Ingratitude to Parents. There is a proverb that "a father can more easily maintain six children, than six children one father." Lu ther relates this story: There was once a father who gave up 'aveiything to his children-his house, his fields, and his goods, and ex pected that for this his children would support him. But after he had been some time with his son, the latter grew tired of him, and said to him, "Father, I have had a son born to me this night, and here, where your arm chair stands, the cradle must come; wilt you not, perhaps, go to my brother, who has a larger room?" After he had been some time with the second son, he also grew tired of him, and said, "Father, you like a warm room, and that hurts my head. Won't you go to my brother, the baker?" The father went, and after he had been some time with the third son, he also found him troublesome, and said to him, "Father, the people run in and out here all day, as if it were a pigeon house, and you cannot aUi your noon-day sleep; would you not be better off at my sister Kate's, near the town wall?" . The old man remarked how the wind blew, and said to himself, "Yes, I will do so; I will go and try it with my j e. Women have softer hearts, ut afterhe had spent some time. with his daughter, she grew weary of him, and said she was al ways so fearful when her father went ?i church or any where else, and was oblige to descend the steep stairs, and at her sister Eliabeth's there were no stairs to descend, as she lived o the ground floor. For the sake of peace the old man --assented, and went to his other aaughter. But after some time she 4 too wastired of him, and told hir by ' third person that her house near1 the water was too damp for a man, who suffered with gout, and -her I aister theX ave-digger's wife, at St. Tohn's b much drier lodgings. TEhe old man himself thought she was ight,'and went outside the gate to ( IhYfoun & daughter, Helen. But I 'Jaft= he had been three days with her, i et'.ite son said to his grand- r 4ather "Mother said yesterday to c cousin, Eisabeth that there was no - better chamber for you than such a one aI father digs." These words 9 broke the old man's heart, so he sank r back in his chair and died. t THEM OUT-Scientists tell us now that the best e and safest way to cure e diseam 6f the blood and skinis to e fores out through the skin the mi erobese or germs which produce dis- I ease. In this matter Swift's Specific t hias been about sixty years in advance r Qf medical science, as it has for that c length of time been curing blood and t s'kin diseases, by eliminating the a ~germns and poison through the pores t -of the skin. S.S. S.does thiseffectu aily, safely and quickly. It is entirely a Sa vegetable compound, and harmless r - Mr. W. 0. Curtis, editor of thet -Mecklenburg News, at Boydton, Va., j says that he has been entirely relieved e from an abscess which formed in his a throat, and caused intense pain, -almost choking him. He could not a bwallow solid food, and was in a most s 'iful condition. He says that he~ t tok only three bottles and that it ef- s fected a complete cure. --Treatis on Blood and Skin Diseases t mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., y Atlanta, Ga. e i Higher Band. ir A little boy sat in front of his father, and held the reins that con- F trolled a restive horse. Unknown to t hielboy, the reins passed around him F and were also in his father's hands. " 3Rei saw. an oceasion to: pull them. t 'With artless simplicity the child r - looked aroumud, saying "Father, I I thought I was driving; but I am not, L 'amil "Thus it is often' with men v *who think they are shaping a destiny 7 which ahiger hand than theirs is re- ii 1ial directing. They do their own ii wilbeas it is also the wi'll of God. C ~ band guides them; a .ower -holds the, helm of a ter.vessel, and saves from rock and e wreck. Haypy are they who yield to a *ths gudace of the Almighty hand. v -Gle&Words. 