The Manning times. (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, December 11, 1895, Supplement to The Manning Times, Image 6

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North, East, West Count Von Taaf, - s mah, died at Ellischa Alexander UmAs, diedsdde it his h . Thirty thousand Spai. be landed in Cuba durini Senor Cyrillo has been tuguese ministier to the t -The e Savings EX( -of Omaha has gone into volu ruptcy. James 0. Fox, the United S sul at Antigua, Coloaibia, hat yellow fever. Fire at Wabash avenue and Ra street, Chicago, destroyed some $ worth of property. During the last. 18.months, 46 pea have been killed and 86 injure trolly cars in the city of Chicago, At Throop, Pa., Seera Robbins sh and fatally womitded hii wife and~ the shot himself. He died within a shor: time. .swifstainhot live. Admiral'Kirkand, who has been re lieved from command of the -European station, will not retire at present, but will be assigned to shore duty. Senater. H: Mitchell of Oregon says that he considers the passage of a Ni caraguassazibill the most important duty of the Fifty-fourth congress. The pope pidided at Ihe secret con sistory- and creat- , nine cardinals, in cluding-Mgi. Sato ,6the papal delegate to the -Roman. Cathplic church in the United Stiti. to.the prevaldnce of diphtheria -In Portland, Me., the public schools have bqemelosed. There are 20 cases in the city and 14 deaths have occurred in the past.month. - - Captain Howgate.has been taken to Albany penitentirf to serve his sen-. tence of eight years for forgery and em bezzleminit*hilat the head of the sig nal service of the army... . . Seeitary Ierbert has approved the recornmendaitis ,of . the Walker board that the ims of the new battleships Nos. 5 and 6 bewlowered to * depthk c nine feet below the water Ens. - During a flghtin .the .ojnty jail at St. Jooseph, Mo., beteen James An derson and Charles Rarris, both Prison, ers,: Anderson was shot and will proba bly die. 'Haris was badly beaten. -John J. Swan, Dan Brown and Mich el Lynch, attendants at the Delaware State Lunatic .asylum at Farmhurst. were. armsted for killing a patient named Leon Lewis by maltreatment. - Shangiai dippatches say it is reportsd that no railway concessions have been granted to foreigners in China and that the Chinese government intends hence forth to keep the railway buildixW in its Sownand.. Severil expeditionsalleged to be -on foot from this country to did the Cuban retinist, have been called to the - attention of the United States govern ment by the Spanish. minister, Senor Dnpuy delome. Vandals have recently been at work in ;he interior department at Washing tb*: vqttmirg th6 names of prMent men fo& auable papers. e ut griph of Abraham Lincoln was especi ally sougtfater. Dr. Lapponi, the physician of the says that there is nothing alarm indhe condition -of Leo IM. He deeins it advisable, however, that his patientkeeto his room, owing to the cold, damnp weather grevailing. Herman Hattenhaft, a well known pugilist of Brooklyn, shot andkilled his two children and himself. Hattenhaft ..waathe-propretozkof a callege of physi testrctiotin 'Brooklyn. Business, trounes was the cause. Secrety.erbsrt- is. pesng 'igor cnsTy the - prparations -of plamis- for the d efinse othe United.States against -ponible 'se.ckb s'~nf tbreign naval .k1Mry uih has been done the avalwarcillege4n-iha& line.. 4dispatch frdm Kingston, Jamaica, says a fcrmidable expedition against Hafti is being, organized by Boissond Caiul, it is reported on trustworthy au thority.- VCantis being assisted, it is - asserted, by-ar'we4 known Philadelphia Alaskan's gold outpeut for 1895 is esti matedb G. B. Swineheart, editor of th Aa Mining- Record of Juneau, oM 300;O0.-'f this-amount fully $80,O00-has been obtained from placer mining alone, chiefly along the Yukon river. -- - Money has been raised among the Ldwer Brule Sioux for.the erection of a monument to Chief Iron Nation, who, although once one, of the most war hk ofchiefs, wast during-the -elosing years of his -life a strong. adlvocate of peace.