jj t ^ ' : VOLUME LVIII, NUMBER 61. NEWEERRY, S. C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1922. TWICE A WEEK, $2.00 A YEAR PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS PROSPEROUS PROSPERIT Prosperity, July 31.?Sunda 7^ school day was observed at Zio church. The exercises were we t rendered by the children to a packe house. The special feature of th mornim? was a duet, "Whisperin Hope/' which was sung by Mrs. W L. Mills and J. W. Warner. In th afternoon Prof. P. K. Harmon an Prof. R. M. Monts of Stattsborc Ga., made short addresses on cc operation. Pastor Griffin, closing th meeting in hie usual pleasing mar ner, spoke of recently having bee r ^4.1 4 tftrown wren men irom uuiti ^ai i of the country who boasted of thei natural resources, while South Cai olina was a state that was proud o her men. He called them to loyalt to the Sunday school, whose busines is the making of men and women. Revival services will begin Sunda at Zion with Rev. R. S. Morris o Shandon Methodist church, Colum bia, as the preacher of the occasion Saturday evening at the Methc f-1- T> T r? nn aist parsvnagt: i\cv. o. v. u.iian ited in marriage Miss Lottie Mi'il , and D. A. Bedenbaugh. Mrs. Bed enbaugh is a recent graduate o Winthrop college and is the attrac tive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. M Mills. Mr. Bedenbaugh is th youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. M j Bedenbaugh and is a progressiv young farmer. The Epv/orth league of Zio: church enjoyed a lawn party give: last week at the home of Miss Ma Lee Shealv. Progressive conversa tion was the main feature of the ev ening's pleasure, after which th guests were refreshed with iced te and cake.* Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rauch of Daw snri. Ga.. have been visiting Mr. an Mrs. A. G. Wise. James CurJee of Winnsboro is vis iting at the home of Dr. J. S. Wheel er. Miss. - Bemkfr Zaagter- -of. Grange burg is the guest of Miss Nanc; Young. G. L. Robinson spent the week-en with Mrs. Robinson at the Coiumbi. hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Werts and A B. Wise motored to Columbia Sun day. Dr. C. K. Wheeler motored to Co lumbia Sunday and was joined b, his family who have returned fror a month's stay at Mt. Airy, Md. Mrs. Lee Boozer of Haines City Fla., is v:.?iting her son, Otis Boozer Mr. and Mrs. Marion Warner, Mr and Mrs. Horace Warner and Messrs Horace and Drewry Warner o Greenwood are visi-ting relative here. W. M. Lester of Augusta is visit ing the home folks. Feirce Barnes of Greenwood i home for a week's >>tay. Mrs. Ella Julian and Mr. Monro ? * " ^ j tfowies 01 urcenwouu visacu lua tives here on Sunday, having com to attend the home corning ^ay a Colony. Rev. E. H. Seckinger was ii Lexington for the week-end attend ing: the Luther league. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Singley, Mr. an< Mrs. J. A. Sease attended the mis sionary rally at High Hill church i: Lexington county. Mrs. Singley wa one cf the speakers. Mirc.es Viria Counts ana ^arrn Counts spent several days last wee! i in Columbia. K The annual Aull reunion will b< held Tuesday, July 1st, r.t Youn? Grove. ^ FRECKLES BARRY TO PLAY ROLE OF "PENROD' In "Freckles" Barry the screen ha^ found the ideal impersonation o "Penrod." the boy characterized ii Booth Tarkington's stories. Thi opinion comes, not fVom Marsha! Neilan, who has made the film ver sion of "Penrod," that will he show] at the open house Thursday, bu from Booth Tarkington himself. Thi Indiana author was largely responsi b!e for the selection of "Freckles' Barry for the title role. "I submitted a list of nearly fort] boy actors and other i-hila player to Mr. Tarkington," sai:l Mr. Xeilan fvnm flir-. nhntofriinh^ ati"arhp< anu van w.?v v w . v. to the list Mr. Tarkington made hi choice. Mr. Tarkington was famil iar with the scrcen work of "Freck k . ' les" Barry, Marjorie Daw and Lena f Baskette, the 'vamplet' in Tenrod,' 'and chGi?e them at once fur the lcady ing child roles. n " Tenrod'," Mr. Neilan pointed 11 out, "is not merely the story of the i i iL ? -!i.. d country 'ooy or me taie ox inu cuy e boy?he is every boy. In creating g the character of 'Pernod' Mr. Tarr. kington has not, as so many others e hive done, portrayed a certain type d or class of boy. He has reached >, down into the fundamentals of every i- boy and has pictured characteristics e that are immediately evident in