0 -A Spirit-ed Disenssien. a "What was the subject of your d'e- ii bate this evening?" >Wiskey." "Was it well discussed?" P Yes; miost of the members were full ~ of the subject." u p The Fallacy ef Simile. Ponsonby-My business is gong like clockwork,.on Wha resonhav you for saying so? *Why if you wind up a'telock it ' goes; if you wind up your business it ~ stops. ~' UBOWN'S iRON B1IerERS ALMwAACar Contalns one N-aa Reetpe. for mak- b - hi is given away at dIr S Then It Isn't There. "Pa," said Tommy, "the paper says ta 'r. Bjenks is 'an able financier;' what g s an able financir?" il "An able financier, Tommy," said lj Tommny's pa, "is a man who is able to a -bAorrow two orjthree million dollars of C other pepesmoney without being fi epetdto account for it until his al estate comses be-settled up"f r4 - The Deeesed Wife's Sister. t A widowermarried a sister of his ri le'wife a few weeks after the death ti otie' latter An acquaintance who"E l& just returned from along journey 4ptetically inquired whom he 1su -ourrning for. No'Fr my sister-in-law," was the hesitating reply. ' fadisoften deceived in the age of a wo sta by her gray hair. Ladies you can ap-1 ~eryoung and prevent this grayness by uig Hall's Hair Renewer. 'I 1lies a 'philosopher to consider 'whe he is bouced that he is the left HOUSEHOLD NOTES. MRs S. A NEITLES. A HoUSEKEEPER's 0OntaAL IDEA. Vhen fitting up our chambers last pring for summer boarders I was mpressed by the fact that a little helf was needed here and brackets here, so I studied over the matter, tnd this was the result: In the shed shamber I found a box cover minus a im, and sawed it apart exactly in the niddle. An upright bracket cut rom a half-inch board, and all paint d cherry and varnished made the oundation. The top was securely astened with two wire nails to the xpright bracket. The drapery must )e inexpensive to match, so pieces o )rown flannel from remnants of moth r's dress lined with cambric were bund heavy enough. Black velvet ibbon an inch wide, worn years ago or dress trimming, was neatly bast d over the edge and in fancy stitches vith bright colored silks sewed to the lannel. In the centre was placed a Aue velvet leaf snipped from artificial lowers, and on each side, from neat he lowest point of the drapery, a lit le spray in outline and fancy stitches u common use runs nearly to the top ;ides. A row of flannel stitch was ap )lied on the edge of the velvet across he top, and it was ready to tack on. [f one has brass tacks it is better, but imall common tacks can be put un lerneath and will answer every pur )ose. These two little brackets were ?laced one on each side of the mir or, and have evoked many apprecia ive remarks. For another room was used the argest piece of a flour barrel head, he edge being smoothed so tacks ould be driven in, then painted and arnished the same as the small ones, ?or the upright support one can be ut from a thin board, or ten cents vill buy iron ones. This being larger, nore cloth is required, and in order to se what could be found stored away, made the drapery in three pieces he middle section in the form of a ield-and all edged with black vel ,et ribbon that had been a household reasure for years, put on with bright ilks similar to the others. After all 3 finished the middle piece is placed inderneath to fit the vacant place. )n one side is a morning-glory, buds nd leaves, the other a little bird on a ranch, and the centre piece has a ose with leaves and stems done in utline stitch and French knots. Of ourse the designs are small, and one an use her own taste in decorating. 'hey are all qmte useful, and cost ot more than ten cents, all the ma erials having been found about the ouse.