- -- SCharles Nolan, 45 years ol1 of- Rine cliff, N. Y., a conductor on a New York Central train, was. killed by a train on the New York and Putnam irailroad, at High Bridge, as he was standing on the anck tomyto giving the 'signal The revenue cutters -Woodburry, Dal las, Dexter, Hamilton, Crawford and Colfax have been designated by the president to patrol the coasts of the United Sthtes during the season of se veie eather to render service to ves sels in distress. Oscar B. Groff, former proprietor of the Cooper.Monse, -Lancaster, Pa., has - e raa suit for danmages against the esbate bf Abraham G. Bedicer, who coin mitted suicide in the hotel several month's agocciiming that the suicide injur hi~business. - A letter from Arizona signed. Joseph N. DoQ, in which the writer, says he committed'the murder for which Gar l and-Stemler and . Louis- Mureno were* lynched by'a'moby at Yreka, Cal., last Auguet. Two other men were also lynched at the same time. . .' Robert Hardin Milw'ard;- the Duke of Marlborough's lawyer- contradicts the statem-ent that there is a heavy -:mort gage on the Blenheim estates, and- adds that theDakwof~Mariborough declined t.touchaihming ef-his bside's-money, and that the whole of it is settled upon her in the ordinary way. John J.Oeitn 98yar of agei war convicted in the United States .court at Fort.Smith, Ark, of forgngtwo affi davits in sporgp.hi~s applicaton for an increase of pension. He tried to ~ve that the forgery was committed 1yhis attorneys in Washington 'with out his knowledge or consent. The dead bodies of five men, two of whom areeogd4ze4as being Ameri -cans.-have been discovered northwest of Mazatlan, Mexico; in a wild section of the Sierre Madra mountains. The bodies arnsupposedto be those of some members of a god prseting party who left Mazatlan sevya weeks ago. Postoffice deppebi fficials point - out a remarkable increase in the mortal ity among postmasters. During the past yea . zwere approximately 35 deaths ao'i those of the presidential class. This is said to be larger than for anfyei ihe past 15 or 20, and is at tributed to' generally- prevailing- un healthful conditions. IAofdiMbigimery, who is in fail at Albany, Or., for the murder of his fath er and mother and Daniel Mc~ee-ver, ner;Brownsv21. e, has made aesnfesson tothe kaling of themn. He is only 18 ye-ars of'ages -4 fE-says he killed hIs fathez because he scolded him and mvr dered-his fiother-ind Mcreever because they tokg,[ger. at A dispatch from Constantinople says 20--villagesangethwest -of Aleppo have been burned and their iuhabitants m;.s sacred. The massacres at Marash, the dispatp~h says, in the presence '---~-~w n1m .eneral, who Miss Nora.Work, Thomas Davis and Da'id McCallum, prominent peoplc, were drowned in the Cumberland river at a point 12 milos below Ifashvillo, Tenn. They were crossing the river in a skiff. There were no eyewitnesses to the accident. The bodies bave been recovered. .3y direction of the state department, U7nited States Consul Burke at Chihua ua, Mexico, has been investigating the s of Mac Stewart, who was arrested shooting a policeman, or soldier, in -iblic square, and was sentenced to -h. The consul says that the sen will, undoubtedly, be commuted -risoment for 20 years, and that aybe reduced to seven years by 'havior. T. T. Johnson, D. D., pastor of church of Jefferson City, Mo., Just returned from a three jur of Turkey and the Holy 1 - sermon on the Armenian I ade the sensational state merican Minister:TerreU t anged. He declares that 1 the Mohammedan church 3 iing in the persecution - hristians instead of pro - at the situation is far een represented to the c - errell prevents tree re- r - eat out, sending out lf. - . t C ESTIMATES.; t the A . hich Wnl o Re .r the Fiscal Year. WAsuLNGTON, Dec. 3.