all i- American youths. The Gtory might n have taken place in a large city or a ~ cm-ill tnwn Tt will be an r predated by those who have always - lived in the city as well as those who f have never left the country town, v ''In portraying Tarkington's story s on the screen I have not attempted to detract or improve upon it. To y attempt to out-Tarl:ingtor. Tarkingf ton would be .iust 3s foolish as to try . to out-Shakespeare Shakespeare, i. Booth Tarkington :>3 undoubtedly the i- greatest painter of American bevi hoon, as indicated by the triumph of s his 'Penrod' stories. It has been i. my -ambition to picturize these charf acters as this author has so succesc. fully visualized them with h'a pen." e ENTERTAINED BY REAL INDIANS e t Tom Douglas arid Marjorie Sean man. featured players in the Hjdn kinson released production, "Free e Air,' which comes to the opera house i- Wednesday, are now known to their - friends as "Running Deer' and e "Laughing Water." a The new names were bestowed on " n ... .1 i. Mr. Douglas ana -vuss seaman u.v uie - Cr<>w Indians of Glacier Park, where d the final scenes for "Free Air" were taken under the direction of E. H. Griffith. As a matter of fact, even . Mr. Griffith has an Indian name, as well as every other member of the - company. Mr. Griffith is known by y the Crow Indians us "Big Bear." The new names came to the memd 'bers of the "Free Air" company a>> a the result of a party given by the Glacier Park Indians in honor of the film actors when the tetter were i j- r* t*i i _ camped ai uiacier rarh. iasc summer Mr. Griffith and the members of the company were at Glacier Park for v more t}-;n three weeks, shooting loa cations for "Free Air." During that time they made friends with a num, bcr of the Indians, and one old chief . became so friendly that he promised . to give a party in honor of the actors when th;>3 work was completed, f True to h'13 word, just before the company was getting ready to leave for New York, the old chief announced that his tribe would call to pay their respects. That evening the visiters arrived, and nj^y every Indian brought a for his n white friends. Mr. G^^^Kvas given a buckskin coat TnTi several n "good medicine" charms. Miis Sea~ man was given two pairs of beaded moccasins and a* blanket, while Mr. Douglas was presented with a buckskin coat and a pair of snowshoes. Then cume ' the entertainment, .j Weird Indian dances were given to the accompaniment of chants and torn toms and bltfod-curdhng wari wnoops. s I ' <4> v?> '. > Ac <*, < > vj, ;$ <*> e ' k > COMMUNITY MARKET <* I < > a ^ ' / ^ ^ ^ /?v ' ? I 5 Itinerary of Horns Dcm. Agent i Tabernacle?Tuesday, August 1st, o:30 p. m. at Miss Smith's. Bethel- Garmany ? Wednesday, August 2, 4:00 p. m., at school. 1 Litth Mountain?Friday, August 4, 4:00 p. m. at Dr. Long's. Midway?Thursday, August 3rd, 1 4:00 p. m., at Vertie Bolan i's. e Miss Berrie has returned from the - Cherokee county short course where i she assirtd throe days. She reports r- an interesting joint meeting of club c boys and demonstration club jrirls. - Newberry's record for attendance stands out prominently again. Cherokee had 26 girls and 35 boys. New? berry had 71 griris. It is hoped next s year to have a joint meeting here. Limestone college entertained these - clubs. If in doubt what step to take, con suit a dancing master. i ' MRS. GEO. W. VANDERBILT TO OPEN STATE FAIR ! Accepts Invitation to Preside at Opening Ceremonies?Ladies to Be Admitted Free Oct. 23 South Carolina's 11)22 State F-:ir will open Monday, October 23, with elaborate cerenionics. The date has been officially designated as "ladies free day."' The management extends to the women of the state a most cordial invitation to be present and view the many educational exhibits and enjoy the myr:ads of amusements and attractions. It is ?