-Ethel Morse. COCOoLATE LAGER CAK-One-half upful of butter, one cupful of sugar, ne cupful of milk, one egg, one and ne-balf tea-spoonful of baking owder. Flour to thicken. Rub the utter and sugar togetherand add _e egg, well beaten, and then the 211lk. Mix the powder with a little f the flour, and stir it in quickly; en add enough more flour to make not too thin batter. Place the bat r in three well buttered tins, and ske. The batter for all layer cake bould be so thick that the track 2ad bthe pn in stiri - will not ike one-half cupful of grated choco te, one-half cupful of milk, one-half upful of brown sugar, two tea poonfuls of vanilla, one-half tea poonfol of butter. ~Place the milk nd chocolate together in a saucepan n the fire, and stir until the whole is bick and creamy; then add the sugar, ir until smooth, and cook too min tea. Add the butter, remove from be fire, and put in the vanilla. Use rhen slightly cooled. Axsaozu& CJa-Use any white ake baked in layers without flavor g. To make the ambrozia allow: >ur lemons (juice and rind), one ound of sugar, one-fourth pound of utter, six eggs. Grate the yellow ortion of the lemon rinds. Beat ell together the yolks -of the eggs, 2e sugar, and the juice and grated inds of the lemons. Then beat the !hites and the butter together, add is to the first mixture, place the esel upon a plate in a pan of boiling ater, and cook until the preparation the consistency of honey. Spread when cool between the layers of ike. A DAINTY GMh~ to a young mother is baby-carriage band to fasten at ither side and keep the little robes ad blankets smooth and secure. A ery pretty one is made of lemon-col red gros-grain ribbon with a picot ge, lined with velvet and fmnished either end with ribbons to secure to the carriage, the tyings being ancealed by large rosettes to match ie band. To make this band es ecially pretty embroider in colored lks with a continuous garland of olets in their 'natural colors. A le blue band is very pretty worked ith a vine of pink rose-buds with licate foliage.-T he Ladies' World. For )Mr. Hiram Thweatt, an 35 ~-aged and prominent citizen ears.) living near Troy, Alabama, ys that for thirty-five years he was rely afflicted with Eczema on his ce. The eruptions were of a large id cancerous nature. That he tried number of experienced physicians, ut with little result, and then receiv I only temporary relief. After hay g used only seven bottles of S. S. ,he feels like a new man. The pain l trouble is all gone, and now at six years of age he is once more in ~od health, and restored to his famn . He states that his cure is entire due toS..S. He says that he is member of the Methodist Episcopal hurch, South, and that his post-of :e address is Olean, Pike county, Al aama, and that as he wishes all suf rers to know the good that he has ceived from the medicine, he will ke pleasure in answering any inqui es that may be sent him. Our trea se on the blood and skin will be ailed free. Address, SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. ben Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. hen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. hen~ she became Miss, she clung to Castora Ebnhha Ch~dea,shegavethem CStodS. "The wages of sin is death," but no sin r ever goes on strike to have his wages CHILD BIRTH'* - MADE EASY! MOTHERS' FRIsso " is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by t1w medical pro fession. These i:.redients are com binedin amanner hitherto unknown - "MOTHERS" - FRIEND" WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to pi Life of Mother and Child. Book to "Monns "mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials, Sentbyexpress on receiptof price $1.50 per bottla gRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., AtSa.G' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. "Nothing Like Them" Is the verdict of all who take Ayer's Pis. Prompt and effective in their action, they leave