-The secretary I of ihe treasury has just transmitted to congress the estimates of appropriations 1 reqtired for the fiscal year ending iune 30, 1897, as furnished by the several executive departments, which aggregate $418,094,073.. The appropriations for the present fiscal year amounted to $412,753,264. t The estimates for the *Scal year 1897 v re recapitulated by the officials as fol towts, cents omitted: a Legislative establishment, $3,880,581; executive establishment, $20,103,242; ju didial establishment, $923,340; foreign intercourse, $1.649,058; military estab lishment, $24,526,968; naval establish-j ment, $27,58,675; Indian affairs. $8,760, 458;.pensions. $141,384.570; public works, c $28,574,028; postal service. $5,024.775; miscellaneous,- $36,635,631; permanent annual appropriations, $119,054,160. Grand totel, $418,091,073. Under the head of public works ap- e propriations gbove $20,000 are asked for c public buildings as followst Allegheny, Pa., $75,000; Boise City, Ida., $100,000; Buffalo, N. Y., $200,000; Cheyenne, Wy., $100,000; Denver, Colo., (mint) $100,000; Detroit, Mich., $125,- 1 964; Helena, Mon., $100,000; Kansas City Mo $100,000; Newport, Ky., $50, 00; Omaha, Neb., $125,000; Pottsville, Pa., $40,000; South Omaha, Neb., $75, )00; St. Paul, Minn., $250,000; San I Francisco, Cal., $100,000; Savannah, v Ga., $100,000; Sioux City, Ia., $60,000. Also for constructing lighthouses and lightvessels, ss follows: Chicago, improvements marine hos- E pital, $26,450; Cape Lookout shoals I ightship, N. 0., $70,000; Cape Fear, b. C., light station, $70,000; Galveston ' jetty light Texas, $35,000; Manistique light, Michigan, $32,000; Poe reef light ;hip, straits of Mackinac, Mich., ',000; Port Arquello light, California, R,009; Yerber buena light, California, T 130,000. Also for improvements 'at navy yards i is follows: Naval station, Port Roval, S. C., P88,182; Mare - d, Calitornia navy ard$80,504; aval station, Puget und,-$104,855; Drydock, Algiers, La., ~ P100,000. The total cost to be $1,125,000. I Among the appropriations asked for by the secretary of war are the follow- I ng: Reconstructing Rock Island bridge, RokTand Illg.,-$890,000; construction' of gun and mortar batteries, $1,885,000; C sites for fortifications, $250,000; torpe- ! oes for harbor defense, $100,000; arms- t ment fortifications, $4,487,448;;improve- I ment Watertown arsenal, Mass., $31,- a 900; for use of ordnance and fortifica-. kons in-making needful purchases and ( experiments and tests of most effective- I guns, armor plate, etc., $100,000; Unit- 1 ed States Military academy, $185,477; ~ cnstrction of buildings, etc., at miii- t tary posts, $1,000,000; improvements in Yellowstone National park, $30,000;- ti Chickmauga and Chattanooga Nation al park, $74,000; Shiloh National Milita ry park, $25,000; Gettysburg park, $50, 900. The estimate for the improvement of ,2 rivers and harbors aggregating $23,271, 600, have already been made public. Maitaining and improving national cemeteries, ~$219,800; artificial limbs, 2 apparatus, etc., $575,000. The surgeon . general, in a note explanatoryof this e estimate, says there are on file in his ofce 9,930 cases entitled to benefit un der the laws relating to artinicial limbs; I 8,161 cases are of amputated legs, the i cmmutation for which is $75 in each e case, and 6,769 cases of other amputa tions and loss of use of limbs. The cmmutation for each in these cases is $50. Publication-of the official records of 8 the war of the rebellion, $175,000. I Among the appropriations asked for C by the secretary of the interior are: To meet expenses of protecting timber on public lands, etc., $150,000. The amount appropriated for this purpose last year was $90,000; surveying .public lands, $881,580; education of children in Alas ka, $30,000; reindeer for Alaska, $7,500; expenses of United States courts. Indian Tertory,.$210,610; international bound ary ommission between United States and Mexico, completing survey, $35,000; repairs to the United States steamship Chicago, $300,000; to begin work on new machinery for United States ship At lanta, $150,000; transportation of mails by electric and cable cars on routes not exceeding 20 miles in length, $200,000. The estimated amount of the deficiency in the postal revenues for the next fiscal year is $5,024,779. A Wn1l Case settled. Monius, Dec. 3.