^ ^,.4^,1 i v,.,) fiillv thirty thousand 11? c iwuj v%, , women will he present that day and arrangements "re 'being made to handle the largest crowd ever present at the State fail. Of additional interest to the ladies will be the fact that one of their own sox will preside at the opening ceremonies. Mrs. George W. Vanderbilt has advked acceptance of an invitation extended by the management to act as chairman of the day. Mrs. Vanderbilt is intensely interested in fan* work, Deneving tnai incse exhibitions are of untold value to the progress of -a state. At the present time she occupies the unique position of president of the North Carolina rtate fair and is the only larly in the land thus honored. j Mrs. Wilson G. Harvey, general ' chairman- of the women's'committee, is planning a series of entertainments in honor of Mrs. Vanderbilt. Full details of these will be announced in the near future. At present she is contemplating appointing a genera! reception committee con|isting of five ladies from each county in the state, in addition to numerous other committees. The visit of Mrs. Vandcroilt will be one of the outstanding social events of the entire st'^te. Jeicr-Mnrtin friends throughout 1'ne state was the marriage of Miss Frances C. Jeter, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jeter, and A. Rhett Martin, at the home of the bride's parents in Whitmire. S. C., at ten o'clock Wednesday morning, July 26th, by the Rev. J. P. Simpson. On account of the recent death of n cisfpr nf t.Vip prnnni 1 ho mnrriaTfi was a very^ quiet affair. The occasion was one of sacred associations and .rmple beauty. No invitations had l?cen issued and the marriage W2<> witnessed by only the immediate relatives of the bride ar.d bridegroom. The bride was attired in a lovely ! traveling suit of fawn colored tricotine embroidered in harmonizing colors with accessories to match. The young couple left immediately by auto and will spend their honeymoon touring the mountains of ' western North Carolina. Upon their return they will be at home at Gray Ccurt, S. C. The br;de is one of Whitmire's most popular young women. She is a graduate of the Woman's college of Due West, and has taken a special course in the University of Virginia.'" She taught the past yeai* at Gray ; Court, where her sweet disposition won her manv friends. 1 , The bridegroom is the son of Mr. " Alvin Martin and is one of Gray Court's most successful young busi- ' ness men. He is a young man of sterling character and snlendid bu.-u- : ness ability. [ * "Nita." 1 _ LITTLE MOUNTAIN REUNION < NEXT FRIDAY, AUGUST 1TH i \ ? : The annua! reunion for Newberry i and Summerland colleges will be held at Little Mountain next Friday, < August 4th. The following speakers arc expected: Hon. A. F. Lever, i lion. E. S. Bier.-e. Hon. W. F. Cap- 1 pieman, and Prof. R. M. Monts. Prof, i S. J Derrick, L.L. D., and Rev. E. < Monroe. D. D.. will make announcements with regard to the coming jes- ! sions of the colleges. ; Students and ex-students of each i college are requested to get together 1 near the speakers' stand and render seme of the coilcge songs ana yc:is ; before the speaking begins. : j It is expected that the attennsnce at this reunion will be laigjr than 1 ever. 1 I J. B. Karman, i ] ? i' <$ <$ $> $> > AMERICAN LEGION NOTES. > < > $ .4 ' -#N > <. ' V V ' > Vr>?? ic i-'ii n tinin fnr :ill f>f Pi'.ms who fed that they are entitled to disability compensation, or will be ont.tied to compensation later on. because of disability due to scrv?;e during the World war, to obtain certilicatc of injury from the veterans' bureau. Now is the time, for after August 0 of ibis year, according to law it will be too late. There are a large number of veterans throughout the country who have neglected to apply for certificate of injury because to date the injury received does not seem to in " tt ?1 capacitate incm. ncwevtr, uiey hive no assurance that the injury received in scrvicc will not give them trouble in jater years. Then \ thry will be out of luck unless they h :ve th>. certificate of injury. In order to tserure compensation the certificate of injury mui-t be obtained prior to August 0, 1922, as provided in section 306 of the War Risk Insurance act as amended August 9, 1921. It is not necessary to file a claim for compensation or to take any formal action other than the writing of a letter to the director United States veterans' bureau, Washington, D. C., giving the full name, rank, organization, army serial number, date of enlistment and dischrage, and stating the circumstances, date and place under which the disease or injury in question was incurred. If you will give B. V. Chapman, servce officer, home service secretary, A. R. C., the information, he will make application for^you. If you know of >n ex-service man who was wounded or disabled in service and han itoi filed claim for compensation tell him to make application for certificate of disability before Avrgv.si- 9tj|.