no Ill-effects, and may be administered to old or young. Herbert Elwell, of East Saginaw, Mich., says: " I was a great suf ferer from Constipation, Headache, and General Debility. My skin was yellow, and I had constant pain in my side and back. Other medicines failing, I took three boxes of Ayer's Pills and am cured."' "I was severely afficted with Dyspepsia and Enlargement ot the Liver, most of the time being unable to retain any solid food. Three boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me." -Lucius Alexander, Marblehead, Mass. Ayer's Pills, Soladbyel DmrU and Delers in Mediine. GRAND ANNOUNCEMENT -FROM THE 3 T NIy IlUiTie Crpt Hoe ibth City. 247 King St., Opposite Hasell, CHARLESTON, S. C. bia-wuterN for all floor Covrin , Upholstering Goods and Draperies of all kinds. TUE MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE STATE, _ We quote a few of our specialties: Brussels Carpet at 65, 75, 85, and $1 per yard. Velvet Carpet at $1.25, $1.40, and $1.50 per yard. Ingrain Carpet at at 50, 60, 70, and 90c. per yard._ Hemp Carpet at 20, 25, and 30c. per yard. Straw Mattings at 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, and 35c. per yard. Rugs at 75. $1.25, $2.00, $2.50. to $9 each. Window Shades at 50. 75. $1.00. and up. Cornice Poles at 25, 35, and 50c. Full stock of Lace Curtains from 90c. to $15.00 per pair. Special attention given to all orders. We guarantee satisfaction. To give us a trial ?J to come agrain, as our prices are the Sec. and Treas. Manager. CII --MANUFACTURED BY The !ilcox & Gibbs Guan Co. CHARLESTON, S. C., omN F. WEENEBr.- -L. H. QUIBOLLO. JOHN Fs WERNER & O., --WRoLrAE ROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Provision Dealers. Ta 167 AND 169 EasT BAY,A ND 2 QUEEN STEEET, CAIu.zsvoNr, S. C ---Sole Agents for Game Cock & Three Link Tobacco, .i Patentees of the Celebrated 0 E Eney- TWail eB. Painting and Whitewashing n Are Now in Order. --:0: Do you intendto do either ? fi Probably we could offer you some sug- in gestions about what is wanted, and save on some money, besides. We have cheap t Paints, but we do not always advise you to to; se them. The best is often the cheapest. ow, Paints are not the only thing we keep. goi indow Glass, Oils of all Kinds. ar* Miru, SUPPLIES, SHIP CHANDI.ERY, cei NAVAI, STORE SUPPLIES, kIte Ag'il foi Howe's iales & Aai' is Write for anything in these lines. No rouble to answer letters. William M. Bird & O., Ds Charleston, S. C. Dr. H. BAER, s W< WUALE DmUli, CHARLESTON, S. C. wh Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Foreign and omestic Chemicals, &c. Show cases of all p OSEPH F. RHAME, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. -OHN S. WILSON, Attorney eir- e at a_ MANNING, S. C. LEVL Le ATTORNEYATLAW, MANNING, S. C. V- Notary Public with seal. 1 ALLEN HUGGINS, D. D. S., TO CHER AW, S. C. pt-Visits Manning every month or two ofessionally. Second Arrival! About Tuesday, November rd, another car horses. H. HARBY. umter, S. C., Oct. 29, 1891. Sckmtino Americ Ageucy N An XUn mm00 36 BroadwAyew YORE. WldOsOburea orecin AffIAmEricr5 .stpual- byantl LNgivfe Xagye. nh. W. . ROWN &6 Croad., Nning S.k. S N- A (iNEW YORK) NIAILY. SWAY T. WEKY iA N.espRpeN fo C the Masses, . FnddDbe 1s,187 [CltG fr|0000pG 'HENPes isaNaRnaEwSaerS he Lre Dunday Edition th a lnyi Repofinespaemeia hePrsswekR Edition cotis lh Nrte wanno afor the Masses or pouvned bydsceero early re-7 rcainAdverising0 Copium Lhe Press hs the srorfn ion; pulls. thires thrach nof alim.Tes Beto esralblNw.paper inumerca ihlPes and Snay atonal Yewarr. $50 "ha nes vu6a sesons, an trash50 " no pla e inth onfThe P-es. "e Your tsprkesth--- points. nday Pre Suear, Edto is a splendid ekhe Press, eekl eitio cotan al -t1.0 ed tiofo The a ircladSnayei aperevAentedswanedfo eeryr Sane Avertmissiongs.du ddPresshsn ueiri e ok THE PRESS. DTE6ULIG MonthRK 