-The jury in the La veretta will case returned a verdict for the contestants. This means a victory for Miss Minnie Laveretta, the contest it, and the defeat of her brother, May or C. L. Laveretta, the propnent. The amount involved is about $0,000. The will of John Lawrence Laveretta, sle ceased,1left his son administrator, and stipulated that the property and moneys were not to be divided until the young est daughter was 40 years of age. The case occupied ten days, and the verdict 2 will be egrly read in several southern states. llthe parties are very promi nent. ______ SW1TZER).AND_$HAKE' An Eart care sok Felt at Ilast - Ssevere stense BRN, Switerlmnd, Dec. 1i. - sevre storms yhich haveyreva. Switzerland duriing the pt few- a.y, andl throughout Europe in general caused great damage, a - the villages in 4 - Swit7A:.. cant.: 1 -~ - A.. amage Ia Italy. LouoN, Dec. 10.-A special dispatch1 from Rome announces that numerous 'wrecks have occurred during the great storms which have snrept over Italy. Much damage has been done, and espe cially along the coqasts. Decorated With Order .f the Red Eagle. BRItEN, Dec. 10.-da accepting the resignation' of Baroz von Koeller, mie Russian minister far the interior., Em- 1 peror William pemtted him to retain his title and raa as a minister of a state rithhe Oder f th JUBA~ \ffiSTBE MEE,&. :t Matters Not What- Means Are Taken to Accomplish It. rENERAL GOMEZ'S EXPLANATION. Ke Tells Why Ile Issued the Order For the Burning of Piantathins-says the Real War I% Just About to Begin and That the Struggle Will Be Terrible, but the Oppressed Vill Have Liberty. NEW Yonx, Dec. 10.-The World saysi Xeneral Gomez has issued the follow ng explanation of his order to burn dantations: o the Honored Men,Victims of the Torch: The painful measure made necessary by he revolution for the redemption of this and, drenched in Innocent blood, by cruel . nierciess Spain, will bring misery tn you. As eeneral-in-chief of the army of liber ,tion it is my duty to lead it to victory rithout permittingmyself to be held back >r terrified by any means necessary to lace Cuba, in the shortest time, In posses ion of her dearest ideal. I therefore place he responsibility for so great-ruin on those rho look on impassively and force us to hese extreme measures, which later, fools nd dolts that they are, they condemn. After so many years of prayer. humilia ion, contumely, expatriation and death. rhen this people of its own will has arisen a arms, there remains no other aim but o triumph. It matters not what means re emoloyed to accomplish It. This people cannot hesitate between the realth of Spain and the liberty of Cuba. ts greatest crime would be to stain the and with blood without effecting its por >ose because of puerile scruples and fears rhich do not accord with the character of he men whom we met in the field dhal engin the fury of an army which is ons *f the bravest in the world, but which in his war is without enthusiasm or faith, rithout food or hope of glory. The war did xot begin Feb. 24: It is bout to begin now. The revolutionary spirit always magni led at the beginning by wild enthusiansi ad to be organized, caled and led into be proper channels. The struggle ought o begin in obedience to , plant more or ess methodically studied out. but which. nay be accommodated to the peculiarities f this war. This has not been done. Let Spain at once send her soldiers to vet the chains of her slaves, now that he children of the land are in the field .rmed with the arsn of liberty. The struggle will be terrible, but the ad will crown the resolution and courage I the oppressed. MAKILo GOMEz, General-in-Chief. THE PERRINS COMET. 9 le Again Observed at Lick Observptox7 After an Istervat of Severel Days. )IOUXT HAMILTON. Cal., Dec. 10. 'he PerTins comet was again observed t the Lick observatory after an inter vl d several days of cloudy weather. 'he comet has grown much brighter nd is nov plainl4 visible to the naked ye. It is * hy object of about the omth magnitude end now rises about :4 In the mornitg at little south of ast. As tt is rapidly nearing the sun. it rgl continse to rise later each morning. December l It will cross the sun bout 7 degrees to the south and will hen became an evening object, but will ather be Unfavcrably situated for ob. ervation in the northern hemisphere. 