p. ~ ~ ~ 7 K~K 4 VOL. I. M NJNG, CLARENDON COUNTY, S. C.,_WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1885. robably he woua ... ore peculiar. She had rushed up and into er own room, locked I oor, thrown erself on the bed, a ommenced what the girls at schoo a "good ry."i If he had been old, or ly, or disa greeable-if he had been ything but he soft-voiced distractin good-Iook g ellow he was-sh ould have ne it with fortitude. Wy had George br ht him at alreadful time? W ad she hit y this particular day that idiotic imance? Why wa not red a'[ or cross-eyed, something? hronld not have mi it in the e: in that case. Jere was a tap at oor, and -he eard Gegrge's voi 0 7e-quite comsed, begging her et him in. Hr, mirth disappear before the woe:vgone little perso ho opened he door to him, and mopping her eyes. ' well, now!" he gan, com o giy. "you don't n to say you ' troken up like ti bout a lit Pe ing like that?" little thing!" crie inni, chok ,ing' "Oh, George! , -- -what will he" 'nk?" - ever mind wha h 'l think." sai George, calmly. "It as a gocd ok and that ougbt to be enough fo' 'it did not seem to sole Win ie. She only sobbed int her hand erchief the more wildly. "Why did you brinz hi 'shebir iured, in a icart-broxen ."Why didn't you bring somebod t'wasn't -onice?" well," he observe ing to Vak in an off-hand way, 't wor rv about it! he's-he's mai iTe sobs ceased. But, ngo to s, the face which lifted if from t handkerchief was no tly ra dk.nt. It seemed disappoi "Married!" rep in an itjured tone. "Good gr ilder young suit on't be se sight in nation o juven rge. er paro. onuveg " ha WHIPPING A MA~D BULL.O Farmer Post's succ.--al FIght With HII Valuable Beast. Abram Post, of Elderville. Pa.. owns a blooded bull, which has long been an object of terror to all emplo 'yed on the farm, owing to its fierce and ar gressive disposition. This bull had al ways been under the control of its owner, who declared that, so long as any one stood up boldly against the animal, no fear of its :ttacikin-' him need be entert:ained. 1,- urgel this upon his hired help, but he never conId eimploy any man who wold not out himself in a sife placa as n :%s the bull assumed a bellizerent atti:ud', and Post's wife frequenily apj-eded to him to have the animal ki.lad, believing that, sooner or later. it would rebel against the anthority of her husband, and attack him. The beast was to valuable an animal to be smicrid, and Post, ridiculing the idea that the bull could master him, refused to p:,rt with it. On Thursday evening Post had fin ished milking a cow in the barnya d, and was returning to thet house n% hun he noticed that the bull. which was in the yard, shook his head savagely as he passed by it, and had an unusually vicious look in its eyes. Post pasced on, paying no attention to the animal. Hehad gone only a short distance when he heard a quick step behind him and a low bellowin" which he knew was made by the buTl. He turn ed quickly and saw the animal bearing down upon him. He grasped the bull with one hand by the horns hoping to prevent it from goring hi:n, and the next instant he was tossed in the air. He fell on the bull's head and neck, and was tossed the second time, this time being thrown to the opposite side of the barnyard fence. Be was badiy brui ed and his clothing was torn by rouXh handling he had received, but believing that if he tlio wed the bull to remNain master of the lield its useliulnoss would.bc gone :and its kiing a neces sity, P t determined to assume the of feasive kimseli and usu every effort to coquer khe av1age a:imnaL lie is a large andyuus ..ir man, and, arming himself with a iteavy club, he juaped o .er the lence and advancel boldly on the bull, which was pawing the Ind and bellowing furiously. The ment it saw Post in the yard it aged at him wita horns lowered. t mot the buli with a terrilie blow he club across th-: forehead. The wood was broken to pieces. but )w had no eff-et upon the animal -to increase its fury. The bull upon tuo fariner, who jumiped -orn and its Proressionvat Jokers. Among the frequenters of a well known Parisian restaurant was a cer tain mothodical personage, who dinei there every day, and always at thc same table, which the proprietor, witt a due regard for so regular a customer, especially reserved for Iim. Once, however, by soie nistake of the waiter, he found on arriving his usua place already occupied by a stranger and, inwardly fretting at the disap