2.W, one Mnnth 4 azE these o awmATO PIANOS before purchasing elswhere. Manufactured by IEW ENGLAND PIA0 C0., BOSTON, MASS. Largest Produing Piano Factories THE KILLOUH MUSIC CO's IN THE WORLD. S C. IN THE ORLD. neul ftepresentathves Estey Pianos anc. Organs. -0 E STEY PIANOS, ESTEY ORGANS ARE MADE UPON HONOR, SOLD UPON merit and are known the world over. The Estey Organs have been manufactured 'or forty-five years and fully deserve the praise accorded by all who purchase them. rhey are constructed to meet all requirements for Parlor, Church, Lodge, or School. They an be purchased on easy terms of the KILLOUGA MUSIC COMPANY. 'E. P. CoA.MNEDitT mEEL 'C 'MI1P A.'EQY. C ARPENTFR ORGANS ARE FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. SOLID wainut cases neat in design. Varied combinations to suit all classes of music. The 9. P. Carpenter Company, Manufacturers, factory at Brattleboro, Vermont, have had nany years of experience and are fully responsible. They fully warrant all organs for ight years. The Killough Music Company buy them in large quantities and sell them wholesale or retail at lowest prices, qnaliLy considered. Write for catalogue and 3rice list. Do 'Yo-a now? HE KILLOUGH MUSIC COMPANY are growing, business Increasing, territory extending, new branches and agencies being established. -BUSINESS RULES: Buy direct. Sell direct. One price. Lowest price. Ship on approval. Assume reights. Have satisfied customers or none. -SPECIALTIES: OGANS. PIANOS. STEINWAY. ESTEY. BEHR BROS. CARPENTER. ESTEY. FARRAND & VOTEY. NEW ENGLAND. WEAVAR. KIMBALL. Holidays are approaching. Make your home happy. We want to send you complete mtalogne and full information free. We sell everything in the music line. pS-Write now to THE KILLOUGH MUSIC COMPANY, Florence, S. C. (OLD RELIABLE) RLW.U DIHNT & SOi, Offer a full line of goods For Household, Plantation, and Mechan ical Use, We buy largely for cash and sell close. Prettiest and largest stock outside of the large cities. Carriage , "Wagon1 Material. TA=E ANiPoCE CUTLERY, Gus, PIsTor, S a, AxMUTmON, Toors, ENGINE FITURs, PIPING, PUMPS, WOOD AND IBON, OBOCKERy TINWARE, &C. Beltinag, - Paoklr, .g. - ing, -coo. CooK STovws, ALL WARBARTED. HEATING STOV, ALL KINDs. Om STovEs Fom 1.00 Up. "E'Eaness in3a 'Ihery 1Variety. R. W. -DMNT & SON, MAIN STREET, SUMTER, S. C. LOUIS LOYNS, -DEALER IN General - Merchandise, Manninag, S. C. I have laid in this season decidedly the largest stock of goods I have ever carried, consisting of everything usually kept in a first class General Merchandise Store, and I am selling at prices as low as any Merchant can dispose of Goods of like quality. Dry Goods. Shaea c13 Bo. I have an unusually full stock Ishoes I hve n uusullyful stckIn I have ever kept, and ask for only a 11 kinds of ladies' dress goods, trim- trial to be able to sel the goods. I uings, walking jackets, shawls, flan- have them in all styles and qualiies; tels, ladies' underwear, hosiery, et.; boots, shoes, and slippers, for raen, do not attempt to enumerate the ladies bo ames of all these different goods, but *m satisfied that an inspection of this lepartment will please in both variety nd price. Our prices are as low as he lowest. Every farmer knows the valce of ogood harness. I keep it, for buggies and wagons, and guarantee my har ness to give 'satisfaction. The Xip G roceries. Skin Horse Collar, with patent hooks, This is something all are deeply have no superior; whips, bridles, oncerned in, and I make it a point sdles, etc., on hand. D keep such groceries as will please. not only carry a regular line of ba on, flour, &c., but I have on hand a ice assortment of the best fancy gro- C LO liL ig. eries, cakes, crackers, french sar- Clothing in great variety, for all ines, canned pears, and all such. s ry a can of grated pineapple, one o and afprices to sui devrybdy e most delicious