'he nearest sproach to the sun will cour on Dec. at a distance of about B 000,000 miles. On Dec. 17 the comet Ril attain its maximtm brightness as eea from the erth, -being at that time r mes as bright as at its dis Abobt Dec. 17 It will be farthest east tro the -stn at a distance east of about B degree, when it will again approach he sun, passing 8 degrees to the north n ga.n. 11, when it again will become a1 sraing object. It is now situated in he eastern part of the constellation dra in the right ascension 15 hours1 nd1 minutes and south declension.. A photograph was taken by A. L. 'olton and it shows the fail to be comn sed of one long streamer -and sevdral1 hort ones. The principa~l streamer is ich curved ad shows the condensa ion gimilar to the phenomena which ave been photographed in several of lhe brighter comets of recent years. ROUBLE FOR V[NEZUELA. he Republic Has a Revolutien on Her Rands-MXouagas the Leader. NEW Toux, Dec. 10.-A local paper sys: From this port, on the afternoon f Sunda&',Dec. 1, saile~d a filibustering xpeditiont, whose aim Is to take the overnmnent of Venesuela out of the sds of President Crespo and to zee hat ontry from the financial and ommercial distress which the revolu ionists claim have driven them and heir countrymen to desperation. By this time General Domingo Mona as, the leader of the expedition, has irobably effected a landing. It is laimed that his arrival is all that was tecessary to put a formidable army in he field against the president. The expedition led by General Mona -as was planned and carried out thus ar successfully by prominent 'Venezuo ans in this city and Brooklyn. Neither the Venezuelan consul gen ral nor the minister at Washington -new anything about the plan to over hrow their government. It is the greatest expedition of its kind hat ever left this port, carrying as it Loes, enough arms and ammunitionl to General Dmingo Monagas is an rex resident of Venezuela, and one of Pre's lent Crespo's bitterest enemies. lHe ras one of the most ponlar presidents he republic ever had, aind, although he rotested that he was getting too.aged. or the hardships of warfare, the promo es of the revolution insisted that he hould lead the forces. A RICH STRIKE. fary Thurman Finds a Vein of Gold That Promises to M~ake Her a Bonanza Qeen. CHICAGO, Deo. 10.-A special from aos Angeles, Cal., Isays: N~ews comes rom the Colorado desert mining camp f Picacho, near Yumna,. that. Mary Dhurman, daughter af J--e Thurman, tas made the richest r Lny of the desert campt vas prospecting in the vein that promises te tanza queen. Mary T M belle of Washing' . - -T.ieutenant C "che in .i,,. - - oosevelt, sis... 1-' States -- vea wife andL,. oU. Then . she went home to sLi. ir mother before the old lady dieli, ut Judge Thurman refused to permit: ier to enter her door, and she returned. She got a divorce from Gifford, and hen surrised her friends by marrying 'Bug" Holliday, the baseball player. he is known in all the mining camps >f southern California. Short In His Accounts. FAKFORT, Ky., Dec. 10.-Green B. swango, register of the land office, has yeen found to be short in -his accounts. [he governor had ordered an examina-~ ion, which disclosed a shortage of $1, 0)0. It ii now said that Deputy Regis se Grant has a check for the amount eady to pay into the treasury on the nrril hare of Swurno. PORTER'S SNTISE PTIC HEALING OIL N,~ L~. ~'or ~rh Wire ('ttr. Scratches, Saddle ~nd Cdhr C alL, Cracked Eeel I3urns, 01.1 t>rcs, Ct~, Xoila, Bruises~ Piles and all ?ntls of infla:~tr.ation Ofl man or bL'i.a~. (t~t..a Itch ~..d.Masi~e. Thoroc, '?~ *-~ I ci fr.!Ji~r ill.: thi aLl ~ciz beu~ a~:a(. Be prc;~'vd I ~er~ '-o b~ --pitigib Iayo~t !~ouscors~.b.~. 'ii '~' -I *~.~naguatAtc~CC. ito Cure. #~c P'~. ~:.oo. If your Druggist (!..I~ ~*cts. in F01 ~agcssar..v~ ~:&~ wcv d 'rv' you by mall. JOO 20th 1~94 '.r flsrneasa~ o.iWflarb Wire Cut, .ith ~ee1eet ~ .:y.seeog~me~d it i~ rrr and Feed Stable. * 'I C. *** Ccntlcmeu.