pointnent. entered into conversatiot with the mistress of the establishmnot, who presided at the counter, and awaited the intruder's departure at patiently as he could. The lattei seemed in no hurry, for, after consult. ing the bill of fare, he ordered anoth er dish and a fresh bottle of wine, see ing which the habitue, who woulc rather have gone without his dinnel than taken any place but his own, ro solved at all hiazards to get rid of th4 unwelcome zuest, and addressing th< dame duz comptor in a low tone, in quired if she knew who the individua at his table was. "Not in the least," she replied "this is the first time he has beer here" "And ought to be the last," he si1 nificantly remarke4. "if you knew a. I do." "Why, who is he?" "The cx-eutio..er of Versailles!" "31.n Diu!" exclaimed the terrifiet dame dut c.npluir; and, C.lling hei husband, imparted to him the informa tion she had jut-t received. ''Mak- out his biil." lie said, ant counter-ord.-r what he h.is asked for He must not stay -here, or we shal lose every custouer we have." Whereupon. armed with the docu ment in question. he presently crosbet the room to where the stranger wa: sitting, and inq ired if he were satis fied with his diuner. "Pretty Wiell," was the 'ansver "but the service might be quicker. Why don't thr bring what Ilordered?' "Monsieur,' replied the trateur, as sumine an air of importance, "I air compelled to say that your preseuc here is undesirable; and that I mus request you to leave my house as sooi as possible, and on no account to so foot in it again." "What on earth do you moan?' asked his astonished guest. "You munt be perfectly aware,' continued the other, "that your beini seen here is most prejudicial to me and-" "Speak plainly, man!" impatientl2 interrupted the stranger. "I insist o1 being told what you imagino me tI be." "Parb.eu! you know as well as I do Tho execu' of Versailles!" who is your anthori THE NEWS OF THE STATE. Some of the Latest Sayings and Doings I1 South Carolina. -Daily freigbt trains-are now rui on the Blue Ridge Railroad. -Chicken cholera prevails to a con siderable extent in York county. -0. T. Culbreath's life was insnre< for $2,000 in favor of his children. -Greenville and Pelzer have bee1 placed in-lephonic communication. -The annual fair of the Piedmon Fair Association is only two weeks otl -The Newberry County Fair wil be held on the 28th, 29th and 30th in stant. -There were three deaths in Camdei during the month of September-al colored. -New buildings are going up rapid ly in Charleston and old ones beinq improved. -M. A. Waldrop, of Greenville, ex hibits a stalk of cotton with 143 ma tured bolls. -The residence of Mr. Jerome C Miller, of York, was burnt by an acci dental fire. -Capt. i. F. Edwards. of Darling ton, was found dead in his bed on las Friday morning. -Road-workers in some parts o Abbeville county are excused on ac count of headache. -The Evangelical Lutheran Syno( of South Carolina will meet at Lex ington on the 23rd inst. -A sturgeon weighing 100 pound jumped intot boat crosaing- Sand-Ba Ferry and was eaptured. -Spartanburg banqets the Green wood, Laurens and Spartanburg Rail road men on the 13th inst. -The State Baptist-Convention wil meet at-Newberry on Thorsday befor, the third Sunday in November. -Robert L. Con nor, son of Mr. L D. Connor, of Cokesbury, was killet in a railroad accident in Arkansas. -A protracted meeting at the Bap tist church in Williamstot has attracte much biterest abd'woiked giat god -J. A. Attaway,'of the Red 'Ban! section of Edgefield county, claims t< have discovered a coal deposit on hi plantation. -A young- man of Abbeville count, gave a cow and calf, a shotgun, a sov and seven pigs and six dollars in casi for a hound. -The next term of Court for Edge field county will convene on the sceono Monday in November. Judge Hud son will preside. -A wild turkey gobbler runs wit] a drove of tame turkeys in Orange burg during the day, but at night goe into the swamp. a colo g woman teamboat i her way t( SENS1BLE PEOPLE ARE NOT EASILY DECEIVED, FOR they know quite well that good and bad elothing are alike made to sefl; .and wno j was ever known to advertise poor-clothing? I They know-how nearly all clothiers keep the finest and sell-on paper-at less than it cost to make them. Honest prices, -tell made and nicely-fitting clothes, tozether with a good name (justly deserved), are bound to telL The above being a fact, 1 state it merely to enforce the