^ _ ^ fherc wHT be 'the regviar monthly meeting of the post Monday evening, August 7th. Delegates to the department convention whi'M meets at Florence August 23 and 24, will be elected it this meeting. This, election promises to :be warm. C^me ut an dv take an active part in it. Ex-service men, are you looking for r bargain? H?^ v ;t ;s. The executive committee of To-i 24 has reduced the dues for the balance of the year to $1.50. For the one dollar and fifty cento you receive twenty issues of the Legion Weekly ?a corking good magazine?become ei bona fide member of the National, ~ ^ ' y - a ? ? J. 1 i. U ~ rsouin Laronna department .uiu unNewberry county post of the American Legion?an organization of exservice men who have done more for the disabled veterans than all of the .other veteran organizations combined. Help us to make Post 24 one of the lf>est posts in the state. We are in receipt of the following Legion Notes from Ben Adams: "Colonel Ilenry T. Thompson, for mcr commander of the Fred H. Sexton pest at Florence, is engaged in bringing the legion rifle squad up to a h:gh pitch of efficiency for the state convention August 23 and 24. The squad is drilling several times iveekly and is expected to be in fine shape to lead the big parade which will likely be held in connection with KVi/. cf Jp1inP\" OUUVV. 1V.SWI. ... W G. "Kic-hland county post at Columbia :taged a campaign for new members the week cf July 24 to 29. The Columbia veterans are making an effort to build up. a good po~t at the :-apital city. Here is wishing them the greatest success in this worthy jndertaking. The post has reduced its fees to $2.SO for the balance of 1922 and on this basis is making a irive for 500 members." "The Summerville po?st is working on plans for the erection of a club house. The house will probably be erected of logs and nicely finished on th? inside, making a very attractive home. The Summerville post las some hard workers on its rolls and no doubt its undertaking will be arrie i through. It is expected that [hf house will be located on a largj lot where tennis courts and other iittracticn? may be available for the members." I "Spartanburg post has elected the following members as delegates to the state convention: J. M. Wallace, Miller C. Foster, John D. Ha mer, G. C. Green, W. Y. Dillard, M. ' S. Christman, Bernard Manning, Romaine Dreyer, R. C. Cline, Thomas Sykcs. Boho Burnett, William Bomsir T.rrnv Moore. Lem Gricr, G. C. Brown, James A. Schwing, Howard McCravy, R. L. Holmes and Goegg Galbrait'n. Mr. Andrew Manning has been appointed special representative to the convention to appear 'before the legislative committee to j look after the interests of the Spar- 1 tanburg post. Mr. Jim Sheppard of Edgefield is chairman of the legis- ; lative committee." John B. Setzler, Publicity Officer. IMITATES NO OWL i at Now'nprrv Uses iTi Ml U Mt. . v .. ^ B!ue Pcncil in Song To the Editor cf The State: The fact that 'ho not kingbird and his mimicry was treated in such an interesting manner r,y th-* e'liicr of The State has no doubt been the reason that so few coV.ri"ut!oh? on :ne subject have o.'en sent in by the multitude of leaders cf the piper who have enjoyed the editor's articles. I have hesitated to add t) the iithject from this consideration, hut since I know an instance where jhe mcokingbird did not employ his mimicry of a certain bird, I have decided to relate the circumstanccs of the case. In 1865 the present renewed Smcltzer hall of Newberry college at Newberry was in ruins and became the haunt of birds of many kinds, including bats and owls. It * ? T-1-- -? 4-U ^ was in tnc moonngnt n:gnis oi uie following year that a mockingbird would pour forth h's song in si) its brilliancy and beauty even past the midnight hour. Only one thing would interrupt his mimic concert, and that was the hoot of the great horned Tn*Mvf?ch- har^t?rk^-trp--ln3- s-bofte^rn? the collcge building. The mockingbird not only never imitated the owl in 1'fc rort^rtnirp of sens*, but Was never known to continue it a moment after the owl announced his presence in the vicinity of the elms . in front of my home where the mock- \ ingbird had its perch. Neither have T ever heard the mockingbird imitate the screcch owl whose weird notes caused my darky playmate at the old home to thrust jthe poker in the fire in order to compel the screech owl to cease his cry in the trees in the rear of the house. The most versatile mockingbird I : have