-l ~rd tot Foretr'~ butisapito UeaIIu~ (~I~ 't~* ', . ~.v cdt. few no:.t:. -o and a.ftertr'::.,' ~I tie the beet remea, *.1.~s.j~ ~ . .iz; 'lee ever ,aaed. t.. ~ ~.EWIS Paris, Teau . 3arr' ci "S PARI~NED~ '' CO ~T !A~1$, 320 For sale by R. 13~ La~ryeew the Drn~gist, ................................ Cotton States In~rnationat' - ~xposition ATLANTA, GA. VU TH SEABOARD ~ ~ AIR LINR1 VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS ~IPON WHICH NO EXTRA FARE 1$ CHARQiD. bOLID TRM~S . ~harleston, Mauning and Columbia to * Atlanta without change. 222~2 a. a. coo ~' 010 '0 1a mc co cc 02 10 1000 ~, ~4 C) I 0~aa10e I_____________ I . a: r- e' -an ce * ce - - ~ EPUIP3XENT~ ~Trains 403 and &1 are composed of .tb~ ~andsomest Pullman Drz.wing.Roorn, BuT. et Sleeping Cars and Day Conches. raled f~bn~ end to end an&isc~pemted ~li~ torn ~Vashi~gton ;tO .Want. without :bange. Na. 41 'is operated solid from Portsmoutb~' ,o Atlanta without change. No. 45 composed of Day Ooadbe~, is op~. trated .olid Obarleston to Atlanta (through.. ~umter. Columbia. Prosperity and New.. ~erry) without change. The-e trains land passengers in the' ~Tnien Depot at Atlanta-as near th~ EZ ~osition grounds as through passengers ~ia.any line are inaded. SATES. A. f c. J ~!anniag . I $13 95 1 $10 25 I $7 20 ~harleston I 1395 1025 I 720 Sumter.... 1360 . 99~~I 660 ~olninbia. 1135 I 830 I 560 DATES OF &4LE AND LIMITS. Column A.-Tickots sold daily to Deceni ~er 15th. with extreme limit January 7th,. 1896. Column C.-Tipket' sold. dniily to Dea. ~0vh, with extreipe limit 15 days from 4ate" if stile. Cduwn E.-Tiekets sold daily to DecK 10th. with euiatrerue limit 7 clays from date: sale. THE EXPOSITION curpaeses, in some respects, any exposi. :ion held in America. Here you find, side 2V side, exhibits from Florida aitad Alaska,. Jalifornia and M:,iue. the Usaited St;ttes ot ~nieri~a and the Uait.d States of Brazil. ~lezcco and Canada~ antI so on nutil nearly. tverv civihizad nation on the globe is rep. resented. On the h.rraces rite found, irneng many eather attractions, Arab. ('hi. ~ae~e and .~lezicnn villages, showing just ~ow those people hare their "daily walk cud converstition." Ask for tickets, via "The Seal.oard Air Line." P~illmnan Sleeping Car reser'~actions will be made and further inforumLion furnished apon application to any Agant of the Sea. boarl Air Line, or to the. undersigned. IL. W. 13. GLovEs, 'V. J. ANDE:.soN, Traffic hhcc:ager. Cien. Pa~ss. Agt.~ E. ST. JOHN, Vice Pr~csideut. '~ ~ 1~J I ~ pljafr I !. ~l~I t.) t'~' ~ *~ *'aij' ~ ~, 4r~ '~h. kill itj~ I'd~ ~ J B. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Having an experience of thirty seven years, offers his professional services to the people .t (1nr~ndon conuty. Setistaction guaran toed. P.O. KINGSTUEE, 8, C. WHEN YOU COME TO TOWVN' CALL AT .... !R S , , *, ANDI HIS I COTTON IS UP, * . * and evei see us i * * * Most of Ican in Latest styles in 'Dress G< Flannels, Outings, Worst and many others, which must be sei establishment in this section of th goods. I make it a rule to sell all o make a tremendous profit on the otl Ready-Made Clothin; in- these lines I bought only with the fashions. When a suit of and look at my all-wool suits for $5. Ile 0ft ottonade Pants, . The largest stock of shoes in to the selection of the goods and se lcather gents' shoe-suitable for d simply 4rangles. high priees. Oome Lap Robes, Hards Saddlery, Glassw Household and F HIGHEST I am my own cotton buyer a market price for cotton, and will gui from shipping. A cordial invitation M OSES L Iurrah forithe Cotton Boom! B.As JOHNSON an be found one door below he Bank of Manning, pre pared to show you as cheap a tock of goods as was ever rought to Manning. This stock was bought. be fore the rise in .prices, and I ropose to give my customers he advantage. In Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Sboes, jHardware, Groceries, Wagon Materials, I Glassware, flarness and Saddles, .defy competition and will not be undersold. BJXAMINE MY STOCK [ have overything you want and I will save you money by l~ling