dishes to be had ada rcst uteeyoy eostelie Children's suits in a large variety at Ihvafrom $1.40 up for me full suit. -00-- 00 RMye eacdl C~ztfs. CIGARIS AND TOBACCO. I have a full supply of rye and oats I can make the smokers smile, with red, the best to be had, and hope to as fine cigars as they wio. No bet irnish all our farmers with their ter 5-cent cigar than the "World's led. Now is the time to plant. Fair" and the "Royal Queen." yhave bought my Goods to sell And sell them I will, if hard-pan, rock-bottom, cash prices will take them away. I offer good value for all money spent With me. I Sm pleased to state to the public generally that Mr. J. W Mc LEO]) is now with me, and will take great pleasure in serving his i Vr R c ly, Clothingin.gC., vaepet30,for91l LEND? LIzes, aguaes cassesd oditions an 5ataprice to rite evryody mok HnoSear hildes sikl Seaagearietyla. ete b.s Ao behNS,an oe Agent, fi nne ing asthys. NC.e 1n5el $hmI il Ea f hardp, hrlekoto , s prce.wl for Infants and Children. knwu * **e" . .A ~,~ Wr. tv wo.. sa..., aa ee.omss n So. o t., Rrookln, N. Y. W a--*TV. nOjSro . t ~ ~ ~ f who~o doo ands~ Cagri ijii knwn Wyb IE AF. PAazz,.E X., cu s Xft !NDD .,n. owf *aropm=asressanve., Ie, o cr . Nty.e wo TM Caxra CMm, 27 uU==A Snuur. N"w Yea. ADGER sMYTH. F. i. MELZER, Special Partner. SM YT H & ADG E R, - Factors: and {tomaIssIon lorolianis, 1%rrth..A.tlantio WbrZ, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. E. HOLMES. LELAND MOOE W. E. HOLMES & CO., --DEALERS IN White Lead and Colors, Oils and Varnishes, Glass and Brushes, MIll and Naval Store Supplies, STREET --LAMPS-: AND --LANTERNS --OF --ALL --KINDS. OFFICE 207 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. * OTTOLF. WIETERs, WHOLESALE GROCER. Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Ciorrss and-igars, No. 121 East Bay, Chaleston, S. C. OTTO TIEDENIAN &SONS, Wholesale Orocers and Provision .-ealers, 11. '11& !wma '1TA' "RAVI nRimatra . C L.F13i..EJB T O T, B. C. wM. SHMEPPMJ4RE& Co. L.'A 'RO0E ASSORTTMGENT -OF- -AT Send for circulars Tn a , and price lists. No 232 Meeting St., CHARLESTON, S. C. ESTABLISHED 1844. Charleston Iron Works, Manufacturers and Dealers in arine Stationary and Portable Engines and Boilers, Saw Will Machinery, Cotton Presses, Gms, Railroad, Steam boat, Machinists', E * eers' and MilSupplies. Agents for the Goetz Box Anchors and Post Caps. jRepairs ezecuted with promptness and Dispatch. Sendfor price lists. East Bay, Cor. P'ritcarc St., Charleston, S. C. PERCIVAL M'FG. CO. 1DOORS, : SASH, AND BIUNDS 874 to 486 Meeting Street, CHARTESTON, S.C. HENRY C. WOHLERS, Provisionl Dealer. -AGENT FOR Big an ed A1i Ioba 1o Big 119p an ing 4ichi iga No. 2 Meat a Specialty. 213 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. "Adamant" Wall Plaster -XS I 1 3est Material for Walls and Ceilings Ever Put 3e fore the Public. The only thing about a building that has not improved for over 1,000 'ears is lime plaster. But there is no excuse hereafter for falling ceilings, rumbling walls, broken and defaced decorations. ADAMANT is not a :uess work mixture of lime, hair, and sand: it is a machine made mortar, ontaining no lime: it comes dry in bags ready to be used at any [season by ixing with water only. Any mason can apply it: bursting pipes or leaky >ofs will not effect it. It's the best known fire resisting material in the !orld, and it is impervious to disease germs. rchitects, Engineers, and Scientific Men Everywhere, Endorse It, ad 300,000 buildings plastered within three years, is the only testimonial re need offer. For full particulars address the SOUTHEASTERN PLASTER CO., Seam~nnab , Ga. ps~rAlso manufacturers and dealers in caleined plaster and Portland cements. OLD CLOTHES MADE NEW. --SEND) YOUR DYEING TO THE-. -: Charleston --Steam -:- Dye --Works, : All Work Guaranteed. 310 King St., CHARLESTON, S. C.