th A ~ac:-:! .0rsse h r And Rell iee t Thuaei Weut- ~ U ca Everthn s We ave beeno here. i:an yerad xett cotine sOrObuver Men's Black Chit squ)5. are-eur. Sut.:; 50,c~o ee2aa Boys SuIits, ages 13 to 18 y u .a * 3:3 , regular ;-rice, ::.00. C..hildren'sS Sis. ages 4 to 15 yers at 9,. wooni be a bargain at 200( pars- Men's Woo! S~ii Pats at Sic, worth 50i rs Do' K::te P'at at 1') centh Blue B eaver Overts at$45 worth 70 3oys )\ vere..* s : n t' ::1 ' f .95, worth -Q.50 and U.0 1'e'v Cot ton Urndesit at3 cents. A\h Ii lie of D1l>- D3ks, Briea-Ut ae, Toilet and Dressiag Cases, 1I..:' Dubare!!as. etc. for Holiday Gifts. Non tter what yon need, you can flead it at our .o . WVe Wive You Real andl Not Imaginary Values for Your Hiard-Earned Dollars. JL YT ENBR &SONS, N. W. Corner Main and Li berty Streets,