on me. I stand .ready and willing to aid the farmers by paying them the very top of the arket for their produce, feel-1 ing assured that their pros perity means mine also. Call early and often to se cure prices and bargains. Yours truly, B. A. JOHNSON W HE N YOU COME TO TOW1gCAL~L AT GALLOWAY'S SHAVING SALOON Which is fitted up with an eye to the comf ort~ of hiu ] customers. .. .. ... HAIR-CUTTING IN ALL STYLES,' SH AV ING AND s HA MPOOING Done with neatness and dispatch. - . p A cordiaI invittion i is extended1. - - I A. 13. GALLOWAY. Pure Drugs and Medicines ALWAYS ON HAND AT. The Well-Known and Reliabli DRUG STORE OF Or. W. MBrockintoi In addition to a full and, complete stock of drugs,. Medieinesi and - Chemicals, we keep a. complete assortment of Patent iclicines, Toilet Articles, Eye-Glasses; Spectacles I And the thosand ani one this usually found in e ery first-class and well-regulated drug store. ONLY FIRST-CLASS SODA WATER FOUNTAIN :N .:"M.ANNING, S. C. -CHEAP EXOURSION RATES - TO . :COTTON STATES AND M kINTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION......... SEP. 25 TO DEC. 81, 1895. ATLANTIC.COAST INE. Through Pullman Palace.Iloffet .Sleeping Cars between New'Yerksnl. -Atleta. Ga., ia Richmond. Petersburg. Weldon, Rocky fount. Wilson;. Fay4teville, -Florence, Sumter, Oiangetmrg.. Aiken, and .Angasta. For *iates,- Schdules.. Sleeping Car no commodutions, call on or address any agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, or the un ersigned.- C S. CAMPBEILn, . - - . -Div. Pass. Agent. Richmond, Va. - . W.MonIs. Div. Pass. Agent, Charleston, S. C. H. M.- Ex.n1soN,.. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.. Wilmington,:N. C%, T. M. Exnasox, - . raffic Manager, Wilmington, N. C. The Terry Fish Compny . 3HOLESALE. SHIPPERS OF t of. all. oal ind e , 1M, O'ur iegdlar .eason for sbipmen ts ol fesh fsh (packid in ice) being now open, we 'are -prepared- to ship you any desired qnuatiity: Charleston is the only markel south that can offer a large variety of fish, and;being situated on the ocean, wherE thefnre caught, must'be fresh. -W solicil vourpatronge. y Csignments of poultry. eggs, etc., so eiter'. -Account sales and check imailed dago Psale. 22 An 24. nARKET ST., CHARESTON, S. C M\4eney to Loan, -'-M A~NIG, S. C., Oct. 29, 1895. Itiava made arrangsmients with brokern in:N~ew. York City, through whom I am abli $ongke-loans seclored by first mortgage oz shipeted farms for. five years time, pay ablemiscinatlmets, at the low rate. of per &ert interest pet-etnnum. The broker. age:And''the charge f6r abstract and inspec. honji'o small a:a the exp'ense.Qf the bonrr -er If' ab want ceaeip inoney come in at nee a the suppl'yis-limited'. B PRESSLEY.BARRON Attorney. O . LESLIE, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL * COMMISSION ~DEALER IN Fish. Packed for Country Orders a Speciallj o charges for packinag.~ Send for price ist. Conisignments of country produce are repctfully solicited. Poultry. eggs, etc. .StalLs Nos. 1 and 2 Fish.Market. Ofre o.18 and 20 Market St., east of Bay-.. . . . - CH*ARLESTON, S. C. Have You Daisy" Woven-Wire Spring? If not, how can you expect to sleep well witont one? Witly a~ "Daisy" your mat tress will, not be contin-ually. dropping be. ween the slats, and you will not be for ver hunting a comfortable spot to rest your weiiry bondK The entire bed will be :omforable,. and; your .mattress will last four times as long. UR PRICE, ONLY $2. ni re .just as :cheap. ARTRUR BEUTIERST E~R - .irt to buyazSewing Machine i4.44 v alluring advertisements - - b.' y'ou can get the test madq, ot Popular .,n .