known was in 1880 in New.ber- 1 ry in a jewelry store kept by Edunrd Scholtz (new of Charlotte). This 1 mockingbird would whistle one stan-; za cf the stirring Southern song, j "Dixie," while running the list of the most extensive program of any bird 1 of the rpecies I have ever heard. .' Robert J. Miller (now a Cclumbi-1 | an) had a mockingbird caged in his restaurant in Newberry which imitat- ' ed to perfection the squawk of a 1 coop of chickens to i^uch perfection fh.it the editor of The Observer next : door was frequently aroused to the J pitch of excitement that the oppor- 1 tunity had arrived in the early snring when he would secure some of the juicy broilers at first hand, only to ";e received by the cry of ^ Miller's veVsatile "Mimis PolyglottCG Polyglottos." 1 The mockingbird is one of the: 1 most alert of the feathered tribe, when hunting his prey among the insects. He can be seen tracing grasshoppers in the meadows and flushing.1 h:s prey by spreading both wings like' a fan and as the grasshopper would 1 arise in flight to secure it in quick order. Of course the srape arbor * suffers from the depredations of the mockingbird if his tribe is very nu- * merous 'n the vicinity. The song of ? the mockingbird hjs been to ms full ^ compensation for Ihe fruit he took 1 from the vine-:. Only last week I rescued two young mockingbirds from the clutches of a cat which was 1 about to nounce upon them as I hap- 1 pencd to be passing al:n? Il'impton * street an hour before, daybreak. I * expc?/t to enjoy their sonp: next sum- ' mer. W. P. Houseal. j1 I ( Its' always safe to name a baby. ? boy William. If he grows up to be -a (} nice young: man people call him Wil-. t APPRECIATED HOSPITALITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE i Letter Frcm Woman's Missionary Socicty to Secretary McDaniel The Women's Missionary society i of Upper South Carolina which met in annual conference in Newberry July 5th, 6th and 7th, are loud- in their praise to the Newberry cham bcr of commerce for the genuine southern hospitality extended them' by th:6 organization. The following, letter which was received by Secretary McDaniel some days ago is evidence of the appreciation. Spartanburg, S. C. July 13, 1922. My Dear Mr. McDaniel: I At Mrs. Brown's request, I am writing to express to you the hearty thanks to the Methodist Missionary women for the hospitality of the J ' " + ' cnair.ocr 01 cuijuiit:x i c uu tut | sicn of their recent visit to Newber-. ry. No group of visitors, could have I been more delightfully entertained, and we shall be sinking Newberry's pr.vses for days to come. The automobile drive gave us what we should have missed otherwise?the opportunity to see something of the entire" I c:ly and its surroundings, and go contributed very much indeed to the pleasure of our visit. Cordially yours, Louise Lanham. SPARTANBURG CHAMBER COM MfcKUfc. LMS I KI15U i E.O MAro Sprrtanburg, S. C., July 31.?The Appalachian highway number'of the Road Guide of South Carolina's! Highways is being distributed by the Spartanburg chamber of commerce, j The Appalachian highway extendi from Asheville, N. C., *o Charleston,! and is the most direct and the best road from the sea to the mountains, j It is now in perfect conditioj Tl.~ fnv + h n A n O 3 13 fll ! - i JL lie ^UlUt uuvn a.v/i ? - ft~?" , an-highway includes the mileage as j '.veil as a map cf the road and de scripticn of cities and towns through which it passe-:. It is of great ser- j vice to automobile travel'; *s. Copies have been sent to every hotel in j South Carolina, and any one wanting' a copy, and unable to get same in | their c?ty can write the Spartanburg :hamber of commerce. The distance from Charleston- to A~heville over , the Appalachian highway is 306 miles. It is declared by i ' > T - J-t ail who have maae it 10 oe uie ucsi, and shortest route from sea to mountains. It passes through Spartar^ burg. Union. Orangeburg and Sum-[ nervillo.' I, i West End Wins Four Caraes ? I West End made, it jour games von for the week by winning Friday J md Saturday. On Friday West End hit hard, 3rooks getting a homer while Crocks and Halbrook starred in the field. Wcrto pitched a good gams, strik- ( r<* out 10. On Saturday Lofty Halbi^ok out pitched Lefty Surratt kvith men on bases. Bowen with 5 hits out order. Friday's gime: R H E Peizer 000 000 100?1 5 1 West End ....530 300 000?11 16 3 Kelly, Burns, Hooper and Brazcal;, iVerts and Cromer. Saturday: I R H E Laurens 000 110 (|30?2 5 6| >Vest End ....002 010 22x?7 12 3| Surratt and Barrett; Halbrook and, Oliver. West End plays Johnston here1 "riday, August 4 at 4 p. m. This club gave West End a good ,ime for 8 ir.ning<3 last week so a; food game can be expected as they, lave a good club. Arthur I. Shcely fhe State. 