point that I have ready for inspection the largaest and best assorted stock of Fall and Winter Clothing for men, youths and boy. that can be foundin the State. They ~are peor!ess in variety and honestly good all the way through; even the underlinings are shrunk and the trin, mings used are meant towear; not merely to helIp sell the goodsL', as every pirmni-t j, warrantedas reprcseited. There arn ml as-ailable ramparts behind whic'h I invite! you to deal. I am not here for a-season ly; I am 1:ere to stay. My stock this sea son is largest I have ever carriw1, -nd it embraces every style and fashionable arment th-at is made. I am- willi -to om1pare them - with the merehmnt tailor work, and it is wih. real pleasure to .tate I that the business of this- EMPOi UM OF FASHION is steadliy on the incre e. Myi large andconstantly infreasing pa tageJ values offered by iuq are not..qualle-d by any house in the Stae. To prove the truth of this I ask buyers toI>nake their own comparisons, as I enjoy then a reputation above that and beyond. that of all clothiers in this vicinity at least producing a superior class of regular Tailor-made Clothing and GeIt-' Furnisil ing Goods, Uats and Fine Shoes. TIhis i the headquarters for the correct styles in men's and boys' attire. All orders sento my carewill be promptly attended t Respectfully. 31. Iw- IN.Al).D uonbiar, S.t.* fIF(HIP, HUTRRAR! -Foh ilimE-M A WAR.' WELGOM AWAJTS YOU -AT "The- Ma~~ aaf2 -0-o OPPOSITt COURT HOUSE, MANNLNG, SOUTH CAROLINA. Regardless of tfe high license he sells the very FINEST BRANDS b LIQUORS, WTnES and -EER R:-.MEMBERI The best LIQUORS for Less M-oncy than anywhere else. LIQUOI:S FOR MEDICINAL PUR POSE~S A SPECIALTY. Agent for the leading Cigars of Abe State. The John McCullough and the Eagic Drand; also the largest and finest stock of other Cigars and-Tobaecoin town. w2NO:CHARGE FOR.0j: BILLIAEDS AND POOL. On tirst-class tables, with separate room for colored. people/ ~ HOT FA ICY DRINKS. Ile begs to tender his- thankq t0* friends and patrons and asks a co ance of the same. Come once Come all ?? Remember that, Polite scivc'you and evefy attention Dec17 - 1:i I\JEETINTG ST n CARLMTON:. S A Candid Confession. You ask me, lovely Ethel, why I car for Yourself, and why I)ong your hand to Own. You're very rich, you know, my dear, and therefore I love you fondly for your wealth alone. I know that Ishould say it is your beauty hat o'er my doting heart a spell has thrown, Put I am frank; I deem it is my duty say I love you for your wealth alone. ought to swear your eyes had wrought my captume, That love was wakened by your voles's tone, That but to gaze upon your face was rapture; But no: I love you for your wealth alone. Suppose I said I loved you for your manner, It might be true: you fascinate. I own: But I've enlisted under Mammon's banner, I love you fondly for your wealth alone. My constancy I claim Is thus attested; Love based on-beauty goes when youth has dlown. But if your money is but well invested. I'll love you always for your wealth alone. -Rambler. A SPRING CLEANING. For a whole week Number two Bred gar Vilas. Camberwell New Road, had been turned "upside down and inside out." as poor Mr. Clayton declared, "till there was no rest for the sole of one's foot," and each morning' as he started to catch his train at Kennin' ton Church with his son, he vowed that never again would he undergo the avonies Qf "a spring clean." But he afternoon of the last day at length ar rived, and Mrs. Clayton and Wini fred, her daughter, with their one servant, wore busy as bees putting the finishing touches to the household ar rangements, though it must be said that Winnie, who had just finished her last term at boarding-school, and who was not yet fairly domesticated, was a more ornamental than useful element. However, she had not been idle, and at last all was finished, and. rather tir ed and flushed with her exertions, Winnie went upstairs after a somewhat makeshift dinner with the best inten tions possible of clearing out the closet in her room. If it had been a linen-closet, or a china-closet, or a preserve closet, or anything but the closet it was, there is mo'telling what Winnie might have ac -complished. But those four - rows of dresses, 1hanging smoothly down from their re. .spectivo pegs, proved fatal. They were dresses of her ante-boardine :school period, and she had had hardIy a glimpse of them for two years or more. em on came next, in the