- Ser- to, it that - - .yy i.insquiare n *v;i t'u.t p-et a ' - . te-1%: isi noted 1' over f- Itr. ua Li~ght Running There is none in the world that -can equal in mechanical con srcinduraiiy of working Sparts, fineness of finish, beauty rn appearance, or has as many -improv<.ments as the NEW H OME It bas Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (pat ented),nio other has it; New Stand (patensted), driving wheel hinged on ad justable centers, thus reducing friction to tho minimum. -- WRITE FOR CiRCUL.ARS. TE hEW RulE SEWIIG IACHIXE C0. (eAG2 s, s ~ ,MS.i mrows 5e~ IN-Y a"FasaecoC. Avro A FOR SALE BY* -* - W. . .TENKTNSON., Manning, S. C. S LeVi's Ma !mmth 8tgrp MECURE BARGAINS M F 1ANDSOME EDIFICE ybody is feeling better, and if you want to feel still better come an-l mnd buy your fall and winter supplies at prices that will astonish you. the stock was bought before gos bad advanced, and for tiat reas- n er the most flattering inducements to the purchasing public. )ods, Henriettas, Serges, Brilliantines, Silks, eds, Cheviots, Crepons, Ginghams, Satines, Prints m to be appreciated. Come and examire for yourseif. There is no a State that will undersell me in flannels, bleaches and unbleached f my goods straighlt and do not offer them one article below cost and jer goods the people are compelled to buy. , Pants Goods, Hats Shoes, Corsets, Hosiery. from reputable manufacturers, who pride themselves on keeping up lotbes is wanted I ask that you not make a purchase uilit you come The best wool-filling jeans pants on the market for one dollar. W1ith Suispeliud s to Each Pair, Only 75 Cents. town to select from and at old- prices. . I give my personal attention a to it that I give my patrons their liuiyvs worth. I can sell. a solid ress-for $1.50. I sell a ladies' handsonwb -dress shoe for $1 which ta kom 25 ouets up;. I am headquarters for the fainous R. &. G. Carpets, Rugs, rare, Cutlery, Harness, Stoves, are, Crockery, irming Implements of All Kinds. PRICE PAID FOR COTTON. 2d am not tied to any factor's stake. I can and will pay the highest rantee that the prices paid by se will be more than can be obtained is extended to the public to visit my store. Yours truly, E I MERCANTILE LEADER, TOBACCO GROWERS, Look to your own interest and sell your tobacco where you can Aet the Highest Prices for it. We are getting high prices at rhe Planters' Warehouse! AT DARLINGTON. New buyers are on the market every day, and they all want your tobacco. They are here for that pur pose and roust have it ; consequently, they will pay competition prices. Bring us a load and be convinced that what we say is true. We have the 3EST LIGHTS. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS; 3IGHEST PRICES. Yours for business,A S LE V RY D . SMOOT & McGILL. 1NO. REB DR AKE, Auctioneer. SUIMTKR, S. C. o Our Clarendon Friends : We are now prepared to offer lower prices than ever. Call or wr.- fr.n wh~at you want. Our Stock is complete. We have added to our immense stock of hardware a large line of Paints, Oils, Etc., at Low Figures. Iarness, Saddl:.:, I ubbr :ad Pelting, Leathecr, E:e. Great bargaLins in guns5, pistulk, etc. Hleadqcarters for Powder, Shot and Shells (loaded and~t elij.i). Engine snpplies, belting, etc. fleadquarters for Coding an I-!atintg Stoas (Wan~ated), 'S A STORE IN S_SUMTER, S. C. -__ SELU!NG AND MAKING 3HOES E~XOLUSIVELY It Is Next Do)or to the Bank of Sumter. Immense stocek iAde up like bread-that is, "before the rise You wim save' money o.. your shoe bill by mal.-ing your shoe pur ebases from us. THE LIVE SHOE STORE. 'O CONSUMERS OF LAGER BEER : 'Ihe Pa'lmettto ]rewi'ng Compamny of Charleston. 8. C., have made arrangements ih tlw Sonth Carolina Stato authorities, by which they are enabled to fill orders from usnmers for 5hipmenlts of heer in any qnantity at the following prices: Pints (patenlt stopper)................................70e per dozen Four dozen pints in crate............................S2.80 per crate .Eighth-keg......... .........--......--.-----------.---.....1.25 Qoarter-keg....................--------------------........ .2.20 Half-barrel.............. - . --------. ---. ----------. ---------. }:piorts. pints. ten dozen in barrel............................. $9.00 It sill be necmsary for consumers or parties ordering to state that the beer is for rivate consumiption. We offer special rates for these shipments. This beer is guar 1teed pare, made of the choicest hops and malt, and is recommended by the medical aternity. Send to us for a trial order. ah almetto Brewing Comany, Charleston, S..