1 Ninety Six, July 28.?After a long ilness, Arthur I. Sheeley died at . STinety Six last Thursday. He was jorn in Lexington Fork, near Peak, July 23, IS78. .1 Mr. Sheeiy was engaged in rail o:-Ki office work for twenty-six years, ' iight of wheih were spent at Ninety Six. Being diligent and faithful in ! lis business, he was held in high es- ! ;eem by the railroad officials. His ! congenial and friendly disposition ! 1 GREENVILLE LIKES NEWBERRY'S ADVERTISING PLAN I Money Saved by Merchants Who Cooperate With This Department of Chamber of Commerce Practically every merchant and business man of Newberry is aware of the fact that the Newberry chamber of commerce maintains an advertising bureau, which department is run exclusively for the purpose of protecting their members f* om fake advertising schemes and unworthy solicitations. This department is headed by a representative number of business men, whose duty is to pass on ail advertising plans submitted to the chamber of commerce,, likewise all solicitations propositions. Mr. John B. Mayes is chairman of the group of men who are' at the head of this department, and the committee earnestly requests all merchants and business men who are members of the chamber of com- " merce to cooperate with them at all t:mes, especially since this department was created1 to save money for them. The city of Greenville has practically the same plan of protecting f V? o I r? m n va? V* n m f c? ? o A Aa.? XT flnrk/mmy niv II JUL k v Hull tu CL O However, Greenville has been impressed with the way the plan is carried out in Newberry and has written to the Newberry chamber of commerce asking for copies of cards used in Newberry. The letter received from the Greenville chamber of commerce is ail follows: Greenville, S. C., July 13, 1922. Mr. C. P. McDaniel, Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, Newberrv. S. C. Dear Mr. McDaniel: In passing through your city the other day I was more than delighted to see the card explaining that the filling station a membejr of the chamber of commerce aff"& would a card was presented frdm you. We have tIfe 'same plan, ol tfburafc, here and have naved in the rteifbb<>j> hood of $100,000 in the last two Or three years through the work of our committee. We have not, however, . i J >_ tne primea cara which maue suuu en impression on me, and I am writing to ask if you can send me two or three copies of it if you can do so without too much trouble. Yours very truly,, Wm. R. Timmons, Executive Secretary. Mrs. Mary June Shsaly The State. \ Prosperity, July 28.?Mrs. Mary Jane Shealy, wife of Pat W. Shealy, died suddenly Thursday ni?ht in an automobile wh'le en route from her home to Newberry to see her sick granddaughter. She has a wide family connection and a host of friends in thv: community who have been saddened by her death. Mrs. Shealy was 58 years of age. She was a loyal and faithful member of Mt. Olivet Lutheran church. The funeral services will be held Saturdav morning at Mt. Olivet church, to ho conducted by her pastor, the Rev. J. L. Cromer. She leaves to mourn her death her husb3nd and the following children: Dr. A. Ti. Shealy of Gainesville, Fla., T. L. Shealy of Newberry, 0. O. Shealy and E. S. Shealy of Prosperity, Mrs. Eunice Buzhardt of Nev/rerry and Miss Daisy Shealy of Prosperity. We can understand some of the rulrs of etiquette but why a man r " ? A /lAwfAvfoKl TT of 69QO snouian i uvmnviwuy -?.. with his hands on the table is beyond us. AncJ it's our observation that most of us do, rule or no rule.?Detroit Free Press. ir|t1r. t It's the early worm that catches the fish?hook and all. made him very popular socially. He wa-5 a consistent member of the Lutheran church. Interment was at N'ewberry. Surviving Mr. Shealy are: His widow. Mrs. Margaret Wedeman Sheely, and three sons, Virgil Sheely. Irwin Sheely and Henry Sheely. rn addition to these he has two sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Ira Sheeley of Columbia, Mrs. Will T. Sheely of Ninety.Six and Holland 1 ?r en sneeiy, iviagnus oneeiy anu Sheelv, all of Peak.